حالات عدم توافق فحص الزواج وماذا يحصل في حالات عدم توافق فحص الزواج

حالات عدم توافق فحص الزواج وماذا يحصل في حالات عدم توافق فحص الزواج , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Cases of marriage examination incompatibility. Premarital examination is one of the important examinations that many countries conduct before marriage; This is in order to avoid many hereditary or contagious diseases that children may be infected with, and accordingly, the reference site devoted this article to explaining what a premarital examination is, mentioning cases of incompatibility with a marriage examination, the importance of a premarital examination, and how an examination is conducted What is before marriage?, What is the best time to conduct the examinations, what are the pre-marriage examinations that must be conducted, indicate cases of non-compliance with medical advice, explain the pre-marriage examination in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and how to conduct it in the Kingdom.

What is a marriage examination?

A premarital test is: “a test that provides a critical health assessment to soon-to-be married couples who are tested for genetic, infectious and transmissible diseases to prevent any risk of passing any disease on to each other and their children.” Marriage is a wonderful event. In the life of the spouses, as they plan to start a family, and through which they enter a new phase in terms of building emotional, social, family and health relationships, pre-marital testing programs must educate couples and provide accurate and unbiased information. Premarital In identifying health problems and potential risks to themselves and their children as well, it is necessary to screen couples to help them understand their genes and help them take necessary precautions or treatments.[1]

Marriage examination result how many days?

Cases of incompatibility with the examination of marriage

The incompatibility of the marriage examination between those who are about to marry means that one of them carries a specific disease, whether this disease is contagious or hereditary. Among these diseases that one of the parties may contract and lead to incompatibility of the marriage examination are:[1]


Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder (passed on from parents to children through genes). Anemia is a disorder in which the body does not have enough normal, healthy red blood cells (RBC). People with a thalassemia mutation in only one gene are known as carriers or They are said to have thalassemia minor, thalassemia minor results in no anemia or very mild anemia, people with the disease do not need blood transfusions or iron therapy, unless it is proven that they suffer from iron deficiency, as for thalassemia major, children usually develop Born with thalassemia major with symptoms of severe anemia During the first year of life, children with thalassemia major have a reduced ability to produce normal hemoglobin for adults.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HCV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), syphilis and sexually transmitted diseases (STD), among the blood-borne viruses transmitted by injection, by blood transfusion, as well as by Through sexual contact, as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are important and have many effects, premarital screening also helps rule out a carrier of potentially life-threatening infectious diseases such as HIV HIV and Hepatitis C The World Health Organization (WHO) states that hepatitis B virus is 50 to 100 times more contagious than HIV. Hepatitis C can be transmitted from mother to child during birth.

Therefore, it is essential to protect yourself from these potentially life-threatening diseases through a simple examination, as they not only cause persistent asymptomatic infection, but also cause significant morbidity and mortality when transmitted through blood transfusions and blood products. From an early stage, it can lead to serious complications and sequelae, including infertility, fetal wasting, ectopic pregnancy, cancer and death.

The importance of pre-marital examination

A healthy marriage is defined as: “a state of compatibility and harmony between spouses with regard to health, health, sexuality and social aspects, with the aim of forming a healthy family and bearing children.” Through this definition, the importance of conducting a pre-marital examination emerges as follows:[2]

  • Reducing the prevalence of some genetic blood diseases (such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia) and infectious diseases (such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS).
  • Spreading awareness of the concept of a comprehensive healthy marriage.
  • Reducing pressure on health institutions and blood banks.
  • Avoiding the social and psychological problems of families whose children suffer.
  • Reducing the financial burden on the family and society in treating the injured.

How much is the analysis of marriage in private 1443 – 2021

How is a premarital examination performed?

Couples who are about to get married can do the necessary checks in one of the state-approved hospitals or a health center, where they can go together or individually. When initiating such an examination, it must be confirmed by the person responsible for the identities of the applicants, and their information should be taken in full; Such as the name and address, and then conduct the necessary tests, and then the result can be obtained directly or within a short period of time, and then the result will show the state of compatibility or lack of compatibility between the spouses.

The best time to get checked out

Both parties who are planning to get married soon are advised to carry out a pre-nuptial examination at least three months before the date of marriage; Perhaps the reason behind this is so that the spouses can plan their lives better, and develop their abilities to build a strong and healthy family free from diseases, whether these diseases are genetic or contagious, and it is worth noting that the compatibility certificates that are made before marriage are valid for only six months, so they can Also, re-examination for infectious diseases, when needed, after this period has passed, to ensure the safety of both spouses.[2]

Necessary pre-marital examinations

It is very important to know the health status of the partner before marriage, so it is necessary to undergo many important examinations before entering into marriage. There are seven medical examinations that spouses must undergo before marriage, including the following:[3]

  • HIV analysis: HIV causes AIDS and weakens the body’s ability to fight infection, so it must be ensured that the HIV virus is not infected before the two partners decide to marry.
  • Ovari test: Women who marry at a later age are advised to have an ovarian examination before, women in their thirties generally have a low production of egg cells, which makes family planning a difficult process.
  • Infertility test: Both partners must undergo infertility test before their marriage, in men, it helps to check the health of the sperm, and also the woman can also tell if she will have any problem conceiving or not.
  • Genetic testing: Before marriage, both partners must undergo genetic testing to find out if they have inherited any disease or have the ability to inherit any disease.
  • STD testing: People who marry should also be tested for STDs, even if one spouse has an STD, which can make marriage very difficult.
  • Blood group compatibility test: Couples may have difficulty during pregnancy if their blood groups are incompatible, it must be ensured that the Rh factor of both partners is the same or in a compatible range.
  • Blood disorder test: Women should be screened for blood disorders to see if they are victims of hemophilia or thalassemia; Because it can affect their future children as well as marriage.

