حكم ومواعظ دينية مكتوبة قصيرة

حكم ومواعظ دينية مكتوبة قصيرة , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Judgment, written short religious sermons, Qur’anic verses and some honorable prophetic hadiths that provided religious sermons and wisdom, which one uses to gain enlightenment on his way in this worldly life, so the reference site is interested, through this article, by presenting the most beautiful of the aphorisms that carry sermons and guidance. From the sayings of the imams of the predecessors, scholars, and contemporary preachers, and other wisdom and many religious sermons.

Judgment and religious sermons written short

Islamic Sharia, with its divided doctrines, laws, jurisprudence, and biographies of the prophets, companions, followers and righteous people, is full of sayings that can be benefited from by presenting judgment and short religious written sermons.[1]

  • “If a people committed disobedience among a people who are dearer than them, and they did not change it on them, then God sent down a calamity on them, then did not remove it from them.”
  • “We have been informed that on the Day of Resurrection a caller will call out: Where are the people of forgiveness? God Almighty will reward them for their pardon for people.”
  • “Know that I am the most sacked of piety, and that the most ignorant fool is immorality, and that the strongest of you with me is the weak until I take his right to him, and that the weakest of you is with me the strong until I take the right from him, O people, I am only a follower and I am not an innovator.
  • “We find generosity in piety, wealth in certainty, and honor in humility.”
  • “Take account of yourselves before you are called to account, and weigh yourselves before you are weighed; For it will be easier for you in reckoning tomorrow to hold yourselves accountable, and adorn yourself for the greater show, on the day you will be presented, and nothing will be hidden from you!”
  • “Woe to the judges of the earth from the judge of heaven on the day they meet Him, except from the mother of justice, and he judged with truth, and he did not judge by desire or kinship, nor desire or fear, and he made the Book of God his mirror between his eyes.”
  • “If a sheep dies on the Euphrates bank lost, I would have thought that God Almighty would ask me about it on the Day of Resurrection.”

Ruling and proverbs about patience

Short influential written religious sayings and sayings

More short written religious rulings and sermons will be presented below:

  • “Do not object to what does not concern you, isolate your enemy, and protect from your friend except the trustworthy one; Nothing is equal to the trustworthy people, and do not accompany the wicked, so he will teach you of his immorality, and do not reveal your secret to him, and consult those who fear God in your matter.”
  • “There is no worker who does a job but that God, the Mighty and Sublime, will cover him with the robe of his work.”
  • “O people, fear God; The piety of God is sheep, and the most virtuous of people is the one who condemns himself, works for what comes after death, and acquires from God’s light a light for the darkness of the grave, and let a servant fear that God will gather him blind while he was all-seeing. Please after him?!”
  • “If you are patient, fate will run on you and you will be rewarded, and if you are anxious, fate will run on you while you are being treacherous!”
  • “Blessing is connected to thankfulness, and thankfulness is attached to more, and the two are joined in a century, so more from God will not be cut off until thankfulness is cut off from the servant.”
  • “God has a person who watches his Lord, fears his sin, does righteous deeds, presents sincerely, counts in honor, shuns a warning, throws an honor, and achieves reward, exalts his desires, and lies in his desires.”
  • “Your field is your soul; If you were victorious over it, you would be more capable over others, and if you failed in it, you would be incapable over others, so try to struggle with it first.”

Old Hijazi proverbs and their meanings

Beautiful Islamic wisdom and sermons

To delve into presenting short written religious rulings and sermons, it leads to presenting beautiful Islamic rulings and sermons in the following:[2]

  • “Whenever a servant has a good opinion of God, he has good hope, and he has sincere trust in Him: God does not disappoint him in Him at all, for He, Glory be to Him, does not disappoint hope and does not waste the work of a worker.”
  • “The less the sin is to you, the greater it is with God, and the more it is great for you, the greater it is with God.”
  • Paradise is surrounded by hardships while you hate them, and Hellfire is surrounded by desires while you seek them, so you are like a severely ill patient.
  • “Do not take your need away from the one who closes his doors without you and puts his veil on them; But bring it down by the one whose door is open to you until the Day of Resurrection.
  • “One of the greatest deception in my opinion is persistence in sins, hoping for forgiveness without remorse, and expecting closeness to God Almighty without obedience. Waiting for the planting of Paradise with the seed of Hellfire, seeking the abode of the obedient with disobedience, waiting for reward without action, and wishing God with excess.”
  • “The fear is that you fear God until you turn his fear between you and your disobedience, so that fear and remembrance is obedience to God.

