الصبار للشعر تجربتي وهل فعلا يطول وينبت الشعر , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Aloe vera for hair In my experience, aloe vera is one of the important plants that has been used since ancient times to treat various hair problems, as aloe vera extract has proven to be highly effective in treating hair, and aloe vera is also included in many therapeutic and cosmetic preparations for hair, and the reference site has devoted this article to showing the benefits of Aloe vera for hair, and aloe vera for hair My experience, the benefits of aloe vera for both light, dry, and greasy hair, and some distinctive recipes of aloe vera for hair, what are the effects of aloe vera on hair, and how to get it.
Benefits of aloe vera for hair
These are some of the benefits of aloe vera for hair:[1]
- Strengthens hair: Aloe vera contains many active ingredients and minerals that can help strengthen hair. It contains fatty acids, amino acids, and is rich in vitamins A, B12, C and E that play an important role in promoting healthy hair follicles.
- Controls sebum level: Aloe vera contains enzymes that break down sebum thus stripping your hair of any extra oil.
- Helps with itchy scalp: Seborrheic dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin condition that affects the scalp, causing dandruff, skin redness and scaly patches. Researchers have found that aloe vera can significantly reduce flaking and itching.
- Protection from UV damage: A study found that fresh aloe vera juice provides protection from the UV rays that come from the sun, exposure to UV rays can cause hair to lose its luster and color, and make it coarse and less elastic, which leads to breakage.
- Hair growth: Researchers believe that aloinine, a chemical compound in the plant, is a key factor in promoting hair growth, as found in people with a hair loss condition called alopecia. It has been used to improve hair health and reduce breakage, which contributes to hair growth.
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Aloe vera for hair my experience
You may have used aloe vera to soothe sunburns, but did you know that it may also have benefits for your hair? Here are some experiences on how aloe vera can strengthen your hair and help you manage an itchy scalp or reduce sebum production.
Experiment with aloe vera to treat hair loss
Sometimes I feel that my hair is falling out greatly, and I began to suffer from noticeably voids, especially in the fall, and in order not to lose the vitality of my hair, I resorted to searching for natural mixtures to help me stop this annoying fall, and indeed I found many natural mixtures, including a mask Aloe vera for hair, and when I used it for a long time, I noticed that the loss began to stop gradually. Here is this mixture:
the ingredients:
- Two tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
- A teaspoon of natural lemon juice.
- A tablespoon of olive oil.
- Place the aloe vera in a clean, deep bowl.
- Add lemon and olive oil to the aloe vera.
- Stir the ingredients together well until blended.
- The mask is applied to the hair from the roots to the ends.
- A plastic cap or nylon bag is worn and the mask is left for 3 to 6 hours.
- Rinse the hair with lukewarm water and the designated shampoo.
- It is recommended to use this mask twice a week.
Experiment with aloe vera for hair growth
My hair is short and I want a solution to prolong it, as my hair growth is slow and I do not notice that it grows quickly, so I searched for many natural mixtures that contribute to hair prolongation within a record period of time, and I found that most of the mixtures depend on aloe vera mainly, and I really used one of these I applied the mixtures to my hair, and during a certain period of time I noticed that my hair really lengthened. This natural mixture is:
the ingredients:
- Three tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
- A tablespoon of sweet almond oil.
- A tablespoon of coconut oil.
- A tablespoon of olive oil.
- A tablespoon of castor oil.
- A few drops of lemon juice.
- First, the aloe vera is placed in a deep dish.
- To the aloe vera, add sweet almond oil and olive oil.
- Castor oil and coconut oil are also added to the above.
- Add natural lemon drops and then mix the ingredients together until you get a mask with a liquid texture.
- The mask is applied to the hair from the roots to the ends, and you should focus on the empty areas of the scalp.
- Wear a plastic hat or wrap the hair with a nylon bag for at least 6 hours.
- Wash the hair well with shampoo, and it is preferable to use an oil bath to avoid drying the hair.
- Use this mixture 3 times a week to get the best results.
