اللهم ارحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين ، أجمل دعاء لأموات المسلمين , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
A supplication, O God, have mercy on our dead and the dead of Muslims is written, and the most beautiful supplication for the dead of Muslims is what we will present in this article, for supplication is one of the great acts of worship and good deeds that God Almighty legislated for His servants, to be a link between Him, Glory be to Him, and His servants. The reference site is interested in introducing us to the most beautiful and best supplications for the dead of Muslims, which a Muslim may pray for whomever he wants from his dead.
A prayer, may God have mercy on our dead and the dead of Muslims, is written
Praying for the dead is one of the blessed prophetic Sunnahs, which a Muslim is enacted to do, i.e. it is permissible for a Muslim to supplicate for the dead when burial or at any other time. The dead Muslims are written:
O Allah, O Forgiving, O Merciful, O Generous, O Great, O mighty, O Forbearing, O Allah, have mercy on the dead and the dead of Muslims, O Allah, send down upon them Your unending mercy, and lighten them the torment of the grave, and forget their loneliness, and illuminate their graves with Your great light that does not extinguish, O Allah, they are now in You are the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful, so forgive them, pardon their sins, and do not blame them for their slips. You open doors for them to show them their homes from the fire, O Allah, reward them from Your torment on the Day You resurrect Your servants, O Allah, we have no god but You, we call upon You, there is no god but You, Glory be to You, we were among the unjust, O Allah, we ask Your forgiveness for them, and we ask You for their sake, O Lord, gather them on the Day of Resurrection with the righteous and the righteous. And gather them with your Noble Prophet Muhammad in the gardens of the highest paradise, and may God’s prayers be upon our master Muhammad, and upon all his family and companions.
The most beautiful 200 prayers for my deceased father written, prayers for the deceased father are answered
May Allah have mercy on our dead and dead Muslims
Here is a supplication, O God, have mercy on our dead and the dead of Muslims, as supplication for the dead is one of the good deeds for which a Muslim will be rewarded in this world and the hereafter, God willing, and which benefits the dead in his grave, and the supplication is:
O Allah, O Friendly, O Friendly, O Possessor of the Glorious Throne, O Beginner, O Helper, O Effectiveer of what You desire, I ask You by the light of Your Face that filled the pillars of Your Throne, and I ask You by Your mercy that encompasses everything, and I ask You by Your power by which You have decreed over all Your creation, O Allah, have mercy on our dead and the dead Muslims, and forgive my death and my dead Muslims, and expand the graves of our dead and dead Muslims, and have mercy on their weakness and lack of tricks, O Allah, overlook their bad deeds, and increase them in their good deeds, O mighty one, O Karim, O Mighty one, O Karim, O Allah, gather us with them on the Day of Resurrection in the Gardens of Eternity, O Allah, forgive them what preceded their sins and what was delayed, O Allah, You are You. Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
The best supplication for the dead is very effective, short..Supplications for the deceased are short and answered
The most beautiful prayer for the dead of Muslims
We will present to you the most beautiful supplication for the dead of Muslims, as supplication is one of the good deeds that benefit the one who prays, so he will be rewarded for it, and it benefits the one who is called to him with goodness and grace from God Almighty with his permission. The most beautiful supplication for the death of Muslims is:
Oh God, forgive the dead Muslims, have mercy on them, pardon them and pardon them, honor them in their abode, expand their entrance, and wash them, O Lord, with water and snow and return, and absolve them of sins, misdeeds and sins, as the white garment is purified of filth, O God, the most merciful of the merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful. From their home, and people who are better than their families, and wives are better than their wives, and protect them from the trials of the grave and the torment of the Fire.
A prayer for the dead is very short and beautiful written
A short written prayer for the dead
We have previously mentioned a supplication, O God, have mercy on our dead and the dead Muslims, and we will present in the following a short written supplication for the dead, and the supplication is:
O God, you are my Lord, there is no god but you, you created me and I am your servant, and that on your covenant and your promise as much as I can, I seek refuge in you from the evil of what I have done, and I acknowledge to you by your grace upon me, and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, for no one forgives sins except you. Have mercy on the dead Muslims, forgive them, and forget their loneliness, O God, make for them in their graves a light that will not be extinguished, O Lord of the worlds, and praise be to God who is not praised for anything other than Him.
