بحث عن جامعة الملك عبدالله للعلوم والتقنية

بحث عن جامعة الملك عبدالله للعلوم والتقنية , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Research on King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, science is the basis of civilizations, so we cannot call any country as advanced unless it competes with other countries in the field of science, and that the percentage of learners in it is large, so scientific countries are measured by the number of universities and schools that graduate high-quality students From science, and through the reference site, we will include research on King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Introduction to research on King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology represents a new house of wisdom, and a beacon of peace, hope and harmony, and our true Islamic religion has elevated the status of science and scholars, considering science the supreme way to spread the light of guidance to everyone, and its call for them to acquire knowledge and diverse knowledge, and from here work began to establish King University Abdullah for Science and Technology, where the university has become one of the world’s major research institutions, which aims to create a permanent model for high-end education and advanced scientific research, through the establishment of a complete residential and academic complex that allows the university’s faculty, administration, students, participants and their families to enjoy a wide range of programs Educational and social services, and the university has taken a privileged location on the shores of the Red Sea, where its location is determined in the city of Thuwal on the coast of the Red Sea, which has a picturesque nature, located to the northwest of the city of Jeddah, in addition to its design that reflects the importance of culture in the life of each person. The university covers an area of ​​36 million square meters.

Conditions for admission to Saudi universities 1443

Search for King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

In our search for King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, we will list everything related to it, including the opening, the space, the departments, and the many achievements made by this pioneering university:

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology is a Saudi research university, located in the city of Thuwal on the shore of the Red Sea, north of Jeddah, western Saudi Arabia. The first co-ed university in Saudi Arabia, and it is also one of the largest university cities in the world, with an estimated area of ​​about 36 million square meters. The university was officially opened on September 23, 2009, on the National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It plays an important role in promoting the development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through a distinguished educational cadre committed to many values ​​and principles. It also contributes to achieving scientific and technical progress and advancement through excellence in research, and diversifying the Saudi economy through contributing to the development of research and education, and bringing about fundamental change. It is a research university for postgraduate studies.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology majors

King Abdullah University offers many doctoral and master’s programs, which are divided into three main academic departments at the university represented in the Department of Biological Sciences and Engineering, the Department of Computer, Electrical and Computational Sciences and Engineering, and the Department of Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences and Engineering, and the specializations are as follows: [1]

  • Specializations of the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering: This department includes the following specializations:
    • Biological Sciences major (B)
    • Environmental Science and Engineering (EnSE) major
    • Marine Science Major (MarS)
    • Plant Science Major (PS)
    • Bioengineering major (BioE)
  • Specializations of the Department of Physical Sciences and Engineering: This department includes the following specializations:
    • Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) major
    • Chemistry Science Specialization (ChemS)
    • Geosciences and Engineering Major (ErSE)
    • Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) major
    • Mechanical Engineering (ME) major
    • Majoring in Energy Resources and Petroleum Engineering
    • Applied Physics (AP) major
    • Biological Sciences major (B)
  • Specializations of the Department of Computer, Electrical and Computational Sciences and Engineering: This department includes the following specializations:
    • Specialization in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences (AMCS)
    • Computer Science (CS) major
    • Electrical Engineering (EE) major
    • Statistics major (STAT)

Basic laboratories at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

The core laboratory facilities at KAUST provide training and services to the university’s research teams, collaborators, and partners as well. There are many types of specialized equipment across the university’s core laboratory facilities, and there are approximately 10 core laboratory facilities located throughout the campus:

Basic Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry

The work of the basic laboratory of analytical chemistry is based on the study and analysis of organic and inorganic materials, and is divided into four units, the organic unit, which is based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic samples, which includes determining the molecular mass of organic molecules, determining organic environmental pollutants, and determining molecular weight. For polymers, the inorganic unit, in which the primary composition of inorganic materials is analyzed, such as: polymers, biological tissues and petroleum-derived products, the environmental unit, which specializes in testing and analyzing environmental samples, and the surface analysis unit, in which measurements of particle size, surface area, Volume, surface energy, water vapor absorption, in addition to studying how different materials absorb, emit, and scatter electromagnetic radiation.

Basic Biology Lab

The Basic Biology Laboratory specializes in genomic and protein studies, and is divided into three basic units of study, which are the study of protein interactions, so that the genomics region uses third-generation sequencing tools to generate long strands of DNA / RNA molecules, so that in the laboratory, capillary sequencing and sorting are performed. Cells, DNA quantification, and the second section in bioinformatics. The Bioscience Core area specializes in data analysis, quality assessment, and data management. The third section is in the field of proteins, so that mass spectroscopic analysis is done to analyze biological samples and protein contents in extracellular matrices. for different biological tissues.

