اهلية الضمان الاجتماعي المطور 1443 ورابط التسجيل واستعلام

اهلية الضمان الاجتماعي المطور 1443 ورابط التسجيل واستعلام , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The developed social security eligibility 1443, the registration and inquiry link, the objectives of the developed social security system and the conditions for obtaining the developed social security will be explained by the reference site in detail, in addition to the method of registering in the developed social security eligibility, a new registration, the method of calculating the new social security system for individuals, and how to calculate the developed social security for the divorced woman.

Developer Social Security

The Saudi Ministry of Human Resources launched the new developed social security system to provide citizens of individuals and families in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with material aid and financial support to improve the living conditions of those living below the poverty line, achieve material independence and self-sufficiency by transforming them from consuming individuals to productive individuals and contributing to the advancement of the Saudi economy. Through cooperation with the Human Development Fund, rehabilitation and training courses for those entitled to developed social security to ensure that they obtain future job opportunities. For this, the Ministry has set the conditions for entitlement to join the developed social security program for all categories of individuals, and through it has determined the mechanism for calculating the due pension for those registered in the program.[1]

Inquiry about the developed social security with ID number 1443

Eligibility of the developed social security 1443

The eligibility of the developed Social Security 1443 is inquired by following the following steps:

  • Entering the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development “from here”.
  • Log in to the warranty website with the customer’s account through the unified national access platform.
  • Or log in with your ID number and password as shown in the figure below.
  • Click on requests from the main services list on the official website, as shown in the figure below.
  • Scroll to the bottom and see the application number and program name The new developed social security program as in the picture.
  • Scroll to the right in case of querying the social security link developed by mobile to know the status of the application as in the picture.
  • The status of the application shows the application has been submitted in the developed social security program as shown in the previous figure.
  • Click on the procedure option and scroll down to see the procedures implemented on the application and the result of applying to the new developed social security program, as shown in the figure below.
  • The result of the application for the developed social program appears as in the previous figure under scrutiny.
  • The developed warranty platform made it possible for customers to inquire about the warranty request after a maximum period of 20 days from the new registration in the warranty through the requests icon on the warranty website.

When will the developed social security be released 1443

How to register for the new developed social security eligibility

Customers are allowed to register in the eligibility of the developed social security and a new registration in the eligibility of the developed security to benefit from the salary provided by the ministry for low-income citizens by following the following steps:

  • Entering the developed Social Security website “from here”.
  • Click on New Registration as shown in the figure below.
  • Fill in the data and information of the new user on the warranty website as shown in the image below.
  • Enter the national ID number.
  • Determine the customer’s date of birth.
  • Enter the customer’s mobile number.
  • Set a password for the account in the new developed warranty, provided that the numbers are not consecutive and contain upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
  • Confirm the account password by typing it again.
  • Type the verification code correctly, agree to the terms and conditions and click Register.
  • Correctly enter the verification code sent to the customer’s mobile number.
  • The customer is transferred to a new page asking to add the customer’s bank account information and data.
  • Enter the IBAN number of the active and active bank account of the customer in the linked bank.
  • The client is transferred to the program interface after successfully filling out the bank account information.
  • Click on Go to the unified file from the interface of the developed warranty program, as shown in the figure below.
  • Fill in the personal data correctly as shown in the figure below.
  • Clicking Save the entered data and Next after each entry.
  • Click on housing information.
  • Add the customer’s address in the area, neighborhood and street.
  • Click on Income Data.
  • Scroll down and click on Add New Income as shown in the image.
  • Determining the type of income: public sector salary, private sector salary, commercial register, etc., as shown in the figure below.
  • Click on Add New Support in the event that the customer applying for the new guarantee obtains an incentive support or a citizen’s account.
  • Click on Save Data, then Next.
  • Fill out the education data from the unified file.
  • Fill out the employment data, if any.
  • Fill in the license data to practice a profession, a commercial license, or a license to own an online store.
  • Fill in the property data of real estate, deeds and vehicles, if any.
  • Enter the data of the affiliates by clicking on Add a new affiliate as shown in the figure below.
  • Specify the type of dependent relative, recommended, or cohabiting partner, as in the picture.
  • Click on Close and enter the affiliate data as follows:
  • Relationship and national identity number of the dependent.
  • Affiliate’s date of birth and mobile number.
  • Click on add.
  • Click on Confirm Information, review the entered data, and click Submit.
  • Click on Go to fill in the houses and the housing data in the warranty program as shown in the figure below.
  • Click on Configure the house from the dwelling data as in the figure below.
  • Fill in the home configuration data, which includes each of the following information:
  • Accommodation type rented or owned.
  • City, neighborhood and street.
  • The building number and the zip code of the residence.
  • Unit number, additional number and housing type.
  • Determine the nickname of the house and the families in the same house, if any.
  • Write down the number of the electricity meter for the house.
  • Click on Create Home at the bottom of the page
  • Click on Go to the list of programs to choose the programs you want to apply for and choose to apply for the developed warranty program as shown in the figure below.
  • Determine the name of the program The new developed social security program as in the figure below.
  • The statement that the only file is completed appears to the client and the submission has been completed successfully.

