التقويم الجامعي جامعة طيبة 1443 الفصل الثاني

التقويم الجامعي جامعة طيبة 1443 الفصل الثاني , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The university calendar, Taibah University 1443, the second semester, is approved by the Deanship of Admission and Registration, and it is officially announced through the university’s website, so that all students can learn about the calendar and fully comply with the special dates that are based on determining all the paragraphs of the semesters of the academic year for the stages of university education, and through My articles site allows the student to learn about the university calendar of Taibah University 1443 and the conditions for accepting registration at Taibah University for the year 1443.

About Taibah University

Taibah University is one of the most prominent public universities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it is based on offering a wide range of scientific and literary specializations for both male and female students in the Kingdom, according to specific conditions and rules, based on awarding them certificates of different degrees, ranging from bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, masters and doctorate degrees, The university’s headquarters is located in Medina, and it is one of the old universities in the country. For scientific research and postgraduate studies in a way that benefits the entire Saudi society, and raises the status and presence of the university.[1]

University Calendar Taibah University 1443 Second Semester

The Deanship of Admission and Registration has approved the annual calendar schedule for the second semester of the year 1443 AH, which stipulates a wide range of important dates that can be viewed in full “from here”.[2]

Event School week The day corresponding to the date in the Hijri calendar Date in the Gregorian calendar Automatic registration – from Tuesday to Wednesday from 08/06/1443 AH until 09/06/1443 AH from 11/01/2022 AD until 12/ From 01/2022 AD. Deletion and addition via the student’s electronic portal (for graduates in the second semester only in the year 1443) – Friday 10/06/1443 AH/13 January 2022 AD. Through and adding via the student’s electronic portal (whose university numbers start with 39 and earlier only) – on Friday 11/06/1443 AH/ 14/January 2022 AD. Through and adding via the student’s electronic portal (whose university numbers start with 39 and beyond only) – on Saturday 12/06/1443 AH/15 January 2022 AD. The beginning of the first second semester on Sunday 13/06/1443 AH/ 16/January 2022 AD. Last date Last date for university faculties to implement decisions to transfer from one major to another within the college for the second semester. The first is on Thursday 17/06/1443 AH/ 20/January 2022 AD. The deadline for implementing the decisions to re-enroll the student for the first second semester is Thursday 17/06/1443 AH/ 20 January 2022 AD. The last date for implementing the visitors’ requests for the first second semester is Thursday 17/06/1443 AH/20/January 2022 AD. The deadline for automatically linking the course to a faculty member. The second is on Thursday 24/06/1443 AH/ 27/January 2022 AD. The third extended weekend is on Wednesday and Thursday 01/07/1443 AH 02/07/1443 AH 02/February 2022 AD 03/February 2022 AD Beginning and end of entering school schedules, For the first semester of the year 1444-1445 across departments. Fourth from Sunday to Thursday. From 05/07/1443 AH until 07/08/1443 AH From 06/February 2022 AD. Until March 10, 2022 AD. The sixth founding day holiday is on Tuesday 21/07/1443 AH. February 22, 2022 AD. The sixth extended weekend is on Wednesday and Thursday 22/07/1443 AH. 23 / of the month of 07 / of the year 1443 AH. February 23, 2022 AD. February 24, 2022 AD. The mid-term leave of the second semester (the so-called spring break) of the eighth, the end of the working day on Thursday. 07 / of the month of 08 / of the year 1443 AH. March 10, 2022 AD. The start of the study after the mid-term break of the ninth second semester on Sunday 17/08/1443 AH. March 20, 2022 AD. The start of the Eid al-Fitr holiday. Monday’s end of day. 24 / of the month of 09 / 1443 AH. April 25, 2022 AD. The start of the study after the Eid Al-Fitr vacation. – On Sunday 07 / 10 / 1443 AH. 08/April/May 2022 AD. Last date to withdraw with an excuse from the second semester course. The fourteenth day of Thursday, 11 / 10 / year 1443 AH. April 12, 2022 AD. The last date for lifting the excuses for studying for the second semester. The fourteenth day of Thursday, 11 / 10 / year 1443 AH. April 12, 2022 AD. The beginning of the process of evaluating the educational process by male and female students through electronic services. Sixteenth on Sunday. 21 / of the month of 10 / of the year 1443 AH. April 22, 2022 AD. The beginning of an extended weekend. The sixteenth, Wednesday and Thursday 24 / 10 / 1443 AH. 25 / 10 / 1443 AH. April 25, 2022 AD. April 26, 2022 AD. Last date for receiving applications for grade modification and incomplete grade for the first semester 1443 AH. Sixteenth on Thursday. 25 / 10 / 1443 AH. April 26, 2022 AD. Beginning and end of final exams for courses (practical, elective and university requirements) for the second semester. The seventeenth from Sunday until five. 28 / of the month of 10 / of the year 1443 AH. It will continue until 03/11/1443 AH. April 29, 2022 AD. And it continues until April 02/06/2022 AD. The beginning and end of the final exams (specialized) for the second semester. The eighteenth from Sunday until five. 06 / 11 / 1443 AH. And it will continue until / 17 / 11 / 1443 AH. 05/06/2022 AD. And it continues until April 16, 2022 AD. Beginning of the end of the school year leave – the end of work on Thursday 17 / 11 / 1443 AH. 16/06/2022 AD.

