دعاء تحصين النفس من كل شر مكتوب , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
A supplication for immunization of the soul from all evil. It is written supplication is one of the most beloved acts of worship with the Almighty, and it is one of the acts of worship recommended by all the prophets and messengers that supplication changes the predestination and mitigates them, as it makes the person feel comfortable and calm and that he is in the company of his Lord Almighty, immunization is the protection of God Almighty Where a person faces many dangers from which only prayer can be saved
A written prayer for immunization of the soul from all evil
The soul is exposed to many dangers that cause many harm to man, and they are among the whiffs of Satan. Therefore, the person must repeat some supplications to protect the soul, including:
- Oh God, distract me from harm that you are over all things.
- In the name of God, with whose name nothing can harm on earth or in heaven, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
- Oh God, I ask you forgiveness and wellness in my religion and my world and my family and my money.
- Oh God, distract me from harm, my family, my house, and my money, for you are the All-Hearing, All-Knowing, the Answerer of supplications.
- In your name, O God, Creator of creation, I ask you to protect me and keep me and my offspring from harm.
- Oh God, Lord of the heavens and the earth and Lord of everything, I seek refuge in You from every evil that causes harm.
- Oh God, Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the Great Throne, I ask you to pay our debts and enrich us with your lawful things from your forbidden.
- Oh God, I seek refuge in You from the hour of negligence and we died, O God, and you are satisfied with us.
The best supplication for the patient in the hour of written response
Doaa immunization of parents
Care should be taken to fortify the home and family, as they are the most precious thing that a person possesses. The following is a presentation of some of the supplications as mentioned in the noble hadiths:
- Oh God, the One, the Lord of the Great Throne, we ask you to protect our bodies, our children, and our homes.
- I ask you, O God, by the right of your ability with which you healed your servant Ayoub, that you do not leave us any distress or distress except for his relief.
- Oh God, I ask you to protect my family and my house with your eyes that do not sleep.
- Oh God, I ask you to repel evil from me and my family, and I ask forgiveness from my Lord from my sins, Oh God, explain my chest to me and ease my affairs for me.
- Oh God, I seek refuge in You from a bad night, a bad hour, and a bad owner.
- Oh God, protect my family, my home, my children, and all my loved ones from all evil.
- O Allah, I seek refuge in You from heedlessness, humiliation, laziness, worry, cowardice, and being overwhelmed by debt.
- Oh God, I seek refuge in You from the torment of the grave, and I seek refuge in You, my Lord, from being tempted.
Doaa immunization of self, husband and children
The supplication for immunization of the soul from all evil is written among the necessary supplications that protect a person from life’s misfortunes, trials and evils, the most important of which are:
- Oh God, we mocked you in all that you love and are satisfied, God keep us away from what disobeys you and endear to us faith and adorn it in our hearts.
- Oh God, distract my husband, my children and my home from worry and sadness, Oh God, do not make the world our biggest concern and grant us the sweetness of faith.
- Oh God, put affection and mercy in our hearts and a thousand, O God, between our hearts and protect us from anger, envy, hypocrisy and all calamities.
- Oh God, I dedicate my husband and make him mocked me and mocked me for him in your obedience, O Most Merciful of the merciful, Lord of the worlds.
Doaa immunization of the soul from the jinn
There are many supplications and religious supplications that should be repeated to protect oneself from the evil of mankind and the jinn. The following is a presentation of the supplications for immunization from the jinn:
- In your name, O God, I have protected myself from the evil of the envious, the evil of dangers, and the evil of Satan and his aides.
- I seek refuge in You, my Lord, from Satan and his breath and puffs, that you protect me and protect me from every evil, the evil of which I cannot stand.
- Oh God Aafni in my religion and my hearing and my sight.
A prayer, Lord, protect my children with your eyes that do not sleep, and other supplications for children
Doaa immunization of self from envy
The Holy Prophet urged the necessity of adhering to supplication, as the virtues of supplication are numerous. The following is a presentation of some supplications for protection from envy:
- Oh God, nullify the effect of an envious eye that wishes for the demise of your grace. Oh God, protect us from the evil of an evil eye that has seen and mentioned
- Oh God, protect us from an eye that infected a body and made it sick, and it struck a mercy that made it sterile.
- In your name, O God, Lord of the heavens and the earth, I ask you to protect my house, my children, and my husband from the evil of an awe-inspiring eye.
Prayer for protection from enemies
The supplication is the strong fortress that protects the soul, the home, the children, and the husband from all harm. The following are some supplications for immunization from the evil of enemies:
- Oh God, we seek refuge in You from those who conspired against us.
- O Allah, I seek refuge in You from injustice and envy and from all the evils of the world, whether apparent or hidden.
- O God, be upon you with the harmful, the unjust, the envious, and those who plotted against us and wanted us evil.
Daily immunization prayer
There are a set of supplications that should be observed on a daily basis to protect oneself, including:
- I seek refuge in the perfect words of God from the evil of what He created, and it is preferable to say it three times.
- May God’s prayers, peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, and it is preferable to say it ten times every morning and evening.
- Oh God, I seek refuge in You from the evil of myself and the evil of Satan and his company.
- Oh God, I have fortified you with the right, there is no might or power except with God, and I rely on You.
- Oh God, my God and the God of everything, I trust in You and I hold fast to You that You repel evil from me, with no power or strength except with God.
A prayer of God, praise be to you until you are satisfied, written
Child immunization prayer
Children are the real treasure in the world. Hearts fear for them, and the best way to protect them from the evils of this world is to pray for them. Among these supplications:
- Oh God, do not show us anything bad in our children and make them from the righteous offspring.
- Oh God, bless us in our offspring and make them among your righteous servants.
