تجربتي في التخلص من الكوليسترول والطرق الطبيعية لعلاجه بالأعشاب

تجربتي في التخلص من الكوليسترول والطرق الطبيعية لعلاجه بالأعشاب , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

My experience in getting rid of cholesterol Many people want to know its results, from which it is possible to know the causes of high cholesterol in the blood, and through which it is possible to identify the best natural ways that help reduce the fat deposited on the arteries and vessels, and the most important tips that should be adhered to to maintain On heart and body health, and on the reference site, we learn about the best treatment for high cholesterol and natural herbs that help remove harmful cholesterol from the body.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance with a greasy texture, and when you eat excessively foods rich in fats and processed grease, the body cannot burn all these amounts of fat, so it stores it in the body on the walls of blood vessels and arteries, which causes many risks and health damages such as a high probability of infection. Angina pectoris and blood clots due to narrowing of the bloodstream.

There are two types of cholesterol, one of which is high-density protein, which is scientifically known as HDL, which is useful that the body needs to complete the metabolism process and provide cells with energy, and the second type is low-density protein, which is scientifically known as LDL, which is the bad cholesterol that causes many health problems in the body. The body that we are looking for ways to treat.[1]

My Cholesterol Loss Experience

From my experience in getting rid of cholesterol, it can be said that the high percentage of harmful cholesterol in the body is one of the dangerous things that expose a person to a number of diseases such as stroke or heart attack as a result of the lack of blood in sufficient quantities to various organs, especially the limbs and the brain. And through my experience with lowering cholesterol, it can be said that it is a silent disease that does not have many symptoms, or that its symptoms are similar to the symptoms of other diseases, and then its sudden effect appears after its excess and its negative impact on the body. Staying away from foods rich in fat and fast food is one of the most important factors that help reduce the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the body, and exercising and eating healthy food is one of the most important ways to prevent this disease.

My experience with thrombocytopenia

The dangers of high cholesterol

There are a number of risks posed by high cholesterol in the body, the most important of which are the following:

  • The blockage in the blood vessels due to the increase in fat on the walls of these vessels, which causes the blood circulation to stop in the place and the need for a quick medical intervention.
  • Stroke injury as a result of lack of oxygen and food for brain cells and brain due to poor blood circulation in the body.
  • Cardiac arrest and angina pectoris, which occurs due to the difficulty of the passage of blood and the inability of the arteries and vessels to absorb sufficient amounts of blood.

Ways to prevent high cholesterol

There are a number of ways and means by which cholesterol can be reduced in the body, the most prominent of which are the following:

Omega 3 fats

Omega-3 fats are one of the important fats that the body needs, which help significantly and directly in reducing harmful cholesterol in the blood. These fats can be obtained from eating fish and various seafood such as sardines, tuna, mackerel, and other types of seafood rich in these fats.

healthy eating

It can be said that eating healthy food and foods that are beneficial to the heart is one of the first steps that help reduce harmful cholesterol from the blood, and the features of this healthy nutrition system can be identified through the following points:[2]

  • Reducing saturated fats: Saturated fats are one of the most important causes of high cholesterol in the blood, and therefore reducing these saturated fats greatly helps the body to get rid of cholesterol accumulated on the vessels and arteries, and among the most prominent foods that contain saturated fats in a large proportion and then Red meat, whole milk and full-fat dairy products cause an increase in cholesterol.
  • Reducing hydrogenated oils: hydrogenated oils or trans fats are those oils found in industrial margarine, and although they are originally vegetable fats from natural sources, the manufacturing processes that take place on them cause a change in their chemistry, and therefore it is important to stay away from fried foods and reduce them As much as possible to reduce high cholesterol in the body.
  • Eating vegetables and fruits: One of the best foods that help reduce high cholesterol in the body are vegetables and fruits, because these foods contain large amounts of natural fibers and minerals that help clean the arteries and expel excess fat in the body.

