الفرق بين القائد والمدير

الفرق بين القائد والمدير , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The difference between the leader and the manager is an important question that many people who are looking for the difference know the answer to, as both the manager and the leader there are many different things between them, in terms of the way they deal with employees, the way they work and what is in between, but there are many who did not know These things and confuse them and think that they are similar in characteristics, follow us, dear reader, for details.

The difference between a leader and a manager

Most of the time, you find many confuse between the word leader and the word manager, and they think that the two jobs have the same tasks or that there are similarities in all things. And the manager, you should read the following points:


  • Dealing with it is through rigid systems.
  • Accepts all situations as they are without change.
  • It uses the method of superiors and subordinates.
  • He is interested in doing everything the same way.
  • It is based on monitoring things.
  • It operates with well-thought-out methods, rules, plans, and things.
  • Always wondering about time and method.
  • He tries to stay away from any crises, disagreements or wrong things.
  • His focus is towards rules and policies.
  • It searches for guesses and charts.
  • He is interested in non-long-term plans that do not need long time.
  • His policy is based on the current period, not the future.
  • Always waiting for the staff to walk by the rules.


  • He is known for his long-sightedness, vision and ability to plan well.
  • He likes to have all his reliance on being confident in all things.
  • His question is about the reason and things.
  • Its goal is to develop and modify.
  • Able to withstand any crises and any error that occurs.
  • It operates without abiding by the rules, plans and methods followed in the institution.
  • Affect and be positive through participation.
  • His focus is towards future vision and strategies.
  • He wins the position of leader.
  • Easy going on any idea put forward.
  • Heroes come out of his hands.
  • Develops the company and raises it to a high level.
  • He walks the way a friend helps his friend.
  • It works by itself.
  • His style of dealing is wise and likes to involve others in the presidency.

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The difference between a leader and a manager

We hope, dear visitor, in the following lines, that we explain to you more things about the difference between a leader and a manager, as these points carry a set of things that each of them does that will help you get rid of the overlapping meaning of each in the other, as follows:


  • The manager is considered to be the one who manages the work that is on his shoulders, as he is the one whose job it is to maintain his role in the company.
  • In addition to the above, he manages his employees through his ability to control and his courage, in addition to the fact that he does many tasks in a proper manner.
  • Director is a working title that the manager obtains by being promoted and obtaining a higher position, which he obtains after many years of experience.
  • The manager is also scientifically successful, a good planner, instructs the employees, and is known to have a brave personality.
  • Its main objective is to guide and manage the company’s employees to succeed in the dreams of the company they are striving to reach.
  • The manager constantly thinks that he is more appropriate than others in making any critical decision, and always sees his point of view as the right one.


  • He develops his abilities and savvy, and in his leadership is based on the self-confidence of all employees and the increase of their skills and strength.
  • It works and performs all tasks in a proper manner without error.
  • He is able to make the employees believe in him.
  • He plans well for the future.
  • He encourages and loves all who follow him.
  • It depends on policies, plans and future visions.
  • He alters any wrong mode until he can access what he thinks is appropriate.
  • He has good luck in his social relationship with all those who deal with him and is loved.
  • Maintains the psychology of colleagues and raises their morale.
  • He is interested in any opportunity that comes before him to develop the company.

The difference between a leader and a manager

Talking about the difference between the leader and the manager will be a little longer, as most people confuse the two titles, especially employees in the organization, want to know the characteristics of each of them so that they can deal with them in an appropriate manner, and here are other differences that will help you in this matter as follows:

Influence on his followers

  • An intelligent leader is able to be influential in the employees through his strong personality such as charisma and attractiveness.
  • A leader has to be liked in order to be able to influence the same people who follow him.
  • A smart leader makes his subordinates try to race among themselves in order to perform the tasks assigned to them.
  • A manager unlike a leader is able to influence his subordinates through the privileges he enjoys.
  • The manager has so many powers that his subordinates are afraid and account for, and that is his greatest influence.

Executing tasks and duties

  • An intelligent leader is able to motivate all his subordinates and encourage them to carry out the tasks assigned to them.
  • A leader likes to encourage employees to have a constant desire to do all the tasks at their best.
  • The manager at that point asks his subordinates to perform a number of duties in order to elevate the company they join.
  • Carrying out tasks does not require the manager to be present with the employees as his absence is not at all different from his presence with his subordinates.

Instilling confidence in the followers

  • The leader is always able to put confidence in the same employees, and gives them a sense that they are able to work and carry out all the tasks and duties required of them.
  • The manager is always trying to do all the tasks with all the methods, but it is not important for him to make the employees have self-confidence.

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The difference between a leader and a manager in dealing with employees

In addition to all of the above, there is also a set of things that make up the difference between the leader and the manager, through the interaction of each of them in the organization and their personalities with employees, as people think that both parties have the same personality and tasks, and all of this is as follows:

Show off and show off

  • Arrogance and the desire to appear is not an attribute of a leader, as he does not like to show himself and constantly appears in the front.
  • The leader always attributes success in the performance of duties to all of his subordinates, not only to himself.
  • As for the manager, he prefers success rates to himself constantly, and he likes to be on top all the time.
  • The manager also likes to be praised and thanked only by people in the company.


  • The leader most of the time tries to convince everyone who follows him with the decisions he makes and all the plans he draws.
  • A leader constantly wants to communicate his ideas to employees so that they can succeed in goals together.
  • The manager is the opposite of the leader, as he does not care about convincing his subordinates of any decision he makes.
  • The manager also prefers that employees constantly try to do all the tasks he asks of them and not do others.
  • He orders employees without giving them a justification for those duties.


