بحث عن التعاون مع الآخرين , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Searching for collaboration with others is important research; This is due to the importance of cooperation in building societies and advancing the nation. When they help each other, grudges go away from their hearts and feelings of love and affection increase. Societies develop and civilize. Nations are not built with one help, but rather with the cohesion of the arms of children and their participation in all work under one goal and one heart. In this article from the reference website, we will provide you with a complete search form on cooperation with others, in which you can benefit from important information.
Introduction Search for cooperation with others
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, who created us and those upon us with many blessings, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad, the master of creation and messengers, and upon his family and companions altogether. As for the following:
I start this research that talks about cooperation, which is one of the most important things that we should highlight; Because of its great importance if applied correctly and in the supposed sense, cooperation is when two or more people work together in order to produce or create something, and this can happen either directly in person or virtual, thanks to the many electronic communication tools that have been created for this the purpose. The most successful environments are those with an atmosphere full of cooperation; They are places where people feel seen, heard, and safe to share their ideas.
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Looking for cooperation with others
I wrote this research and dealt with a number of topics directly related to cooperation, and I mentioned its importance, etiquette and benefits that it brings to society, and a group of prophetic hadiths about cooperation. Collaboration is not easy to achieve, but it is worth the effort because it leads to harmonious and fruitful results; Where cooperation can make a huge shift from failure to success on small and wide scales even reaching a level too large to include cooperation between countries.
When people devote more time to their duties in a collaborative setting, they are more productive and get things done more quickly and efficiently; Valuable time is not wasted in resolving quarrels and conflict between people when there is widespread cooperation.
School radio in English about cooperation
The importance of cooperating with others
Cooperation is of great importance that we can see at the level of the individual or at the level of society or the environment in which people cooperating with each other live. In the following, we will mention a group of points that summarize the importance of cooperation with others: [1]
- It makes people feel powerful.
- It strips people of their feeling of helplessness.
- It is a sign of benevolence towards others.
- It helps a person to face the dangers surrounding him.
- Cooperation is one of the fruits of faith, as well as an urgent need for man.
- It is considered the basis for progress, success, production and excellence.
- It is one of the fruits of brotherhood in Islam.
- It leads to a sense of equality based on humanity.
- Cooperating with others removes hatred from people’s hearts, and removes every cause of envy.
- Cooperation is the path that leads to God’s love, pleasure and paradise.
- It is a reason for intimacy and affection between people.
Research personal and social skills
Benefits of collaborating with others
When individuals work towards a common goal, work and effort for improvement and development become an activity appreciated by everyone, and cooperation is one of the things that benefit all environments in which cooperation can be applied, whether the work environment, study, or even in the same family between mother, father and the rest of the individuals . As an example of the benefits of cooperation in one of the mentioned environments, we will define for you the benefits of cooperation in the school between students through the following points: [2]
- Through collaboration students are motivated to help each other learn.
- Students through cooperation can help each other by translating the teacher’s language into each other’s “student language.” Enhancing the learning process. Students who explain to each other reinforce their learning.
- Increase understanding and exchange of ideas among students. When students need to organize their ideas in order to explain them to their teammates, they should engage in thinking that builds on other ideas that greatly enhance their understanding.
- Teammates can provide individual attention and help to each other.
- Spread the principle of assistance among students and cooperation through regular and constructive collaborative study groups in order to master the material, prepare for the test, and thus improve performance on the tests.
Examples of cooperating with others
Cooperation with others is a very important matter that benefits the individual and society in general, as I previously explained within the chapters of this research, and that cooperation has a large number of examples and images according to the environment in which the person resides. We can mention a number of examples of cooperation in the form of points:
- Cooperation with the Brotherhood at home.
- Collaboration with colleagues at work.
- Collaboration with colleagues in the study.
- Collaboration with officials and adults.
- Cooperation between spouses on matters of this world and the hereafter.
- Cooperating with parents in order to meet their needs.
- Collaboration with people in general.
- Cooperation between countries.
- Cooperation in the performance of worship.
- Cooperation in spreading the call to God Almighty.
- Cooperation with security personnel.
- Cooperation in order to preserve the cleanliness of the environment.
- Cooperation in order to maintain order.
- Cooperation among family members.
