بحث عن اليوم العالمي للاعاقة , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Research on the International Day of Disability, as the inclusion of a day dedicated to caring for people with disabilities is one of the simplest human rights to which support and a sense of equality is provided. It is also one of the basic issues in the 2030 sustainable development plan, which aims to leave no one in society behind in development and progress. Thus, the matter is not just the right of people to equality, but rather it goes beyond a step in the future of investment in society. Therefore, the reference site had to participate in the awareness campaign of this global celebration and its importance through a short research on the International Day of Disability, which highlights the necessity of inevitable integration for the handicapped with the rest of the community.
What is a disability?
Disability is one of the terms that refer to the factors that cause restrictions in activity and community participation, which highlights the negative aspects that impede the interaction between the disabled and the contextual factors represented in the environment and people. Nearly a billion people suffer from disabilities around the world.[1]
Introduction to research on the International Day of Disability
Disability in its broad form is an inevitable part of human life. Every person has a fence in his life during which he will not be able to carry out a certain activity, whether this is permanent or temporary, and despite that, many societies do not care about the matter as a whole and do not have any preparations to respond Because of the needs of people with disabilities, and not only that, but that there are people who do not have any information about this day at all, so this research will include all matters related to this regard.
Date of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 1443/2021
Search for International Day of Disability
The term disability generally refers to the inability, that is, the inability of a person to do a specific thing for physical, mental or moral reasons, and as a result, these people receive a degree of marginalization and societal inequality between them and healthy individuals, so it was necessary to pay attention to them, and to shed light on the their issues, and that the world, with its impact, guarantee them equal rights in education, health and various fields of life, hence the International Day of Disability, and it is celebrated for a whole week in which conferences and seminars are held to take care of their problems, count their number in countries and villages, and determine their needs and meet them.
When is World Disability Day 2021
What is World Disability Day?
The International Day of Disability refers to the necessity of walking people with different disabilities towards a world that guarantees them participation and equality between individuals, and highlights the problems that these people face during their attempt to participate in the community. An inclusive and sustainable world that highlights challenges), and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development also included severely disabled persons, as it included more than 11 components specific to persons with disabilities in terms of equal education among them among the rest of society, their access to the labor market, and confirmation of their integration with the rest of society. The elements of society, facilitating their movement in society in all regions by providing tools that facilitate this, and other matters that are based on a fundamental goal, which is equality between them and the rest of the members of society.[2]
History of International Day of Disability
Since 1992, the United Nations General Assembly has declared the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, on December 3, by Resolution No. 47/3. This day coincides with the thirteenth session of the Conference of States Parties to discuss the Human Rights Convention, so the celebration will continue for a whole week. From 30 November to 3 December.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The United Nations Charter on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities includes many principles that recognize the rights of persons with social, economic, educational and health disabilities and equality between them and the rest of the family in all rights, and stresses the indivisibility of human rights at the global level, ensuring that everyone has all rights without any discrimination The basis of his physical or mental capabilities, and refers to the international covenants on the elimination of racism, which also realizes that disability in its current sense is still under development and that it occurs as a result of human interaction with societal barriers, which stand in the way between persons and their participation in society.
International Federation on Disability and Development
The International Federation on Disability and Development is a non-governmental organization, established since 1999 that aims to educate people about the rights of persons with disabilities worldwide. to fund disability programs in developing and developed countries, and since 2013 the International Federation on Disability and Development has been granted legal status, making it an important intergovernmental organization.
What are the types of disability?
Disabilities in society vary greatly between physical and psychological disabilities, according to the cause of the disability, and the different types of disabilities include the following:
- Movement and physical weakness: It is a physical disability that causes a person to be unable to move, such as disability of the limbs, and this disability can be either hereditary or acquired, and fractures of all kinds are also included in movement disabilities.
- Spinal cord: Spinal cord injuries are considered one of the most dangerous injuries as they can cause permanent paralysis, affecting all parts of the body due to the loss of nerve signals sent by the spinal cord to the brain.
- Brain Disabilities: A brain handicap results in a defect in a person’s behavior and emotion. Brain injuries may also be birth or acquired as a result of an accident.
- Visual impairments: Visual impairments are the most common, and their severity ranges from mild to serious, and some visual injuries can lead to other serious problems.
- Hearing impairments: Hearing disabilities are deafness, and the deafness is partial, so the person is called hard of hearing or completely, and the person does not hear completely, and the person resorts to sign language to communicate with different people.
- Learning Disabilities: It is a type of disability suffered by people with learning disabilities who are unable to read and write efficiently.
- Psychological disabilities: They are emotional disabilities resulting from emotional disturbance, and the term mental health impairment is used to describe this condition that people suffer as a result of exposure to many traumas and psychological problems.
Logo for World Disability Day 2021
The main objectives of the International Day of Disability
The decision of the United Nations was for several goals related to persons with disabilities, which would achieve societal equality and shed light on their problem. These goals are as follows:
- Consolidating the concept that disability is an integral part of the human experience.