Aloe Vera Exfoliation Scalp Exfoliation
I suffer from dandruff greatly, and sometimes I am ashamed of this topic, and I used many mixtures and treatment materials, but I did not find any result, so I searched for a natural recipe through which I can get rid of this stubborn dandruff, and I found one of the natural recipes based on aloe vera Basically, when I used it I noticed that the crust started to disappear, and this mixture is:
the ingredients:
- Two tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
- Two tablespoons of ground brown sugar.
- A teaspoon of drenched ginger.
- Place aloe vera gel in a clean bowl.
- Add brown sugar to the aloe vera gel and mix the ingredients together.
- Add the ginger soaked to the above and mix the ingredients again.
- A mask with a slightly cohesive texture is obtained.
- Start by taking a little of it and gently exfoliating the scalp to avoid injuring it.
- After that, the hair is rinsed with the designated shampoo.
- The hair is combed during rinsing.
- Then put a little shampoo again and wash the hair with lukewarm water.
- This recipe is used twice a month for oily hair and once a month for dry hair.
Experiment with aloe vera to stimulate hair root growth
I searched for several recipes that help me stimulate the growth of my hair follicles, as I notice that the follicles are weak and do not grow well, so I wanted to use a natural recipe to stimulate the growth of hair roots, and indeed I found many recipes, including a proven recipe based on aloe vera, I tried it immediately, After a while, I noticed that the follicles began to stimulate growth. This recipe is:
the ingredients:
- Two tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
- Drops of natural lemon juice.
- A tablespoon of crushed fenugreek seeds.
- A tablespoon of crushed basil leaves.
- Place the aloe vera, fenugreek seeds, basil leaves and lemon juice in a blender.
- The previous ingredients are mixed until a creamy mask is obtained.
- The mask is evenly distributed over the hair follicles.
- A nylon bag or plastic cap is to be worn for at least 4 hours.
- Wash the hair with lukewarm water and the designated shampoo.
- It is recommended to use this recipe twice a week until the desired results are obtained.
Aloe Vera hair smoothing experience
I suffer from frizzy hair, and I wanted by any means to have smooth hair, without resorting to chemicals; Like protein or the like, so I used a natural mixture that relies mainly on aloe vera for this, for a long period of time, and I noticed that my hair became more vibrant and softer than it was, and this mixture is represented by the following:
the ingredients:
- Two tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
- One tablespoon of natural honey.
- Two tablespoons of olive oil.
- Two tablespoons of milk or yogurt.
- In a large, deep bowl, put spoonfuls of aloe vera gel.
- Add the natural honey to the aloe vera and stir the ingredients well until they are mixed together.
- Olive oil is added to the above in addition to milk or yoghurt.
- Stir all ingredients well until you get a hair mask.
- Distribute the mask on all hair from top to bottom.
- Leave the mask on the hair for at least 3 hours.
- Wash hair with lukewarm water using shampoo.
- For best results, hair should be covered with a nylon bag when applying the mask, and this mixture should be used twice a week.