Short phrases about patience

Judgment and sermons from the Noble Qur’an

The Holy Qur’an is a sea filled with wisdom and sermons that Muslims can benefit from. After presenting short written religious rulings and sermons, it is necessary to present wisdom and sermons from the Holy Qur’an as follows:[3]

  • God Almighty said in Surah Hashr: {if we sent down this Qur’an on a mountain I saw him from the humble flawed fear of God and those parables we strike for people so that they might reflect},[4] Knowing what has come down from heaven from the Islamic law motivates a person to learn it and inculcates in the heart fear and reverence for God Almighty.
  • God Almighty said in Surah: {How, when afflicted with calamity, including their hands and then Jak swear by Allah that we only kindness and conciliation * Those who God knows what is in their hearts turned away from them and preached to them and say to them in themselves eloquent words},[5] In this verse, the Creator – Glory be to Him, the Most High – makes clear to us that advice and admonition to the sinner must be secret, for it is more successful in achieving the goal, and God knows best.
  • God Almighty said in Surat norms: {Having a nation said of them did not Tazon folk God will destroy them or Mazbhm severe suffering they said sorry to your Lord and perhaps they fear},[6] In it, Fakhr al-Din al-Razi says: “This indicates that they were most denounced, and that they only abandoned their preaching; Because they think that they do not pay attention to that preaching and do not benefit from it. If it is said: Leaving preaching is a sin, and forbidding it is also a sin, then it is necessary to enter those who neglected preaching and those who forbid it under His saying: Because the prohibition of vice but it must suffice. If some do it, it falls away from the rest.”

Beautiful rule about life

Islamic rule and proverbs

Also, delving into presenting short written religious rulings and sermons leads to mentioning more wisdom and selected Islamic proverbs in the following:

  • “The heart in its journey towards God is like a bird, with love its head and fear and hope its two wings. When the head and wings are handed, the bird is well-fed, and when the head is cut off, the bird dies, and with no wings, it is vulnerable to every hunter and cup.”
  • “Let not one of them be concerned with a lot of work; But let his concern be in making it perfect, perfect and improving it, for the servant may pray while he is disobeying God in his prayer, and he may fast while he is disobeying God in his fast.”
  • “The poor people of the world left it, and they did not taste the best of what is in it.” He was told, “What is the best thing in it?” He said, “Knowledge and love of God Almighty.”
  • “The believer who is sincere to God is among the best of people in life, the most generous of them in life, the most cheerful of them and their families in a heart, and this is an urgent paradise before the future paradise.”
  • “What God has bestowed upon a servant of blessing is better than that he knew there is no god but God, and understood its meaning, and granted him success to act according to it, and to call to it. The most honorable thing is your heart and your time. If you neglect your heart and waste your time, what is left with you?”
  • “The first thing you will lose from your religion is humility, and the last thing you will lose from your religion is prayer, and there is no good in prayer.

