بحث احياء اول ثانوي عن البكتيريا

بحث احياء اول ثانوي عن البكتيريا , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The sections of the first secondary biology research on bacteria are what we will talk about in our current article, as bacteriology is one of the most important biology that humans study in all curricula and courses, based on the importance of the student getting to know those sciences and the nature of the living organisms that share with us. This is a wide world, and accordingly we are presenting sections of a secondary first research on bacteria that are ready for printing, to be a reference for the student during his research in this important course. pdf file format.

Introduction to secondary biology research on bacteria

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and may blessings and peace be upon the Master of creation and all mankind. Now, based on the importance of biology and the study of living organisms that share these vast areas of the planet, it was necessary for us to present an integrated research, the biology of the first secondary, on bacteria, to be a reference for the student and the teacher. In the study of this distinguished school course, and the research took a long time to capture all the important information that we had to put in the hands of our dear students in the first secondary stage. The research deals with the definition of bacteria and the origin of the name of bacteria and types of bacteria. It depends on it for the continuation of its vital organs, based on a number of important and reliable references globally, asking God Almighty to grant success to all dear students, so do not forget us from the grace of supplication.

Complete bacterial search

Secondary biology research on bacteria

Biology in the first secondary curriculum is one of the important courses through which the student is educated and introduced to a group of exceptional sciences, in which we have prepared an integrated research, namely the science of living bacteria that share this planet with us, and its paragraphs are as follows:[1]

definition of bacteria

It is one of the types of microorganisms that are characterized by being single-celled, as they exist in the form of assemblies of different shapes and sizes as well. Some of them resemble bacilli, and some also resemble a ball, and it is worth noting that the definition of bacteria differs when they are in the form of groupings, so their name becomes (biofilm), which gives them the freedom to work better, in addition to the fact that the grouping together of a huge number of bacteria gives them protection, As for the size, some of them are up to five micrometers, and some of them do not exceed half a micrometer in dimensions, and these organisms are characterized as being among the first organisms that inhabited the globe, according to what was stipulated in the studies of scientists over the ages, and therefore an integrated science was allocated to research them within paragraphs biology.

As for its structure, it is formed from one cell, as we mentioned above, and it has a special plasma membrane, which is the same that is called the cell membrane (it surrounds the cell) without containing any nucleus. Circular shape, and the location of this strip is called nuclei. Bacteria are characterized as being organisms that do not contain basic cell organelles such as mitochondria and plastids, as they store some of the substances that feed on them such as glycogen, in addition to the phosphate group in very small granules, and there are a number of species. Which differ in the compartments for storing food items for bacteria.

Bacteria etymology

The origins of the word bacteria go back to being the plural of the word bacteria in the new Latin language, and that word was translated into Greek from the original word for it in Greek, which means rod or stick, because the first class of bacteria that was discovered was in the form of a stick, which is One of the many types of bacteria that exist in large quantities whose number or amount is unimaginable, and it is worth noting that the term “bacteria” is an old term that was applied to all unicellular microscopic prokaryotes, and it differs from the term “bacteria”, which many people confuse in its launch on these organisms. The distinction between bacteria, viruses and fungi is due to the development of biology and the development of scientific research methods that revealed a wide range of differences between these microorganisms,

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types of bacteria

There are many types of bacteria that were discovered and highlighted when biologists gathered, and in this a number of species were revealed that came as follows:[2]

  • Cocci: It is one of the famous types of bacteria that exist singly or in pairs, and can come in the form of chains or clusters, and this is based on the nature of the environmental and bacterial conditions that surround it, and this type is characterized by that it takes the circular oval shape in general. Bacteria that are responsible for boils, meningitis or pneumonia and scarlet fever.
  • Bacillus: It is also one of the famous types of bacteria, which takes a sausage-like shape, as it exists singly or in the form of interconnected chains, and these bacteria can reach the human body through eating food or drink in the digestive system, and it is the bacteria that are Responsible for diseases, including: contributors, some respiratory diseases, diphtheria or anthrax.
  • Vibrio bacteria: It is a type of bacteria that takes the form of a snail, and can be comma-shaped in dictation, and this type of bacteria lives in watery places, and it moves through an impulsive movement using a single flagellum, where its external shape comes in the form of a flagellum, which is the bacteria responsible for cholera.
  • Helicobacter pylori: It is one of the types of bacteria that comes in the form of a solid snail, and is found in nature in various circumstances, and it is the bacteria responsible for a wide number of diseases, including: digestive diseases transmitted through eating contaminated food, diarrhea, stomach infections, gastric ulcers.
  • Classifications and types of bacteria: It is a group of other types that are classified based on specific criteria, as follows:
    • Classifications according to bacterial shape: Bacteria are divided according to their shape into three main groups, which are cylindrical bacteria, including Bacillus bacteria, Coccus bacteria, and Spirillum bacteria.
    • Classifications according to genetic structure: In this form of species division, the so-called family tree is based on the evolutionary relationship between species and types of bacteria, and researchers in this category study each of the DNA or RNA composition of bacteria.
    • Classifications according to the cell wall: According to this classification, bacteria are divided into Gram stain, which is known as one of the types of tests in which the type of bacteria is determined by revealing the composition of the wall that surrounds the body of the bacteria.

