حقوق ابن المواطنة السعودية في وزارة العمل 2022 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The rights of the son of Saudi citizenship in the Ministry of Labor 2022 concern all children of female citizens in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially in light of the controversy surrounding this category and the decisions or orders issued from time to time that talk about the rights of the children of female citizens, so the reference website explains the most prominent decisions that were issued Recently, regarding the children of female citizens in the Kingdom and the most important rights that these individuals have within Saudi Arabia.
Children of citizenship in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The son of a female citizen in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is defined as being born inside or outside the Kingdom of a foreign father and a Saudi mother, and born outside the Kingdom to a Saudi mother and a foreign father of known nationality. Obtaining Saudi citizenship is still not possible until the present time.
Conditions for coming to Saudi Arabia for residents and citizens 2021
The rights of the son of a Saudi citizen in the Ministry of Labor 2022
The rights of a son of a Saudi woman in the Ministry of Labor 2022 include allowing him to work in various jobs that are restricted to Saudis, in addition to calculating him in the Saudization percentage. ; The Saudi Council of Ministers recently approved granting children of Saudi citizenship from a non-Saudi husband who reside in the Kingdom residence on the mother’s sponsorship, and the Saudi mother has the right to bring her children from a non-Saudi husband if they are outside the Kingdom to reside with her on her sponsorship, and these individuals are not required to Any security notes.
The recent decisions regarding children of citizenship also included that the state bears the fees for the residence of the children of Saudi citizenship, and its children are allowed to work for others in the private sector without transferring their sponsorship, and they are treated in terms of treatment and study as Saudis, and they are counted in the Saudization rates in the private sector, and it is referred to It is necessary to fulfill the condition that the marriage took place with the approval of the competent authority or be notarized and that the children possess documents proving their identities in order to be able to obtain the rights and benefits declared in recent decisions.
The decision of the Ministry of Labor, the son of citizenship 2022
Through the following points, the most important rights that a son of Saudi citizenship will obtain in the Ministry of Labor or other ministries in the Kingdom in the year 2022 AD:
- Children of Saudi citizens can work in Saudi jobs.
- Children of Saudi citizenship from a non-Saudi husband who reside in the Kingdom are granted residency, and residency is sponsored by the mother.
- A Saudi mother has the right to bring her children from a foreign husband, if they are outside the Kingdom, to reside with her under her sponsorship.
- Children of Saudi women are not required to have any security notes.
- The state bears all fees required for the residence of children of Saudi citizens.
- Children of Saudi citizens are allowed to work for others in the private sector without the need to transfer sponsorship.
- In terms of treatment and study, children of Saudi citizens are treated the same as Saudis.
- Children of Saudi citizens are counted in the Saudization rates in the private sector.
Naturalization of children of Saudi citizenship 2022
Naturalization of children of Saudi citizenship 2022 is among the issues that have sparked controversy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in recent times. However, naturalization of children of Saudi citizenship is among the things that are not possible until the present time. No official decision has been issued granting this category of Saudi citizenship; Whereas, in exceptional cases and by a decision issued by the Saudi Minister of Interior, Saudi citizenship is granted to some children of Saudi female citizens based on specific conditions that must be met by them, and these are the conditions that we learn about in the following.
Conditions for naturalizing children of Saudi women
Saudi Arabian citizenship may be granted by a decision issued by the Minister of Interior in the Kingdom to individuals who were born in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, assuming that they are Saudi women and have a foreign father, if they meet the following conditions:[1]
- That the children have permanent residency status in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia when they reach the age of majority.
- That the children be of good conduct and behavior and have never been convicted of criminal sentences or imprisonment for any of the moral offenses for a period of time exceeding six months.
- That the children be proficient in the Arabic language.
- That the son, during the year following reaching the age of majority, submit an official application to be granted Saudi Arabian citizenship.
Conditions for obtaining Saudi citizenship 2022 and the papers required for naturalization
Rejection of the issue of naturalization of children of Saudi women
The opinions of the citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia about granting Saudi citizenship to the children of Saudi women from a foreign husband vary between approval and refusal to naturalize them.
Statistics say that the number of Saudi women married to foreigners has jumped to 700,000, equivalent to 10 percent of the percentage of married Saudi women. Approval of their requests for naturalization is considered a security risk and will be a door for enemies to enter and ease their recruitment to foreign parties, and also poses an economic danger from the huge numbers.
Naturalization is a virus that destroys countries, changes the demographics, threatens the security of countries, and is a time bomb at any moment. What happened in France is the biggest evidence for us.
Naturalization of the sons of Saudi women is dangerous, which may happen in security breaches in the future, which will enter the circle of intelligence for the benefit of their fathers’ countries.
Yes, naturalization of the sons of Saudi women is a threat to national, economic and social security, and most countries of the world prevent this because of its dangerous consequences for their countries. In my view, nothing is required for the naturalization of the children of Saudi women except for foreign intelligence that plans far and wide and harbors evil for our country, or Sarabit who have no affiliation and whose roots are not Saudi in the first place.
