تفسير حلم البيت القديم الواسع لابن سيرين والنابلسي وابن شاهين

تفسير حلم البيت القديم الواسع لابن سيرين والنابلسي وابن شاهين , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Interpretation of the dream of a wide old house indicates many different connotations and interpretations, so many people search for its interpretation because of the spread of this dream, as both women and men prefer to interpret their own visions in order to reach what they refer to in normal life, and the interpretation of the vision of the house is affected The old man during sleep has several cases, which are the state of the house and the state of the dreamer.

Interpretation of a dream about a spacious old house

There are many interpretations and indications associated with seeing the old house during sleep, and these indications are as follows:

  • A person who sees an old house while sleeping, indicates that this person lived in the past.
  • Seeing the old house during sleep may be a sign of abundance and blessing.
  • Watching the abandoned old house during sleep, denotes desertion, separation, and loss of solace.
  • A person who watches himself buying an old house while sleeping, denotes that he will be covered and blessed.
  • The dreamer who sees an old, spacious house, indicates that a secret has been revealed about the owner of the dream, which he has been trying to hide for a long time.
  • Seeing the old house indicates the loss of the work and efforts of the dream owner in many useless works.

Interpretation of a dream about the wide old house of Ibn Sirin

The interpretation of the dream of the wide old house of Ibn Sirin is the most searched for in the world of interpretations, where the implications of this dream are as follows:

  • Ibn Sirin says that a person’s vision of the childhood home, in which he used to live in the past, indicates the dreamer’s longing to return to this time again.
  • Ibn Sirin believes that seeing a spacious old house in a dream is evidence of the appearance of people from the seer’s past again in the current period of his life.
  • Interpreting the vision of the old spacious house of Ibn Sirin, it may be a sign of the control of worries and troubles on the owner of the dream.

Interpretation of a dream about a spacious old house, Imam Sadiq

Many people interested in the field of dream interpretations prefer to search for the interpretations of Imam al-Sadiq, and these interpretations are:

  • Imam al-Sadiq believes that the appearance of a spacious old house in a dream is evidence of the visionary’s catastrophic failure to reach his goals.
  • Seeing an unmarried young man, buying a spacious old house, indicates hardship and trouble in his life.
  • Seeing a pregnant woman in her sleep is interpreted as an old house, indicating that she will be exposed to some birth problems.
  • Imam al-Sadiq says that the single woman you see during sleep indicates her marriage to a poor person, or someone who is not well off and that she will suffer.

Interpretation of the vision of the wide old house of Nabulsi

Al-Nabulsi’s interpretations of the vision of the large old house differed according to the different connotations of the dream. These connotations are represented in:

  • Al-Nabulsi says that a married woman, who sees herself renovating her old house, is evidence of her tolerance of many of her husband’s bad habits, so as not to demolish the house.
  • Seeing an old house in a man’s dream indicates that he will fall into financial problems and debts.
  • Seeing the spacious old house of a person who works in trade for Nabulsi is interpreted as having suffered great losses.
  • Seeing the old house inside the divorced woman’s dream indicates good news that she will get rid of troubles and worries through the next stage.

Interpretation of the vision of the old spacious house of Ibn Shaheen

Ibn Shaheen presents many different interpretations of dreams, which everyone is looking for, and these interpretations related to the dream are:

  • Ibn Shaheen believes that the appearance of the large old house during sleep is evidence of the dreamer’s passing through problems in his social environment.
  • The appearance of the old house of the single woman of Ibn Shaheen is evidence of the girl’s delay in marriage.
  • Seeing entering the spacious old house while sleeping with some people indicates that misfortunes occurred between the dreamer and these people.

See also: Interpretation of a dream about seeing someone I know in our house for Ibn Sirin for single, married, divorced and widowed

Interpretation of a dream about a spacious old house for single people

Seeing the dreams of the old house for singles can lead to several different things, so good research must be done to reach the best results as:

  • Seeing the old house inside the house of a single woman is a sign for this woman that her dreams cannot be fulfilled.
  • Seeing a single girl in her sleep can denote leaving a spacious old house, a sign of her liberation from the worries and sorrows that she feels.
  • The old house in a single woman’s dream is interpreted as having bad companions in her life.
  • The old house in a single woman’s dream indicates the friendship of bad companions.
  • Seeing the old house while sleeping for the single woman indicates her association with an unsuitable young man and that she will suffer if the marriage takes place.
  • Seeing a single girl during her sleep, and her presence in an old house with her family members, indicates that there are many problems between her and the person she saw inside the house with her.
  • Interpretation scholars say that seeing the spacious old house inside the dream of the betrothed girl indicates her fiancé’s research into her past.
  • Interpretation of seeing a single girl wandering in a dream in an old house, this dream indicates a personal meeting she used to know in the past.
  • Seeing a single girl doing a new job indicates an old and spacious house, this is a sign that she will fail in her job.
  • Interpreters of dreams say that the appearance of the old, spacious house in a single girl’s dream indicates that her psyche is affected by many problems and worries.
  • Interpretation scholars told us that seeing the spacious old house in a single woman’s dream indicates the loss of this girl a lot, because of her haste in making decisions.