- Integrating persons with disabilities into community health systems, in order to improve the level of health and well-being for all members of society, and this is what the World Health Organization seeks.
- Compensating the disabled for all the matter they suffered from neglect and weakness during the global Corona crisis, due to the lack of medical capabilities necessary for their health care.
- Restructuring the local global health systems to be inclusive of persons with disabilities, so that each person receives the necessary care.
- Orienting systems for providing community care and other services towards persons with disabilities, not tolerating their rights, and equality between them and healthy people in fulfilling their rights.
Conclusion of a search for the International Day of Disability
At the end of the research, which includes the International Day of Disability, we would like everyone to take an interest in the matter, and strive to provide support to the disabled in need of support, not only on this day, but they must be considered an essential part of society and help you receive all kinds of health and psychological care, and give them the right to education and access to The labor market and receiving jobs that are commensurate with their educational and physical abilities.
Phrases about the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, written and pictured
Search for International Day of Disability in English
A large space is permanently in the ocean atmosphere, making a lot of places often influential in a lot of business. This type of people with different types of people with disabilities.
Search for International Day of Disability The term disability generally
refers to the inability, that is, the inability of a person to do a specific thing for physical, mental or moral reasons, and as a result, these people receive a degree of marginalization and societal inequality between them and healthy individuals, so it was necessary to pay attention to them, and to shed light on their issues, and that the world, with its impact, guarantee them equal rights in education, health and various fields of life, hence the International Day of Disability, and it is celebrated for a whole week in which conferences and seminars are held to take care of their problems, count their number in countries and villages, and determine their needs and meet them.
What is World Disability Day?
The International Day of Disability refers to the necessity of walking people with different disabilities towards a world that guarantees them participation and equality between individuals, and highlights the problems that these people face during their attempt to participate in society. A world that is inclusive and sustainable and highlights challenges), and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development also included people with severe disabilities, as it included more than 11 components for persons with disabilities in terms of equal education among them among the rest of society, The possibility of their access to the labor market, confirmation of their integration with the rest of the society, facilitating their movement in society in all regions by providing the tools that facilitate this, and other things that are based on a fundamental goal, which is equality between them and the rest of the members of society.
History of International Day of Disability
Since 1992, the United Nations General Assembly has declared the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, on December 3, by Resolution No. 47/3. This day coincides with the thirteenth session of the Conference of States Parties to discuss the Human Rights Convention, so the celebration will continue for a whole week, From 30 November to 3 December.
The main objectives of the International Day of Disability
Consolidating the concept that disability is an integral part of the human experience. Integrating persons with disabilities into community health systems, in order to improve the level of health and well-being for all members of society, and this is what the World Health Organization seeks. Compensating the disabled for all the matter they suffered from neglect and weakness during the global Corona crisis, due to the lack of medical capabilities necessary for their health care. Restructuring the local global health systems to be inclusive of persons with disabilities, so that each person receives the necessary care. Orienting systems for providing community care and other services towards persons with disabilities, not tolerating their rights, and equality between them and healthy people in meeting the rights
Conclusion of a search for the International Day of Disability
And the end of the research, which includes the International Day of Disability, we wish everyone to take an interest in the matter, and strive to provide support to the disabled in need of support, not only on this day, but they must be considered an essential part of society and help them receive all kinds of health and psychological care, and give them the right to education and access to the market Work and receive jobs that are commensurate with their educational and physical abilities.
Radio for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Search for International Day of Disability Doc
The celebration of the International Day of Disability is one of the celebrations that serve the 2030 sustainable development plan, which aims to achieve equality and integration among all segments of society, especially after the global crisis of Corona, which caused the neglect and marginalization of many societal groups, and the category of people with disabilities is one of the most marginalized groups. This is because some wrong people view them as useless, unlike reality. Despite their disability to do a specific job, there are many other things that they can do with high efficiency, and every human being is exposed to a disability at some stage. His different life, and to download, search for the entire International Day of Disability in doc format “from here”.
Search for International Day of Disability Pdf
The celebration of the International Day of Disability aims to educate individuals about issues related to persons with disabilities, and the need to integrate them with different groups of society in various aspects of life and their social, economic, educational and other disciplines. The International Day of Disability is celebrated every year at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and the celebration will consist of several meetings in which Discussing issues related to this for people with disabilities, setting laws and discussing solutions and methods that ensure their safe integration into society. Civil society organizations and member states participate in the celebration, and download a search for the entire International Day of Disability in pdf format “from here”.
At the conclusion of our article, which was titled Research on International Day of Disability, we have provided the reader with sufficient and adequate research on everything he needs to know about International Day of Disability, where we have clarified what is disability in general and what are its types, in addition to the objectives of celebrating International Day of Disability, and we have provided The article is in two copies of the research in both pdf and doc formats, ready for download.
خاتمة لموضوعنا بحث عن اليوم العالمي للاعاقة ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.