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The paragraphs of research on mathematics are one of the important things in studying this special science, as mathematics is linked to many other sciences, and the importance of mathematics stems from being the basis on which to build all sciences and scientific studies that differ in their specializations. Mathematics is the basis of engineering and chemistry. Based on this importance, students wondered about a comprehensive study of mathematics, and through the reference website, the dear visitor can learn about the sections of the mathematics research and the most beautiful introduction to mathematics research.

Introduction to mathematics research

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and prayers and peace be upon the master of creation, Muhammad, and all his family and companions. As for what follows, God Almighty has honored us by completing the paragraphs of the scientific research that has consumed us for a long time. The actual study of engineering, measurement, arithmetic, medicine, and others, in addition to the complete dependence on mathematics in the study of dimensions, lengths, changes and space sciences. The land, was the calculation using the fingers, then proceeded in mathematics to engineering and construction, and through the paragraphs of the research we established those facts and introduced them, based on a group of the best and strongest global references, where the student can through this research to identify the origins of science Mathematics and its importance in public life.

It is very important to clarify the overlap between mathematics and chemistry, whose equations are based on a large number of mathematical laws and important theories, in addition to the close relationship between physics and mathematics, and in this we clarify the definition of mathematics and the importance of mathematics and the use of mathematics in life. The daily and examples of the most important mathematicians and other important matters related to the paragraphs of this distinguished science, to be a reference for the student during his studies, so do not forget us from the favor of your prayers.

Complete math search

Research on mathematics

Research paragraphs on mathematics deal with an important number of matters that should be noted and highlighted in order to know them more clearly, in order to know the science of mathematics and its importance in public life, and it came as follows:[1]

What is mathematics?

Mathematics is the science that is based on determining quantity and measuring shapes, angles and other very important things in the life of the human being, through a set of fixed theories and laws that guarantee access to a specific and appropriate value, according to methods that are scientifically proven by mathematicians, and it is very important That the student recognize that mathematics cannot be encompassed in a fixed and unified definition, but rather it is a broad set of laws, theories and systems that help to build strategically based primarily on a wide range of possibilities and important postulates. Mathematics can be defined as Mathematics is one of the most important and prominent ancient sciences that arose out of the human need for a means through which to organize arithmetic operations such as multiplication, division, and summation, and then measuring lengths, quantities and quantities. The result was the need to divide food among the members of society, divide lands, spoils of war campaigns, time, and others. Mathematics is the science that is based on determining quantity and measuring shapes, angles, and other matters, through a set of fixed theories and laws that guarantee access to a specific and appropriate value.

Branches and departments of mathematics

Mathematics is divided into an important number of sciences and other disciplines, in which a set of theories and special laws for each of them are based, and they are as follows:

  • Analysis Mathematics: The mathematics of analysis includes rates of change that stem from different quantities for each one, and the organization of this science is based on the theories and laws of integration and differentiation, and others.
  • Algebra: The science of algebra mathematics is one of the types of arithmetic operations, which is concerned with analysis, calculus, number theories, combinations and permutations.
  • Arithmetic: It is one of the oldest branches of mathematics, and this science is concerned with the branches of arithmetic in the basic arithmetic operations and includes all, subtraction, division and multiplication, and deals with fractions and percentages, which come as an actual product of those arithmetic operations.
  • Engineering Mathematics: This science deals with what are known as spatial entities, and deals with the study of space sciences, lines, curves and shapes in space, and the relationships that differ between points, spatial geometry, and other important paragraphs that can be included under this classification.
  • Number theory: This theory deals with numbers, and specializes in its study of the integers and the properties that each specific algebraic and analytic relationship has. It is one of the important and fundamental sections of mathematics.
  • Combinations and Permutations: It is one of the paragraphs that follow the so-called science of probability in mathematics, through which the options that can occur and the distribution of elements in groups are studied, and working to form subgroups of them according to a specific arrangement or without a specific arrangement.

Search for mathematicians ready to print

Why is mathematics important in our lives?

Mathematics is one of the central sciences on which many positive matters are based on other sciences, and it is a basic subject that has been taught in student curricula since ancient times until now, and we can summarize the set of positives as follows:

  • Mathematics can be considered as the basic science on which many other sciences are based, including (physics, architecture, engineering sciences in general, chemistry and other studies).
  • Mathematical algebra, which is one of the departments of mathematics, contributes to finding clear scientific explanations for a number of natural phenomena that depend on the exponential pattern, including: the speed of population increase in cities and villages, the rate of spread of diseases in the case of viruses and disasters.
  • The science and rules of mathematics are relied upon in completing various commercial transactions, including buying and selling operations, and it is also relied upon in completing consumer transactions as well.
  • Mathematics contributes to enhancing the positive view of man on various matters, as it is a science that requires the study of all aspects that deal with the arithmetic issue, so the practice of mathematics helps a person to build a strong and creative personality.
  • Mathematics sciences is based on supporting and developing ways of thinking, including the method of inference, which we can note that it begins with the part and ends with the whole, and solving arithmetic problems contributes to the development of the capabilities of various individuals.
  • Mathematics provides foundations for civilized development that is relied upon through the efforts of mathematicians and researchers in those important sciences, and this is done through the achievement of inventions, discoveries, and others.
  • Mathematics is based on many great human services, including forecasting and estimating the specific numbers of a phenomenon, based on specialized statistical models. Through these materials, the number of deaths in phenomena and disasters such as earthquakes and floods is estimated. A specified period of time.

