خطوات بناء منزل من الالف الى الياء بالتفصيل , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The steps of building a house from A to Z. Houses are not just columns and ceilings of concrete with polished and colored brick walls, but the house has a greater moral value than that, as it represents the small home in which you establish your own family, as it is your place of living for long periods, and this in turn is what makes it a box The memories that you recall when you grow up, so when you want to establish a new house, you must look for the best ways and methods to build in order to get the house of your dreams that you wish to grow with you and become the box of your memories. A to Z.
Tips for building a new home
The construction process depends on two main stages: the theoretical stage, which includes the basics of building the house, including plans, design, and the like. The second stage is the practical stage, in which the steps of building the house are applied in detail. In its light, the parameters of the following two stages are determined, including:[1]
- Ensure that the legal documents for the building are included, especially the title deed.
- Obtaining the required licenses from the municipality and the concerned authorities.
- Studying the reality of the area and the social environment in terms of whether the area is safe to live in.
- Ensure that the land is fit for construction from a technical point of view.
- The supervision of an engineer or an architectural expert specialized in buildings, especially in the area on which the house will be built.
- Presenting the plan or executive design to the competent authorities to ensure that it complies with the conditions in the municipal license to ensure that the work is not stopped and the license withdrawn.
- In the event of legal approval, the approximate prices related to building materials and the general cost of setting the budget must be studied.
Decision of home away from economic unit
Basics of building a house
When we say that we want to build a house, the first thing that comes to our mind is reinforced iron, solid concrete and other such materials, but these are only practical steps for building the house and it is a way to show the shape of the building and support the construction, and the basics are the idea on which the steps are built so that the work is elaborate and beautiful It is durable and durable over time.[1]
land selection
The selection of the site of the land includes several criteria that must be taken into account according to the person’s desire on the one hand, and his possession of other facilities on the one hand, such as health facilities, and these criteria include:
- Its proximity to public utilities such as water, sewage, health and vital facilities.
- The type and structure of the soil on which the building will be built. Agricultural soils need more reinforcement than solid soil.
- The strategic location, which depends on the desire and goal of the owner of the house, some prefer secluded rural places or densely populated places.
Design selection
After choosing the land, the design is chosen and this depends on the area of the land and the desire of the home owner to divide it. For example, some prefer to build a large house and a large garden in front of it or surround it, and others prefer to build several small houses to accommodate more than one family.
building design
After choosing the design and seeing several pictures of houses built on similar land or after taking different opinions to form an idea of the required design, then the building is designed and the idea translated by drawing it on paper as an engineering design that is done by the work team or the competent architect or by the contractors team, according to The budget set, the size of the building and other factors, and when developing the design, it must be taken into account that some areas require a certain appearance related to the general landscape and the aesthetic character of the area.
Steps to build a house from A to Z
All the previous steps, starting from choosing the land, choosing the design and designing the building, are the theoretical steps only for the construction task. In the next stage, the actual and practical steps that will translate the previous stage that we drew on paper, which is the design, begin. Below we will explain this process in detail from the ground up.[2]
Preparing the land for construction
Light terrain is often found on the plot of land designated for construction, which must be leveled and natural obstacles removed such as small hills or large stones, and this process is usually called paving the ground.
digging foundations
This process is carried out by the designer by specifying the main excavation sites through which the places to be planted will be excavated by the concrete columns that fix the roots of the building in the ground.
arming the foundations
After the foundations are excavated, they are reinforced with iron reinforced, and if parts of them are found above the ground, they are surrounded by wood that is customary in the casting process for contractors and engineers, and then poured and left to dry for the stage to complete the next stage.
foundation insulation
It is a very important stage, as moisture and other materials often infiltrate from the soil into solid concrete through absorption, and this will cause cracks or fragmentation in the concrete structure and may lead to the destruction of the house, and therefore it is isolated with semi-liquid and rubber materials that bear heat, cold and humidity and are called in the popular dialect asphalt;
Plumbing and electrical installation before concrete is poured
This stage requires the presence of plumbers and electricians to prepare the necessary extensions to be placed inside the concrete before it is poured, which includes plumbing pipes and electrical lines.
concrete floor pouring
The pouring stage begins after the gravel bed, which is spread over the entire ground that will be poured, on which the reinforced iron mat sits together and includes the plumbing and electrical extensions that have been prepared in advance. The mineral that is used in the next stage.
building walls
It is the first stage that begins with the appearance of the exterior of the house, and it is usually built from several materials according to need and use, for example, wooden or solid walls made of reinforced concrete, red bricks, pumice stones, and others.
casting concrete ceiling
It is a process similar to the process of pouring the concrete floor, but it is done in a slightly different way, and this process begins with the design of the wooden box that forms the floor on which the concrete will be poured. Pass some plastic pipes inside the iron mat, in which the electrical wires are extended to the parts that are installed in the ceiling, such as chandeliers and accessories, and this is the last stage in building the exterior house structure.