Social security platform developer new registration sbis.hrsd

Conditions for obtaining a new developer social security

The Saudi Ministry of Development and Human Resources stipulated that those wishing to obtain the developed social security with fixed monthly salaries must fulfill the following points and conditions:

  • The applicant possesses Saudi citizenship or is permanently resident in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, except for the following categories:
    • A non-Saudi woman married to a Saudi citizen.
    • The widow and divorcee is non-Saudi and has Saudi children.
    • Children of a widow and children of a Saudi divorcee from a non-Saudi husband
    • Persons with disabilities, orphans and widows of orphans who have mobility cards.
  • Family income does not exceed 1100 Saudi riyals for the breadwinner and 550 Saudi riyals for each member of the family.
  • The applicant for the developed guarantee application has a bank account in Saudi banks to transfer the pension to the bank account in the event of maturity.
  • The applicant’s commitment to the Ministry’s requirements in terms of providing health and education services to children, as well as commitment to training and employment programs for capable family members.
  • The applicant should not reside in one of the care homes or shelters sponsored by the Saudi state.
  • The applicant owns high-value assets.
  • The breadwinner of the family is entitled to the breadwinner for more than one family on an independent income for each family separately.
  • The entitlement to a family pension is not affected by the residence of an individual outside the city for the purpose of study.

How do I know that I am accepted in the developed Social Security 1443

How to calculate the new developed social security system

The Ministry of Social Development and Human Resources revealed how to calculate the new developed social security system as follows:

  • The sum of the value of the earned income of all family members, the total monthly income of the family members.
  • Deduction of the value of 50% from the value of the product of the total earned income calculated in the first step.
  • Adding the previous result after deducting 50% of the value of the total earned income of family members to the value of the unearned income of government support, excluding support for support programs for persons with disabilities.
  • Comparing the previous result of total income with the calculated minimum pension according to the approved monthly entitlement for the number of family members.
  • Determine the minimum pension according to the approved monthly entitlement for the number of family members at 1100 Saudi riyals for the breadwinner and 550 Saudi riyals for each family member.
  • The pensioner shall be notified of the entitlement to the guarantee after 20 days from the date of submitting the application via a text message on the mobile.
  • The pension is paid in the month following the issuance of the decision on entitlement to the pension.
  • In the event that a decision is issued that the breadwinner is not qualified, the family may choose a breadwinner who meets the eligibility conditions to be the breadwinner for the family.
  • Inform the Ministry of any change or modification to the status of the beneficiary within a maximum period of 15 days from the date of the change.

How do I know that I am a beneficiary of the developed social security?

Social Security the new developer of the divorced

The Saudi Ministry of Development and Human Resources stipulated that the divorced woman to register in the developed social insurances fulfill the following conditions:

  • The developed social security for a divorced woman who does not have children and resides with her family is not eligible for independently developed social security and is treated as children in the family.
  • Developed social security for a divorced woman who has children and lives in a separate house, which is allowed to apply as an independent breadwinner for the family, provided that the absolute independence of the residence address is proven in the list of developed social security applications.
  • Every divorced woman who has children residing in the family home is allowed to register in the developed social loan program as a single breadwinner and add all the residents in the same home as dependents.

Developed Social Security Login Link: sbis.hrsd.gov.sa

The difference between social security and the new developed system

The Ministry of Development and Human Resources defined the difference between the previous social system and the developed system with each of the following points:

  • The new developed system targets the most needy groups in Saudi society, regardless of the previous social status classification.
  • Ensuring that the pension reaches its beneficiaries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Achieving material independence for the needy.
  • Transforming individuals from consumers to producers.
  • High control to achieve the objectives of the developed social security system.

New developed social security conditions for retirees 1443

Registration link Social Security Eligibility Developer 1443

Saudi citizens wishing to register in the Saudi developed social security are allowed to enter directly “from here”, register a new developed social security, fill out the data of the unified file successfully, and send the application.

Finally, we have explained the eligibility of the developed social security 1443, the registration and inquiry link, the method of registering for the eligibility of the new developed social security, the conditions for obtaining the new developed social security, in addition to the method of calculating the new developed social security system and the new developed social security for the divorced woman, and we concluded the article by mentioning the difference between social security and the developed system the new.

خاتمة لموضوعنا اهلية الضمان الاجتماعي المطور 1443 ورابط التسجيل واستعلام ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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