تفسير حلم تقبيل فتاة لفتاة من فمها في المنام بالتفصيل لابن سيرين , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl from her mouth in a dream is considered one of the disturbing dreams that the seer can see in his dream, which makes him search for the interpretation of this dream, which in its interpretation may refer to good, as it may refer to evil, so today we will present to you a distinguished group of Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl in the mouth in a dream.
Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl from the mouth
The scholars differed in the interpretation of this dream, and this difference is due to the nature of the dream and the state of the seer in the dream.
- Seeing a girl kissing another girl in her dream indicates that this girl will get a lot of money illegally, and that this will cause her a lot of harm.
- This also indicates if it is without lust, evidence that the girl will be blessed with abundant good and a lot of money in the near future, but if it is with lust, it indicates a lot of backbiting and gossip.
- A girl kissing a dead woman in her dream is evidence that she will get a lot of good, and this also indicates that she will marry soon.
- Seeing a girl who is engaged to another ugly girl while kissing her on the mouth is evidence that she will break her engagement soon.
- Some scholars interpreted a man’s vision of a girl kissing another girl, and this would increase his desire as evidence that he would enter a forbidden path and would do many illegal acts in his work.
- Seeing a pregnant lady kissing another girl is evidence that she will get a lot of good in the near future.
- Interpretation of this dream for a single girl who sees a group of girls kissing each other is evidence that she has a lot of bad friends.
See also: Interpretation of the dream of seeing peace on the dead by hand for single, married and pregnant women
Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl from her mouth by Ibn Sirin
Ibn Sirin is distinguished by his distinctive way of interpreting dreams, so many people search for him in the interpretation of their dreams.
- Ibn Sirin interpreted this dream to the girl as she saw herself kissing another girl from her mouth, stating that this girl faces many problems in her life and work, and is also going through a major financial crisis.
- Ibn Sirin believes that a girl who sees a girl kissing another girl from her mouth in her dream is evidence that she is secretly doing a lot of forbidden things, and she must hurry to God with repentance.
- The interpretation of this son of this dream for a man who sees a girl kissing another girl from her mouth with increased desire is evidence that he will lose a lot of money in the near future.
- For the married woman, this dream indicates that there are many family problems and disputes between her and her husband, which may lead them to divorce, and the wife must solve these problems until their lives become calm, stable, free of problems and disputes.
- Ibn Sirin interpreted this for the young man as saying that he would soon marry a girl he did not like, but those around him wanted that.
- Ibn Sirin’s interpretation of this dream for the single girl, and she sees a group of girls kissing each other, is evidence that she commits many sins.
Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl from her mouth by Ibn Shaheen
The interpretation of Ibn Shaheen is not very different from the interpretation of Ibn Sirin, where Ibn Shaheen presented a set of interpretations and indications that refer to the interpretation of this dream.
- Ibn Shaheen interpreted this dream as indicating that the dreamer will get a lot of money, and this also indicates an increase in the dreamer’s self-confidence and an increase in his social relationship with those around him.
- Seeing the girl doing another girl who does not accept her or there is enmity between them is evidence that she will reconcile with her enemies, which the feud has continued between them for many years.
- Seeing a man kissing his wife in a dream indicates the extent of love and happiness that this husband feels towards his wife.
- His interpretation of seeing a dead person kissing a girl is evidence that this girl will receive a great inheritance from this dead person.
Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl from her mouth by Nabulsi
Every scientist has a point of view in interpreting dreams, but it does not differ much from other interpretations. Al-Nabulsi interpreted the dream of a girl kissing a girl from her mouth on several different interpretations depending on the nature of the dream and the state of the seer in the dream, and the most prominent of those interpretations came as follows:
- Al-Nabulsi interpreted this dream as indicating that the dreamer will get a lot of good and money in his life.
- This also indicates that this girl will get a lot of good in the coming period.
- Al-Nabulsi believes that kissing the dead girl from her mouth is evidence that this girl has reached the stage of maturity and her opinion can be taken on many matters and the possibility of relying on him.
- Seeing the lover kissing his girlfriend from her mouth is evidence of how much he longs for her and wants to take her into his bosom. Al-Nabulsi believes that this person should expedite the matters of marriage so that he gets what he wants in the lawful, and obtains the love of his Lord and not his wrath.
Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl from the mouth for a single woman
The interpretation of this dream came on a set of interpretations that refer to good, as well as to evil, and the interpretation of this differed according to the nature of the dream, and the interpretation of this dream for the single girl came as follows:
- This dream indicates how strong the relationship they have with each other.
- Some scholars also explained that this girl will marry soon.
- A single girl seeing a group of girls kissing each other on the mouth, and this girl was very upset, is evidence that she will get to know a group of bad friends who will guide her to the wrong path.
- The girl seeing this dream while she is happy indicates that there are many problems that the girl will face in the near future, which will make her feel a lot of sadness and pain.
- A girl seeing this dream, but it happens without desire, is evidence that she will get a lot of good in her life in the coming period after a lot of patience.
