Interpretation of the dream of seeing a torrent in a dream is one of the dreams that refer to unpleasant meanings in many interpretations of the dream, as the dream may refer to good meanings if the water is clear and the torrent is light, and the interpretation of the dream varies according to its content, and what the dreamer sees in it, and in the reference site we provide interpretations Different dream in a dream single, married and pregnant.
Interpretation of a dream about seeing a torrent in a dream
A dream about torrential rain and abundant water in a dream has many meanings and interpretations in the dreamer’s life, and the most important of these interpretations can be presented as follows:
- Seeing the torrential torrent in a dream and the large amount of water that uproots trees and what is in its path is evidence of the temptation and calamity that the dreamer is exposed to in his life.
- The great torrent that destroys houses in a dream is evidence of the general punishment from God Almighty on the people of the town in which the seer lives.
- Seeing a dream in a dream may indicate the many sins and sins that the owners of the place fall into.
- The dreamer, if he sees a torrent attacking him in particular, may indicate the presence of enemies who plan to harm and harm the dreamer.
- If the torrent in a dream was light and did not cause the destruction of homes or the country, then it is evidence of the livelihood and money that the dreamer earns in reality.
- If the dreamer sees a strong torrent that uproots trees, demolishes homes and destroys roads, then this is evidence of the injustice of the rulers and the people’s perpetration of many major sins and misdeeds.
- The dreamer’s vision of a lot of torrential rain, but it was from pure water, it is evidence of goodness and wide sustenance in the dreamer’s life.
- The dreamer, if he sees torrential rain and a lot of money in a barren desert devoid of cultivation, is a sign of fertility, growth, and a good year for the people of that place.[1]
Interpretation of seeing a torrent in a dream for single women
Seeing a single woman in a dream about torrential rain indicates many meanings in the girl’s life, which differ according to what the girl sees in her dream. The following are the most important interpretations of the dream:
- A torrential torrent in a dream is a sign of temptation and the abundance of suspicions and desires in a girl’s life.
- If the single woman sees that the torrential water enters her house, then it is evidence of a calamity and distress that befalls the girl’s family and family.
- Seeing a small torrent in the life of a single person is evidence of hearing good news and a close marriage.
- If the single woman is sick and suffers from some pain and she sees a light, clear torrent, then it is evidence of recovery and the end of the illness in the near future, and the violent torrent that destroys homes in the sleep of the sick person indicates an increase in the disease and delayed healing in reality.
- Seeing a torrent in a single person’s dream and he was in an empty desert and no one would be harmed is evidence of achieving the goals that the girl seeks and reaching her wishes and ambitions.
- If the single woman sees a torrent entering her room, destroying her and causing her a lot of harm, it is evidence of the plight of the girl in her life, or her feeling of discomfort and stability in her life.
Interpretation of a dream about magic from relatives by Ibn Sirin and Ibn Shaheen
Interpretation of seeing a torrent in a dream for a married woman
If a married woman sees a torrent in a dream, it indicates a number of different interpretations in a woman’s life. These interpretations can be identified as follows:
- Seeing a torrent in a married woman’s dream indicates problems and a lot of discord with the husband.
- A violent torrent in a married woman’s dream indicates calamity and misfortune that befalls the woman or her husband in reality.
- Seeing a torrent in a dream indicates preoccupation with the world and its sedition, neglect of the Hereafter, and lack of religion in a woman’s life.
- If the dreamer sees a torrent entering her house and destroying its contents, it is evidence that she is neglectful in her home and does not take care of God in her husband and taking care of her children.
- A quiet torrent in a dream is evidence of the integrity of life and the lack of problems in a woman’s life.
- A married woman’s vision of a torrential stream of pure water as it enters her house is evidence of money and sustenance that the husband will receive in the near future, and there will be an expansion of the house and its family.
- The red or black torrent that is loaded with mud and mud in a dream is evidence of calamity and distress that befalls a woman, or that there are many things that occupy her mind and her mind.
- If the woman sees that the husband is drowning in the torrent and cannot survive, then this is an indication of her many demands for the husband and the extravagance in permissible and luxuries, which drives the husband to commit haram and enter into suspicions.
- Surviving the great torrent in a woman’s dream is evidence of getting rid of the causes of distress and anxiety in a woman’s life.
Interpretation of seeing a torrent in a dream for a pregnant woman
Seeing a torrent in a pregnant woman’s dream has interpretations that can be presented in detail as follows:
- If the pregnant woman sees a light, easy torrent in a dream, then this is evidence of easy childbirth and the lack of trouble in it.
- Seeing a violent torrent in a dream may indicate troubles that a woman suffers from during her pregnancy and her fear of childbirth.
- If the pregnant woman sees the torrent entering her home suddenly without warning, this may indicate a rapid and unexpected birth.
