دعاء يارب احفظ اولادي بعينك التي لا تنام وأدعية أخرى للأولاد

دعاء يارب احفظ اولادي بعينك التي لا تنام وأدعية أخرى للأولاد , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

A prayer, Lord, protect my children with your eyes that do not sleep, and other supplications for children to protect them from all evil, for children are the adornment of the worldly life, and they are among the best blessings that God has bestowed upon His servants, so parents should immunize their children with Quranic verses and supplications, and among these supplications is a supplication, O Lord Save my children with your eyes that do not sleep and other supplications for children.

A prayer, Lord, protect my children with your eyes that do not sleep, and other supplications for children

The mother is always keen on the children at all times, and always prays for them to be protected by God. Among these supplications:

  • I ask you, O God, to guide me and my children and to make them among the righteous who memorize your holy book.
  • Oh God, make the Great Qur’an the spring of their hearts, the healing of their chests, the light of their eyes, and the reliever of their worries and sorrows.
  • Oh God, grant them your love and the love of every action that brings them closer to your love.
  • O Allah, forgive their sins, purify their hearts, fortify their private parts, improve their morals, fill their hearts with light and wisdom, and enable them to accept every blessing.
  • Oh God, I dedicate my children, make my eyes close to them, protect them from all evil, help me raise them, cherish them, elevate their status, and protect them from all evil, Amen, Lord of the worlds.
  • Oh God, make them keepers of Your Book, callers and jihadists in Your cause, and informers of Your Messenger, Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.
  • Oh God, make them among those who humbled themselves to you and you raised them, and who submitted to your prestige, so you loved them, who drew near to you and brought them close to you, and who asked you and you answered them.
  • Oh God, protect my children for me and guide them to your obedience, and bless me with them.
  • Oh God, grant us your satisfaction and heaven. Oh God, I ask you to guide my sons and daughters and to grant me their righteousness in life and after death.
  • Oh God, grant them a good teacher, and good company, and grant them contentment and contentment, and purify their hearts from clinging to those below you, and make them among those you love and who love you.
  • Oh God, make them among those who remember and are mentioned, and attach their hearts to your obedience, and make them among the faces of those who turn to you and love you.
  • Oh God, make them guided, not lost or misguided. Oh God, endear the faith to them and adorn it in their hearts, and make unbelief, immorality and disobedience hateful to them.

A supplication for the sick for a speedy recovery, his protection and protection from all evil from the Qur’an and Sunnah

Mosques of supplications for children

There are supplications that a mother can do to her children, and they are among the supplications that gather for all good, and they are:

  • Oh God, grant them all good, sooner and later, and distract them from all evil, sooner and later.
  • Oh God, make them an asset for me in this life and an intercession for me in the Hereafter. Oh God, make them among the memorizers of Your Great Book.
  • O God, O Possessor of majesty, honor, manna, and bounty, grant me the righteousness of my children and make them a support for me in my life, and do not show me anything wrong with them.
  • Oh God, O Most Merciful, Most Merciful, who is in control of the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, for You are capable of everything, and nothing is impossible for You, according to my children when You love and are satisfied, and grant them guidance and righteousness.
  • Oh God, bless me with them and explain their chests and ease their affairs and grant them the love of people and do not make them enemies.
  • Oh God, reward them from the trials of the world, what is apparent of it and what is hidden, Oh God, make them the best of Your creation in character and religion, Oh God, grant them piety and faith in You truly.
  • Oh God, O Hanan, O Manan, make them among your obedient servants who are beneficial to their religion.
  • Oh God, give them good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and protect them from the torment of the Fire.
  • Oh God, grant them from your good and lawful provision, and make them from all narrow relief, and enrich them with your thanks to those other than you.
  • Oh God, do not make them a need for any of your servants, and stop them with your grace and generosity, and grant them serenity and peace of mind.

Prayers for guidance for children

Who among us does not wish to have well-guided children, and one of the best ways to do that is to pray for them, and among these supplications:

  • (Oh God, protect my children for me, guide them to your obedience, and bless them for me, make them guided, guided, not misguided, not misguided.
  • (Oh God, spare them evil companions, fornication, alcohol and drugs, and deliver them from illnesses, pestilences and pests).
  • (O Allah, make my children among Your righteous servants, O Lord, make them bearers of Your Book, guided by the Sunnah of Your Prophet, O Allah, set a good example for them in morals and religion, O Lord, make their hearts happy and make me happy with their company, O Most Merciful of the merciful, O Lord, provide for them from where they do not expect and enrich them with You over anyone else).
  • (O Allah, extend for me the best condition in their lifetime, grant me a well-being from You during their term, grant me a good upbringing of their youngest, strengthen their weakness for me, and make them grow in good plants, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor, O Lord, deliver them from the evil of the wicked during the night and the ends of the day, in publicity and secrets, and guide them for what you love and are pleased with, and forgive them, O Forgiver).
  • (Oh God, keep them away from bad company, protect them from every accursed devil, bring them close to the good, and make them those who rely on you, O mighty one of the heavens and the earth, O Lord, grant me in them, and fulfill my hopes for them, O God, grant me their righteousness in my life and after my death, and may God’s prayers be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions) .

