تجربتي مع العلاج الإشعاعي وما نتائجه واثارة الجانبية , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
In light of the talk about my experience with radiotherapy, it should be noted that radiotherapy is powerful energy waves that can destroy cancer cells, stop their ability to divide and grow, and reduce the size of the tumor so that doctors can perform surgery and simulate the healing process. The patient has side effects depending on the healthy cells affected, and in this article on the reference website I will talk about my experience with radiation therapy, as well as talk about the benefits, harms, and use of radiation therapy.
Radiation therapy is a type of treatment used in the treatment of cancer. In this treatment, high-energy rays are used to kill cancer cells. X-rays with proton rays are the most popular types of radiation in most cases for external radiotherapy, where the rays are focused from outside the body on the affected area with a specialized device. In radiation irradiation with great accuracy, internal radiotherapy; It is the second type of radiation therapy that is performed by placing rays inside the body. Radiation therapy damages cells by removing the genetic material responsible for growth and division within these cells. This damage affects all cells within the affected area, whether they are cancerous or normal cells.[1]
My experience with radiotherapy
In light of my experience with radiotherapy I want to point out that at first I saw lumps in my breasts, as well as noticing the obvious difference in breast size, even though I was not breastfeeding, all of which made me feel confused and anxious, so I thought of ways to get rid of them, and in At first I thought that the reason for this was lack of sleep or maybe poor nutrition, but nothing changed after I continued to eat healthy foods and use the appropriate bras, so I thought I should go to a doctor for an examination and take firm steps for treatment, and after the medical examination the doctor asked me I did other tests and analyzes, and in fact I was worried and nervous, and after doing all the analyzes the doctor had told me that I had breast cancer and needed to undergo radiotherapy, and I had already started trying radiotherapy with a range of other treatments, and I recovered from what I was suffering from, and I advise everyone People with even minor symptoms should not ignore medical advice. The sooner a problem is discovered, the more helpful. Radiation therapy is an essential type of cancer treatment, and there is a lot of information people need to know about radiation therapy.[2][3]
Treatment of lice and nits tested, symptoms of infection and methods of prevention
Radiotherapy uses
Half of cancer patients must be treated with radiation therapy as part of the treatment plan, and it is also used to treat non-cancerous tumors, and the doctor may resort to it step by step in the patient’s treatment plan, for various reasons of his disease, including:[2]
- The first and only option where radiotherapy is resorted to when it is the first and only treatment. Reducing the size of the lump before surgery.
- Preventing residual cell growth after surgery.
- Concurrent therapy with chemotherapy.
- The use of radiation therapy in the advanced stages of the disease is a kind of reduction of related symptoms.
Types of radiotherapy
There are different types of radiotherapy including:[5][4]
- External radiation therapy: An external device that emits radiation that targets the cancerous tumor from several angles and treats different types of cancer; Because the treatment itself usually takes 5 minutes or less, the number of doses may vary from person to person depending on the type of radiation used, and the location, size and type of cancer.
- Internal radiation therapy: Doctors often use it to treat thyroid cancer. In this type of treatment, the radiation source is placed inside the body in either a liquid or solid form, which means the body may receive it slowly either by injection, orally, or intravenously from iodine. Liquid radioactive, and moves to all parts of the body to search for and kill cancer cells, and a solid form of radiation, such as: a capsule, can be placed inside the body. This type of local radiation treats cancers of the neck, head, breast, prostate, cervix, endometrium, and cancers that affect Eye.
It should be noted that the patient will schedule regular appointments to ensure the success of the treatment performed by the doctor, by examining the side effects and symptoms of the types of radiotherapy the patient is receiving. Your doctor may also perform laboratory and imaging tests such as X-rays, blood tests, or magnetic resonance imaging; This is to diagnose the symptoms of cancer.
