Here is a research on the hamzat al-wasl and the correct places to write them. The Arabic language is full of rules that work to adjust Arabic speech correctly, whether in pronunciation, or in writing in a way that goes back to the original Arabic speech that was heard about the Arabs in the past, and each of the hamzat al-qat`, and alif wasl is one of the most important The basics of the Arabic language that work to adjust the skills of writing, speaking, listening, and reading; Therefore, an encyclopedia focused in this article on presenting a comprehensive search for them, follow us.
Search for hamzat wasl and cut off
Hamzat al-Qat’ and Hamzat al-Wasl – as it is sometimes said, and alif al-wasl at other times – are among the basics of Arabic speech, and one of the most important pillars of the four language skills.
- Today, we are presenting to you a research on the hamzat al-wasl, as it is one of the important spelling rules that students should know to differentiate between it and the hamzat al-qat`, as there is a difference between them in pronunciation, writing, and places of use.
- The hamza comes in three places in the word, either at the beginning, at the end, or in the middle of the word.
- Through our following lines on an encyclopedia, we will provide you with a comprehensive search for Hamzat al-Wasl and its placement in words, so follow us.
Definition of hamzat al-wasl and cutting Definition of hamzat al-wasl
The hamzat al-wasl comes at the beginning of the word and the reason for calling it this name is that it is not pronounced when it is connected, but we pronounce the consonantal letter that comes after it, and because it comes to connect two words and the letter is drawn in this way (a) without putting a hamza, and there is a difference in the form between it and the hamza Pieces The syllable is written in the following ways (a, a, a).
The hamzat al-wasl is the hamza that is pronounced when it comes at the beginning of the speech, but it does not come when it is connected to what precedes it, and no hamza is drawn in it, whether above or below it. next.
Hamzat al-Wasl positions
The hamzat al-wasl comes in many places in the Arabic language, including the definition, which means lunar and solar. All definitions, whether lunar or solar, are written with the hamzat al-wasl, for example:
- An example of solar: the man in the mosque i’tikaf. The type of definition here is the solar system, and the alif has been omitted in pronunciation, and the next consonant is the stressed letter ra’.
- An example of the Qamariyah: The muezzin says during the call to prayer “Hayya ‘ala al-Falah.” The type of definition in this sentence is the Qamariyah, and the alif has been omitted in it and the next consonant is pronounced, which is the letter “Lam.”
The hamzat al-wasl also comes in many verbs and nouns in several places, these places we will explain to you through the following paragraphs.
Hamza positions in verbs
There are many verbs that come with the hamza in the form of the hamza wasl, which are the past tense, the command, the five-factor, the five-factor infinitive, the imperative verb from it, the hexagonal past tense, as well as the infinitive and the command from the hexagram. Below we will explain this to you with examples:
- The command from the triple verb: The triple verb is the verb that consists of three letters, and if this verb comes in the command form, its hamzat is a hamzat wasl, like the verb attended from it, and the tremor has a hamzat wasl, as well as the verb wrote the command from it, write and its hamzat wasl.
- Past five: It is the verb in the past tense that consists of letters Example of the verb the order came close to it, the hamza came close to it.
- From the five-act verb: an example of the five-factor in the form “If this decision was made was successful.” The verb in this sentence is to take and came from the past five-sided taken (a ta’ ta’) and in this verb the “alif” was omitted in the pronunciation and replaced with the pronunciation of the consonantal letter, which is the letter ta This letter was stressed.
- The command from the five-act verb: an example of the verb the five-factor command “Get up and choose a shirt for you.” The verb of the command in this sentence is choose. It came from the five-factor choose, in which the thousand was omitted in the pronunciation, and we pronounced the consonant letter, which is kha.
- Hexagonal past: An example of the hexagonal past tense of Imad replaced the black shoe with the white shoe, the hexagram here is replaced and the hamza in it is a hamzat wasl, it is omitted in the pronunciation and then the consonant letter is pronounced, which is the letter Sein.
