A short and written expression on the mother is one of the topics of great importance, due to the great and basic role that the mother plays in the family and the position that the mother occupies in the heart of every family member, and the prominent and essential role of her in upbringing, the good or the bad of which is entirely due to society. We had to give the mother such great importance. In this article, we put for you a short and written expression on the mother, in addition to a valuable set of topics of expression with a distinctive topic introduction and conclusion about the mother that you can use.
Short Mother Expression Subject Elements
In order to write a short and distinct written topic about the mother, you must know the correct structure of the topic of expression and the most important steps that you should follow. related to:
the introduction
This part of the topic is considered the most difficult because you want to attract the reader to complete the topic, and it must meet the following conditions:
- To be interesting and arouse the reader’s curiosity to complete the topic.
- It should be short, containing only the main idea without detailing it.
- To be flexible, as the subject of the expression is not a report or press release that should be serious, but rather the expression should contain your personal opinion, feelings and emotions towards the homeland.
- The introduction should include a quote about patriotism from a verse, hadith or verse, because that supports the topic, if necessary.
Presentation (hard topic)
The presentation represents the main idea of the topic that is here about patriotism, as it must include the important points in detail with attention to the correctness of the language and the accuracy of the expressive narration. In order for the process to be easier for you, it is preferable to divide the topic into points with pens, and then separate each point, and it is important that each point of the subject of expression is based on a new idea. And it’s important to know that a presentation usually consists of one or two paragraphs, approximately four lines each. When you finish each point and deal with everything related to it, you must put a point, and then start with the next idea; That is, it is not permissible to confuse the ideas because that would distort the subject even if his ideas are strong.
Each topic has the ending that suits it, but there are a group of adjectives for the sentences that end the topic successfully. You can choose one of them to end the expression with, and they are as follows:
- The sentences should be a summary of the topic.
- It should include a wisdom, result, or question that opens a new topic to the reader, or otherwise.
- Or we repeat in the conclusion some of what was mentioned in the introduction for the sake of proof.
Expression of the mother short and written
Introduction: The mother is a fragrance that smells around, and a fragrance that rises in the horizons; Living under the care of a mother is a life, and love is only pleasant by the goodness of what it finds, and the eye that does not turn black every day by seeing the brilliance of her eyes is an eye filled with heartbreak and sorrow. The sayings of the poets, their beautiful verses, and their beautiful words abounded, and their hearts opened as they described the mother in the most beautiful words.
لُمِّكَ حَقٌّ لَوْ عَلِمْتَ كَثِيرُ *** كَثِيرُكَ يَا هَذَا لَدَيْهِ يَسِيرُ
The offer: the mother is the coupon of life, the equipment of the house, and all the people, and she is the bond on which all family members rely. The mother is the basis of contentment and prosperity. Talking is not pleasant except with her memory, and the heart does not dance except with joy and happiness when meeting her. The tenderness of the mother is inexhaustible, so the most kind and gentle mother, and the best companion and friend, is her. She is the person who, no matter how she is going through circumstances, finds her to be kind to the community, kind-hearted, and she is the one who gives generously, without getting bored of giving. She is the only person who no matter how much he searches for words to describe her, you will not find, and no matter how much you try to formulate phrases, you will not be able, for the mother is her place in the heart, and a stable and stable place is enough for him. Simply the mother is the person whom the Lord Almighty recommended in his dear book, and he sufficed her with that of honor and honor.
Conclusion: In conclusion, we must stress the importance of treating the mother in a good manner that is commensurate with the prominent role that the mother plays towards each member of the family.
Read also: Poetry about Mother’s Day written 2021
The subject of an expression about the mother and her favour
Introduction: We have been commanded by God Almighty in his dear book, mother, and the Prophet, upon him be the best prayers and the most complete surrender, alerted us to the importance of honoring parents, especially the mother, in more than one honorable prophetic hadith, including what was reported from him, peace be upon him: “A man said: O Messenger of God. Who is most deserving of good company? He said: Your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your father, then the next closest to you.
The offer: benevolence to the mother and being willing to her with righteousness and obedience is a reason for the acceptance of deeds with God Almighty, just as benevolence to the mother is a great reason for blessing in sustenance and long life; This was mentioned in the hadith, and it is agreed upon. The greatest bond that a Muslim can make is the relationship of the parents, and the most complete kindness in this is the kindness of a person to his mother through a set of things that a person can offer to his mother during her life and even after her death.
With a mother’s righteousness, the gates of the heavens are opened and God Almighty answers prayers. Whoever is kind to his mother, has compassion on her and is kind to her, goodness from God Almighty will be accepted by him. The mother who carried you in her womb without complaining for nine months deserves all the goodness and kindness from you. She is pleased if she senses your movement, but that only increases her longing to see you look at her with your appearance, which she considers the pomp of existence. She forgets her pain, and has attached all her hopes to you, she is afraid of the treachery of time and protects you with her eyes.
Conclusion: In conclusion, it must be emphasized that honoring the mother is a pride for men, regardless of their age or destiny, and it is also the trait of the honorable and the character of the prophets, and the Muslim must be keen on this matter in order to obtain the reward and reward from God Almighty in the hereafter, sustenance and comfort in this world.