Ruling on treating people

Pearls from the sayings of the imams of the Salaf

And in the following, pearls will be presented from the sayings of the imams of the righteous predecessors, such as Malik bin Dinar, Yahya bin Muadh, Ibn Al-Mubarak, Al-Fadl bin Iyad and other righteous people:[7]

  • Al-Fudayl bin Iyadh, may God have mercy on him, said: “Your brother endured up to seventy slips. It was said to him: How is that, O Abu Ali? He said, “Because the brother whom I made a brother with in the name of God is not still seventy slips.”
  • Ibn al-Mubarak, may God have mercy on him, said: “Take advantage of two rak’ahs of prayer to God if you are a comfortable wind, and if you are interested in uttering falsehood, then make it in place of glorification.”
  • Yahya bin Muadh, may God have mercy on him, said: “I do not command you to leave the world, I command you to abandon sins, leaving this world is a virtue, and abandoning sins is an obligation, and you are in need of good deeds and virtues.”
  • Imam Al-Shafi’i, may God have mercy on him, said: “If you fear for your amazing work, then mention the satisfaction of the one you seek, and in which bliss you desire, and from which punishment you are terrified, for whoever thinks of that will be small for him.”
  • Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, may God have mercy on him, said: “People need knowledge like bread and water; Because science needs it every hour, bread and water every day once or twice.”
  • Malik bin Dinar, may God have mercy on him, said: “I wish that God – the Almighty and Majestic – would permit me on the Day of Resurrection, if I stood in front of him to prostrate a prostration, so I know that he was pleased with me, then he would say to me: O Malik, be dust.”

Judgment and sayings about friendship and loyalty

Pearls from the sayings of contemporary scholars and preachers

Likewise, it is necessary to present a wealth of sayings of contemporary scholars and preachers in light of the presentation of religious rulings and short written sermons in the following:[8]

  • “Hearts do not find comfort except with God, souls do not feel comfortable except with God Almighty, and days are not sweet except with closeness to God Almighty.”
  • “The happiest people in the world: the one who knows God Almighty, and one of the greatest reasons for knowing God Almighty is the knowledge of blessings.”
  • “A person should, if he wants to advance or fall behind, ask himself: Is God satisfied with him if he advances, so he should advance, or God is not satisfied with him, so he should delay, for by God, no person delays and does not advance while he hopes for God’s mercy except that God makes him happy, and therefore true happiness and a good life are near Of God”.
  • “By God, if life is good near God, then it will not be pleasant with anything but Him.
  • “The conclusion is not improved except with Islam, faith and obedience to God Almighty, so if God wants to make his servant happy, he places him at the last threshold of this world at the highest levels of obedience. Raising the ranks and winning with mercy and sickness.”

Beautiful rule about life

From the sayings of al-Hasan al-Basri in wisdom and sermons

Likewise, delving into presenting religious rulings and sermons motivates us to present the sayings of Al-Hasan Al-Basri – may God have mercy on him – regarding the rulings and sermons in the following:[9]

  • “This religion is strong, truth is heavy, and man is weak, so let one of you take what he can bear; For if the servant burdens himself with work beyond his ability, he fears that he will become bored and neglectful.”
  • “Beware three things, do not allow Satan to control yourself: Do not be alone with a woman, even if you say: Teach her the Qur’an, and do not enter upon the ruler, and if you say: I command him to do good and forbid evil, and do not sit with a person of heresy; It sickens your heart and corrupts your debt.”
  • “Son of Adam, do not be tempted to say: A person is with the one he loves. You will not catch up with the righteous except by their deeds, and that the Jews and Christians love their prophets, and by God they will not be gathered with them, and they do not enter into their group, and they are the graves of Hell, and they will come to it.”
  • “This nation will continue to be well, and it will remain in God’s protection and his cover, and under the wing of His shadow, as long as their choice does not accompany their evil, the righteous are glorified and their wicked ones are glorified, and their readers turn to their rulers. more difficult and lasting, and he cast terror into their hearts.”
  • “Son of Adam, you love to mention your good deeds, and you hate to mention your bad ones, and you blame others for conjecture, and you remain on certainty, knowing that two angels have been entrusted with you to guard your words and deeds.”

Short written religious judgments and sermons An article in which a group of Islamic judgments and sermons were presented in the light of the Holy Book and the honorable Prophetic Sunnah, and other pearls and sayings uttered by the righteous and the followers and the scholars from among the contemporaries and imams of the predecessors.

خاتمة لموضوعنا حكم ومواعظ دينية مكتوبة قصيرة ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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