تأديب الزوج ناعمة الهاشمي

تأديب الزوج ناعمة الهاشمي , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Disciplining the husband Naama Al-Hashemi is one of the most important things that every woman should know. The wife has the right to discipline her husband and at the same time not make him upset with her or hate her and make him uncomfortable with her, according to the opinion of Dr. Naima al-Hashemi.

Naema Al Hashemi’s tips for a healthy life

Dr. Naama Al Hashemi has given a few tips for women to help them enjoy a healthy and happy married life, and these tips are:

  • The wife should make sure to lower the tone of her voice when talking to her husband so as not to lose her femininity in his eyes.
  • A smart wife is the one who maintains her beauty and elegance so that her husband does not look at others, so the wife must not neglect herself, as her beauty is as important as taking care of her home and her children.
  • It is preferable for the wife to make her husband feel his value in her life from time to time by praising him and showing him adoration.
  • The wife must be able to arouse her husband sexually. The man marries in the first place in order to absolve himself from the forbidden.
  • Bullying the husband and deliberately violating his orders and arguing with him are considered the royal way to destroy the relationship with him, so these two behaviors must be avoided completely.

Ways to convince the husband of what I want

Disciplining the husband Naama Al-Hashemi

In all homes there are disputes between the husband and wife, and sometimes the wife can control matters, while at other times she cannot deal properly with her husband, which deepens the problems between them and leads to the cracking of their home. While disciplining them and trying to show anger at them, we will answer this question based on the opinions of Dr. Naama Al-Hashemi, which are:

The cold husband is soft Al Hashemi

Dealing with a cold husband is one of the most difficult things that any woman can do. A woman, by nature, is a mass of inflamed feelings, which makes coldness drive her crazy, but in this part of the article we will explain how to deal with and discipline a cold man without nervousness:

  • The wife must know that even if her husband pushes her to extreme nervousness and anger, her continuous anger may cause her diseases and reduce her life, which may endanger her life, and to always think that even if she is not afraid for herself, her duty as a mother requires that she preserve her life for the sake of her children. .
  • Like poles are generally incompatible, so dealing with a cold man requires a cold woman as well. A wife’s coldness to her husband will make him angry, cause him to feel unimportant, or suggest that his wife has lost interest in him in the first place.
  • Taking care of oneself and talking to everyone except for the cold husband may be the key to the beginning of his change, because he will ask his wife about the reasons for her change with him, then she must answer him that she has changed her style to suit his annoying style, which will make him start reviewing his behavior and appreciating the harm he caused to his wife.
  • If the husband intentionally responds with provocative responses, then the wife must know that her provocative response to him is not a solution, but rather she must provoke him in ways that he cannot stop, such as smiling laughing after he finishes his speech, this would make the husband feel embarrassed and stop responding badly to his wife.

How to deal with an emotionally cold husband

Husband Basbas Naameh Hashemi

This type of man is considered very painful for the woman who is with him, he almost does not stop liking women other than his wife, and may even try to associate with them or get to know them, which makes his wife feel wounded in her dignity and that she is not enough so in this part of the article we will explain how to discipline This pair and dealing with it:

  • A vivacious man is owned by a beautiful woman, so the more beautiful his wife becomes, the more she is able to limit the process of his view of other women, because he will be satisfied with her to a large extent.
  • The wife of this type of man must be modern and modern and not allow time to diminish her beauty and elegance.
  • Let the wife’s way of preserving her femininity be to ask the husband to take her to women’s beauty parlors and buy her beautiful clothes. On spending on another woman.
  • It is preferable for the wife to learn the skills that make her keep her husband, and one of the most important of these skills is that she must know the ways to lure men to make her husband desire her always.
  • The bass man is a sexually gluttonous man, so the wife can preserve his presence in her life by knowing his preferences in their private relationship and making sure to implement them and make him enjoy them. Which will make him want to restore stability and happiness to their physical relationship, so he apologizes to the wife and tries not to repeat the act.