Expression describing the mother
Introduction: The mother is the greatest thing in this existence, and I write about my mother and I hope to describe her in a way that fulfills her right, but I think that this is an impossible task because the mother is a precious treasure that cannot be described with all the words of love and loyalty that are mentioned in dictionaries.
The Show: For me, my mom is my only hero, my mom is the only person I can’t live without, the only person to whom I pay my gratitude and all the words of thanks and love. My mother is my hero because she gives me strength when I need it most. She is the one who takes care of me and always stands with me when I face any difficulty in life. She makes me feel that the problem, no matter how old, can be solved with a kind look from her eyes. In fact, this is what distinguishes my truly brave and strong mother.
My mother’s selfless love is my life, I have never seen anyone who is selfless and takes care of everyone’s interests before himself like her. Mom does her best to provide the best life for everyone around her. All her life she has been thinking of me, and I lack the words to express her selfless love; My mother taught me to help others and to respect the elderly. My mother inspires me to do good deeds, she is very kind, polite, humble and loving in nature.
Conclusion: Finally I must affirm that all that I am or wish to be, I owe to my mother. It is said, “A mother’s love is the motive that enables an ordinary person to do the impossible,” and as I grew older, I realized that my mother was the best friend I could ever have.
Expression of the mother Introduction Presentation Conclusion
Introduction: The presence of a mother in the life of every human being is a great blessing that cannot be compared to anything else. Through her, a Muslim obtains the approval of God Almighty. This is because God’s pleasure lies in the approval of parents. by my mother, and He did not make me a tyrannical and wretched one.”
Presentation: Through benevolence to parents and their care, you will receive great treasures of wages, in addition to many good deeds that God Almighty will bestow upon you, sustenance in the world, success and bliss of a resident, and you have to be very careful to obtain this reward from God Almighty. And every Muslim who falls short towards his mother, who does not sleep at night, and she is for her child is a supplication, and she asks him to return to himself and hold her accountable with all seriousness, and accept his mother and treat her well by all means of benevolence by obeying her commands and not raising her voice, and to present her in speech and in gait, and to reform Between her and his father, if there is any disagreement between them, and if the word is easy and the word is soft, nothing but the truth will emanate from him.
Conclusion: Finally, I must direct every Muslim who falls short to seek God’s forgiveness and pledge himself to make up for what has passed with righteousness and benevolence, and even if his mother was deceased, her righteousness did not depend on her life, but you can justify her through supplication and the implementation of the will and many other things that honor her.
Expression of the mother in English short and written
We provide you with the following topic about an expression of the mother in English that you can use to perform your homework:
I feel very proud to talk about my mother. There is no parallel of a mother, all other relations are inferior to motherhood. I feel highly obliged by my mother who borne pains and labor to bring me into this world. I had not been here in this world if there had not been a mother.
I believe that only mother’s love is true in the world only since my childhood I have been enjoying the true love of my mom who never let me feel alone even for a moment. Her love knows no bounds, she is the perfect epitome of selfless love and compassion. She is the first teacher, first guide, and first leader when one starts taking steps, it is she who teaches how to take steps and stand on own feet.
A child takes the first steps of life holding the blessed finger of the mother. It is my mother who made me stand on my feet and taught me how to eat and how to drink. She can’t sleep if her child is awake, she can’t eat if her child is hungry, she can’t smile if her child is sad, above all she becomes ill and sick if her child is sick. How can I measure the extent of her love and care, her affection is immeasurable.
Expression of the mother in English is very short and easy translation
Short and written translation of an essay on the mother in English
In order to be able to understand the subject of the previous expression well, you must see the correct translation of it, and we put it for you as follows:
I feel proud to speak for my mother. There is no equal to mother, all other relationships are inferior to motherhood. I feel very compelled by my mother, who has endured pain, to bring me into this world. I wouldn’t be here in this world if my mom wasn’t there.
I believe that only a mother’s love is the true love in the world, since my childhood I enjoy the true love of my mother who never let me feel lonely even for a moment. Her love knows no bounds, she is the perfect example of selfless love. It is the first teacher, the first guide, the first leader when one begins to take one’s first steps, who teaches one how to take those steps and stand on one’s own two feet.
The child takes the first steps of his life holding the finger of the Blessed Mother. It was my mother who made me stand and taught me how to eat and how to drink. A mother cannot sleep if her child is awake, cannot eat if her child is hungry, cannot smile if her child is sad, and above all falls ill and becomes ill if her child is ill. How can I measure her love and concern, her affection is immeasurable.
Ruling about the mother
sentences about mother
In order to be able to write your distinctive expression about the mother, you must have a stock of words and phrases, so we have prepared a set of appropriate phrases for you to talk about in your own topic, we list them for you as follows:
- A mother is a true blessing; There is no equal to a mother’s love.
- My mom is my best friend, she understands me and helps me solve my problems.
- My mom always takes care of everything for me.
- My mother is always ready to make any sacrifices for my wants and needs.
- My mother works hard to take care of the needs of the entire family at home.
- My mother is the one who keeps my pride, she loves me selflessly.
- My mom is my umbrella because she always protects me.
- My mom is my biggest motivator, she always encourages me.
- I dedicated my life to my mother, because she had dedicated her life to me.
- I always pray for my mother’s health and longevity.
Words about the deceased mother touching
Here we have come to the conclusion of this article, and we have written for you a short and correct expression of the mother with all the elements necessary to write the subject of the expression.