- Oh God, keep my children away from the evil eye and protect them, O Lord, wherever they are.
- In your name, O God, I fortified my children and put my trust in You to facilitate their affairs, have mercy on their weakness, and provide for them from where they do not expect.
- Oh God, give them a good plant.
Prayer for immunization from disease
God Almighty commanded a lot of supplications as He promised them that they would be answered. The following is a presentation of the supplications for immunization from disease as they were received from the Messenger of God:
- In your name, O God, Lord of people and Lord of everything, I ask you to remove the pain, and to heal your servants with a cure that does not leave disease.
- In the name of God, I promote you, from every evil that harms you, may God heal you.
- Oh God, we ask you health without disease and we seek refuge in you from humiliation and weakness of bodies.
- Oh God, send down mercy from your mercy on this sick body, and it will recover.
- Oh God, with your mercy, O Most Merciful, distract us from the epidemic, that you are capable of everything.
- Oh God, keep us in your protection and protect us from all harm, and you have to trust us.
- Oh God, do not blame us for what the fools did from us, forgive us and have mercy on us, for you are over all things.
self-protection method
The Muslim should read some Qur’anic verses, invocations and supplications that protect the soul from evils and fortify it, which are as follows:
- It is necessary to constantly read Surat Al-Ikhlas, which is a third of the Qur’an.
- Reciting Ayat al-Kursi on a daily basis is one of the most important means of immunization.
- It is preferable to read Surat Al-Falaq and Surat An-Nas three times in the morning and evening, so that no harm will befall the servant.
- The Holy Prophet pointed out the need to be careful to recite the dhikr on a daily basis.
A prayer for those who hurt me and oppressed me, a short answered prayer
Correct method of vaccination
It is necessary first to invoke the intention and seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan, then put the right hand on the pain and read the following verses:
- Surat Al-Baqarah, specifically from the first verse to the fifth verse.
- Surat Al-Baqarah in the following verses 165:163 and verse 257:255 of the same surah.
- Surah Al-Baqarah from verse 286:284.
- Surah Al Imran from the first verse to the fifth verse.
- Verse 18 of Surah Al Imran, as well as verses 28:26 of the same surah.
Immunization from the Holy Quran
The Noble Qur’an is the main reference in all matters, as there are many verses of self-protection contained in it, including:
- Read Surat Al-Fatihah and sincerity.
- Read Surat Al-Baqarah in full, as it was reported from the Holy Prophet that Satan flees from the homes in which Surat Al-Baqarah is read.
- Reading Surat Al-Falaq and Surat Al-Nas, where the Holy Prophet affirmed their great virtue in protecting the soul.
- Surat Al-A’raf, specifically verses 56:54.
- Verse No. 14 of Surat Al-Tawbah: “Fight them, God will punish them at your hands, and disgrace them, and give you victory over them, and heal the breasts of a believing people.”
- Verse No. 82 of Surat Al-Isra, Verses 155:118 of Surat Al-Muminun.
- Verse No. 58,57 of Surah Yunus: “O people, an admonition has come to you from your Lord, a healing for what is in the breasts, and a guidance and mercy to the worlds.”
- Surat Al-Saffat, specifically from the first verse to the seventh verse.
- Verses 36:31 of Surah Ar-Rahman.
- Surah Al-Kursi.
How to protect oneself from the evil eye and envy
The evil eye and envy in Islam is right, so the Muslim must fortify himself by reciting the legal ruqyah, followed by two rak’ahs of prayer. Al-Fatihah, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Ma’widhatayn and Ayat Al-Kursi, then wipe his entire body from the head to the end of the body.
The patient’s prayer for himself for a speedy recovery
Morning and Evening Prayers
The morning and evening remembrances should be kept constant because of their many benefits, which can be summarized in the following points:
- The morning and evening remembrances serve as a fortress for the Muslim, protecting him from evils.
- The feeling of peace and tranquility resulting from the feeling of God’s help and closeness to Him.
- One of the reasons for the love of obedience and closeness to God, as it forgives the sins of the servants.
- The pleasure of God Almighty and the abundance of sustenance in this world and the hereafter.
- Blessing is in health and livelihood and in all aspects of life.
The Holy Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, mentioned the verses of the legal ruqyah from the Noble Qur’an, which are as follows:
- The third and fourth verse of Surat Al-Mulk.
- The first verse to the third verse of Surat Al-Jinn.
- Verse No. 52,51 of Surat Al-Qalam.
- Verse No. 54 of Surat An-Nisa.
- Verse No. 105 of Surah Taha.
- Verse No. 26 of Surat Ibrahim.
- Verse number 80 of Surat Al-Shu`ara.
- Surah Al-Kafirun.
The importance of self-protection
The Islamic religion urges the necessity of self-immunization due to the many benefits associated with it, which can be summarized in the following:
- Get rid of negative feelings, worries and sorrows.
- Feeling relaxed and calm.
- Protection of humans from humans and jinn.
- Preserve the human eye, envy and all diseases.
- A major reason for healing from magic as it works to reduce its symptoms.
- Protecting parents and children from the dangers of daily life.
- Raising the morale of the patient, making him able to face physical and psychological aches.
- It makes the servant draw closer to God Almighty, which makes him feel happy and satisfied with himself.
- The psychological peace that a person reaches when immunizing himself.
A prayer, may God protect us from diseases and ailments, is written
At the end of the article, a prayer for immunization of the soul from all evil is written, where the supplications for immunization of the soul, parents, husband and children were clarified with a mention of the supplications of immunization from the eye, envy, jinn, enemies and diseases. Self immunization.
خاتمة لموضوعنا دعاء تحصين النفس من كل شر مكتوب ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.