تفسير رؤية حلم الحرامي في المنام لابن سيرين

تفسير رؤية حلم الحرامي في المنام لابن سيرين , الجميع يعلم جيدًا أن هذا الموضوع الذي من المقرر أن أكتب فيه الآن، هو موضوع مفيد وجذاب للجميع، حيث أن يتناول إجابات الكثير من التساؤلات التي ترددت مؤخرًا على ألسنة البعض، وتناولتها وسائل الإعلام كافة.

Interpretation of a dream about a gold thief in a dream

Gold is one of the precious metals in the world, and gold represents wealth for those who find it, even if it is in a dream.. Therefore, the interpretation of the dream of the thief varies according to the stolen goods, and in the lines of this paragraph we will show you the interpretation of the dream of a gold thief in a dream.

Because of the luster that gold acquires from its bright yellow color… The mention of gold in a dream has been associated with personal respect or identity, so most of what comes from interpretations of the dream of a gold thief are considered bad interpretations… such as losing respect or losing identity.

The dream can also express a number of problems that the dreamer may encounter in his actual life.. But God Almighty will save him from them by returning to the right path, but he must stay away from the sins that exist in his life.. This dream may express exposure to the injustice that he faces. After him, victory will come from God Almighty.

But sometimes the dream of stealing gold is a sign of goodness for some women.. It may refer to a happy marriage, and the disappearance of problems represented in the stolen gold, but for single women if the girl works.. the theft of gold indicates the problems that may occur to her in her professional life.

Some scholars of dream interpretation also agreed on a number of interpretations of this dream in general cases, which are not related to a specific social situation, and these interpretations are:

  • Riches coming to the owner of the dream.
  • Failure in the scientific life The thief put gold in the mud.
  • If the stolen gold is found in the dream, it is a sign of the end of the distress in which he fell.
  • If the stolen gold turns into silver, then this is a sign associated with the dream owner’s condition, and indicates that things will change if they are bad for the better.. and if his condition is good, it will get a little worse.

Child thief dream interpretations

One of the things that can frighten any mother or father is the kidnapping or loss of their child in a dream, and this dream is a nightmare.. Therefore, in the lines of this paragraph we will show you the interpretation of the dream of stealing and kidnapping children in a dream.

There is no doubt that this dream is one of the worst dreams that parents may have in their sleep. If he sees that the thief resembles one of his family, it may indicate jealousy and hatred.. buried in the heart of the thief.. The interpretation of the dream may be the illness of its owner if he knows the kidnapped child.

The interpretation of this dream may be due to the hesitation in the same seer, and this is due to the fact that dreams are often a figment of the imagination.. Also, some dream interpreters have explained the interpretation of the dream of kidnapping children as exposing the seer’s secret in a dream, or it may be fear and obsession in Himself from exposing his secrets.

The kidnapping of the child may express the big problems that the dreamer may fall into in his real life.. The interpretation of the dream may be the change of the dream owner’s condition from a bad state to a good one, and that God Almighty will save him from the anguish in which he fell with his patience over affliction.

If the dreamer tries in his dream to save the kidnapped child, then its interpretation is good news to the owner of the dream. According to what the senior commentators have mentioned, the man who had the dream is concerned and distressed.. So, saving the child is to relieve the worries and anguish that befell him in his life.

If a single girl sees in a dream one of her relatives of children being kidnapped, and she was trying to save him.. Scientists have interpreted it as that the single girl will be blessed by God with a good husband who will have a good successor and compensation after her patience without marriage.

Explanation of the dream of seeing the thief in a dream by Ibn Sirin

Muhammad bin Sirin is one of the great scholars in the Arabic language and Islamic jurisprudence. He was taught by the great companion Anas bin Malik, and Ibn Sirin had a great deal in the science of interpreting dreams. He wrote some manuscripts on the interpretation of dreams. the following:

Ibn Sirin’s interpretation came at the beginning, warning the dreamer asking him to be on the safe side.. One of the interpretations of this dream is to fall into the midst of a group of hypocrites, as the seer must be patient with the affliction, even if it is severe.. Since the meaning of this dream may be the loss of a loved one.

Theft of gold was also mentioned in the manuscripts of Ibn Sirin as a bad omen.. It may express the approaching death of one of the seer’s relatives, and the theft in a dream may be a sign from God to a disobedient slave who commits adultery or deals with people in usurious transactions.. He must repent of his sins and return to The holy god.

Warning and revealing what is in the soul of badness also came in the interpretation of this dream. If the dreamer sees himself stealing.. it is an indication that he is eavesdropping on the neighbors, and spying on them.. and this is what the Islamic religion forbids.. its punishment is scandal in this world and disgrace on the Day of Resurrection.