See also: A supplication for the deceased on the day of Arafa, the most beautiful supplications for the deceased on the day of Arafa
A prayer of God, forgive our dead and the dead of Muslims
Here is a supplication, O God, forgive our dead and the dead of Muslims, as this good supplication is permissible for a Muslim to supplicate for a Muslim who died, and it is:
Oh God, I ask You by Your Greatest Name, by which if You are called upon, You answer, and if You are asked by it You are given, that You forgive our dead and the dead of Muslims, and that You have mercy on our dead and the dead of Muslims, Oh God, they are now under Your protection and a rope around You. Forgive them and have mercy on them, for You are the Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
The best supplication for deceased parents is written short
A prayer for the deceased when descending to the grave
The Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – has commanded us when praying for the dead and burying him with supplications for him, and burying the dead is one of the great scenes that remind man that this end no matter how long his life is or how long it takes, and it is the Muslim’s duty to pray for the dead when he descends into the grave, perhaps May God Almighty benefit the dead with this supplication, and here is a supplication for the deceased when descending into the grave:
Oh God, have mercy on our dead, he is now under your protection, God forgive him for his past and what was late, God purify him from sins and sins, and double his good deeds for him, O Lord of the worlds, Oh God, make him a light in his grave, and a woman in his loneliness, and cover him with your mercy, and compensate him for the world The immortal, O Most Generous of the Most Generous, O God, You know best about his condition, so remove terror, panic and fear from him, and protect him from the darkness of the grave, and make his grave a meadow from the gardens of Paradise that he will enjoy until the Day of Resurrection.
A prayer for the dead in the last ten days of Ramadan
A prayer for the dead after burial
The following is a supplication for the deceased after the burial:
Oh God, Lord of the universes, O You who created this universe in six days, I ask You by Your mighty power to prove our dead and lost when asking, Oh God, prove it when asking, Oh God, prove it when asking, Oh God, hold it when asking, Oh God, pardon his slips and replace him from the abode of God, his home, and a family better than his family, a wife better than his wife, and children better than his children.
A written prayer for the deceased mother
May Allah have mercy on our dead in Ramadan
Here, dear reader, is a prayer of God, have mercy on our dead in Ramadan, and it is a good prayer that a Muslim may pray for the dead Muslims in the blessed month of Ramadan.
Oh God, O Halim, O Great, O mighty, O Generous, O Revealer of the Qur’an, Torah and Gospel, O You who sent the prophets and messengers with the word of truth and monotheism, forgive our dead and the dead of Muslims, and have mercy on our dead and the dead of Muslims, O Allah, resurrect them with the martyrs and the truthful, and enter them into the gardens of eternity and bliss, with what you do. You are worthy of him, and do not treat them with what they are worthy of him.
A prayer for my deceased father on Friday
May God have mercy on our dead on Friday
And as we present to you a supplication, may God have mercy on our dead on Friday:
Oh God, I call upon You and please You, O you who said, “Call upon me, I will respond to you.” Oh God, have mercy on our dead on the blessed Friday. Oh God, extend for them in their graves as far as the eye can see. Oh God, that is easy for you. Oh God, make their graves a kindergarten from the gardens of Paradise. On the Day of Resurrection, O Most Merciful of the merciful, O Most Generous of hosts, O Allah, do not leave a sin for them except that You forgive it, O Allah, O Answerer of supplications, answer our supplications on this holy day.
A prayer for the deceased on the anniversary of his death
The importance of praying for the dead
Oh God, have mercy on our dead and dead Muslims from the supplications that many Muslims search for, because the supplication for the dead reaches him in his grave, as it benefits him and rewards him, and the work of the son of Adam is interrupted after his death except from three things, including supplication, which is what was reported from the Messenger of God. God’s peace be upon him, as narrated by the great companion Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “If a person dies, his work only three: ongoing charity, or beneficial knowledge, or a righteous son calls him”.[1] Supplication is one of the best and most revered acts of worship ever, and it is considered as charity for the dead, as God Almighty forgives their sins, erases their sins, enlarges their graves and raises their ranks in Paradise.[2]
Supplication for the dead from the Qur’an and Sunnah
May God have mercy on our dead and heal our patients
Praying for the dead and the sick is one of the most important matters. Recourse to God – Glory be to Him – is in every situation and in every matter in life. When sick, a Muslim resorts to his Lord, who is the healer and healer, and at death the Muslim prays for his dead because he knows that God’s supplication for the dead benefits them and benefits them with His permission. In the following, supplications will be offered, may God have mercy on our dead and heal our patients:
- Oh God, have mercy on our dead, heal our sick, heal our afflicted, reveal our worries and remove our anguish from us.
- Oh God, we ask you to heal our sick and the sick of Muslims and to have mercy on our dead and the dead of Muslims, God we ask you for us and them forgiveness and wellness from every affliction, bad and evil.