- Hexagram: An example of the hexagram of the verb “Muhammad reached an important conclusion.” The verb here is inferred and comes from the verb deduce, and the hamza in it is a link.
- The imperative verb from the hexagonal past: An example of this verb “receive” is a hexagonal past tense in which the alif was omitted, and we pronounced the next consonant for the letter alif, which is the letter sein.
Examples of hamzat al-wasl in nouns
There are some famous names in which the hamza comes in the form of the hamza wasl. These names are represented in (woman – a man – two – two – two daughters – a daughter – two sons – a son – a name), and we note in all these names if they come at the beginning of the speech we pronounce the letter alif. , while if it is connected to a word before it, we do not pronounce the harf of a thousand and pronounce the consonant following it, then the hamza is a hamzat wasl, and to clarify the matter, we will present to you a set of examples through the following:
- Walid Ibn Barbar with his parents.
- So and so, his name is Sameh.
- What is the name of this man.
- Marwa is this man’s daughter.
Likewise, the rest of the names we explained to you at the beginning of the paragraph, all of them fall under the names of Hamzat al-Wasl.
The rules of writing hamzat al-wasl
There are some important spelling rules that must be taken into account when writing the hamza, whether the hamzat al-wasl or the hamzat al-qat`. These rules will be explained to you through the following:
- The hamzat al-wasl is pronounced according to what the third letter of the present verb is pronounced in the present tense. In the event that the third letter of the present verb is plucked, the hamzat al-wasl is pronounced plucked like the verb go out. Likewise, if the third verb of the present tense is open or broken, the hamzat al-wasl is pronounced according to the formation of this letter as in the verb Drink, sit down.D
- The hamzat al-wasl is omitted in words that start with a definition if you enter it into the lam of the preposition, an example of that for the house, and we note here the deletion of the hamza in pronunciation and writing.
- In the case of entering the interrogative hamzat on the nouns defined by the hamzat al-wasl, it is written as it is and is not omitted. The best example of this is the saying of God Almighty: {Say: God has given you permission, or against God have you forged?
Hamzat al-Wasl delete locations
The hamzat al-wasl is omitted in many places, including the following:
- In the event that there is a call to prayer before it, it is deleted as saying, O Ben Ali.
- And in the event that it falls between two sciences, as Abd al-Rahman ibn Abd al-Aziz said.
- In the case of entering an interrogative hamzat, such as saying the enemy surrendered? An exception to this is the entry of a thousand interrogative nouns on the nouns defined by, in which the hamzat al-wasl is not deleted.
- It is omitted in the event that the lam of distress enters her, or the lam of precipitation, or the lam of the beginning, such as saying to the woman, to the girl.
- In the basmalah, “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” is also omitted.
- It is also omitted in the word man, the word woman and if it is preceded by a definition.
hamzat cut
It is the hamza that is always written and pronounced, depending on its position in the context, whether it is at the beginning of the speech, in the middle, or at the end.
Alf Al Wasl
It is the hamza that is neither written nor pronounced, with the exception of one case, which is the first speech; If it comes at the beginning of the speech, it is pronounced, not written.
Examples of hamzat wasl and cut
Now we will describe each type in detail below.
Positions of the hamzat of the past quadrilateral, its order and its source
Past: spent.
His command: Spend.
Source: spending.
Such as
If, that, if, which, or, mother, to, not, etc.
Excluding (the) definition; It is always connected, and can be pronounced at the beginning of a speech, but not in the middle.
first names
Ahmed, Ayman, Ibrahim, Amira, Elham, Asma, and many other names.
However, nine names are excluded:
Son, daughter, man, woman, two, two, Ayman Allah, Ayman Allah, name.
where the Arabs spoke it without interrupting it; She arrived.