A written and answered prayer for parents on Arafa

A prayer for children to protect from the eye and envy

These are some of the supplications that can be supplicated for children to be protected from every evil eye and envy:

  • (O Allah, take charge of my children and guard them with Your angels, O Allah, place my children in Your deposits, and take care of them with Your mercy, O Allah, protect them from the evils of mankind and the jinn, O Lord of the worlds, O Lord of the worlds, O Allah, keep away from them all the envious, spiteful and scheming, and everything you know about, O Capable, O Most Merciful, O Allah, protect me and my children from the accursed Satan).
  • (Oh God, bless them for me, and keep us away from harm, and save us from everyone who wants to harm us, O Hafeez).
  • (Oh God, you said and you said the truth, and if my servants ask you about me, I am close, and here we ask you, O Lord of the worlds, and you answer our prayers, and protect our children and save them, O Most Merciful, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our master and beloved Muhammad, the best prayer and peace be upon him).

Prayers of success for the children

These are some of the supplications that parents can pray for their children so that they get success in their lives:

  • (Oh God, grant my children your love, the love of those who love you, and the love of deeds that bring them closer to you, O Lord of the worlds.
  • (Oh God, make them rightly guided, not misguided, nor misguided. O God, endear to them faith and make it beautiful in their hearts, and make unbelief, immorality and disobedience hateful to them).
  • (Oh God, open to them the conquest of the gnostics, teach them what they are ignorant of, remind them of what they have forgotten, and open to them the blessings of heaven and earth, that you are Hearing and Responding).
  • (Oh God, endear faith to them and make it beautiful in their hearts, and make unbelief, immorality and disobedience hateful to them, and make them among the rightly-guided).
  • (Oh God, the teacher of Moses, peace be upon him, teach them, and the interpreter of Solomon, peace be upon him, understand them, and the giver of Luqman, wisdom and the separation of the speech, give them wisdom and the separation of the speech).
  • (Oh God, teach them what they are ignorant of, remind them of what they have forgotten, and open for them the blessings of heaven and earth, for you are all-hearing supplications).
  • (Oh God, make them among those who remember and are mentioned, be kind to them, O Generous one, and attach their hearts to your obedience, and make them one of the faces of those who turn to you and love you).
  • (Oh God, I ask You for them to have the power of memorization, speed of understanding, and clarity of mind, and make them the rightly guided ones).
  • (Our Lord, grant us from our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an imam for the righteous).

Prayers for family, self and children on the day of Arafat

The best supplications for children

These are some beautiful supplications that can be said and prayed for children:

  • O Allah, grant them health in their bodies, outwardly and inwardly, and protect them from all evil and dislikes, and grant them health in their selves, their religion, their worldly affairs, and their morals, and grant them a stable life and a homely sustenance.
  • Oh God, teach them what they are ignorant of, remind them of what they have forgotten, and open to them the blessings of heaven and earth, that you are hearing supplications.
  • O Allah, do not deviate their hearts after You have guided them, grant them mercy from You, and prepare for them guidance in their affairs.
  • O Allah, grant me the survival of my children, their reformation for me, my enjoyment with them, and I extend their lives with health and wellness in your obedience and your satisfaction.
  • Oh God, O Teacher of Moses – peace be upon him – teach them, and O mentor of Solomon – peace be upon him – understand them, and O Muti Luqman of wisdom and separation of speech, give them wisdom and separation of speech.
  • I seek refuge in Allah, the Most High, the Great from His wrath and punishment and the evil of His servants and from the evil of Satan and his soldiers and from the evil of the devils of mankind and the jinn and from the evil of every open and pleasing one and from the evil of what appears at night and lies in the day and from the evil of what appears during the day and lies at night and from the evil of what descends from the sky and from the evil of what ascends therein.
  • In the name of God, I protect my children from everything that harms them, and from the evil of every soul or envious eye.
  • Our Lord, grant us from our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an imam for the righteous.
  • Lord, I ask you to guide my children and to make them among the righteous.
  • Lord, I ask you for guidance for every misguided person, and grant me the righteousness of my children and the satisfaction of my mother.

A prayer, O God, I entrust you with my children everywhere

Among the supplications that can be prayed for the children are the supplications that entrust the children in the protection of God, and among these supplications:

  • Oh God, I entrust my children not to make them miserable.
  • Oh God, I entrust my children to you in a place from which my eyes are absent, and your eyes are not absent, so protect them in a manner worthy of your greatness and majesty.
  • Oh God, I entrust my children to you to make love in their hearts, and mocked for them hearts, have mercy on them and have mercy on them, O Lord.
  • Oh God, I entrust my children to You to make them among the good of Your servants, the keepers of Your Book, the best of people in religion, worship and morals, and among the happiest of them in life and the best of life.
  • Oh God, I entrust my children to you to show me in them what pleases me, and distract me in it from what harms me and harms them.
  • Oh God, I entrust my children to you to make them obedient to us, not disobedient, disobedient, or sinful, and help us to raise them, discipline them, and honor them, and make that good for us and for them.
  • Oh God, I entrust my children to you to cherish them and do not humiliate them, and to make them happy and make me happy with them and with them, and do not wretch them and make us miserable with them.
  • Oh God, I entrust my children to make them a source of our pride and pride, O Lord.
  • Oh God, I entrust my children to give them health, wellness, intelligence and intelligence.
  • Oh God, I entrust my children to you, they are all my life, so protect them, protect them, guide them, and bless their ages, and do not make my affliction with them. Oh God, accept my prayers.

Pictures of supplications for children

There are some pictures and backgrounds that can be circulated on social networking sites, which include some supplications for children, such as:

A prayer for children on the day of Arafah

In the end, a supplication, Lord, protect my children with your eyes that do not sleep, and other supplications for children are among the supplications that parents should be called every day for their children. The Almighty is ashamed to disappoint the hope and hope of someone who came to Him desperately in need.

خاتمة لموضوعنا دعاء يارب احفظ اولادي بعينك التي لا تنام وأدعية أخرى للأولاد ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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