Determinants of the type of radiotherapy
Scientists continue to discover ways to improve radiation techniques; To achieve the most effective results with the least possible risk; The goal is to reduce the exposure of healthy tissue surrounding the cancer to radiation. Your doctor may recommend both types of radiation therapy, depending on a number of factors, the most important of which are:[5]
- The general health of the person and his age.
- The location of the tumor and the sum of diverse adjacent tissues.
- Having other treatments with radiotherapy.
- cancer type
- Tumor size
Side effects of radiotherapy
There are some common side effects that occur in patients who receive radiation therapy, including the following:[3][5]
- General fatigue: It is one of the most common symptoms, and if the treated area is larger, it feels more tired and appears after two weeks of treatment. Because the body uses energy to try to heal, the patient usually gradually returns to normal after the end of the treatment period.
- Skin problems: The treated area may become dry. Symptoms appear within two weeks of treatment and end after treatment. Some are permanent. Other side effects include:
- Low blood cell count.
- hair loss;
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Anorexia.
Results of using radiotherapy
Although this treatment has injuries and side effects, it helps treat many health disorders, and this type of treatment with other appropriate treatments may lead to the elimination of cancer and its non-recurrence in many cases, and there are some aids provided by radiotherapy: [4][5]
- Reducing the size of the cancerous tumor if used before surgery.
- It is used as an adjunctive treatment after surgery to stop the growth of remaining cancer cells.
- Basic cancer treatment and elimination.
- Help stop the development of painful tumors in some people with bone cancer.
- Control of bleeding, infection and ulcerative tumors.
- Reducing symptoms of lung cancer such as shortness of breath and chest pain
- Helps relieve the effects of superior vena cava obstruction affecting the return of blood to the heart in people with head and neck cancer.
- Reducing the size of the tumor and thus reducing pressure or obstruction.
- Treats symptoms of brain cancer such as nausea, dizziness and headache.
Anemia symptoms, causes and treatment methods
After radiotherapy
Care must be taken after radiation therapy. During the weeks that a patient receives radiation therapy, the health care provider monitors the patient’s treatment plan, doses, and monitors the patient’s general health. Doctors perform many tests and tests such as: imaging during radiation therapy to monitor the patient’s response to treatment. Examinations and x-rays also show if changes are needed in the treatment plan, but if the patient experiences side effects from radiation therapy, the patient is expected to tell the health care provider about those side effects, and the small changes they appear to make a difference Significantly reducing the side effects of radiation therapy, your doctor may prescribe certain methods, medications, and tips to reduce the side effects and risks of radiation therapy.[5]
What is biological therapy?
What are the side effects of radiotherapy?
Radiation therapy has been effective in improving the condition of many patients, but like many other treatments it causes side effects, which vary from patient to patient, and it depends on the part of the patient’s body being treated, and the type of radiotherapy used. The side effects of radiotherapy are as follows:[6][3]
- Skin sores: These symptoms usually begin one to two weeks after starting treatment, and last two to four weeks after stopping treatment, and discoloration of the skin after sunburn.
- Fatigue and fatigue: Many radiotherapy patients suffer from fatigue and exhaustion during and after treatment, so that the patient notices feeling tired quickly and even after daily activities, and the patient is advised if he feels suddenly tired to consult a doctor.
- Hair loss: Radiation therapy, unlike chemotherapy, which causes complete hair loss, and causes hair loss in the areas exposed to this treatment, and hair loss often begins 2 to 3 weeks after starting treatment, and begins to grow again after weeks of treatment, It can be said that the texture, quality and color of the hair that may grow after the end of the treatment may differ from the nature of the patient’s original hair.
- Eating and drinking problems: due to radiation therapy, which may cause ulcers in the mouth, loss of appetite and difficulty swallowing, which may lead to weight loss.
- Diarrhea: Diarrhea is a symptom associated with radiotherapy performed on the abdomen or pelvis.
