ايجابيات وسلبيات التدريب التعاوني , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Pros and cons of cooperative training, training is an activity that transfers information and instructions with the aim of developing and improving the performance of the individual, and helping him to reach a certain stage in which he has acquired certain skills and knowledge. This article from the reference site will talk in detail about the pros and cons of cooperative training.
Cooperative Training
It is an educational system that combines regular study periods in addition to practical experience related to the educational curriculum to be studied and specialized in, and is also known as an advanced method of applied learning. It comes with repetition and then ends with analysis, application and evaluation, as it is an application of educational knowledge in the best and most efficient means. This training came due to the necessity of providing students with theoretical skills with their practical application on the ground, and for the ease of engaging in the labor market in the future, and to provide society with individuals capable of working in all fields. To help him develop and progress.[1]
Collaborative training goals
Cooperative training is of great importance for the trainees, as it develops their knowledge and skills to help them engage in the labor market. It also supports the practical aspect of educational materials, as it uses a specific mechanism that helps the trainee during the training phase. Among the objectives that are achieved through it are the following:[2]
- Providing the trainee with new knowledge and concepts.
- Test the trainee’s personal skills through the cooperative training program.
- Contribute to clarifying the strengths and weaknesses of the trainee.
- Work on guiding trainees properly.
- Follow-up of the trainees by a field supervisor or someone acting on his behalf.
- Helping them apply the examples in the educational materials and demonstrate them in a practical way.
- Clarify the professional values of the trainees and introduce them to them, and clarify the values of each activity they undertake.
- Clarify all ideas related to the topic of the lesson and reach an appropriate understanding for all trainees.
- Providing the trainees with different abilities and skills for field work.
Benefits of Cooperative Training
Cooperative training is of great benefit to trainees, as its presence is important to practice the profession that the trainee intends to learn and practice, which makes him a qualified and capable person. The importance and benefits of cooperative training will be explained below:[3]
- The first area of expertise for the trainee, as he applies what he has learned in theory to reality.
- Assisting the trainee in developing his understanding when carrying out practical educational procedures.
- Assist the trainee in enhancing individual education skills.
- Giving the trainee an opportunity to deal with all the pressures he faces when entering the labor market.
- Giving the trainee the opportunity to interact and cooperate with others with experience in the field of work.
- Giving the student the opportunity to feel positive and satisfied with the profession he wants to learn.
- Assist the trainee in understanding the needs and characteristics of the class he is working with.
- Cooperative training contributes to the trainee’s knowledge of the educational means and tools that he will use.
- Contribute to the trainee’s appreciation of the value of interaction and connection with the community in which he is located.
- Direct exposure to multiple cultures and environments.
- Linking the theoretical and practical aspects by passing through educational, social and cultural experiences.
Why is cooperative training required?
Cooperative training is important and necessary for the trainee because of his ability to change the performance of the individual, and to provide him with important knowledge and skills in performing the job well in the future, which helps in developing the individual’s competency correctly and makes him able to face the pressures of the labor market and help him continue to work, as it enables him Self-realization and teaching him self-confidence and developing all his abilities, as well as cooperative training activities are important because they preserve the ability of the individual and ensure the existence of a job for him, as it enables the individual to obtain results that cannot be obtained with the theoretical subjects that have been studied.[4]
Looking for cooperation with others
Pros and cons of co-operative training
Cooperative training is a program that achieves the best degree of balance between theoretical subjects and their application in practical training through the cooperation of educational institutions, which facilitates the individual’s involvement in the labor market, helps in strengthening the individual’s role in society, and contributes to the progress and development of society due to good preparation and optimum readiness upon entry. for the labor market.
Advantages of co-operative training
It is worth noting that cooperative training is one of the basics in building successful projects, as it benefits the trainee because it gives him access to the information that authorizes him to do and participate in the work, as well as to identify him and be able to do it in the future. It brings many benefits and advantages, including:[5]
- Improving the performance of the employee after going through the training period.
- It helps in solving problems in the best and correct way.
- Achieving good and acceptable work standards.
- Directing employees to work easier.
- Contributes to reducing the cost of work accidents.
- Meet all human resource needs.
- It improves the employee’s skills and capabilities in line with technological development.
- It raises the level of labor standards.
- It works to achieve perfection in the performance of work.
- It elevates the personality of the individual and contributes to its development.
- Supports institutions by preparing employees capable of facing the labor market.
The results and information to be reached when solving the problem is called
Disadvantages of cooperative training
Cooperative training also contains positives, as it also contains negatives that cause the trainee difficulties and problems, which he must overcome with activity, interaction, involvement in work and perseverance, as follows:[5]
- The employee’s feeling that he is isolated from the rest of his colleagues.
- Giving trainees unhelpful work in training and distracting them.
- Not allowing the trainee to fully inquire because of embarrassment from others.
- The trainee’s lack of ideas to improve the training process.
- The training conducts tests on a computer individually, which makes the trainee feel that he is in a closed circuit.