Present tense starting with hamza
Such as
I drink, I sleep, I sit, I ask, I belong, I wish, I read, I eat, I command, I fast, I play, and many more verbs, and this kind of present does not have a specific weight; It can be triple, quadruple, pentagonal, and hexagonal.
Places of Alef Wasl Past Five, Its Command and Source
Such as
Past five: bought.
His command: buy.
Source: buy.
The past six, its command and its source
Such as
Six past tense: straightened.
His command: straighten out.
Source: straight.
Triple Command
Such as
Remember, thank, do, defeat, drink, kneel, worship, worship, be patient, and many more three-origin verbs beginning with a thousand.
The tariff
The hamza cannot be written above the alif in this case.
Such as
God, Messenger, Muslims, angels, book, prayer, mosque, children, clothes, appliances, and many more names that start with the identifying letter “al”.
some other names
These are the names that were heard to be pronounced by the Arabs, such as:
A son, a daughter, a man, a woman, two, two, Ayman Allah, Ayman Allah, a name.
Cut Hamzat Drawing
The hamzat alpha is pronounced hamzah at the beginning of a word.
Al Wasl Drawing
Alif is drawn without a hamza, and Alif Wasl comes open, broken, and joined, as follows:
Open Alf Wasl
Al-Wasl is opened in the case of “the” tariff.
Such as: merchant, supervisor, cloth, merchandise, information, students, etc.
Include Alef Wasl
Alef Wasl is included in several cases, namely:
The order of the triple verb conjugated the same in the present tense
Such as: get out, take action, support, and so on from the three verbs of the command, joined by the eye in the present tense.
past tense passive
Such as
Bought, required, swallowed, etc.
passive hexagonal past
Such as
Use, consult, fulfill, deduce, etc.
break a thousand wasl
The hamzat al-wasl is broken in cases that violate the previous cases of both conquest and damm.
Such as: go, drink, read, ask forgiveness, seek forgiveness, etc.
Hamzat al-Wasl and Hamzat al-Qut’ exercises Examples of Hamzat al-Wasl and cutting from the Qur’an
- Mention examples of the hamzat al-qat’ and alif al-wasl from the verses of the Noble Qur’an.
hamzat cut
God Almighty said: “If they were told not mischief in the earth, they say: We are peacemakers () They are not spoilers, but do not feel () and if they were told to believe as the people believe they said: Shall we believe as the foolish believe they are fools, but do not know () and if you were Those who believe say we believe, and when they are alone with their demons, they say, “We are with you, but we are mocking.” souret elbakara.
Alf Al Wasl
God Almighty said: “While Moses prayed for rain to his people. We told Strike the stone exploded Twelve eyes have learned all the people Mcherbhm eat and drink of the sustenance of God not mischief in the earth corruptors (0)” Sura.
Give words that have a hamzat cut off
Trees, moons, dreams, tunes, love, drink, go out, play.
The reason for writing Hamzat al-Wasl
The hamza cannot be drawn on Alef Wasl; Because the hamza cuts off the communication of speech; Therefore, the hamza was deleted, and it was called Alef Wasl.
Search for Hamzat Wasl and Cut pdf
You can view the research on Hamzat Wasl, and cut it in (BDF) copy through this link.
Conclusion of the search for Hamzat al-Wasl
The Arabic language, known as the language of Al-Daad, is one of the most important and most prevalent languages among the languages, and its importance has emerged from being the language of the Holy Qur’an. It is the topic that we explained in our article today.
With this, we have provided you with a research on the hamzat al-wasl and qat‘ and their positions in the words of the Arabic language, the rules for writing them and the places where they are omitted, and with this we come to the conclusion of our conversation. Follow us, and we invite you to read more from the comprehensive Arabic encyclopedia.
To read more from Encyclopedia, you can follow the following articles:
- Explanation of Hamzat Al Wasl lesson.
- Explain the difference between hamzat al-wasl and hamzat al-qat’.
- Explanation of the lesson Hamzat Wasl and cutting with examples.