Whole grains to lower bad cholesterol

Eating whole grains is one of the reasons for lowering bad cholesterol in the blood because of the many fibers in these grains and their ability to stimulate blood circulation. Examples of whole grains include:

  • oats;
  • brown rice
  • barley.
  • Popcorn, which helps in providing a feeling of satiety for long periods and in removing the fat deposited on the vessels and arteries.


Nuts are one of the natural foods that help reduce cholesterol in the blood. Nuts help stimulate blood circulation in the body, and they contain antioxidants at a high rate, which helps reduce the growth of free radicals and reduce the chances of the body developing cancer and malignant tumors, and one of the types of nuts The omega-3 fats that are essential for lowering blood cholesterol include:

  • Almonds.
  • walnut;
  • pistachio;
  • hazelnut;

Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the most dangerous reasons that lead to an increase in cholesterol in the body, and it causes a lot of damage to the body because smoking contains nicotine, tar and toxic compounds that harm the heart and arteries in the first place. Among the most prominent benefits of abstaining from smoking are the following:

  • Improve lung and respiratory functions.
  • Reduce high pressure and improve blood circulation in the body.
  • Avoid skin cancer, jaw cancer, gum cancer, and lung cancer.

Playing sports

Exercising is one of the necessary habits for those who want to get rid of excess cholesterol in the body; Exercising regularly helps significantly reduce cholesterol deposits on the blood vessels, and exercise increases the amounts of good cholesterol in the body. It is not necessary to practice violent or vigorous sports, but it is sufficient to continue walking every day for half an hour to stimulate blood circulation in the body and improve performance in general.

The benefits of exercise for the body and mind

Herbal lowering cholesterol

There are many herbs and natural plants that help lower cholesterol and restore balance to the body and blood circulation in humans. The most important of these herbs are:

Green tea

Green tea is one of the best herbs that are used to treat high cholesterol in the body, and green tea contains antioxidants in high quantities, which helps protect the body from chronic diseases such as pressure and diabetes, and green tea is used to get rid of excess weight and obesity, and then Reducing fat and deposits on the walls of vessels and arteries.


The artichoke is a plant similar to the pharaonic lotus flower. It is a plant that consists of green leaves that have a white base that taste good. The artichoke is peeled and eaten the lower part of the leaf, as well as eating the white inner heart of the plant. And artichoke helps stimulate blood circulation because it contains calcium and magnesium minerals, and artichoke helps remove plaque from the arteries, expand the bloodstream and prevent heart disease and angina pectoris.


Flax seeds contain a high percentage of natural fibers that help improve digestion and increase the efficiency of the metabolism process, and then contribute to reducing weight and getting rid of obesity, which in turn helps prevent high cholesterol, and from flax seeds, flaxseed oil or hot oil is extracted Rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fats and natural antioxidants.


Cinnamon is a natural herb that has many benefits. It contains minerals useful for the body in general and the heart in particular, such as potassium, which helps stimulate blood circulation in the body, increase the fluidity of blood in the arteries and vessels, and then reduce the possibility of exposure to blood clots or angina. pectoralis due to the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood.


Ginger is one of the herbs rich in vitamins and useful natural oils. Ginger, whether in powdered form or fresh pieces, helps improve blood circulation in the body, prevent cancer and improve the performance of the digestive system and cellular metabolism, and helps in losing weight and dissolving fats on arteries and vessels. Prepare ginger by adding a tablespoon of ginger powder to a cup of boiling water, covering the cup, then sweetening it with honey and eating it after it cools.

Get rid of cholesterol permanently

There are a number of tips that help get rid of cholesterol permanently and then prevent diseases and health problems that it causes in the body, and the most important of these tips are:

  • Take care to get rid of excess weight and avoid obesity, which is one of the main factors that cause high cholesterol in the body.
  • Staying away from anxiety and tension and providing psychological comfort is one of the most helpful in reducing the harmful effects of cholesterol in the body.
  • Complete avoidance of alcohol and alcoholic beverages, which increase the proportion of toxins in the body and directly affect the performance of the heart and blood circulation.
  • Reducing preserved foods that are high in sodium, which affects the health of the heart and kidneys.
  • Significantly reduce the intake of red meat and replace it with chicken, turkey, duck or fish meat.