How to deal with a liar husband Naameh Hashemi

The Silent Husband Naama Al Hashemi

Usually a woman wants to marry until she finds a man who includes her emotionally and provides her with the love and support she needs. Therefore, a woman who marries a silent man feels unimportant to him and also feels emotional emptiness and sadness, so we explain the best ways to deal with and discipline a silent husband:

  • In the beginning, the wife must explain her annoyance with her husband in a discussion between them and ask him to modify his behavior with her.
  • If the wife finds that her husband is completely averse to her and is indifferent to her annoyance, then she should be as cheerful as possible with their children, her family and her friends, and avoid her husband completely and make the dialogue between them as far as carrying out his requests and orders only.
  • When the husband tries to ask her about the secret of her permanent silence with him and her cold behavior, she must tell him that she is doing this because there is no relationship that rests on the shoulders of only one party and that she will not return to her previous era with him until he appreciates her and tries to talk to her and contain her.

How to deal with a cold silent husband

Neglected husband Naama Al Hashemi

Neglect is not considered a sign of the husband’s hatred of his wife. It may be due to the husband’s preoccupation or his feeling of possessing the wife, which makes him think that he does not have to take care of her because she is his wife and she will never stay away from him, or it may even be due to some advice that is directed to men from their friends, such as advice that asks them to be They are rough with their wives and do not show them love so as not to lose their manhood in front of them, so in this part of the article we explain how this husband can be dealt with and disciplined:

  • The wife should take care of herself and her beauty and do what makes her happy and makes her happy and psychologically balanced.
  • She should disregard her husband’s dealings entirely except with his requests and those of the house.
  • If the husband asks her why she is upset with him, she should be clear and frank with him without hurting him with her words and try as best she can to be calm during her discussion with him.
  • If the husband tries to show any change for the better, then the wife should show her happiness for this change discreetly so as to push him to improve his style with her in the hope that her style with him will return to its previous era.

How to deal with an indifferent husband with his wife

My husband hates me Naameh Hashemi

Dr. Naama Al-Hashemi has given some advice to the wife who feels that her husband does not have any feelings of love and affection, and these tips are:

  • A wife who feels that her husband hates her should not rush to destroy her house, but she should try to deal with him intelligently and patiently.
  • Perhaps the reason for the husband’s hatred for his wife is his feeling that she is less than him or unable to do anything except for the affairs of the house and children. Therefore, the wife should be keen to find a hobby for her to practice and develop so that her husband feels that she is a woman with her independent personality and begins to take care of her.
  • The wife can win her husband by showing interest in his hobbies and sharing what makes him happy and happy.
  • The wife should try to create an atmosphere of fun in the house so that the husband loves his life with her and begins to get close to her and reconsider his relationship with her.
  • The wife should be a friend of her husband and then he will feel the desire to take her as his lover.
  • The attempts of the wife to support her husband in times of sadness and distress may contribute to improving his view of her, so the wife should never hesitate to support her husband, no matter how difficult this seems.

How do I know if my husband hates me?

How to make the husband hold on to his wife, Naameh Al-Hashemi

Many women are looking for tips that make their husbands love and stick to them, so in this part of the article we explain some of the things that make the husband stick to his wife, according to the opinion of Dr. Naima Al-Hashemi:

  • The wife should not turn into a mere mother of children and a housewife, but rather she should preserve the beauty and joy that she had before marrying her husband.
  • The wife should always try to find some work or hobby that fills some of her time away from her husband and children, as men usually hate women who do not have a concern and do not have a personality with them.
  • The wife must be self-confident, because the man always loves the woman who is confident in herself and hates the woman who pressures him to feel her value to him.
  • A wife should try to contain her husband emotionally and sexually by finding out what he likes and then doing it.
  • If the wife feels that there is a problem with her husband, she should talk about it with him frankly because men hate women who feel that they are overreacting.
  • The wife should make her husband feel her appreciation for him and his importance in her life and the lives of their children.
  • The wife must be broad-chested while dealing with her husband and not trolling for mistakes so that he does not feel that she is trolling or surrounding him.
  • It is preferable for the wife to leave a space of freedom for her husband so that he does not feel that he has become restricted because of the marriage.
  • Support the husband emotionally and financially in any problem he faces.

How do I make my boyfriend afraid to lose me?