  • The leader likes to work in a social form and forms a group of employees with him.
  • He distributes each work or task to him and to the team.
  • The manager is otherwise not interested in working in a group, nor does he like the participation of his subordinates in the work, and does not treat them like a team.
  • The manager makes plans in order to achieve the goals that are achieved in a short rather than long period.

The differences between a leader and a manager at work

In addition to all of what we mentioned above, there are many things that explain the difference between a leader and a manager in terms of the style of each of them in the same work, and whether they are similar or different, as follows:

success at work

  • A leader often strives to achieve all interests and dreams, and excellence and prosperity are his greatest goals, and he constantly tries to achieve that goal.
  • The manager also desires to succeed, but it is not the ultimate goal for him, it is just a goal to continue to be in that prestige.
  • The boss likes to achieve goals just to get high and get promotions and gifts.

Communicate and share with others

  • Participation is one of the characteristics of a leader, as he often prefers to be in contact with all employees.
  • The leader always prefers to listen to all those around him and share with them his plans, ideas and decisions, so he gets the love of all employees.
  • The leader also likes to help his team, remove all problems, and get to know them better.
  • The manager does not have the skill of communicating with his subordinates, nor does he try to be close to them.
  • A manager’s sole goal is for employees to carry out all his duties, be diligent in their work and bring out their best.

Decision making

  • The leader is characterized by the ability to make any decision, even if he is in the most difficult circumstances or facing any pressure, and he is also able to control his circumstances and think well for the benefit.
  • The manager can decide and issue ideas that are suitable only to his desire regardless of their suitability to serve the organization or not.
  • A manager can also make a decision on the basis of the orders he receives from a superior regardless of whether it is not suited to his own opinion.
  • The manager decides on the short-term goals.

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Characteristics that differentiate between a leader and a manager

You can know the difference between the leader and the manager by identifying the characteristics of each of them, as the characteristics in themselves explain the way of thinking and the style of each party of them, which makes you more understanding of the difference between them in a way that does not have any overlap, and the characteristics of the leader and manager are the following:

  • A leader is a person who is based on innovation, innovation, development and the ability to perform any task assigned to him.
  • He can do any task himself without anyone’s help, also always looking for everything that brings his employees benefits.
  • I love to innovate and be a reason for prosperity and change things for the better.
  • He does all the right things most of the time.
  • His focus is towards human structures and workers.
  • The manager does everything in a proper manner.
  • He controls the situation.
  • Every situation is the same.
  • Most of the time he is concerned with executive planning.
  • His method is to follow systems and audit based on past and previous attempts.
  • The chief of staff is at work and strives to become a champion.
  • The leader is distinguished by not denying the mistake and also regretting it, and he listens to all his followers even if they criticize him, as he may return to any decision he has thought about when he is convinced.
  • He is easily convinced that the decision is not sound, and there is no stubbornness and arrogance in his qualities.
  • The manager often refuses to listen to other people’s opinions, nor does he come back in any decision he makes.
  • The manager refuses to apologize for the mistakes he makes.
  • The leader has the quality of intelligence and stability in making decisions.
  • He has a future vision that enables him to make a sound decision that will make him reach all goals.
  • He can assign tasks to the person worthy of them and assign them to any employee who is able to carry them out.
  • The manager is not as smart at work as the leader.

Other differences between a leader and a manager

In contrast to all the above-mentioned differences between the leader and the manager, there are many other differences and differences that have been searched and discovered between the person who runs the organization, and the person who leads all employees, and these differences may seem simple, but they explain the difference remarkably, and these differences are in a group of The points we present to you are as follows:

Sense of responsibility at work

  • The leader is known for his well-known feature, which is that he bears all the burdens and tasks that the president puts on his shoulders.
  • The leader is also patient with all mistakes and takes them before the right things, and he refuses to place the responsibility for any mistake on anyone.
  • The leader is distinguished in that he apologizes and regrets all the wrong and wrong things that have happened, although he can be innocent of them and has no guilt.
  • The manager is completely unlike the leader in that he completely disclaims responsibility for what went wrong.
  • The manager places the responsibility for the errors that occurred with the superiors or employees or the main reason for the occurrence of those errors.
  • The manager always seeks to appear innocent of any wrongdoing that happens by all possible means to avoid punishment.

Humility with followers

  • One of the advantages that characterizes any smart leader is that you find him at the top of humility through his dealings and his style with all employees.
  • A leader is able to tolerate and listen well to all diverse points of view.
  • He likes to know the employees’ criticism of him without giving a negative reaction to those criticisms. On the contrary, he listens to them lovingly and courageously and confronts them.
  • The manager is the opposite of the leader, he does not accept any criticism from his subordinates.
  • He always likes to just thank him and not give him your point of view.

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Qualities that a leader and manager must possess

After we got to know the difference between a leader and a manager, we would like you to conclude the conversation with a set of qualities that should be in each party, such as:

  • Every manager must become a person who has a high skill in his job and gradually acquires a job position in order to be familiar with each employee.
  • The manager also needs to be aware of everything big and small in the organization in which he works.
  • A leader must have self-confidence, and be able to control all the things that happen in order to be trustworthy.
  • Also, every intelligent leader must be honest with all employees and tell them the facts without any lies so that they can trust him.
  • It is better for every leader to have the courage and strength to make his critical decision, as there are many events that require that quality.

We conclude our article, dear reader, that the difference between the leader and the manager is a very important matter that makes you understand well the way each of them works in the organization, and it is clear that the leader is closer to the employees than the manager.

خاتمة لموضوعنا الفرق بين القائد والمدير ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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