الحمد لله على السلامة بعد اجراء العملية , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Praise be to God for safety after the operation, as many Muslims are looking for phrases and supplications to heal from diseases and surgeries, to use them and send them to patients or even to console themselves with them, and to pray for the soul and for all Muslim patients, it is the duty of a Muslim to visit his Muslim brother and to be assured of his health, And to visit him during his illness and all his conditions, and in this article the reference website offers expressions of thanks and praise to God for his safety after an operation.
blessing of wellness
Before the phrases and supplications, praise be to God for safety after the operation, it is necessary to talk about one of the greatest blessings that God – Glory be to Him – has bestowed upon man, which is the blessing of wellness, and it is the blessing of this world and the hereafter, and one of the best and most honorable graces of God over His servants. Well-being Muslims have acquired the precious sustenance, for wellness is the key to every bliss, the door to every good, and the treasure of every happy, and every good without it is few no matter how many, and no matter in the world does not modify it, and only those who lose it realize its value, so if it continues ignorant, and if it is lost, you will be known, and it was The Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him- is keen to command Muslims to seek wellness from God Almighty and to pray and ask for it from Him. Good morning, O God, I ask You for wellness in this world and the Hereafter.[1] It is the duty of the Muslim to thank God for this great blessing, and to preserve the trusts that God has given him in his body and soul.[2]
Post a prayer for the patient for a speedy recovery written and illustrated 2021
Thank God for safety after the operation
Many people may experience health setbacks, which eventually lead them to perform surgeries in various organs in the body, and this is a tiring matter for the patient who loses his health and well-being, and who always needs the support of lovers and the support of family and friends, and Islam has recommended in the book and the Sunnah for the patient to return, visit him and pray. The most beautiful expressions of praise be to God for his safety after the operation will be presented in the following:
- Praise be to God for peace after the operation was performed with complete success, a thousand congratulations to you for its success, God wrote your reward and provided you with health and wellness, and clothed you with the garment of jackets and healing from every disease.
- We thank God who granted us to see your laughter and smile that we missed throughout your stay in the hospital, thank God that you are among us and the operation succeeded and it was fine.
- O our Lord, praise be to You, many, good, and blessed thanks for the success and completion of the surgical operation. How slow and despicable the days have passed.
- Praise be to God, who has honored you and blessed you with health and wellness, and honored you with the success of the operation. We ask God Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, to heal you and restore you.
- Praise be to God for your safety, you were patient, praised and thanked, and you succeeded.
- Praise be to God, who rejoiced over your safe discharge from the surgery. We ask Him to bring you back among us safe from all harm, free from all calamities, praise be to God for your safety.
A prayer for the sick on Friday is written.. Prayers for the sick
Msjat congratulations on recovery after surgery
A group of wonderful trowels in which praise be to God for safety after the operation and its success, we present it as follows:
- May God bless you and heal you, how pleased we are today to see you among us. We ask God Almighty to remove your suffering and pain, and to make you happy, comfort and lasting pleasure.
- May God protect you from all the evils of diseases, and protect you by his protection and your care, and I do not see anything wrong with you in you.
- May God grant you patience, and relieve your distress and distress, I remind you that it narrowed down, so when its episodes became firm, it was released, and I thought it would not be released, but God has a way out.
- I am writing to you the most beautiful words and congratulations on your successful exit from the surgery. I ask God to restore your health and youth.
- My message is full of joy and pleasure, I perfume it for you with roses and basil, to get you out of the operation safely, thank God for your safety.
- I extend to you all my congratulations and blessings on your safe and healthy exit from the operations, I ask God not to show me anything bad in you, oh cold in the dark sky.
Supplication for entering operations, the best 100 supplications for the patient in the operating room
Congratulatory phrases for recovery after the operation
If the patient falls ill and then his illness leaves him, it is nice for his Muslim brother to congratulate him on his recovery, and therefore the most beautiful words of congratulations on his recovery will be presented after, thank God for his safety after the operation:
- Praise be to God for safety, O our Lord, O Capable of all things, O Possessor of majesty and honor, O He who controls all things, I ask You to heal every sick as you healed our brother and our beloved, O God, You are the Able to do all things.
- My dear brother, I congratulate you on your safe discharge from your illness, by the grace of God upon you. Do not despair of God’s mercy, for after darkness there is light, and after distress there is relief, blessed is your recovery.
- We thank God, the Generous, the Forbearing, who brought you back to your family safe from this ordeal and affliction, and that your illness that you passed through is an expiation for your sins and a weight in the balance of your good deeds.
- I praise God, who healed you and did not see any harm in you that would harm me, and know that if God loves a slave, He afflicts him, so praise God and thank Him for giving you health and wellness after illness.
- The most beautiful, sincere and kindest words of congratulations on recovery I formulate for you, on the occasion of your recovery from your illness that afflicted you, may God grant you health and wellness.
Phrases of the patient after his discharge from the hospital
Doaa entry to the operation
Every patient turns to God, Lord of the Worlds, before entering for the operation, and asks Him to have mercy on him, heal him, and restore him. The supplication for entering the operations confirms that the believer has attached his heart to God, and that God will not waste his servant, so in His hand is all healing, and the following are the best supplications that a Muslim calls before entering the operation, or A Muslim calls it to his brother before he enters his operation:
- Oh God, O friendly, O friendly, I ask you to cover me with your blessing that is not fine, and to protect me with your honor that is unconquerable, God and eat me day and night, our Lord, O Lord of people, go affliction and heal you are the healer. Lord, I have been touched by harm, and you are the most merciful of the merciful.