The most famous mathematician of all time

Mathematics has passed a large number of scientists who contributed to the communication of theories and basic rules of this great science, and mathematicians came, according to the following order:[2]

Arab mathematicians

The Arabs have contributed to the total number of mathematical sciences throughout the ages, and the most famous scholars were the following:

  • The scientist Al-Hassan bin Al-Haytham: He is one of the famous Arab scientists. The links that brought together algebra and geometry, as well as the development of analytic geometric foundations.
  • The scientist Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi: He is one of the most prominent Arab scientists, and this great scientist was famous for specializing in algebra in mathematics, so he prepared an integrated approach to solving linear and quadratic equations. This was based on writing a new book on Hindu-Arabic numerology, which has been translated into Greek.
  • The scientist Ibn Sina: He is also one of the famous Arab scientists, and his fame stems from the sciences of mathematics, physics, medicine and surgery. Devoting an entire part of it to the sciences of mathematics.
  • The scientist Omar Khayyam: He is one of the very distinguished Arab scientists, he excelled in poetry and mathematics and also excelled in astronomy, and he is the author of important discoveries that are being worked on so far, including his discovery of what is known as Pascal’s triangle, in mathematics, and he authored the book Problems of Arithmetic which He is based on the rules of algebra, and he authored a treatise explaining the confiscations of Euclid’s book, and he authored the famous treatise on algebra known as (Risala fi Proofs on Algebra and Muqabalah issues).

foreign mathematicians

Cadres of scientists around the world have contributed to the science of mathematics on a large scale, and based on putting fingerprints that are being worked on until this moment, and perhaps the most famous of the foreign scientists who passed on mathematics are:

  • The scientist Pythagoras: He is one of the most important scientists in the world. He was famous in philosophy and excelled in mathematics and engineering. He founded his two brothers called the Pythagorean Brotherhood, which follows the motto of all, which is the number one, which means that anything in this world Subject to the laws of mathematics, he is the author of the famous Pythagorean theorem in trigonometry, which symbolizes the right-angled proverb.
  • Archimedes: He is one of the most famous mathematicians in ancient times, and he made a wide range of important fingerprints in mathematics, including Archimedes’ principle or rule, in addition to a number of other important theories and rules that dealt with numbers, gravity, mathematical proofs, and other important things. The important things.

A branch of social studies, mathematics

Tips to improve your level in mathematics

The student must proceed in the study of mathematics from the fact that it is an important and uncomplicated science, and the theory of complexity and difficulty must be changed for that course, according to the following advice:

  • The student must study mathematics in a quiet place away from the noise of life and external stimuli, such as cafes, restaurants, or others, as it is a science that requires a high level of concentration in order for the information to reach easily to the student.
  • Stay away from all things that may cause disruption to the study, such as the Internet, mobile phone and other games or music tools, and this is done by cutting off all means of communication except for contact with mathematics, to save time and effort in understanding the information.
  • Commitment to a semi-daily program to develop the student’s mathematical skills, provided that it is a regular program that is established with the help of one of them, and does not include long hours, but rather during a specific period that is fixed and semi-daily, during which the principles of the solution are learned by logic.
  • Not to be lenient in asking for help when the student feels the difficulty of any of the paragraphs, and follow-up to answer in solving problems step by step to reach the correct solution method.

Mathematics research, first secondary, ready-to-print courses

Mathematics essay conclusion

Here we have come with you to the end of the sections of the scientific research in which we dealt with the science of mathematics, and through the paragraphs of the research we talked about a number of very important topics in increasing the student’s culture about this special science, and based on that importance, attention must be paid to it and to build a strong knowledge sentence, capable of On dealing with various mathematical dilemmas, let us conclude the research paragraphs with a set of tips for students during their study of mathematics, to move away from the shell of difficulty and get out of that incorrect idea, asking God to grant you and us success, so do not forget us from the favor of your prayers.

Mathematics research doc

In order to achieve the general benefit that we hope will have reached the students, we are presenting paragraphs of research on mathematics through a file in the working format on the Word program, so that the student can modify these paragraphs in accordance with what is required of him in the research, and this research can be obtained and downloaded in doc format “from here”.

Mathematics research paper pdf

One of the very important matters, which gives the student an opportunity to learn about mathematics through a set of paragraphs in which we dealt with the importance of mathematics and the basis of mathematics and the types of this great and distinctive science. Math Summers pdf file “From Here”.

With the conclusion of a research on mathematics, we have reached the end of the article in which we dealt with a group of the best sections of a research on mathematics, where we defined mathematics, then the sections and branches of mathematics, then the importance of mathematics in human life, and we moved to the most famous mathematicians about World, let’s finally conclude with a set of tips for students in the study of mathematics, and the conclusion of a research on mathematics.

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