The art of cooperating with others
The sages say: “Man is a civil man, of course”; That is, he needs to meet and cooperate with others, for God Almighty created him and installed him so that he does not live without food, and He guided him to seek it by nature, and installed in him the ability to obtain it, but the ability of one of us is limited to obtaining what he needs to suffice him from food, as this Food requires the cooperation of individuals among themselves in growing it, processing it, storing it and making different foods from it, and it is impossible for a human being to do all of that; It was necessary to meet a number of the sons of his kind; To obtain food and food for everyone, for him and for them, and by cooperating each one gets what is sufficient. [3]
In order to defend himself, man also needs the assistance of others; A person has a certain ability that cannot exceed all abilities in the world, and sometimes he tells himself that he needs help from others, and the same is true in education, work, construction, and so on. A person must be aware of the art of cooperation with others, which is to help them, and to avoid greed and greed, and to follow individual interests. society in general. [3]
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Talk about collaborating with others
Our Holy Prophet has urged cooperation through a set of hadiths that were received from him to show the importance of this matter, which was mentioned in the command in the Holy Qur’an, the Book of God Almighty. Among the noble Prophetic hadiths about cooperation, we mention to you the following:
- On the authority of al-Numan bin Bashir – may God be pleased with him – on the authority of the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – that he said: “You see the believers in their compassion, affection, and sympathy, like the body, if it complains, its mourners mourn.” [4]
- On the authority of Abu Huraira – may God be pleased with him – on the authority of the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – that he said: “Do not envy one another, do not enmity, do not hate each other, do not manage, and do not sell one another over the sale of one another, and worship one another. nor forsake him, nor Ahakrh piety is here refers to his chest three times, according to the man of evil to degrade his Muslim brother, every Muslim is haram for a Muslim, his blood, and his wealth, and display. And he added in a narration, “God does not look at your bodies, nor at your forms, but looks at your hearts,” and he pointed with his fingers to his chest. [5]
- Umm Attia may Allah be pleased with her: “Umm Attia, he said: commanded the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, that Nkrjhn in al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, Alawatq, menstruation, and women with veils, either menstruation Viatzln prayer, and testify good, and Muslims call, I said: O Messenger of God, one of us does not have a jilbab. He said: Let her sister wear her from her own. [6]
- On the authority of Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he said: “The believer to the believer is like a building, one reinforces one another. Then he intertwined his fingers. And the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was sitting, when a man came to ask – or seek a need – he turned his face to us and said: Intercede and let him be rewarded, and they will be rewarded. [7]
Etiquette of cooperating with others
The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, warned against the negligence of those who could meet the needs of others by cooperating with them and helping them, through all possible means. Among the jurists’ point of view is that every Muslim is charged with trying to ward off harm from his Muslim brother, so much so that he must stop praying in order to help the distressed; To save him from what may expose him to perdition, if he is able to save him and others cannot, then relief is an obligation on him, but if someone else is able to save him and help the distressed, relief is an obligation of sufficiency, and that is something about which there is no dispute among the jurists. [8]
Based on this, cooperation is the mainstay of the Islamic society, and it has many forms represented in providing help and assistance to others and providing support, protection and sympathy, so that the needs of the needy are satisfied, concerns are removed, and wounds heal, provided that this does not exceed the limits of what is commanded by Islamic Sharia, so it is not permissible for a person to To cooperate with others in the injustice of a person or harm someone, and even if this cooperation harms him himself, a person must balance all his affairs, and this cooperation may not be at the expense of performing the duties and acts of worship that are commanded if it is not one of the necessities that established by the law. [8]
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Collaboration photos with others
There are a large number of images and examples of cooperation that we always hear on the tongues of stories, such as stories that pay tribute to the lesson and the sermon; These stories combined the story of the great sheikh who had sensed that the term was near and worked to gather his children, and their number was three; This is in order to recommend them something that will benefit them so that they can live their lives as they should. To explain his idea, the Sheikh gave each of his children one small piece of wood to break, and they all broke it without any problem. Then he commanded their youngest to hold a large bundle of wood, then asked him to break the bundle, but he could not, so he ordered the second one, but he could not, so he ordered the latter and he could not. [9]
That is, each of the boys alone could not break it because of the strong strength and rigidity of the bundle. The father told the children to divide this bundle among themselves into three equal parts and to try to each of them to break his share. Each of the sons broke his share of the bundle easily, so the father said to them You, my children, are just like this bundle of wood. If you are united by one hand, no one, no matter how strong he may be, will be able to overcome you, but if you are divided and scattered, enemies will fall upon you because of your weakness and weakness. Therefore, you must stay together and never be divided, so that you can confront The calamities of time are together, oh righteous sons, and remember the wisdom that says united we stand, divided we fall. [9]
Conclusion search for cooperation with others
A society in which the spirit of cooperation and helping others prevails is a society in which no one can be lost, and no one can complain about it; It is from the mercy of God Almighty to those who take charge of the affairs of the Muslims and are based on them, that God grants him those who help him in his affairs and help him in his affairs in order to carry out his duty in the fullest manner.
On the contrary; Whoever refrains from cooperating with his brothers may God – Glory be to Him the Most High – abandon him when he needs help and assistance, and as it came in the honorable Prophetic hadith: that of the three whom God will not speak to on the Day of Resurrection and will not look at them (… and a man who withholds the bounty of his water, then God says: Today I will prevent you from being a bounty as You prevented the virtue of what your hands did not work. [رواه البخاري]. That is why we have to cooperate for the sake of good and get ourselves out of the circle of selfishness and individual interests and live a feeling of unity with our brothers in this nation.
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Research on cooperation with others pdf
Cooperation with others is one of the most important things that will promote development, improvement and urbanization in different work environments. Although discussion and competition are good things in the work or study environment, it should not exceed the limit to get out of the circle of competition into the circle of selfishness, hatred and hatred among people. It is possible to address these matters by working to spread the spirit of cooperation and awareness of the great importance of cooperation in the advancement of societies, so many teachers focus on this topic and are requesting research on it, and to help you prepare a distinguished research, you can “from here” download a research on cooperation with others pdf and make use of it.
Research the etiquette of cooperating with others doc
Cooperation is a necessary and essential matter in all environments. The environment in which cooperation is spread among its members is the civilized environment that promotes prosperity and development for all individuals in it. This is because of the importance of cooperation in spreading the benefit as much as possible in all scientific or practical matters, and teachers in schools should focus on this matter so that students are brought up and brought up so that cooperation and helping others is an important principle of their principles in life, and that ready-made research and presentations can help in this matter. And you can “from here” download a paper on the etiquette of cooperation with others doc.
Search for cooperation with others in English
Cooperation is of the utmost importance that is highlighted through research work written in both Arabic and English, as English is a primary language alongside Arabic in most Arab countries, due to the great need to learn it so that we can deal with employers, investors and workers who They are dealt with from outside the Arab world; The role of the English language has become very large and widespread in recent times. And you can “from here” download a research paper on cooperation with others in English.
At the conclusion of this article, we have included for you a research on cooperation with others, in which you can take advantage of the topics in it to raise awareness of the importance of cooperation and its benefits that bring benefit and benefit to societies.
خاتمة لموضوعنا بحث عن التعاون مع الآخرين ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.