- Muscle and joint stiffness: Doing some regular exercises may help relieve these symptoms, and it is recommended that you consult your doctor if you experience these symptoms, and he may recommend physical therapy.
- Sexual problems and fertility problems: Radiation therapy affects fertility and may also lead to sexual problems. If you receive radiation treatment to the abdomen, pelvis or pubic area, these problems will increase.
- Psychological problems: the patient is often affected and exposed to psychological problems while receiving radiotherapy; Because he feels anxious and stressed, this increases the risk of depression.
- Lymphedema: Also called lymphatic embolism, this symptom is caused by trauma and destruction of the lymphatic system by radiotherapy, and causes fluid buildup, swelling and pain, especially in the arms and legs.
- Another type of cancer: This is one of the few side effects of radiotherapy.
Effects of internal radiotherapy on the patient’s surroundings
Exposure to internal radiotherapy may require the patient to stay away from family and relatives; Because internal radiation therapy may cause small amounts of radiation to be emitted around the patient, and the amount of radiation emitted varies according to the type of internal radiation used by the patient, and the most important damage caused by different types of internal radiation therapy to the patient’s surroundings:[5][6]
High dose brachytherapy
A radioactive substance enters the patient’s body in a short time and then the radioactive substance leaves the patient’s body, and does not require any isolation or distance from the patient; Because it does not emit radiation from the patient’s body, but when receiving x-rays, the patient should not approach the patient and leave the room, as low-dose or permanent brachytherapy: This requires the radioactive material to remain in the patient’s body for a long time or permanently, which results in the continuous release of large amounts Significant radiation outside the patient’s body, and this may result in harm to others, and according to the doctor’s advice, caution and adherence to safety advice and medical advice are necessary to keep the patient away from others.
Systemic radiotherapy
The treatment process is carried out by the patient using a radioactive substance that spreads throughout the patient’s body, which requires many safety measures to ensure the safety of those around the patient; Because this substance is transmitted through the patient’s body, saliva, sweat, blood and urine, and therefore safety measures must be tightened during the first days of treatment, after which the patient’s body can get rid of this radioactive substance and then return to normal life.
Effects of external radiotherapy on the patient’s surroundings
External radiation therapy is usually done from external sources that target only a specific part of the body. External radiation therapy does not affect those around the patient during or after treatment; Because the radiation is immediate and external, there is no residual of it in the body, and therefore the lack of radiation is a sign of not harming those around the patient, whether during or after treatment, and unlike internal radiotherapy, external radiotherapy does not harm those around the patient, and as we mentioned earlier Some types of radiotherapy may emit small amounts of radiation waves into the ocean, and safety standards for patient communication with others are established based on the following:[6][5]
- The time the patient is discharged from the hospital.
- The amount of radioactive material remaining in the patient’s body.
- radiotherapy quality
For example, in the case of receiving treatment with isotope iodine or what is known as radioactive iodine, the patient must sleep alone in the bed, especially in the first days of treatment in addition to:
- Avoid close contact with pregnant women and children.
- Avoid kissing or close contact with others.
- Avoid having sex.
- Avoid traveling with public vehicles.
- Mothers are advised to refrain from breastfeeding or not to allow the baby to sit on his feet for a long time.
Tips after undergoing radiotherapy
After receiving treatment and returning home, many patients can return to their normal lives. It is recommended to monitor side effects of treatment, and if they occur, speak to a doctor for appropriate medical advice, in order to help reduce side effects, but in general the following is recommended:[5]
- Get enough rest.
- Eat healthy food.
- Inform family and friends of any side effects.
- Avoid exposure to the sun for long hours.
- Follow your doctor’s instructions.
What is physical therapy
Finally, in this article, I talked about my experience with radiation therapy, as well as the benefits, harms, and use of radiation therapy, as well as the impact of radiation therapy on the environment surrounding the patient.
خاتمة لموضوعنا تجربتي مع العلاج الإشعاعي وما نتائجه واثارة الجانبية ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.