The importance of bacteria in our lives

It is worth noting that bacteria have a long record of achievements and successes through which they provide great services to humans in the various forms and types of these types of bacteria, which are known as the gut flora. Perhaps the most prominent things that show the importance of bacteria came according to the following points:

  • Positive bacteria contribute widely to the metabolism process, as they are one of the parties that strongly help in burning fats in the blood, and work to lose weight when the percentage of fat increases.
  • Positive bacteria play an active role in stopping the growth and spread of fungi in the uterus, mouth, and small intestine of humans, through a wide range of interactions that are based on them.
  • Bacteria help support the liver system in its work, as it eliminates waste and expels toxins from the body.
  • It plays an important role in stimulating the human immune system, so that the other increases the number of immune cells in the body.
  • Positive bacteria contribute significantly to improving the health of the digestive system, reduce annoying acidity, and contribute to reducing the symptoms of indigestion in humans.
  • Bacteria prevent colon and rectal cancer.

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Bacteria feeding method

The nutritional process of bacteria can be defined as the process through which the entry of nutrients from the external surroundings of the cell into the cell body is regulated, and it is one of the processes that are used in cellular activity such as the process of growth, metabolism and others, which takes place through what is known as membrane diffusion and this is done Through the secretion of exogenous enzymes known as (Exoenzymes), these enzymes convert insoluble materials into soluble materials and pass through the cytoplasmic membrane. Cells, which are also always in need of a nitrogen source and a phosphate source, and also need each of the mineral salts that provide them with growth factors, in addition to the importance of the availability of appropriate environmental conditions represented in the appropriate humidity, temperature and acidity, and is divided in the feeding method into two types of bacteria , according to the following:

  • Nourishment of bacteria that emit light: This type of bacteria obtains the nutrition they are interested in for energy from light and obtain carbon from the general atmosphere, after which they perform the process of photosynthesis to form organic matter under conditions described as anaerobic.
  • Chemotrophic bacteria: It is one of the types of bacteria that feed on mineral substances, where they obtain energy from the oxidation of a mineral substance and in return get carbon in a mineral form such as co2 or carbonates. Oxidation of organic carbon materials.

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The benefits and harms of bacteria

Based on the spread of bacteria in a large number in public places, soil, springs, etc., in animal fur, skin, and plant roots, and in comparison with their high reproduction rate when humid environmental conditions are available, many people are looking for the damages and benefits of bacteria, which came as follows:[3]

  • Bacteria damage to humans:
    • The bacteria that reside on the skin is the main cause of skin infections.
    • Types of bacteria care for a wide range of serious diseases, namely: tuberculosis, anthrax, cholera, stomach ulcers, urinary tract infections, tooth decay, and throat infections.
    • It is based on spoiling and contaminating exposed foods.
    • Bacteria on the surface of the teeth lead to tooth decay.
  • The benefits of bacteria, for humans:
    • Despite the spread of large numbers of bacteria in the upper respiratory tract of humans, and in the mouth, skin and intestines, they provide services and do not cause any risks.
    • Various types of bacteria take care of the complete recycling of nutrients in the human body.
    • One of the types of bacteria is responsible for the production of mold that works in the production of some types of cheese, milk, fermentation and pickling processes, and it is involved in a wide number of food manufacturing processes.
    • Bacteria contribute to the fixation of nitrogen in the atmosphere surrounding the planet.
    • Bacteria decompose the dead bodies of creatures, and through this process they convert complex organic compounds into simple compounds that benefit all living plants.
    • Bacteria are one of the living species that are included in the composition of many medicinal substances, including vitamins, and interferon.
    • Bacteria eat oily stains that spread in agricultural lands.
    • It plays an important role in many industries such as leather and others.

Conclusion of a research on the biology of the first secondary on bacteria

Here we come to the dear student to the end of the research paragraphs in which we dealt with one of the most important subjects in biology, which is the science that studies bacteria, so we have clarified the definition of bacteria and the origin of their name bacteria over the ages, then the importance of bacteria in human life, let us move to the way bacteria feed, then Let us explain the benefits and harms of bacteria, and through this research, we are pleased that the student has learned about the set of standards that specifically regulate biology and bacteria, based on a set of reliable and global scientific references.

First secondary biology research on bacteria pdf

Proceeding from the importance of biology in the study of organisms that share life with us, it is necessary to shed light on one of the oldest living creatures on the surface of the earth, those that existed billions of millions of years ago, in different shapes, colors and types, these organisms have undergone a wide number of changes that adapted In it with the medium, to reach us today in its current form, so modern science detects its types and ways of feeding and reproduction, and the student can download an integrated research on biology, first secondary, about bacteria in the form of a PDF file “from here”.

First secondary biology research on bacteria doc

In order to achieve the general interest, the student must familiarize himself with the paragraphs of the comprehensive research in which we dealt, separating biology, first and secondary, from bacteria, as they are one of the famous living organisms that we learn about through research, and the way to feed these organisms, and learn about the total benefits that they provide to humans. Also, on the other hand, we learn about the group of damages that groups of bacteria take care of, and you can download a first secondary biology research on DOC bacteria “from here”.

Here we bring you to the end of the article in which we dealt with a first secondary biology research on bacteria and moved through the lines and paragraphs to introduce the importance of biology and the definition of the meaning of bacteria and the origin of that name. He wanted to learn about this science.

خاتمة لموضوعنا بحث احياء اول ثانوي عن البكتيريا ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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