What is the difference between field training and field development?
Cooperative training is programs that improve the ability to do multiple work, whether individually or collectively, at the level of the required job in companies or organizations, while field development is to do the work formally and continuously as the skills of the working individual are placed in the foundation, which indicates the The importance of focus in increasing the mental capacity of the individual.[6]
Search for full cooperation
Examples of some co-op training programs
There are many examples that we can give when doing cooperative training, as it includes a wide and varied number of courses and trainings that are conducted by a number of institutions for various reasons, and among these examples are the following:[7]
- Bank training: which depends on students who have been graduated from economics departments. It helps in counting education in university halls, but rather in public and private institutions.
- Commercial companies training: training students who have graduated from the economics and accounting departments, as it trains them on how to manage matters and identify the workings of working outside the theoretical subjects.
- Telecom companies training: Training students who have been graduated from telecommunication engineering departments, so that the trainee is familiar with the way to work within the same sector.
- Public Institutions Trainings: These are exercises that state institutions take care of, by securing specialized training centers and within certain time periods.
Training courses approved by the Ministry of Civil Service
Cooperative training methods
Cooperative training methods vary and vary according to the variety of practices in practical life, as well as with the variety of problems that educational institutions deal with and the type of work to be done. The following are the most prominent cooperative training methods:[8]
- Direct observation: through which the trainer directly scrutinizes the work of the trainees and directs them to correct the wrong information and clarify the correct information.
- Practical application: the trainer works on clarifying the rules and instructions that contribute to the correct implementation of the work.
- The lecture: It is a method that depends on the information and knowledge that is given by the trainers and that the trainees need.
- Training conferences: The trainer discusses the situations that occur in the training and exchanges opinions about it.
- Seminar: It is a method that includes more than one trainer who gives the skills and instructions that the trainees need.
- Role-play: It is the method that helps the trainer and the trainee in taking on certain roles, presenting the problem and the way to solve it.
- Discussion sessions: This is an exchange of ideas and information between the trainees, but with the supervision of the trainers.
- Case Study: It enables the trainees to carry out a specific case study and research it, and then reach a solution by all means.
The difference between observation and conclusion
Cooperative training needs
It is intended to analyze the training and development needs that must be carried out. This training needs to diagnose the current competencies necessary for environmental and future changes and are analyzed as follows:[9]
- Organizational Needs Analysis: Defining strategies and the organizational environment now and in the future, and identifying environmental challenges that demonstrate employee competency.
- Job requirements analysis: Analyze the tasks to be performed for each position, clarifying information relating to job analysis and performance standards collected through HR.
- Staff needs analysis: Clarify whether trainees lack task readiness or lack skills and knowledge that can be learned through field observation or survey work.
- Choosing training methods: It is on-the-job training that takes place during working hours, whether formally or informally, or training outside work.
- Determining training objectives: by formulating training objectives, whether they are behavioral or in terms of knowledge to be achieved, and accordingly, the training requirements are determined.
Difficulties of cooperative training
There are some problems or difficulties that the trainee may encounter during the training period, due to the trainee’s lack of experience in the field of work, and among the most important difficulties that he will face and have to overcome will be summarized in the following points:[10]
- Difficulty adapting to the training atmosphere, due to the trainee’s reliance on education in theory, which is the opposite of what he is accustomed to, as field training requires multiple duties.
- Trainees feel inferior when mentored by trainers.
- Supervisors’ lack of interest in trainees and training.
- Assigning trainees duties that are not within the scope of the work required of them.
- Difficulty preparing for the first duty that needs to be done, which contributes to the trainee’s feeling of frustration and fear of failure, and this may result in thinking about his withdrawal from training.
- Giving trainees a lot of information at once, so that it cannot be absorbed and may hinder their development and reduce their production.
- Poor training material planned to be given.
- The inability of the trainer to convey information, which contributes to a gap between the trainer and the trainee.
Steps to solve cooperative training difficulties
The trainees can solve the problems and difficulties they face with their trainer, and these difficulties differ due to their multiplicity. There are difficulties in the place of training and difficulties in coordination and the tools and equipment they own or are used and they are solved in the following ways:[11]
- Listen carefully to every complaint made by the trainee, while solving it appropriately.
- The trainer provokes the trainees to participate and engage in the training work and activate all encouragement options.
- The trainer’s review of the strengths and weaknesses of the trainees, the participation of each trainee in them alone, and the reinforcement of the good points and the correction of the negative ones.
- The trainer fabricates a problem so that he can see how the trainees deal with it, know their abilities, and increase interaction and participation among them.
- The presence of humor at times, to contribute to increasing the spirit of cooperation and familiarity among the trainees.
At the conclusion of this article, we hope that we have provided useful information about the pros and cons of cooperative training, in which we talked about the concept of cooperative training, the importance and benefits of training, its most prominent pros and cons, the difficulties encountered by trainees, and the ways that contribute to solving them.
خاتمة لموضوعنا ايجابيات وسلبيات التدريب التعاوني ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.