- Seeing surviving from a torrent in a dream is evidence of the cessation of suffering in a woman’s life and the elimination of causes of anxiety and tension.
- The pregnant woman, if she sees that there is someone to save her from the torrent, is evidence of the presence of the helpers and support that the woman feels in her pregnancy from those around her.
Interpretation of a torrent dream for the divorced woman
The absolute dream of a torrent in a dream has interpretations that can be simplified as follows:
- The torrent in the dream of a divorced woman is evidence of the anxiety and suffering that a woman feels in her new life after divorce.
- Seeing a lot of torrents entering the house of a divorced woman is evidence of the presence of corrupt women in a woman’s life who cause her harm and damage in reality.
- If a divorced woman sees a torrent that has destroyed her home and furniture, then it is evidence of corruption and lack of righteousness in a woman’s life and her distance from religion.
- Seeing the divorced woman drowning in the waters of torrents indicates hardening of the heart, lack of remembrance of the Hereafter, and distance from God.
- An absolute vision of a little light torrent is evidence of the calm life and comfort that a woman feels.
- The divorced woman if she sees that someone saves her from drowning is evidence of the presence of the advisor and appointed for her in life.
Interpretation of seeing cockroaches in a dream for a married woman by Ibn Sirin
Interpretation of a dream about a torrent for a man
Seeing a torrent in a man’s dream indicates interpretations that can be simplified as follows:
- A torrent in a man’s dream is a sign of sins, falling into lusts, and heedlessness about the Hereafter.
- Seeing a severe torrent facing a man is evidence of the many difficulties and problems facing the dreamer in his life.
- The dreamer, if he sees that he is drinking turbid water from the torrent, is evidence that the dreamer has fallen into the forbidden and that there is a suspicion in his earnings and his money.
- If the rich man sees a light torrent in a dream, then this is evidence of the increase in his money and the straightening of his life.
- Seeing the poor in a small stream in a dream is a sign of money and benefit that he will gain in the near future.
- If the patient sees a dream in a dream, it is evidence of an increase in the disease and a delay in recovery if the torrent is violent. It may also indicate a speedy recovery if the torrent is easy.
- Surviving the torrent is evidence of getting rid of the causes of affliction and worry in the life of the seer.
Interpretation of a dream about a torrent in a dream by Ibn Sirin
A dream about a torrent in a dream has many interpretations and meanings according to Imam Ibn Sirin, and below we get acquainted with the most important of these interpretations of the dream:
- The torrent in a dream is evidence of the general affliction that afflicts the people of the country.
- Seeing a torrent in a dream as it enters homes and roads indicates the occurrence of an epidemic and disease that pervades a large number of people.
- If the dreamer sees a torrent, and the water is abundant and its color changes, then it may refer to the attack of the enemies on the country and the outbreak of war.
- A violent torrent in a dream that destroys what is in front of it often indicates the injustice of the rulers and the injustice of the Sultan in the land.
- Seeing the torrent in the river or valley overflowing and abundant is evidence that the seer is taking shelter with a man who will defend him and take care of him.
- The dreamer, if he sees that he is preventing the torrent from entering his house, is evidence that he is defending his sanctities and his family with whatever means he can.
- Seeing a torrent in a dream without rain is evidence of illicit earnings and corrupt money in the life of the seer.
Interpretation of a dream about a torrent in a dream by Ibn Shaheen
Imam Ibn Shaheen Al-Zahiri in his book “The Signs in the World of Phrases” has different interpretations of the dream of the torrent, which we get to know as follows:
- A torrent in a dream, if it was caused by water coming down from the sky and rain, then it is good and a blessing that will reach the country and its people in the near future.
- Seeing a torrent entering a place is evidence of the enemy entering that place and transgressing the money and sanctities in it.
- If the dreamer sees that the torrent takes him on his way and is about to drown in it, then this indicates that the dreamer is exposed to calamity and distress because of the Sultan.
- The dreamer’s vision of the torrent that prevents him from continuing the path is evidence that the dreamer is striving to achieve something that does not happen from him that is intended and intended.
- Getting out of the torrent is evidence of getting out of the worries and crises that the seer is going through.
- Seeing torrential rain in the winter is a sign of harm and harm, while seeing it in the summer is a sign of goodness and benefit.
- If the dreamer sees a torrent entering a house and destroying it, then this is evidence of death and calamity on the owners of this house.
Interpretation of the dream of torrent for Nabulsi
Imam Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi in his book “Perfuming Al-Anam in the Expression of a Dream” believes that the dream of a torrent has many meanings and matters indicative of the dreamer’s life. These interpretations can be known as follows:
- A little beneficial torrent in a dream that does not destroy is evidence of the good and prosperity that afflicts the dreamer.