Interpretation of a dream about a spacious old house for a married woman

Interpretations of the dreams of a married woman are among the most disturbing things, as women want to know the mysterious and frightening things about them, so:

  • Watching a married woman entering an old and spacious house during sleep indicates the restoration of previously ended relationships.
  • The dream of the husband buying his wife a spacious and new house during sleep is interpreted as the pregnancy of this woman.
  • The husband and wife moving during sleep for a married woman, indicates that she is out of distress.
  • Seeing escaping from the old house can also indicate that the wife is evading the responsibility of the husband and children.
  • A dream about returning to an old house while sleeping for a married woman indicates her betrayal of her husband.
  • Seeing the old spacious house in a dream, and a married woman visiting it, indicates that she is related to the womb.

See also: Interpretation of a dream about seeing someone I know in our house by Ibn Sirin

Interpretation of a dream about a spacious old house for a divorced woman

A divorced woman is always looking for a way to interpret her dreams and know the unknown things in her life, so the interpretation of this dream is:

  • If a divorced woman sees herself and her children entering an old house, this indicates many problems related to children.
  • Interpreters of dreams believe that seeing the old house in the dream of a divorced woman indicates that this woman went through many difficulties and problems during this period.
  • Scholars of dream interpretation also tell us that seeing the same divorced woman with her ex-husband in an old house indicates that her ex-husband’s actions committed many problems.
  • The vision of a divorced woman who works in the spacious old house, explains why she left her current job.
  • Seeing a large old house in a divorced woman’s dream indicates the emergence of some financial problems and exposure to debts.
  • Seeing a divorced woman demolishing the old spacious house herself can denote that she will get rid of things related to the past and start over.
  • The divorced woman’s leaving her old home indicates that she is rid of the negative thoughts that were controlling her.

Interpretation of a dream about a spacious old house for a pregnant woman

A pregnant woman’s interpretations of her dreams are important to her, fearing for the fetus and the health of the pregnant woman, in terms of:

  • Seeing a spacious old house in a pregnant woman’s dream indicates that God Almighty fulfills her wishes after a great deal of trouble.
  • Seeing a pregnant woman sitting inside a spacious old house indicates the safety of the pregnancy and the fetus.
  • Interpreting the vision of a pregnant woman entering a spacious and new house, evidence of the approaching date of her birth.
  • Interpretation of a dream about a pregnant woman moving between one house to another is evidence of hardship and instability in her pregnancy.
  • A dream about entering a large, dark deserted old house denotes the disease of the fetus and her disease.
  • Seeing the loss inside the large spacious house, in the dream of the pregnant woman, indicates that she is renewing old relationships.

See also: What is the interpretation of seeing cats in a dream and trying to get them out of the house

Interpretation of seeing the demolition of the old house

Several interpretations have been put forward for seeing the old house being demolished:

  • Seeing the demolition of the old house during sleep indicates that the dreamer is hiding a dangerous secret in his life.
  • If a married man sees the demolition of an old house in his sleep, this indicates that he will divorce his wife.
  • Seeing the demolition of the old house during the sleep of the person suffering from problems is a sign of getting rid of these problems.
  • Interpreters of dreams believe that seeing the demolition of the house during sleep is evidence of the deliverance and victory of the owner of the dream from the envious and haters.
  • Seeing the demolition of the old house of a person suffering from problems, denotes an attempt to get rid of and fix these problems.

Interpretation of seeing our spacious old house in a dream

The interpretation of seeing a return to the old house during sleep is varied and numerous, and these interpretations are represented in:

  • Interpreters of dreams see a person who sees his return to the spacious old house, evidence of his sins and his desire to repent.
  • The commentators also say that seeing the old house during sleep of the brothers between whom there is a quarrel, indicates the end of the quarrel, and the approach of peace.
  • Seeing a man’s spacious old abandoned house indicates his longing for his first love.
  • Seeing the spacious old house in the dream interprets the dream owner’s thinking about the many changes that occurred in all stages of his life.
  • Seeing the spacious old house inside a dream for the oppressive and oppressive person is a sign from God – the Almighty – to pay attention to the many blessings within his life, which he must pay attention to and thank God Almighty for them.