The main nanofabrication lab

The main nanofabrication lab is concerned with the field of microelectronics, electronic materials, nanotechnology, biomedical and optical devices, and is divided into six areas. These include photovoltaic and catalytic converters, magnetic sensors, and carbon nanotube transistors.

The basic laboratory of coastal and marine resources

The Coastal and Marine Resources Basic Laboratory is specialized in marine operations, oceanographic instruments, and wet laboratory experiments in the Red Sea in Thuwal with six core areas. Remotely operated vehicles, a scientific diving team identifying, planning and carrying out research dives through underwater autonomous vehicles, an engineering team designing, manufacturing and maintaining marine electronics, and a marine operations team working with local sailors for logistics and ship maintenance.

Basic Imaging and Characterization Lab

The basic imaging and characterization lab is specialized in electron microscopy, optical microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, and physical characterization. Electron, which specializes in electron tomography, strip and surface plasmon structure, electron crystallography, SEM imaging, and Science Laboratory, which analyzes morphologies and chemical structures with the help of the second ion mass spectrometry and atomic force microscope, and the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory, which works on multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and electron magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Organizations of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

A group of presidents may succeed in managing the research university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as many distinguished students flock to it, and the following is a detail of this:

Presidents of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Among the presidents of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, who have succeeded in it since its establishment:

  • Nazmi Al-Nasr: In the period between 2006-2008
  • Xie Chunfung: From 2008 to 2013
  • Jean Le Chameau: From 2013-2017
  • Nazmi Al-Nasr: From 2017-2018
  • Tony F. Chan: From 2018 to the present.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology students

The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Tull, Saudi Arabia, has hosted students from more than sixty countries, including 37% female and 63% male, while 69% of students are international, 31% are Saudi Arabian students, and 80 % of graduate students hold a doctorate degree. The Graduate Students Council has been established to take care of student affairs. Four main committees are divided into the council: the Academic and Research Committee, the Graduate Studies Committee, the International Trade Relations Committee, and the University Relations Committee, and often What graduates from KAUST work in industry, in teaching, and in conducting research in international academic institutions.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Research Centers

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology includes a number of research centers, which are:

  • Clean Combustion Research Center.
  • Center for Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials.
  • Ali Ibrahim Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Center.
  • Computational Biosciences Research Center.
  • Extreme Computing Research Center.
  • Motivation Center at King Abdullah University.
  • KAUST Solar Center.
  • Red Sea Research Center.
  • Visual Computing Center.
  • Water Desalination and Reuse Center.
  • Saudi Aramco Research Center.

Admission to King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

An applicant for admission to King Abdullah University of Science and Technology must have an average GPA of 3.5 or more out of a total of 4.0 or equivalent from other global assessment systems. The university also requires the student to have a score of 79 in the Internet-based TOEFL test or a score of 6.5 in The International English Language Testing System IELTS as a minimum before considering the application for admission, but if English is the mother tongue of the applicant to the university, the result of TOEFL scores or the IELTS international English language test is not required, and the university does not require passing the GRE exam as a condition for admission. The university encourages the student to take this exam because obtaining a high rate in it will support the application for admission to the university.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology No

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology has provided a unified number to communicate with it, which is as follows (+966 12 808 0900), and it is also possible to communicate with the university in several other ways, which are:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • P.O. Box: 6900
  • Zip Code: 23955
  • University website: “From here.”

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology link kaust.edu.sa

Students who wish to join King Abdullah University of Science and Technology can click on the attached link below, in order to obtain all information related to the university, including how to register and enroll in the university, the nature of study at the university, university news, research and exploration, the university’s scientific achievements, and many others. To the university’s website “from here”.

Conclusion of a research on King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Finally, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology aims to implement the latest basic research, and research directed towards achieving specific goals in the field of science and technology, which competes with the research conducted by the top 10 universities of science and technology in science, in order to be the leading university and one of the major educational institutions in the field of various scientific research educating future generations and graduating many skilled scientists, engineers and technicians who are able to advance and advance their country.

Here we have come to the end of our article about King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, where we shed light on everything related to the university, including admission, research centers, university bodies, departments, entry link, and several other details.

خاتمة لموضوعنا بحث عن جامعة الملك عبدالله للعلوم والتقنية ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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