- Seeing a torrent that demolishes homes, cuts livelihoods and uproots trees is a sign of affliction, such as disease, the defeat of an enemy, or the wrath of the sultan.
- Seeing a lot of rain that turns into a torrent in a dream is a sign of fatigue and hardship or alienation and distance from parents and children.
- A torrent in a dream may refer to false speech or a lot of humor in the words of the seer.
- The dream also refers to a woman of bad character. If the dreamer is married, she is his wife, and if he is still a single young man, she is his fiancée.
- If the dreamer sees a torrent at an unknown date, the dream may indicate heresy in religion and misguidance.
Interpretation of a dream about escaping from the torrent
If the dreamer sees that he is escaping from the torrent and escapes from it, this indicates interpretations that can be presented as follows:
- If the dreamer sees himself fleeing from the torrent and escaping from it, then it is a sign of fleeing to God, repenting from sins and returning to the path of righteousness.
- If the dreamer sees himself fleeing from the torrent at his feet, it indicates the dreamer’s fear of temptation and affliction and his escape from it.
- If the dreamer sees that he is swimming in the torrent, this indicates exposure to temptation, injury from it, and drowning in it in reality.
- The dreamer’s failure to escape from the torrent is evidence of the enemies’ overpowering him and his weakness in confronting them.
- The dreamer’s vision of someone he does not know helps him to escape from the torrent is evidence of the righteous deeds and the da’wah because of which he will be saved from peril.
See also: Interpretation of a dream about riding a luxury car in a dream by Ibn Sirin
Interpretation of a dream about drowning in a torrent
Seeing a dream about drowning in a torrent and falling into it refers to various interpretations that can be identified as follows:
- If the dreamer sees a torrent entering his house and drowning it, then this is evidence that the people of the house fall into temptation and sin.
- If the dreamer sees his wife drowning in the torrent, this indicates that she neglects the matter of the hereafter and takes precedence over the world.
- Seeing children in a dream drowning in a torrent is evidence of their corruption, their lack of attention to religion and their shortcomings in the matter of obedience.
- If the dreamer sees his mother or father drowning in a torrent, this indicates their love for the world and their excessive attachment to it with age and old age.
Interpretation of a dream about a torrent and mud in a dream
The dreamer’s vision of a torrent and it had a lot of mud and mud indicates things that we learn about as follows:
- A dream in a dream means in some interpretations that someone is lurking in the dreamer and wants to harm and harm him.
- A lot of mud in the torrent and its turmoil is evidence of haram money and unpleasant earning in the life of the seer.
- Drinking from a torrent in a dream indicates the bad things that will meet the dreamer in his life, such as calamity and lack of fulfillment.
Interpretation of a dream about a torrent of clear water in a dream
Seeing a clear stream has many good meanings in the life of the seer, which can be presented as follows:
- If the torrent is from clear, clear water, then it is evidence of great good and abundant wealth in the dreamer’s life.
- Seeing the clear torrent entering the house and nothing being destroyed is a sign of the demise of disputes and the return of harmony to the owners of the house.
- If the dreamer sees a clear torrent in a place where there is no cultivation, then it is a sign of the good and the growth that will befall the place in the near future.
Interpretation of a dream about a torrent entering the house
Seeing the torrent entering the house of the seer indicates interpretations that can be simplified as follows:
- If the dreamer sees a violent and destructive torrent entering the house, then it is a sign of the calamity and distress that befalls the dreamer and his family.
- Seeing the torrent in the house is evidence of the entry of people who are not pure in soul and sitting with the owner of the house in his house.
- A light stream, if it enters the house, is evidence of goodness and blessing in the life of the seer.
- If the dreamer prevents the torrent from entering the house and prevents him from destroying the house, then this is evidence of victory over the enemy and victory over competitors.
Interpretation of the dream of a scorpion for a married woman in a dream by Ibn Sirin and Nabulsi
Interpretation of a dream about swimming in the torrent
If the dreamer sees that he is floating and swimming in the torrent, then this indicates a number of meanings and interpretations that can be presented as follows:
- The dreamer’s vision of himself swimming and floating in the torrent is evidence that he will succeed in facing the problems that confront him and will solve them.
- Seeing a dream in a dream may refer to the dreamer’s wisdom and his ability to deal courteously with his wife and family.
- If the dreamer sees that he is unable to swim in the torrent, and the situation is severe for him, then this is evidence of the difficulty of living and the hardship that the dreamer finds in the reality of his life.
We got acquainted with the interpretation of the dream of seeing a torrent in a dream for single, married and pregnant women, as well as the interpretation of the dream of escaping from the torrent and drowning in it, the dream of the torrent entering the house, and the dream of swimming in it, as well as the dream of the clear torrent and the torrent with mud and the meanings and interpretations that each dream carries.