When is the marriage analysis not identical?

Cases of non-compliance with medical advice

There are many cases, despite the incompatibility of the marriage examination, but the two parties take the marriage step, not paying attention to the damages that will result from this marriage, and these cases can be attributed to:

  • That both parties are in an emotional relationship with which they cannot separate.
  • In the event that the girl suffers from a poor financial situation for her and her family as well.
  • That this marriage is the result of pressure from the families of the married couple, unaware of the disadvantages of this marriage.
  • In the case of illegal and immoral practices, which we must end the marriage to avoid exacerbating other problems.
  • In the event that the two parties are ignorant and do not have a complete knowledge of the importance of marital examinations and their impact on marriage and childbearing later.
  • In some cases of illegal marriages that are not documented in the courts: such as customary marriages.
  • If one of the diseases that either party suffers from, we can only transmit it at a very low rate.
  • There are many couples who make all the preparations for marriage before conducting a medical examination, and after conducting this examination, the medical incompatibility between the spouses may appear, and despite that, the marriage ceremony is completed.
  • In the event that both parties agree not to have children categorically.

Pre-marital examination in Saudi Arabia

Marriage in general is the main structure that enters into the formation of society, and it is an important pillar in building emotional, health and family relationships, especially if the marriage is healthy and protects all family members from genetic or infectious diseases. Therefore, in order to achieve the primary goal of marriage, the Kingdom stipulated Saudi Arabia Conducting a pre-marriage test for those who are about to marry, to ensure the safety of the spouses, and to clarify this further, the following can be read:

Pre-marital examination for Saudi citizens

The Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia defines a healthy marriage as: “the state of compatibility and harmony between spouses in terms of health, psychological, physical, social and legal aspects, with the aim of forming a healthy family and bearing healthy children.” Accordingly, citizens of the Kingdom and those who are about to get married must undergo a premarital examination, To find out if one of the spouses has a genetic disease; such as sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, and some infectious diseases; Such as hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and acquired immunodeficiency virus (AIDS), and for the purpose of educating couples about the harms of these diseases, the possibility of children contracting them, and how to form a healthy family.[4]

Pre-marital examination for Saudi residents

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia requires all foreign persons who wish to marry Saudi women to perform some pre-marital tests. These tests do not aim to find out whether the person is a drug addict or not. The period for issuing this examination is usually limited to only 3 days, It is worth noting here that this examination is limited to male foreigners, not females; That is, it does not include foreign women who marry people of Saudi nationality. These analyzes are carried out by the authorities designated for this in the Saudi Ministry of Health only. If it is proven that the foreign person is using drugs or other narcotic substances of all kinds, he is not allowed to marry at all. And he is transferred to the designated authorities in order to take all necessary measures against him.

Also, in addition to the previous tests that show whether the person is a drug addict or not, he will also undergo all the tests scheduled to be conducted before marriage, which are the same tests that the Saudi citizen performs, which is a normal premarital examination that shows in the event of infection with any of the Chronic diseases and other diseases and an indication of the possibility of recovery from them or not, and in the event that it is proven that the foreign person has any of these diseases, he must be informed of this immediately, after which the competent authorities must refer him to preventive medicine or any authority specialized in any of the diseases he suffers from. It can also be referred to a counseling clinic.

How do I know the result of the marriage examination in Saudi Arabia 1443

How to conduct a pre-marital examination in Saudi Arabia

Those who are about to get married are usually advised to take a pre-marital test at least three months before the wedding date; This is in order for the spouses to know their health condition, and how to better plan their family’s life. It is worth noting here that the validity of the healthy marriage certificate lasts for six months, and therefore the examination for infectious diseases can be re-tested when necessary again. Pre-marital examination services are provided in many One of the approved centers and hospitals in the Kingdom, whether it is laboratory analyzes or medical advice sessions. These services are provided to all citizens in the Kingdom in more than (131) centers in various regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and both parties do not have to take a prior appointment. Receive them at any time, individually, or both together.[4]

If one of the parties is outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, he must follow the following steps:[4]

  • It must be ensured that all laboratory results of the diseases included in the program are performed (thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, hepatitis B / C, and HIV).
  • All personal information about those who are about to get married should be very clear.
  • The medical center must be recognized, and the results must be attested by the embassy in Saudi Arabia.

Both spouses must obtain sufficient information about the importance of conducting the aforementioned pre-marital examinations, and find out what are the cases of incompatibility with the marriage examination to avoid marriage if one of them is available; This is in order not to transmit any contagious or hereditary diseases to the children, and to have a healthy family.

خاتمة لموضوعنا حالات عدم توافق فحص الزواج وماذا يحصل في حالات عدم توافق فحص الزواج ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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