- Oh God, have mercy on our dead and light their graves and give them a light in their beds that removes the darkness and darkness in which they are, Oh God, make them among those who see their seats from heaven, Oh God, heal our patients from every disease, Oh God, heal You are the Healer, there is no cure but Your healing, a cure that does not leave sickness.
- Oh God, forgive our living and our dead, our young and old, our males and females, those who are present and those who are absent.
A prayer for the deceased on Friday will be answered, God willing
Oh God, have mercy on those I miss
A person longs for his dead, especially those close to him, and those with whom he has a great kinship relationship, and the best thing that he can do when he is longing is to supplicate, may God have mercy on our dead those whose hearts and eyes yearn for them, and the following are the most beautiful supplications, may God have mercy on those whose longing is written:
- Oh God, have mercy on whom my eyes longed to see and my ears to hear his voice, and whom we longed to sit with.
- Oh God, have mercy on those whose souls longed for them while they are under the dust, Oh God, forget their loneliness, forgive their sin, double their goodness, and admit them to Paradise without reckoning and without precedent of torment.
- Oh God, the number of grains of rain, and the number of grains of sand, Oh God, have mercy on those whose hearts yearn to see them, Oh God, water their graves with mercy and light, Oh God, pardon them, forgive them, have mercy on them, and gather us with them in the Gardens of Eternity.
- Oh God, O Most Merciful, Most Merciful, we ask You by Your Most Beautiful Names, what we learned from them and what we did not know, to have mercy on those whose eyes yearn to see them, and to cool their graves and make them peace.
A prayer in memory of my father’s death
Prayers of God have mercy on my deceased father
A prayer of God, have mercy on our dead and have mercy on my deceased father, is the least that a righteous son can offer to his father who passed away, and here we present the most beautiful supplications for mercy for the dead father, for Muslims to use in their prayers for their father:
- O Rahman, O Most Merciful, we ask you to have mercy on those who died in this worldly life, but are still alive in our hearts and minds.
- Oh God, my father has left me, and you alone know how much he left a void in his place.
- Oh God, have mercy on my father underground and have mercy on him on the Day of Judgment, admit him to Paradise and save him from torment on a day when neither money nor children will benefit except those who come to God with a sound heart.
- Oh God, have mercy on my father and replace him with a home better than his home, and a neighbor better than his neighbors, and replace him with family with better family, Oh God, grant him the intercession of our Prophet Muhammad – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – Oh God, if he was a doer of good, increase his good deeds, and if he was a sinner, then transcend and pardon his bad deeds.
The virtue of a supplication, I entrust you to God, whose deposits are not lost
A prayer, may God have mercy on my deceased mother
The mother is the balm of the soul and the medicine for all wounds, God made her a source of mercy, kindness and tenderness on earth, and Islam commanded the righteousness of parents and emphasized the righteousness of the mother. Have mercy on my deceased mother written and answered, God willing:
- Oh God, my mother is next to you. Oh God, you are the best of givers, and you are the most merciful of the merciful. Oh God, as much as the sadness that you left behind, and as much as that void that nothing can be filled by her absence.
- Oh God, have mercy on a precious soul that has not been absent from my mind for any second, Oh God, honor my mother, my beloved, with eternal rest in Heaven, Oh God, bring her down from your safety and grant her comfort and reassurance, Oh God, make her in the highest levels of Heaven, and water her grave with the clouds of Your mercy, and send down on her from the vastness of Your forgiveness, Oh God, be satisfied with her , and pardon it for us all the best.
- Oh God, have mercy on my lost mother, and make her bedding from Paradise, her food from Paradise, and the winds of her grave from Paradise. He answers prayers, there is no god but You, Glory be to You.
- Oh God, with the sound of the call to prayer, have mercy on my mother, that kind soul. Oh God, have mercy on the one with a pure smile, and the one with a pure and pure heart.
A supplication: Oh God, I am your servant, the son of your servant, the son of your servant, written in pictures
Pictures of prayer, may God have mercy on our dead
Prayer is beneficial for the living and the dead, and it is one of the greatest blessings of God – Glory be to Him – to His servants. And the dead Muslims:
A written supplication for entering the cemetery
Here, we conclude with you an article of a prayer, “O God, have mercy on our dead and dead Muslims” written, and the most beautiful prayer for the dead of Muslims, which shows the importance of praying for the dead, and presented the most beautiful prayers for the dead of Muslims, and supplications, “May God have mercy on our dead at burial, in Ramadan and on Friday.” The most beautiful pictures of supplications, may God have mercy on our dead and the dead Muslims.
خاتمة لموضوعنا اللهم ارحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين ، أجمل دعاء لأموات المسلمين ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.