#Naturalization_of_children_of_Saudi_women_ is dangerous. I am married to a foreigner and all of my children have Saudi nationality. I was against the idea of naturalizing the sons of Saudi women, but to be honest, after thinking, I see selfishness that I am opposing something that is allowed to me as a man and is rejected by a second party on the pretext that she is a woman.
The children of Saudi women suffer suffering that only God knows. After the death of his mother, he is pushed to a final exit towards a country he does not know, to which he has never traveled.
Saudi law and Saudi marriage to a foreigner
The law adopted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia allows Saudi Arabia to marry a foreigner according to a set of conditions and controls that must be met in this case, which are as follows:[2]
- Her age should not be less than (25 years) and not more than (50 years) if the husband was not born in the Kingdom, and the age difference between them should not be more than (15 years).
- Displayed in the name of the guardian of the willing to the governor of the region and a copy of the suitor’s residence and passport, in addition to a copy of the suitor’s birth certificate and a recent print from his passports.
- Defining a job for the suitor and not being married or divorced from a Saudi woman with proof of that, and if he is married to a non-Saudi, the marriage contract must be attached, and if divorced, the divorce deed must be attached.
- A copy of the proof of the applicant’s marriage application and her status card or family card and passport in the absence of a status card, in addition to a print of the statuses, taking into account the profession’s conformity with reality.
- A copy of the applicant’s divorce deed if she is divorced, and a copy of the death certificate of her ex-husband if she is a widow.
- Definition of the work of the applicant for marriage and a certificate from the social insurance if she is employed in the private sector, and the certification of her employer if she is a government employee.
- A proof of residence certified by the mayor and the police for the applicant for marriage, in addition to (a lease contract and a property deed).
- A declaration of approval for the applicant applying for marriage in the emirate and a copy of the inheritance deed in the event of the death of her father, in addition to a copy of the power of attorney if there is a legal power of attorney for the guardian.
- The presence of the guardian of the woman wishing to marry in the emirate and writing the consent declaration before the competent employee, in addition to providing a copy of his identity.
- Fill out the form data and provide a copy of the identity of the two witnesses, provided that neither of them is a guardian.
- A medical report for the fiancé and the one wishing to marry in cases where the husband was not born in the Kingdom, and the report has passed that the husband has no records, in addition to a drug analysis.
Treatment of children of Saudi citizens
In what follows, we will address many important points that clarify the mechanism of dealing with children of Saudi citizenship in some government transactions approved in the Kingdom, such as statuses, social security and the Saudization rate, in the context of clarifying the many questions raised about this.
Does the son of citizenship count in Saudization?
The son and daughter of a Saudi citizen are treated like a Saudi, and they are allowed to work in jobs that are restricted to Saudis and are counted in the Saudization percentage, according to what was clarified by the customer service account of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Kingdom via the Twitter platform.
Registration of the son of a citizen
The son of a Saudi citizen is registered in the circumstances upon his birth through the electronic service that allows parents to register and activate the birth incident electronically, and submit a request that includes the delivery of documents through the Saudi post without the need to visit the offices of the civil status. The registration of the son of a citizen is done in the following cases:
- Entering the Absher portal “from here”.
- Choose a birth registration service.
- Enter the required personal data.
- Registering the newborn, then requesting the issuance of documents and delivery.
Conditions for the status card for women 2021: issuance, renewal and copy
Registration of the son of a citizen in the insurance
The son of a Saudi citizen is registered in the Kingdom’s insurance system as a non-Saudi contributor and is subject to the professional notification branch that is applied to non-Saudi individuals; Where the subscription rate is 2%, it is fully paid by the employer, according to what was explained by the social insurance account on the Twitter platform.
The rights of the children of Saudi women
From the foregoing, it becomes clear to us that the rights of a son of Saudi citizenship in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia include the following:
- They are treated like Saudis in terms of jobs and businesses.
- They are treated like Saudis in terms of calculating the Saudization rate.
- In terms of study and treatment, they are treated as Saudi individuals.
- They are registered in the cases, while they are registered in the insurance as non-Saudi contributors.
- They can be granted residence in the Kingdom on the mother’s sponsorship.
- A Saudi mother can be brought in for her Saudi children from a foreign husband.
Summary of the topic in 4 points
The issue of the rights of the son of Saudi citizenship in the Ministry of Labor 2022 can be summarized through the following points:
- Children of Saudi female citizens receive many benefits and rights offered to them by the Kingdom’s government on an equal basis with Saudi individuals.
- The children of Saudi female citizens from a foreign husband are still demanding the naturalization of their children, and they talk about the suffering that their children will suffer in the future due to lack of naturalization.
- Saudi women can bring children from a foreign husband to reside with her on her sponsorship.
- The views of the citizens of the Kingdom on the issue of naturalization of children of Saudi citizens vary between rejection and acceptance of naturalization.
Here we come to the conclusion of the article on the rights of the son of Saudi nationals in the Ministry of Labor 2022, in which we touched on the most important rights that the sons of Saudi women obtain in the Kingdom and the most prominent recent decisions issued in their regard, which included many updates and benefits granted to them.
خاتمة لموضوعنا حقوق ابن المواطنة السعودية في وزارة العمل 2022 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.