حوار بين شخصين عن الوطن

حوار بين شخصين عن الوطن , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

A dialogue between two people about the homeland that can be used in presenting a school radio to be a paragraph in the radio program through which we can present a distinguished dialogue to all colleagues to motivate them, and create generations that love the homeland and inculcate all these words in the hearts of generations, who are from the future, and this is to know many concepts that must be learned and known And to know what our role is towards protecting the homeland, which is not in dispute.

Dialogue between two people about home

The homeland has a great place and value in the hearts of citizens, and this is due to the preference of the homeland over the great over every citizen on their land. Therefore, we will learn about the value of the homeland through a dialogue between two people as follows:

  • Ahmed: Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. How are you, my friend Muhammad?
  • Muhammad: May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. I am fine, my friend.
  • Ahmed: It seems to you that there is something inside you that grieves you, so it is possible for me to know it?
  • Muhammad: I was on my way back home, but the return trip was postponed. That’s why I feel sad.
  • Ahmed: If you love your country, Ahmed, it is possible that you will tell me what home is

What is home

  • Muhammad: What is home?
  • Ahmed: The homeland is the land on which we grew up. It is the present, the future, and the past. It is the place where all the old dreams and memories from childhood exist, and it is the great thing that you own and on its land we feel safe, and no matter how far away we are from the homeland, feelings of nostalgia for the homeland remain within us.


  • Ahmed: Would you allow me, Muhammad? We will ask you a question. Can you tell me what is the virtue of the homeland over us?
  • Muhammad: The homeland is the one in which I grew up, ate of its good, drank from its water, and we went to health care places if a fire fell and we learned on its land in its schools and universities, and we graduated from it and became in this position because the patriot provides us with security and safety.

Our duty to the country

  • Ahmed: Indeed, Ahmed, I did not know what is the merit of the homeland and what our duty is towards it.
  • Muhammad: Your duty, Ahmad, towards your country is to preserve it and preserve the place in which you grew up, as you preserve public facilities and not throw litter in the streets, and we care about beautifying the places so that the place is civilized. Do not pollute the water, do not try to attend to it, and do not dispose of it.

How do we protect our country?

  • Ahmed: How, Muhammad, can we preserve our homeland?
  • Muhammad: To love your homeland and protect it as much as possible from rumors, sedition and the spread of chaos, and you must be ready to sacrifice your life and everything you have for the sake of their homeland. You have to protect it from any external aggression and preserve it to the last drop of our blood.
  • Ahmed: Indeed, my friend, I learned a lot from you today, and the most important thing I learned is how to preserve my country, and here he gave everything he had in order to preserve it.

See also: How to have a fruitful dialogue

Dialogue between two people to find out what is home

The homeland is the one we live on its land and under its skies, we learn in its schools and universities, we eat from the best of its land and live under its sky. It is valuable to us and has lofty meanings. Hence, a dialogue took place between two people about the homeland, and it was as follows:

  • Ahmed: The homeland is one of my beautiful meanings, and it is the land on which we live and walk and eat from its soil and its good land and its beautiful sun and sky under which we shade, and the passion that we breathe. In it our family, our sisters and all our loved ones, in it we learned, and in it we grew up.
  • Jamal: How do you yearn for him even if you travel?
  • Ahmed: I yearn for him because I was raised on his land and learned in his schools, and on his land I was born and ate from his goodness, and in it my father, mother, family and sisters, and he is the one who provides us with safety, tranquility and a decent life, so we have a great duty towards the homeland that must be done.
  • Jamal: What is our duty towards the homeland, Ahmed?
  • Ahmed: Our duty towards the homeland is great and great, and we must preserve it, meaning that we preserve the school in which we study, the streets in which we walk, and the trees that we plant with our hands, and we do not throw anything in the streets that harms others, and that we preserve traffic, and that we conserve water. That we drink and do not waste it, and that we reclaim lands, and that we build in it with all kinds of construction, whether in the buildings of new cities and the reclamation of agricultural lands to increase the good and build factories, take care of them and clean their streets, and to preserve their security from any aggression, whether from the inside or from the outside.

Dialogue between two people about building a homeland

Building the homeland requires a great effort from us in order to know more about it, as a dialogue took place between two people about the homeland from 9th on how to build it is as follows:

  • Adham: How is the homeland built, Ahmed? The response was as follows:
  • Ahmed: The nation is built with the help of its young and old children. The father and the mother must instill in the minds of their children that the nation is built with them all.
  • Adham: How is the nation built with its children?
  • Ahmed: To learn well and take care of their education, whether primary, preparatory, secondary or university until they graduate from these schools or universities, some of them work as a lawyer, some work as an accountant, those who work as a doctor, and those who work as an engineer, all work according to specialization. The engineer builds houses, factories, and companies that work and increase The good and economics of the homeland, the lawyer defends the oppressed in the homeland until he takes his right, the doctor treats the patient, the teacher teaches the students by teaching them to love the homeland, care and preserve it, and the officer protects the citizens and protects the people and executes against the criminals who try to sabotage the homeland, and the farmer who has no share of Education takes care of the land and takes good care of it so that it brings out what he did and worked hard with and increases the good for him and thus increases the good for all people.
  • Adham: Why do some people leave their homeland and go to travel abroad to find job opportunities?
  • Ahmed: Young people who travel abroad are a young man who is looking for an increase in income only, and when their financial situation stabilizes, he returns to his homeland a second time and builds workshops, shops, factories and companies and rebuilds the homeland again. In order to start a new project for himself and his children after him, when he returns from his travels, he builds workshops and stores and gives opportunities to those who have no opportunity to work in order to increase the good for all. With goodness, he returns to the homeland, builds and builds, makes his sisters, friends and sons work with him, the factory becomes factories, the building grows and rises, the lands are reclaimed and the youth learn.