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Benefits of aloe vera for light hair
Aloe vera can be used especially for light hair, as it strengthens the hair fiber; In a more precise sense, it works to strengthen weak hair strands that break quickly, especially hair styling or exposing it to heat, so the nourishing aloe vera plant can be used; To protect hair from any factors that may damage it, aloe vera contains antioxidant-rich properties, in addition to vitamins, fatty acids and amino acids, these nutrients help promote the appearance of healthy hair.[2]
Thus, aloe vera helps to strengthen the hair and make it thick, and it is one of the light ingredients on the hair that does not make it prone to falling, such as shea butter, which is heavy on the hair despite its great benefits. Aloe vera weighs down the hair and leaves behind a greasy mess.[2]
Benefits of aloe vera for dry hair
Aloe vera is used for dry hair, as it has proven effective in that it may moisturize your scalp, so; It is useful for hair in general, and dry hair in particular, and the good thing about the moisturizing properties of aloe vera is that it has a light and oil-free texture suitable for all types of hair, in other words, the application of aloe vera on hair, whether the application is using aloe vera alone, or mixing it with ingredients other; Such as honey, yogurt, or olive oil, which will help to enhance the appearance of shiny hair, without being too greasy, in addition, it will keep the hair moisturized, reduce hair tangles, and make it less prone to breakage.[2]
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Aloe vera benefits for oily hair
The benefits of aloe vera are not limited to dry hair only, but it also plays a major role in cleaning oily hair in depth, as aloe vera effectively cleans hair from roots to ends, and it also removes excess fat from the scalp, in addition to removing any remnants of Other hair products, and it is worth noting that aloe vera does not harm the hair strands while cleaning it, unlike other chemicals in hair products, as aloe vera is gentle and maintains the integrity of the hair compared to others, all that is needed is to use it correctly to get hair Healthier, shinier and softer.[3]
Distinctive recipes from aloe vera for hair treatment
Here are some recipes that can be tried using patience to solve hair problems, including:
Hair mask with aloe vera and yogurt
By mixing three teaspoons of fresh aloe vera gel with two teaspoons of yogurt, one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of olive oil, mix the previous ingredients well, and apply to the hair and scalp, after that the mixture must be massaged on the scalp well for 10 minutes Then leave the hair to rest for half an hour and wash, this mask helps restore the natural luster of the hair, and also works well to get rid of dandruff.
Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil Hair Mask This mask is used for deep moisturizing, mix two teaspoons of fresh aloe vera gel with one teaspoon of honey and three teaspoons of coconut oil, massage the scalp well, leave the mask for half an hour and then wash it with shampoo, this mask will work It deeply moisturizes dry and dull hair, in addition to moisturizing.
Hair mask with aloe vera and apple cider vinegar
Mix a cup of fresh aloe vera gel, a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, then mix the previous ingredients well and apply generously on the hair as well as the scalp, leave the hair to rest for 20 minutes and then wash it with shampoo, if this mask is used twice a month Get rid of embarrassing dandruff.
Aloe vera and egg mask
In a bowl, put three teaspoons of aloe vera gel, add one egg to it, mix the previous ingredients using a spoon to form a smooth paste-like consistency, apply it to the hair and scalp using a brush, then wear a shower cap and leave the hair to rest for about half an hour, wash with water Tap and then shampoo to thoroughly cleanse hair. This mask gives hair a hydration boost, as both aloe vera and egg are very hydrating.
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Aloe vera damage to hair
While aloe vera gel has many benefits, it can also have some side effects that may affect the hair. Here are some aloe vera side effects that you should know about:[4]
- Aloe vera leaves contain latex that comes from under the peel of the plant. Many people are allergic to latex, which can cause many problems such as irritating the scalp.
- Most people can be allergic to aloe vera gel, which causes skin sensitivity, eye redness, rash, irritation and burning.
How to get aloe vera
You can buy aloe vera gel in stores, but it is recommended to buy an aloe vera product that contains 100% aloe vera without any additional ingredients. Like perfume and alcohol, to avoid damage to hair rather than treat it, you can also extract the gel from aloe vera leaves. Some natural food stores sell the leaves, or you can grow them as a houseplant. Here’s how to remove gel from an aloe vera plant:[1]
- Work to remove the leaf from the plant.
- The oldest and thickest leaves on the outside of the plant should be chosen.
- Then the paper should be rinsed well using only water.
- A sharp knife must be used to remove the thorns on both sides of the paper.
- A knife or peeler should be passed lengthwise along the leaf to remove the peel.
- The clear gel is cut or extracted.
- Note that fresh aloe vera gel does not last long, but it can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week or frozen.
Aloe vera is one of the most important plants that plays an important role in treating most hair problems. Any recipe can be applied through the recipes mentioned in aloe vera for hair, my experience; For shiny and healthy hair.
خاتمة لموضوعنا الصبار للشعر تجربتي وهل فعلا يطول وينبت الشعر ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.