تجربتي مع اختبار الحمل بالملح وأسباب الخطأ في النتيجة

تجربتي مع اختبار الحمل بالملح وأسباب الخطأ في النتيجة , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

My experience with a salt pregnancy test, many women do a home pregnancy test when their period is late for the usual time and before going to the doctor, and usually the test kits are obtained from the pharmacy, but the test can be used by using salt, in which the test result is accurate to To a large extent, and on the reference site, we learn how to perform a salt pregnancy test, women’s experiences about this, and the reasons for the error in the test result.

home pregnancy test

A home pregnancy test is a primary method that a woman resorts to when her period is later than the usual date, and many women do the test after only one day delay from the date of the period, but it is better to test after more than a day has passed, because delaying the period by one day may be because Disturbances in the woman’s body, normal hormonal changes, or an error in calculating the timing of menstruation, but the home test for pregnancy after more than a day has passed makes the test result reach a high degree of accuracy and express whether there is pregnancy or not; As in the case of pregnancy, the egg has already attached to the uterus and the body has begun to secrete hormones that help to stabilize and complete the pregnancy.

The pregnancy test is usually through a dipping strip that is purchased from the pharmacy and dipped in the urine to determine whether pregnancy is present or not. However, there are other methods that are no less accurate than the dipping strip and preventing the pregnancy test with salt, which thanks to its components helps in detecting the presence of the pregnancy hormone in The woman’s body, but this is as a first step before the final confirmation of pregnancy through medical analysis.

My experience with a salt pregnancy test

The salt pregnancy test has been done by many women. Here are some experiences of the salt pregnancy test and how it expresses the correct result:

The first experience of a pregnancy test with salt

One of the women talks about her experience of taking a home pregnancy test using salt, saying that she had been wishing for a child for a long time, but she was unable to do so, then it happened that the period was late for its due date, so I thought that it was an accident and the period returned after a day or two, but when My period was late for more than three days. I felt some changes in my body, so I resorted to a salt pregnancy test. Where I brought a little table salt and put it in a small amount of urine, when the color of the urine changed, I was sure that pregnancy had occurred in a large proportion, and then I conducted a medical analysis that confirmed the actual result of pregnancy.

second experience

One of the women says that she suffered a lot from home pregnancy tests, many of which were inaccurate and give wrong results, but when she consulted one of her friends, this friend pointed her to the salt pregnancy test, which is one of the home tests that give a high-accuracy result, and I actually tried the test, which gave me a result I am pregnant, and when I did the analysis at the doctor, he confirmed to me the result and that I was indeed pregnant.

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How to do a salt pregnancy test

Salt pregnancy test and its preparation at home can be done easily by following these steps:

  • Bring a clean glass container or jar, making sure that it is free of any food items that the salt might react with.
  • Bring a small amount of urine and it is preferable that the urine sample was obtained after waking up from sleep in the early morning before eating or drinking.
  • Put a little salt in the glass container with the urine sample, and using a wooden stick, the salt is stirred in the urine for a minute or two.
  • Cover the glass container and then leave it for ten minutes.
  • Open the can and look at the salt and urine in it. If there is a change in the color of the urine from what it was when it was put in the salt, or there are gatherings in the salt and lumps, then this indicates that the result is positive and that there is pregnancy.
  • If there is no change in the color of the urine, or if the salt has not changed in its shape and composition, then this indicates that the result is negative and there is no pregnancy.
  • The home salt pregnancy test does not replace the medical analysis; Therefore, it is important, after the home test, and the absence of the period and its delay for some days, to conduct a medical analysis to confirm the final confirmation of pregnancy or not.

How does a home pregnancy test work?

The home pregnancy test, whether with a salt or a dip tape, works by detecting the chorionic gonadotropin hormone and its presence in the urine. Secretion of the placenta hormone, which descends into the bloodstream in the pregnant woman’s body, and then its effect appears in the urine.

Is a salt pregnancy test safe?

It can be said that the home salt pregnancy test is divided into three categories regarding its accuracy and its expression of reality.

  • The first team believes that the salt pregnancy test gives a high-accuracy result, and therefore it expresses a large percentage of confirmation or denial of pregnancy.
  • The second group believes that the salt pregnancy test is a useless test that does not provide a guaranteed result, and the result of the analysis is often wrong.
  • As for the third party, it considers the salt pregnancy test appropriate as a first stage in identifying the possibility of pregnancy, but it cannot be relied upon to a large extent and act on its result. Rather, it is necessary with it to conduct the analysis in the laboratory and visit the doctor.

The most important home tests for pregnancy

There are a number of home tests for pregnancy other than the salt method, and the following is a presentation of the most important home tests for pregnancy:

sugar pregnancy test

It can be said that the sugar pregnancy test is based on a scientific fact that sugar does not dissolve in a medium that contains the pregnancy hormone, and then a little sugar is placed on a little urine that is taken after waking up from sleep, and then wait a little, if the sugar melts, it is evidence On the absence of the pregnancy hormone and therefore the result is negative, and if it does not dissolve, it is evidence of pregnancy.

Toothpaste pregnancy test

Through the use of toothpaste, a home pregnancy test can be done, and it is preferable that the toothpaste be white, put a little of the paste in a glass container, and then put the urine in the container and observe, if the color of the paste changes to blue, it is evidence of pregnancy, and if The color did not change and remained the same without interaction, which is evidence of the absence of the pregnancy hormone in the urine.