Taibah University logo

Taibah University Acceptance Rate 1443

The student can register an application for affiliation with Taibah University through electronic steps on the official website of the university, after fulfilling the basic conditions for admission and achieving the criteria for each specialization, in addition to obtaining the academic degrees and percentages that qualify him to register in the specialty he desires, which came according to the following tables :

University specialization University College Minimum limits for admission to the major (male students) Minimum limits for admission to the major (female students) The necessary high school diploma Unified scientific track College of the Unified Scientific Stream 81.6600% 88.3920% Scientific Law Faculty of Law 89.0750% 92.3800% Scientific or Literary All English Language Humanities 82.8650% 87.7600% Scientific or literary journalism Faculty of Arts and Humanities 83.5750% 88.0720% Scientific or literary Information Science Faculty of Arts and Humanities 85.2400% 88.4400% Scientific or literary readings Faculty of Arts and Humanities 82.6250% 85.6040% All scientific or literary Qur’anic literature and Human Sciences 80.5000 % 84.6200 % Scientific or Literary Islamic Studies College of Arts and Humanities 82.6800 % 86.7800 % Scientific or Literary Arabic Language College of Arts and Human Sciences 80.2550 % 84.7320 % Scientific or Literary Social Sciences – History of the College of Arts and Human Sciences Dubai 80.500 % Scientific 80.5000% Social Sciences – Geography of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities 79.8750 % 84.3120% Scientific or Literary Sciences of Sports and Physical Activities College of Education 84.3900 % 91.8800 % Scientific or Literary Art and Design College of Education 81.8150 % 87.6120% Scientific or Literary Kindergarten College of Education None 88.9600 % Scientific or Literary Design of Clothes and Jewelry Family Science 87.2520 Total None % Scientific or Literary Interior Design College of Family Sciences None 88.0680% Scientific Graphic Design College of Family Sciences None 89.7120% Scientific or Literary Cyber ​​Security College of Society 88.5650% 87.7000% Scientific Occupational Safety and Health Electronic Commerce and Logistics None Scientific and Logistics Total 81.4150% Society 81.5900 % 85.4920 % Scientific Integrated Web Developer Community College 80.9500 % 84.2720 % Scientific Insurance Business Administration Community College 80.7650 % 85.0000 % Scientific or Literary Accounting Automation Community College 81.5000 % 85.0600 % Scientific or literary

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Requirements for admission to Taibah University 1443

The Deanship of Admission and Registration announced a number of basic conditions for accepting student registration applications, as follows:

General conditions for admission to Taibah University

Those conditions are as follows:

  • The student must be a citizen of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and hold the nationality of the Kingdom, or a foreigner with a Saudi mother.
  • It is important to fulfill the condition that no more than five years have elapsed since obtaining a high school diploma.
  • The student must be medically fit to be accepted into the medical specialties that set conditions for this.
  • It is important that the applicant’s age should not be more than twenty-five years, starting from the date of beginning of studies at the university.
  • At the time of submitting the registration application, the student must have a Saudi National ID.
  • Commitment that candidacy for literary specializations will only be for those who hold a high school diploma from the literary branch only, with the exception of the English language specialization.
  • Obligation to submit and submit the application within the period approved by the Deanship of Admission and Registration.
  • The applicant cannot amend his academic data after closing the nomination portal.
  • The student is supposed to take full responsibility for what the university publishes on its website or through its websites or social media platforms, and he must follow up.
  • The student is required not to be dismissed for disciplinary action from any other university, although his transfer is also prohibited.
  • It is important that the student does not have a previous registration with a university, in order to accept his application for registration.
  • An applicant who has been accepted in other universities according to the data of the Ministry of Education’s Unified Maqbool System will be canceled.
  • The applicant who did not abide by the agreement to study in the first semester and did not submit an apology for studying for this semester will also be cancelled.
  • The student must not have obtained a bachelor’s degree or a diploma if he has graduated from a Taibah University or any other university.

Special conditions for the tracks of physical education and the specialization of sports sciences

Those conditions are as follows:

  • The student must submit a medical examination to verify his physical and health safety.
  • Passing all weight and height tests, where the condition of the ideal height must be met (more than 165 cm for male students and more than 155 cm for female students).
  • Passing the strength test, which shows the complete definition of the proportions of the body parts.
  • Passing physical fitness tests that include the following:
    • Muscular endurance test.
    • Muscular strength test.
    • Long jump stability test.
    • Agility test.
    • Speed ​​test for a 100 meter sprint.
    • 800m running test.
    • Flexibility test.

As for the conditions of the kindergarten specialization, and the special conditions for the specialization of readings, it is necessary to pass the required personal interview.

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Download Taibah University Admission and Admission Guide PDF

The Deanship of Admission and Registration adopts a comprehensive admission guide for all disciplines and paths in the university, and in the faculties affiliated with Taibah University in all Saudi cities, so that the student can register in the correct way. On a download document, then we select the “Save” option from the drop-down list, so that we can then easily view the paragraphs of this guide.

Taibah University website link taibahu.edu

The student can enter the official website of Taibah University and view all the announcements that are being put on the official platform of the university, which is the first notification tool for the student, by entering “from here” through which they can view the university calendar Taibah University 1443 Semester Two and all other important matters Within the tracks of the year, through a wide range of extensive electronic services within the site.

Here we bring you to the end of the article in which we discussed the university calendar, Taibah University 1443, second semester, and moved with the lines and paragraphs of the article in presenting a bouquet of important information about Taibah University and its admission requirements, and providing information on acceptance rates after introducing the second semester calendar.

the reviewer

  • ^ taibahu.edu.sa , Taibah University, 08/03/2022
  • ^ twitter.com , Second Semester Calendar, 08/03/2022

  • خاتمة لموضوعنا التقويم الجامعي جامعة طيبة 1443 الفصل الثاني ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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