- There is no god but God, the Forbearing, the Generous, there is no god but God, the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing, there is no god but God, the Lord of the Great Throne, Oh God, You are our Lord and the Lord of everything, Oh God, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and the Lord of the Great Show, Oh God, You are capable of everything, and in Your hand is everything, praise be to You For everything, and thanks to you for everything, O God, we advise you with your hand, so have mercy on us, that you are merciful to us, and do not torture us, for you are capable of us.
A prayer for the sick for a speedy recovery and the best 50 prayers for the sick written and short
Doaa exit from the operation
After exiting the operation and offering expressions of thanks to God and praise be to God for the safety after the operation, the Muslim turns to God all the time, not only before the operation, but even after it. Therefore, many Muslims are looking for supplications to leave the operation, which they will find in the following:
- Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, for His blessings. Oh God, I ask you every reason for your mercy. Oh God, and the wills of your forgiveness. Grant me, God, the booty of every righteousness, and grant me safety from every sin. Oh God, I delegated my command to you.
- O Lord, heal me and heal all Muslim patients, O Allah, You are the Lord and the Helper, O Allah, I ask You of your great kindness and generosity and you will leave the beautiful, O Allah, there is no refuge and no escape from You except to You, Honor me, O Allah, with the perpetuation of Your blessings, and the solutions of Your well-being, and grant me health and wellness, O Karim.
- O Allah, I ask You by Your Most Beautiful Names and Your Most High Attributes, to wish him a speedy recovery, O Allah, he is Your servant, the son of Your servant, the son of Your slave-girl, in whom Your judgment is just, in whom is Your judgment. And heal him and wish him your grace and generosity.
Phrases of praise be to God for safety
Quranic verses for healing from illness
The verses of healing from illness in the Holy Qur’an are six verses in which the word “healing” or what is derived from it is mentioned, and the sick person reads it or reads it to him with the intention that God – Glory be to Him, the Most High – and the reader needs to be sincere in intention, and to believe that healing is in the hands of God alone with no partner. , and that no matter how a person uses healing means, God is the Healer, and the entire Qur’an is a cure, but it is not reported that these verses in the Sahih contain healing, and they are:
- Surat Al-Fatihah, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq and Al-Naas.
- Says: {no god but God is living and subsisting do not take one year and not sleep him what is in the heavens and on earth: Who will intercede with Him except with his permission knows what is between them and behind them and surround some of his knowledge, but he wishes His throne encompasses the heavens and the earth, and their preservation does not fail Him, and He is the Most High, the Great}.[3]
- He says: {even made it to the Koran Oagamaa said Lula was separated and Arabic verses Ooagama Say is for those who believe guidance and healing and those who do not believe in their ears, which they revere blindness those calling from a distant place}.[4]
- The Almighty said: {And it is He who feeds me and gives me drink, and when I am sick, He heals}.[5]
- The Almighty said: {And We send down from the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy for the believers, and it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss.}[6]
- The Almighty said: Then eat of all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord made easy come out of their bellies a drink of various colors, wherein is healing for people in this is a sign for those who reflect}.[7]
- The Almighty said: {O people, a warning has come to you from your Lord, a cure for what is in the breasts, a guidance and a mercy for pain}.[8]
- The Almighty said: {Fight them; God will torment them at your hands and will disgrace them and help you over them and heal the hearts of the righteous.}[9]
The prayer of visiting the sick is written
Praise be to God for the safety of the disease
After we presented praise to God for safety after the operation, as is the custom, the people of poetry and literature did not leave a field in which they did not innovate. Ibrahim bin Qadir Al-Riyahi:
There is a cure, then there is a cure
وننزل يَشْفینی هُدىً وِفَاءُ
These are six verses if you write them down
He who has a grievous illness, they are healed
O Most Merciful to the believers, when
She was astonished by her merciful children
Oh my God and you are the best refuge
Heal us and heal us, for from you is the cure
This plague is a burning fire
For the hearts of monotheism, there is a clearing of them
How many crowds have been torn apart and hearts
And with pleasure the phoenix flew by
And tears like pearls are scattered in prose
In cheeks that supply blood
And faces like the sun have faded
If you see it if the cover is removed
I was honored with dust, a mattress, and it was
Maybe the air and the water hurt her
That is from our great sin, as we have done
The news came to us on the authority of our Prophet
God is angry with sins, and they are robbed
When its pricks overwhelm the enemies,
It is undoubtedly a mercy but me
Oh strong, for her pregnancy is weak
How much and how much mercy do you have and give?
She is without ordeal if she wants
Our Lord, our Lord, we have taken refuge in You
What do we have, our Lord, but You?
With our lack and humiliation we came
We have neither pride nor dispensation
ن .قْرَعُ البابَ بالدّعاء ونرجو
فُلَنِعْمَ الدُّعَا ونِعْمَ الرّجاءُ
Keep, O Lord, upon us and your abode
Remain, before the annihilation prevails, O believers, all of you repent.
You poor people
Phrases of the patient after his discharge from the hospital
Pictures of congratulations on recovery, thank God for safety
Below we present to you pictures of congratulations on recovery, thank God for your safety:
See also: Post a prayer for the patient for a speedy recovery written and illustrated 2021
With this, we reach the end of the article, “Praise be to God for safety after the operation,” in which the blessing of health and its great impact on the life of a Muslim was explained. The article presented the most beautiful messages of congratulations for recovery and exit from the operation. Of the disease.
خاتمة لموضوعنا الحمد لله على السلامة بعد اجراء العملية ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.