If the dreamer sees a thief stealing something without knowing the identity of this thief.. then it is a sign of the death of a relative.

This does not mean that all interpretations of this dream are bad and have bad signs and connotations in real life.. If the dreamer sees that he catches a thief in a dream, then it is a good sign of an increase in sustenance, and the situation changes from narrow to relief and spaciousness, and that God wrote for him ease after hardship. .

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a thief in a dream by Ibn Shaheen

Ghars al-Din Khalil bin Shaheen al-Dhahiri.. He is one of the most famous interpreters of dreams in the Mamluk era in Egypt. He wrote many manuscripts on the interpretation of dreams, some of which were reviewed by investigators, and some of which were not attributed to him.. In the next paragraph, we will present to you from those manuscripts the interpretation of the dream of the thief seeing Ibn Shaheen.

According to Ibn Shaheen, theft in a dream carries many connotations and interpretations. For example, if a means of transportation was stolen from him in a dream, this is evidence of the death of one of his acquaintances.

But if a key was stolen from the dreamer, or he stole a key, then its interpretation is usually a bad trait.. In this case, the thief hates the good of others and seeks to hinder others from progress. But if the dreamer stole in the dream and covered himself with what he stole, it is A sign from God Almighty to repentance.

Ibn Shaheen based his interpretation of this dream on what Ibn Sirin did not come up with in the interpretation of the dream of the thief in a dream.

  • The interpretation may indicate the dreamer’s fear or anxiety about some things in his life.. Either this fear was from an experience or from a material matter in his life, and this fear could also be a nature in the dreamer.
  • If money is stolen from underground, then this dream is a sign of the livelihood that God Almighty will send to the seer.
  • In the event that the seer was stolen in his dream, then the provision and goodness are the interpretation of this issue.
  • The only bad case is… theft of a dead person’s money, for its interpretation is that the person who did this is an unjust person in his life.

Interpretation of Nabulsi for the interpretation of seeing a thief in a dream

Abd al-Ghani bin Ismail al-Nabulsi.. is a religious scholar, jurist and theologian. He studied theology with the Maturidian sheikhs in the Arab Levant. He has many books on monotheism and the interpretation of dreams, the most famous of which is the perfume of people in the interpretation of dreams.. In the lines of that paragraph we will show you the interpretation of al-Nabulsi to see a thief in a dream .

Sheikh Al-Nabulsi attributed the interpretation of the dream of theft in general to the best of things, not the evil, but on the condition that the soul of the dreamer is free from hypocrisy or deception. a sign of evil.”

Then the Sheikh explained this interpretation. If the theft in a man’s dream was from his wife’s gold.. then its interpretation is that the seer obtains the benefit from this thief, and there is no evil according to the interpretation of Nabulsi in this case.. contrary to what was stated in the interpretation of Ibn Sirin about the theft of gold .

If the dream owner sees in the dream that the thief is stealing the keys from him.. then its interpretation comes in real life by hindering you from progressing towards your goals.

But if the beholder’s means of communication were stolen from him in his sleep, such as his mobile phone or an answer he was carrying, etc., then explaining them, as mentioned by Nabulsi, is the bad words of the thief about the seer, as he often says rumors, and delves into his presentation.

In this context, we find that Sheikh Al-Nabulsi has contradicted the interpretations of the commentators who preceded him, and this may be due to the difference of the Sheikh with them in the philosophical doctrines.. Al-Nabulsi Matridi and Ibn Sirin are from the Sunnis and the group, and Khalil bin Shaheen Al-Zahiri, despite the apparent inclination to the opinion of some Ash’aris. thing.

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Interpretation of a dream about a thief entering the house of a married woman

This case is one of the common cases among many women.. This is due to the instinct of fear in their minds. Many commentators have agreed and met on more than one explanation for this case. In those lines, we have collected for you the interpretation of the vision of a thief entering the house of a married woman in the following cases:

  • If the wife sees in her dream a thief entering her house and stealing her belongings.. The interpretation in real life comes in the form of problems in her life, but soon she can get rid of them, and complete his life as it was.
  • If the woman sees herself in a dream that she is stealing and running away from .. then the interpretation of this dream is the happy married life in which the dreamer is happy with her husband without problems, or it can mean a quarrel between her and her husband.
  • In the event that the wife stole a child in the dream, there are two cases for him.. The first case is the wife’s provision of one of the children if she is barren, but if she is one of those whom God has blessed with children, he explains the high morals enjoyed by her children.
  • If money is stolen from the wife or the wife has been robbed of her entire property.. the interpretation of this dream is that the wife is exposed to some problems in her life, but she will overcome these problems in order to preserve her married life from collapse.
  • If she suffers from problems in her married life, and she sees an unknown thief stealing her, then the interpretation of this dream is…the presence of someone who wants to reconcile between her and her husband, and for life to return between them as it was.
  • As for the final interpretation of this dream, the wife saw a thief entering and leaving her house without stealing.. The commentators say in this case is an advice to the wife to return and return to God Almighty, because the interpretation of the dream is that the wife will circumvent taboos, and she must be careful and return to God.