Where are fats digested?

garlic pills for cholesterol

Through my experience in getting rid of cholesterol, it can be said that garlic pills are natural ingredients that have many benefits for health and the body, and special benefits in reducing harmful cholesterol in the body. Here are the most important benefits of garlic in treating cholesterol:

  • Garlic contains large amounts of the mineral sulfur, which helps remove fatty deposits from the walls of vessels and arteries.
  • Garlic helps eliminate bacteria and fungi due to being one of the most powerful natural antibiotics.
  • Garlic contains compounds that reduce the chances of the waxy fats in cholesterol sticking to the walls of blood vessels and thus help dilate the bloodstream.
  • Garlic, because it contains selenium compounds, helps in revitalizing the heart muscle and increasing the strength of blood circulation, and then its ability to sweep cholesterol and deposits on its way.
  • Eating garlic with two to three cloves a day increases the burning of fat in the body, improves digestion and metabolism, and speeds up the body’s burning of calories.
  • Garlic is available today in the form of nutritional supplements and pills that are sold medicinally in pharmacies, and it is suitable for those who do not like the strong taste of garlic.
  • Garlic also regulates blood sugar and increases the cells’ burning of glucose, which greatly helps in regulating the improvement of the heart and circulatory system in the body.

Fruit that lowers cholesterol

There are a number of fruits that greatly help reduce harmful cholesterol in the body, and the most prominent of these fruits are:[3]


Avocado is a tropical fruit that contains many beneficial elements for the body and heart. Avocados contain potassium, which is a heart-friendly mineral that helps stimulate blood circulation and the heart muscle, and avocados contain mono acids that help protect the body from chronic diseases such as high pressure and diabetes, and it helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and reduce the chances of its accumulation in the stream. the blood.


To maintain blood circulation and get rid of triglycerides and saturated fats in the body, kiwi fruit is eaten on a daily basis, and many studies have been conducted on this fruit that have shown that eating one or two kiwi fruits every day helps significantly reduce triglycerides in the blood by more Of the 15% of people who do not eat the fruit.


Eating oranges on a daily basis greatly helps reduce the chances of developing high cholesterol, as oranges contain large amounts of fiber that helps improve digestion and rid the body of fat and then get rid of excess weight, and orange juice contains sterol compounds that reduce Cholesterol and saturated fats in the body.


Grapefruit is a fruit close to orange in terms of external appearance, but it is yellow and not orange, and the sugars in grapefruit are much less than orange or many other types of fruits, and eating grapefruit juice helps in burning fat and reducing the desire for food and then losing weight in a way Fast, which reduces the chances of cholesterol accumulation on the blood vessels and arteries.

Foods that raise cholesterol

From my experience in getting rid of cholesterol, it can be said that there are a number of foods that increase cholesterol, including:

  • Potato chips, chips, and other foods that contain preservatives.
  • Processed meats such as anise, pastrami, and sausage.
  • Full-fat dairy products.
  • Industrial obesity and hydrogenated oils.

Cholesterol lowering drugs

There are a number of drugs that help lower cholesterol, the most important of which are the following:

  • Statins: This group of drugs helps reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the blood, and rid the body of saturated and triglycerides, which increase in the body causes cardiovascular disease.
  • Gemfibrozil: It is from a group of fibrates that stimulate the production of good cholesterol and reduce the accumulation of harmful cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. It also helps to strengthen the heart muscle and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Pravastatin: It is from a group of statin drugs that work to slow down the attachment of fat in cells and stimulate the body to burn excess fat directly.

We learned about my experience in getting rid of cholesterol, and ways to prevent high cholesterol, as well as the best herbs and natural ways in which cholesterol can be reduced in the body, and fruits that help remove fat and reduce its accumulation in the body.

خاتمة لموضوعنا تجربتي في التخلص من الكوليسترول والطرق الطبيعية لعلاجه بالأعشاب ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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