Establishing the infrastructure
Infrastructure means all plumbing works that include sanitary installations before installing ceramics on floors and walls inside bathrooms and kitchens. It also includes the extensions of plastic pipes through which electrical wires pass, electrical switch boxes and main electrical circuit breakers, and all that is required to be extended before the process of covering ceilings and walls.[2]
kitchen plumbing
When designing kitchen plumbing, there must be a comprehensive understanding of the appliances in the kitchen, where they are located, the extension of the pipes that carry water or electricity to it, and among the most important things that you should think about is the washing machine, dishwasher, sink, sink pit, and others.
bathroom plumbing
Bathroom plumbing is a little complicated, as it needs many water extensions such as bathtub, shower, heater extensions and sink, and it also needs many plumbing extensions connected to the external technical pit in which the waste is disposed of, and at other times one must think about the external bathrooms that are designed for guests and extensions The necessary hygiene for the external rooms in the event of a request for domestic workers.
Interior plumbing
The matter does not usually end with plumbing at the borders of the bathroom and kitchen, but there are sanitary extensions that include the rest of the interior rooms, if they exist. In many cases, people rely on what is known as central heating, which includes the presence of a room in the basement of the house that pumps hot water into pipes that are connected On rectangular devices called radiators, which pump water heat into the house.
electrical wiring
It is a wide-ranging process that includes every place in the house, starting from the basement to large rooms and even bedrooms and narrow rooms such as bathrooms, and usually when building any house, the largest share of electrical installations in the kitchen is because it includes many electrical appliances and needs a large network of these extensions, and in general This process requires a relatively long time because it does not tolerate an error in the extensions, and therefore it must be done slowly and develop a comprehensive plan for each place where these extensions must be located.
Carpentry and blacksmithing
The carpentry work includes defining the frames of windows, doors, plaque openings, and terraces, which are often made of wood. Its spread is very important, as it is considered a factor of external protection and safety from theft or entry of animals and foreign objects into the house, and usually includes iron protections, especially for easily broken glass windows that are visible to the outside.
How much does it cost to build one floor 200 square meters
Final finishing stage
After we have known the steps of building the house from A to Z in all its details, the last of which was the installation of the infrastructure, the final finishing stage comes by covering the walls, floors and ceilings and covering the layer of reinforced concrete, bricks and pumice stones to obtain the pre-finished look of the house from the inside and outside, and this includes several Processes that give the final look to the house, which end in the processes of decorating, buying furniture, etc.[3]
oyster business
Conch, or the so-called plastering process, is the process of covering exposed walls and ceilings with a layer of sand, cement and water mixture to give it a smooth shape that can be kneaded, smoothed, and plastered.
Fogging inside and out
At the present time, not all people do traditional oyster work, but rather they prefer to install the external stone inside the house to give an old character to the house, and some of them prefer to combine oyster and stone with each other to create beautiful and modern decorations.
Installing floors and walls
Usually this process requires the use of certain materials such as ceramics that are used to cover the walls and floors of bathrooms and kitchens. Other types of tiles are not suitable for these places, while other types of floors can be used in the rest of the rooms, salons and bedrooms, such as granite and marble of all known types, while it is preferable to install Marble casts a shade of granite on the exterior floors such as the balconies and terraces.
It is a purely creative stage that requires the presence of specialists who make decorations from gypsum for the ceilings or the installation of borrowed ceilings known as tobakrit. It is also possible to create some scenes that can be made of gypsum material such as crowns or columns that represent the old style as in the ancient Roman cities and put them in places that highlight their beauty Or in the corners where the scene seems dark and devoid of beauty, or placing these gypsum decorations on the walls and making frames of them in which pictures are hung.
The painting stage is the last process in the final finishing stages, which takes some time, as it includes puttying, sanding, smoothing, selecting the appropriate paint, showing the beauty of the decorations on the ceiling and on the walls, and lighting the house by choosing colors that reveal the light.
Furniture selection and lighting effects
The choice of home furniture in general depends on the personal taste of the home owner as well, and this final stage is usually prepared from the beginning of the final finishing stage, as people start shopping online in proportion to the pre-selected designs in addition to choosing the aesthetic values installed on the walls such as curtains, paintings and artifacts As for the lighting effects, they are selected in a way that reflects the beauty of the decorations that were chosen and made in the ceilings, and among the most beautiful light effects spread recently are those referred to as the hidden lighting inside the decorations, from which only the light is seen without seeing the light source.
In this way, we reach the end of this article, which was titled The steps of building a house from A to Z in detail, which we started with important tips for building a new house and the most important basics of the construction process and expanded to explain the steps of its construction in detail and the final finishing stage of the dream house.
خاتمة لموضوعنا خطوات بناء منزل من الالف الى الياء بالتفصيل ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.