Interpretation of buying a spacious old house

An old house is bought during sleep, in order to indicate some visions and interpretations. These indications and interpretations are:

  • Seeing the purchase of an old house during sleep denotes protection and blessing.
  • Seeing the restoration of the spacious old house during sleep is interpreted as a breakthrough for the dreamer.
  • Seeing an old house that is bought and then demolished during sleep indicates that the dreamer will be exposed to misfortunes.
  • Seeing the old house with mud, denotes that it is exposed to scandal and disgrace.
  • Seeing the purchase of a spacious old house bearing rocks and stones, denotes how strong the dreamer’s enemies are.
  • Seeing an old spacious house that carries dust, denotes that the dreamer will have an abundant livelihood.
  • Watching the purchase of a spacious cellar during sleep indicates the deception and deception of the seer.
  • Seeing a spacious house in a dream made of wood and mud indicates a loss of trade.

See also: Interpretation of repeating a dream about a specific person without thinking about it

Interpretation of seeing a spacious new house in a dream

Seeing a wide house in a dream indicates many different connotations, but these connotations will be presented for you to see, as these connotations are:

  • Seeing the new house during sleep and that it is spacious indicates the occurrence of new partnerships and relationships, from which the dreamer will obtain goodness and sustenance.
  • Seeing the construction of the new spacious house during sleep interprets the development of the dreamer’s family life.
  • Seeing entering a spacious new house during sleep indicates marriage.
  • Dreaming of traveling and moving to a new home during sleep indicates the stability that exists in the dreamer’s life after many disputes.
  • Seeing the wide house being demolished, explains the evil of the dreamer’s actions.

Interpretation of a dream about moving to a spacious old house

Watching a dream about moving from one house to another during sleep indicates different matters that may affect real life. These interpretations are:

  • Interpreting a dream about moving to a spacious and old house during sleep, it is a great indication of the return of old relations between a lover or friend.
  • Seeing moving from one house to another old house during sleep indicates that the dreamer will be seriously ill.
  • A vision of moving into a large old demolished house indicates the presence of a woman of bad character in the life of the seer.
  • The dream of getting married and then moving to a spacious and old house during sleep is interpreted on the severity of the uprightness in the religious life of the dreamer.
  • Watching the move to an old, dark and dark house during sleep indicates the corruption of the seer’s wife.
  • Watching the transition from a narrow house to a spacious house in a dream is interpreted as evidence of the fading of the dreamer’s worries.
  • Seeing moving from an old house to a modern one indicates the poverty of the seer.

Interpretation of an old abandoned house in a dream

Interpreters of dreams believe that seeing the old house inside the dream has different interpretational habits and affects life differently. These interpretations are:

  • Seeing a dark, deserted old house denotes sins committed by the seer.
  • Seeing the old house demolished during sleep denotes a great loss for the dreamer.
  • Cleaning the old abandoned house during sleep indicates moderation in the viewer about a sin he committed and retracted from it.
  • Seeing the restoration of the old house indicates a family reunion.
  • Seeing the jinn in the house indicates that there is a vow in the dreamer’s life that he did not fulfill.
  • Seeing an abandoned house during sleep denotes the presence of conflicts and problems.
  • Seeing escaping from an old abandoned house denotes that the dreamer will come out of a misfortune.

See also: Interpretation of seeing the moon in a dream for a single woman by Ibn Sirin and Nabulsi

Interpretation of a dream about a dirty old house

Many people are terrified of seeing the old, dirty house during sleep. Interpretation of the dream of the old wide house also, as this vision indicates:

  • Interpreters of dreams assert that seeing a dirty old house during sleep indicates the severity of the dream owner’s misfortune.
  • The old, dirty house appears during sleep because the seer is notorious, and does wrong actions.
  • To see the old house with mud, is interpreted to be in a notorious community.
  • The presence of the dreamer in a dirty and old house with his family, indicates the many disputes and problems that will occur between him and his family members.

In this article, we presented the interpretation of the dream of the wide old house, and the interpretations of Ibn Sirin, Imam Al-Sadiq, Al-Nabulsi, Ibn Shaheen, both single, married, divorced, and also pregnant, demolishing the old house, the old spacious house, buying an old house, and the new spacious house And moving to an old and spacious house, and the old abandoned house, and the old dirty house.

خاتمة لموضوعنا تفسير حلم البيت القديم الواسع لابن سيرين والنابلسي وابن شاهين ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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