Explanation of the dream of a single girl seeing a thief in the house

Interpretation of the dream of a thief and his vision in a single girl’s dream is related to the fact that the girl always seeks to leave her family’s house with a purpose, and for this reason the interpretation of the dream of seeing a thief in a dream for single women.

The ancient and contemporary interpreters agreed that most interpretations in real life have a good effect.. If a thief enters the house of a single girl in her dream, this indicates the approaching date of the girl’s marriage to a righteous man of religion, who has good morals, who will have the best compensation for her patience.

If the thief stole from the house of the single woman only one thing from the house, explain it as explained by the commentators.. that there is someone who wants to know or relate to that girl in real life, but the owner of the dream does not pay attention to him, but this is if the only thing stolen from the house is a piece of her clothes.

In the event that the stolen item was only a garment or was among a number of stolen items, then the explanation is that God will change the condition of this girl from a bad state to a better one, and bring her out of distress and anguish into spaciousness, and provide her with peace of mind and calm in the soul.. Some commentators also added that stealing Food indicates near happiness and relief.

Theft of money in a dream for a single woman is interpreted as the dream of stealing food, which is the next good for the girl.. But the only case that does not carry a good interpretation in real life is the thief following the unmarried woman in the dream, and the interpreters mentioned that this is evidence of the problems and difficulties that we may face that girl in her life, but she will get over it.

Interpretation of the dream of a pregnant thief in her dream

A woman during pregnancy goes through many times that change her mood and her psychological state.. Therefore, her dreams are somewhat strange, such as seeing her son stealing as we mentioned in the previous lines.. or seeing a thief entering her home, and in the next paragraph we will show you the interpretation of this vision .

If the thief tries to break into the house, this is good news for the pregnant woman that she will give birth to a child who will have unkind morals, as he will be disobedient to her and his father.. But God Almighty will grant him academic excellence and success in practical and scientific life.

If the stolen shoes were in a pregnant woman’s dream, this is a sign that the pregnant woman needs someone to take care of her after her birth, and her delivery will take a longer time than the normal time, and she may face some minor health problems.. Therefore, she needs someone to take care of her after her birth.

As for if the thief stole the clothes of the pregnant woman, then the explanation of this dream as mentioned by the scholars is that the birth will be easy without misery and pain in it. They also added that the mother and her newborn will be in good health after giving birth… Contrary to what was stated in the interpretation of stealing shoes from a pregnant woman in a dream.

The commentators mentioned two interpretations of the birth of a child who has intelligence and a good and beautiful manner.. This newborn will also have a beautiful face.. The two cases are if the pregnant woman sees herself stealing in a dream, and if the pregnant woman sees a thief and chases him.

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The difference between pipe dreams and visions

After we have shown you in the previous lines the interpretation of the dream of a thief in a dream.. where we have to explain to you the cases in which these interpretations may be realized, and to highlight to you the difference between dreams and not, and when do we consider a dream as a vision?

His Eminence Sheikh Ayman Khamis, the researcher, Islamic thinker and contemporary Islamic preacher, mentioned that the dream is from the devil and was based on the hadith narrated by the companion Abu Qatada on the authority of the Messenger of God: “The dream is from God, and the dream is from the devil, and if one of you dreams, the dream will destroy him. It will not harm him.”

This is the authentic hadith as mentioned by Al-Bukhari in his Sahih, and the sheikh added that the good dream is one of the forty-six parts of prophecy.. the vision is interpreted and everything is taken from it except the rulings.. as for the dream, it is from the devil and it comes to sadden the believers by depicting some bad events in their minds.

Also, some dreams are from the fabric of the imaginations of the human mind, and may be due to several reasons, including psychological or social.. As for the vision whose interpretation is taken, one of its signs is sensation and perception.. The vision is in something that the dreamer loves and does not hate, otherwise it becomes a dream of Satan.

Thus, we have shown you, in the lines of the previous topic, the interpretation of the dream of the thief in a dream in general and the interpretation of my dream, the thieves of gold and money, and we have also shown you the interpretation of this dream by the great interpreters such as Ibn Sirin, Ibn Shaheen, and Nabulsi .. In addition to presenting the interpretation of these dreams for pregnant and married women and girls Single.

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