See also: Interpretation of a dream about intercourse for a married woman with her husband
Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl from her mouth for a married woman
When a married woman dreams of this dream in her dream, especially if there are problems in her married life, she is worried, so we will present to you a set of interpretations that came about this dream for the married woman, which came as follows:
- Seeing a married woman in this dream while she is happy is evidence of the many problems and disagreements between her and her husband in reality.
- Seeing the same married woman kissing a girl she actually knows is evidence of the strength of the relationship between them.
- This also indicates if it is without desire, evidence that there is abundant good and a lot of money that the husband will receive in the near future.
- A married woman seeing her husband kissing her on the mouth is evidence of the extent of the love and stability that exists between them.
- Seeing a married woman of a good-looking man kissing her on the mouth indicates that she will soon have a pregnancy and good offspring.
- Some scholars also explained that on the basis of the many problems and disagreements that the seer is going through, and this is due to the fact that she commits a lot of disobedience and sins in her life, and she must return and repent to God.
Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl from her mouth for a pregnant woman
It is normal for a pregnant woman to see in a dream a group of disturbing dreams, due to her fear for her health and the health of her fetus, and a lot of different reasons. The interpretation of this dream came with a number of different interpretations, the most important of which are the following:
- If the pregnant woman sees this dream with lust, it is evidence that she will face many problems in her life, and she must be patient until these problems end well.
- If the pregnant woman is happy in her dream, this indicates the problems that she is exposed to, but they will soon go away.
- A pregnant woman seeing two girls kissing each other and this increases her desire is evidence that she faces many sins that go to her, and she must seek forgiveness from her Lord and draw close to Him in order to protect herself from those sins.
- Interpretation of a dreamer seeing a group of girls kissing each other but feeling disgusted is evidence that she is a righteous person, and takes care of her Lord in every step she takes.
- This also indicates that the date of the birth of the visionary is approaching, that her birth will be easy without problems and pain, and that her fetus will enjoy good health.
See also: Interpretation of the dream of the lover’s betrayal of the single, married and pregnant woman, and its various connotations
Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl from her mouth for a divorced woman
After a married woman’s life ends with divorce, she faces many problems that make her see some disturbing and disturbing dreams, and among those dreams she may see a girl kissing a girl from her mouth in her dream, so we will present to you the following distinct group of those interpretations:
- Some scholars interpreted this dream for a divorced woman that she will return to her husband in the near future, and that her life will be stable and calm, free of problems and disputes.
- Ibn Sirin sees this as evidence of the many problems and concerns that the visionary faces in her life.
- Ibn Sirin also explained that she will soon marry another man, and that her life will be characterized by stability and happiness.
- Seeing the divorced woman facing many problems and worries in her life is evidence that everything she is going through will end and go away.
- Seeing the divorced woman kissing a girl she knows is evidence that she will marry soon.
Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl from her mouth to a man
A man may feel disturbed by this dream. This dream, as it is considered a good dream, is also considered an unpleasant one. The interpretation of this dream came to scholars and interpreters as follows:
- A man seeing a group of girls kissing each other and that increases his surprise without increasing his lust is evidence that he will face many problems in his work.
- Interpretation of seeing this dream also if it increases his desire is evidence that he is a market that commits a lot of great sins in his life, which causes him to fall into many problems.
- A man seeing this dream while he is happy and that increases his desire, evidence that he will get a lot of forbidden money soon.
- Some scholars also interpreted this dream for the man who keeps these two girls away from each other so that they do not commit sins that anger God, evidence that he will get rid of some of the sins and disobedience that he commits.
See also: Interpretation of a dream about marrying someone you love
Interpretation of a dream about a girl kissing a girl from her mouth to a young man
The interpretation of this dream for a single young man differs from a married man, as there are many interpretations and differed in the interpretation of this dream for a single young man, and the most prominent of these interpretations are the following:
- Seeing a young man kissing a girl he knows is evidence that he will marry this girl soon.
- Seeing a young man by himself kissing a woman who is beautiful and in all her adornment indicates that he will marry a woman who has already been married, and that he will get a lot of money and goodness from behind her.
- A young man seeing himself kissing another girl from the mouth with lust is evidence that he will drift into a path full of sins, but he will escape from it because of his closeness to his Lord through worship and righteous deeds.
- A young man’s vision of a girl kissing another girl from her mouth and this girl was beautiful is evidence that he will face many sins in his life, but he will get closer to his Lord so that he does not fall into these sins.
- This also indicates that if this increases the man’s desire that this young man will get a new job and will get a lot of forbidden money through it, which will be a cause for his annoyance.
- The young man’s vision of this dream, but he does not care and does not care, is evidence that he commits some sins in his life, but he does not care about them and continues to work and cannot get rid of them.
- A young man seeing a girl he knows kissing another girl and he is very upset by this is evidence that there are some wrong things that this young man does, but he is very upset about them.
See also: Interpretation of the dream of the husband marrying his wife again for Ibn Sirin
Thus, we have presented to you a distinct group of interpretation of the dream of a girl kissing a girl from her mouth in a dream, which differed according to the social status of the seer. Indicate evil.
خاتمة لموضوعنا تفسير حلم تقبيل فتاة لفتاة من فمها في المنام بالتفصيل لابن سيرين ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.