The secret of lovers by Naima Al Hashemi

Many women are surprised that their husbands leave them for secret lovers, but do women think about the reason why men prefer mistresses over wives? Therefore, in this part of the article, we explain why husbands prefer mistresses according to the opinion of Dr. Naima al-Hashemi, which is:

  • The mistress always gives the man room for freedom while the wives usually harass and harass their husbands constantly.
  • The mistress tries to find out what her man likes and then implements it for him to ensure his presence, while wives feel their husbands possess them, so they reduce their interest in them, especially after childbirth.
  • Usually the mistress tries to maintain her appearance, unlike the wife who limits attention to her beauty to simple basics.

Signs of a husband who intends to marry

Tips to be a wife like a mistress Naima Al Hashemi

Husbands usually prefer mistresses over wives, so we will explain some of the tips that Dr. Naama al-Hashemi said in order for a wife to be a mistress for her husband, and those tips are:

  • The wife should spread fun in her home and family life in general, and try her best to escape her family from the clutches of routine and boredom.
  • The wife should be a friend to her husband and practice with him the hobbies he loves and be trustworthy so that she knows his secrets and keeps them.
  • It is preferable for the wife to change her appearance from time to time in order to ensure that she is a modern and renewed woman and that her husband does not get tired of her.
  • The smart wife is the one who shows her femininity in every moment to her husband, so the wife must be a low voice, gentle gait, seductive gestures and style.
  • The wife should completely refrain from using crude or rude words when dealing with her husband.
  • The wife should try to renew her emotional life with her husband from time to time, and she must satisfy her husband whenever he asks her for sexual relations so that she does not push him to desire other women.

The words of the husband melt in the mobile

Signs of a husband’s love for his wife, Naama al-Hashemi

Every woman wants to know her husband’s value and be sure of his love for her. Therefore, in this part of the article, we explain how a woman can be sure of her husband’s feelings, according to Dr. Naama Al Hashemi:

  • If the husband pays attention to what he likes and what his wife dislikes, this is evidence of his love for her.
  • The wife can know her husband’s love for her by noticing him to remember all her dates such as her birthday, the date of their engagement, their marriage, and others.
  • If the husband shows respect for his wife in front of others and deliberately praises her.
  • If the husband overlooks the small mistakes of his wife and always tries to contain them.
  • A husband who loves his wife is willing to have a relationship with her a lot, so the husband’s flirtation with his wife and the stability of the sexual relationship between them is evidence of his love for her.
  • If the husband is trying to share his responsibilities with his wife and help her with the housework and raising the children.
  • The husband’s attempt to make his wife happy with gifts is one of the most prominent signs of his love for her, even if those gifts are simple or cheap.

How do I know that my husband loves me and signs confirming the husband’s love for his wife

If you are upset with your husband, Naamah Al-Hashemi

Many women do not know how to behave properly with their husbands in times of conflict, so in this part of the article we explain how a woman can act with her husband if she is angry with him, according to the opinion of Dr. Naima Al-Hashemi:

  • The wife must not neglect her home out of stubbornness with the husband, because this makes the husband feel that she is a deficient woman, which will make it permissible to force her.
  • Men are captivated by beauty and moved by lust. Therefore, a woman should be keen to adorn herself in times of contention, because this increases the chances of her husband reconciling with her.
  • If the wife wants to discuss with her husband the causes of the problem between them, she should choose the appropriate time to talk to him so that he does not feel that she is irresponsible or trivial in interests.
  • The wife should not deliberately violate her husband’s orders when quarreling with him, so that he does not have a pain in himself from her that will continue until after the reconciliation, because her open opposition to his orders will make him feel that she does not respect him.

Naama Al-Hashemi and the husband’s anger

Usually, a woman’s attention is focused on her home and her husband, because any problem related to them harms her children, who are the most important thing in her life. Therefore, in this article, we have clarified the husband’s discipline, Naama Al-Hashemi, so that every woman can know the correct way to deal with her husband, according to the opinion of a doctor specializing in relationships Marriage to ensure that her behavior is correct, not just reckless and confused.

خاتمة لموضوعنا تأديب الزوج ناعمة الهاشمي ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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