Pregnancy analysis with shampoo

Shampoo is also one of the materials that can be used to identify the occurrence of pregnancy, two drops of shampoo are placed in a glass container, and then a little water is added and the shampoo is stirred in the water until it dissolves and a thick liquid is formed, and then a little of its morning urine is placed on the shampoo and water Observing the vessel. If some bubbles appear and foam forms when urine is put in, it is evidence of pregnancy and estrogen in the blood, and if the soapy liquid does not change, it is evidence that there is no pregnancy in the body.

Vinegar pregnancy test

Vinegar is one of the acidic components through which it is possible to initially identify the presence or absence of pregnancy before conducting a medical analysis in the laboratory. White vinegar is used in conducting the test because it is the most reactive with the pregnancy hormone, and the changes appear more clearly on it. A little vinegar is placed in a glass bowl, and urine is added to the bowl. If the color of the vinegar changes to blue or any color other than white, it is evidence of the interaction of the vinegar with the pregnancy hormone and then making sure that pregnancy occurs, but if there is no change in the color of Vinegar means that the result of the analysis is negative.

pine nuts pregnancy test

Pine is often used in homes for purposes of cleaning and eliminating bacteria and germs on surfaces, and liquid pine can be used for a quick home pregnancy test. A little liquid pine is placed in a glass container, and then a small amount of the morning urine sample is added. If the color of the pine changes to a bluish-green color, it is evidence of pregnancy and hormones in the blood, and the lack of change in the color of pine indicates the absence of pregnancy.

Best time for home pregnancy test

Dettol Home Pregnancy Test

It is known that Dettol is used for disinfection, germ killing and bacteria prevention purposes, but also Dettol contains compounds that can identify whether or not pregnancy is present. A little Dettol is placed in a glass container, and an appropriate amount of urine is placed in the container, provided that the urine is three times more than Dettol, for example, two tablespoons of Dettol are placed in the glass container with six tablespoons of morning urine, and then wait Five minutes, if there is a clear separation between urine and Dettol so that it is possible to differentiate between them just by looking, it is evidence of pregnancy, but if there is a mixture between urine and Dettol, it indicates that there is no pregnancy.

Causes of home pregnancy test errors

A home pregnancy test often gives a correct and expressive result, but there are some factors that affect the result of a home pregnancy test, and cause an error in the test result, and these factors include the following:[1]


A pregnant woman may be subjected to miscarriage and miscarriage, and then hurry up after a short period to take a home pregnancy test, which may give a positive result about the presence of pregnancy and the case is otherwise, when a woman begins to become pregnant, the body secretes the pregnancy hormone estrogen, which enters the bloodstream and urine, In the event of a miscarriage, the body begins to stop secreting this hormone, but it needs some time, up to more than a month, until its effects completely disappear from the body and no trace of it remains in the blood. When a woman does a pregnancy test before enough time has passed, the test shows the presence of the hormone in the blood, and the mistake occurs and the belief that the woman has become pregnant again.

Leave the sample too long

Salt pregnancy test or even a home test using a dipstick It is important not to neglect the urine sample and leave it for a long time, after putting salt in the urine, the waiting period should not exceed ten minutes; The passage of too much time often causes normal chemical reactions between salt and urine, thus giving an unrealistic picture.

Take some medicine

There are some medicines that affect the result of pregnancy and make the result positive, contrary to the truth. There are medicines that contain estrogen that helps treat cases of infertility in women. Medical, not actual pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy

When the egg is fertilized by the sperm and the egg attaches to the uterus and pregnancy begins, there are a number of signs and changes in the pregnant woman’s body through which it can be recognized that pregnancy has occurred, including the following:

swollen breasts

With the beginning of the body’s secretion of the pregnancy hormone, a signal is given to the breasts to prepare and prepare for the next baby by increasing the activity of the cells responsible for secretion of milk, so the woman feels pain in the chest area and the veins and veins begin to appear and swell, and the size of the nipple increases due to its preparation for breastfeeding.

Fatigue and tiredness

One of the most frequent signs of pregnancy in a woman with a late period is the constant feeling of unjustified fatigue and stress, and the woman feels that she needs to sleep for an unusually long number of hours, and she also feels cracking in the body, bone pain and general weakness.

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swollen veins

When pregnancy occurs and the egg begins to divide and grow, the uterus begins to expand and expand until it accommodates the new size of the fetus, and then it presses on the internal veins in the woman’s body and in the lower half of her specifically, which affects the veins and veins in the woman’s leg, increasing their size and beginning to swell. Also, some women who are predisposed to hemorrhoids begin to feel pain in the back and lower back.

morning sickness

One of the signs of pregnancy is the feeling of nausea and the desire to vomit, especially when waking up from sleep and before eating. The feeling of nausea increases after eating and the stomach is full with food, and this is often due to the change in the size of the stomach due to the pressure of the uterus on it in the first days with its large size and expansion.


Constipation is one of the signs of pregnancy if a woman is not accustomed to these seizures. Constipation occurs due to the disturbance of the movement of the stomach and its impact on hormonal changes in the woman’s body. Constipation can be eliminated by eating a lot of fruits and vegetables that contain fiber, and drinking a lot of water.

We presented my experience with a salt pregnancy test, and we learned how to carry out a salt pregnancy test, and we learned about the most important home tests for pregnancy other than salt analysis, as well as the reasons for error in the result of home tests, and the most prominent signs of pregnancy in a woman.

خاتمة لموضوعنا تجربتي مع اختبار الحمل بالملح وأسباب الخطأ في النتيجة ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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