Dialogue between two people about patriotism

A dialogue took place between two people about the love of the homeland and how to plant this love in our hearts. Hence, a dialogue took place between Adham and Shadi, and it is as follows:

Adham: Loving one’s country has many ways, one of which is that we do not harm others and that we love what we do so that we do what we love. We must love our school, love our university, and love our work, because if we love our work and are sincere in it, it will increase and grow and therefore our income will increase, as well as respect the laws Our country, who respects the law, will not be harmed by anything, and they will live in safety with him and his children and those around him from the people. As for those who violate the laws, then he does not love his country and therefore deterrent laws will be implemented against him, because whoever respects himself respects the homeland and respects others and nothing harms him and lives in Safety and peace among people, and love of the homeland is not to uproot trees or plants, and we do not waste drinking water or any water, whether by cultivation or by spraying, because all of these are the best of our country. It is upon him, because the homeland is an offer, and the homeland is precious, and the homeland is sons, children, grandchildren, parents and neighbors. Whoever preserves all of that will preserve himself and his homeland.

Shadi: Indeed, Shadi, love of the homeland is also obedience and obedience here means obedience to the laws regulating life, laws regulating work, regulating laws, studying laws regulating elections, all laws that are in the constitution of the homeland that we must respect and implement with precision, honesty and respect, because it would Raising the banner of the nation, raising its economy, and increasing security for us, our neighbors, and our children The nation has a role, each one begins with himself. The individual has a role, the home has a role, and work on it has a role, and the group has a role, and the nation has a role. The role of the individual is to do the work required of him to the fullest, and the role of the group is to do the collective work that helps spread the beautiful and good thought that raises the status The homeland and the role of the homeland is to defend us, protect us and the borders of our homeland from any intruder, and thus we will be inside the homeland living in safety, peace and reassurance, we and those who come after us.

Dialogue between two people about the homeland and the citizen

Khaled and his father, Saleh, sat down. He is a loving father who loves his children, sympathizes with them, and teaches them everything good. One day, the family was gathered to watch television, and a clip came out about sabotage taking place in the center of the country from a group of bad guys who hate the country. A dialogue took place between the father and his son, and it was as follows:

  • Muhammad: Do you know, my father, who is the reason behind the citizen who hates and destroys his homeland in this hideous way?
  • Father: Son, there are a number of reasons that lead to this happening, the first of which is bad education, where children are raised on hatred, racism and extremism.
  • Muhammad: Sometimes my father is the first one in the school towards many students to imitate the West and always have aspirations to travel and emigrate outside the country and this is something that bothers me.
  • Father: My son, we must have our duty to elevate the homeland so that we love people to stay inside it by always talking about everything that is good for the country and raising our children to be proud of their homeland and their faith.
  • Muhammad: I think, my father, that the competent authorities have a great role in spreading these awareness-raising programs and always talking about patriotism instead of spreading rumors and acts of sabotage.
  • Father: I am happy with you, my son. You have grown up and understood and say things of great value. May God protect you, my son, for your family and your country.

Dialogue between two people about the homeland question and answer

Maha is a student who always likes to ask some questions in order to benefit from the experiences of others. One day he wanted to know a lot of information about the importance of the homeland and our duty and belonging to it. I went to her teacher and a dialogue took place between her and the teacher and the dialogue was as follows:

  • Maha: Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. How are you, my virtuous teacher?
  • Teacher: I’m fine Maha, how are you and your studies?
  • Maha: I’m fine my studies are good but can I ask you some questions?
  • Teacher: Indeed, maha, please.
  • Maha: What is the link around which individuals gather so that they are the sons of one country that they love and support each other?
  • The teacher: These individuals, Maha, are members of one homeland because they belong to the same place, the same customs, traditions, and intellectual and religious beliefs.
  • Maha: What does a citizen do towards his country to show his pride in his country?
  • The teacher: We have to respect the laws, rules, customs and traditions and that individuals respect each other, and we have to master the work because it helps in the advancement of the country, besides preserving its beauty, not littering, and preserving the heritage from being lost.
  • Maha: Are there manifestations of belonging to the homeland, including charitable and voluntary work?
  • The teacher: Indeed, Maha manifestations of belonging, you must participate, fellow countrymen, in all the joys and sorrows, and support the army.
  • Maha: Thank you, my teacher. How valuable and important information is. We must all respect and cherish the homeland, and it is a source of pride for us among other peoples.
  • The teacher: Thank you, Maha. I wish you success and success for the benefit of the country.

What is our duty to the country?

The homeland is the place where a person is born, lives in it and feels towards it with all the beautiful feelings, and feels the responsibility towards it, and preserving the homeland falls on every citizen who feels love and loyalty towards his homeland, so it helps in preserving the homeland and its stability, so we must all learn what is our duty towards The homeland, there is a set of duties on every citizen, which are as follows:

  • Every person who has the ability to work must work and elevate his country, because the unemployed are a burden on society.
  • All members of society must tolerate in addition to providing freedom of belief and thought.
  • Citizens sense of loyalty to their country and to be loyal to it.
  • Every citizen should always strive to provide for the general interest of the country and society, and not focus on personal interest, and be ready all the time to contribute to the advancement of the country.
  • It helps in maintaining the law. The citizen must participate in removing any evil thoughts within the society so that the person can live in safety.
  • Every citizen has to apply the laws within the state and try to fight injustice because it is an obligation.
  • Exercise the right to vote because the vote is a trust.

See also: Dialogue between two people about cooperation

We got acquainted with a dialogue between two people about the homeland, where we got to know how to preserve the homeland and how to love the homeland, as it is security and safety.

خاتمة لموضوعنا حوار بين شخصين عن الوطن ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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