دعوة للتسامح قبل دخول شهر رمضان الفضيل

A call for tolerance before entering the holy month of Ramadan is the invitation through which it is intended to achieve the principle of tolerance, love and affection between people before entering the blessed month of Ramadan, and through which it is intended to seek and urge people in general to resolve disputes and disagreements among themselves before the holy month, and in this article from the contents site We will present an invitation to tolerance before entering the holy month of Ramadan in addition to phrases, words, poetry, trowels and messages about tolerance before entering the holy month of Ramadan.

Phrases about the importance of tolerance before Ramadan There is no doubt that tolerance is one of the most important things on which societies must be built, because forgiveness and forgiveness is the basis for resolving conflicts and problems, and without resolving conflicts and problems, society cannot exist. Words about tolerance before Ramadan Tolerance before entering the blessed month of Ramadan is one of the most important things that a Muslim must do, in order to enter the holy month with no hatred in his heart against anyone, nor hatred against anyone. A message about tolerance before Ramadan Tolerance is a culture that all Muslims in this world and before the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan must understand well, because it is a rare culture in the world today, we all have to declare tolerance as a slogan for us before the holy month. A touching message about forgiveness before the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan to everyone who ever offended me. I bear witness to God, Lord of the Worlds, that I forgave you from the bottom of my heart, my brother, in God, before the blessed month of Ramadan, and I ask God to bring forgiveness into the heart of everyone I have wronged one day. of the days.

An invitation to forgiveness before entering the month of Ramadan

As we approach the holy month of Ramadan, we present the following invitation to tolerance before entering this holy month:

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and the best prayer and the most complete peace be upon our master Muhammad, the Truthful and the Faithful, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Renouncing grudges, hatred, and disputes between people, and seeking to forgive others and resolve differences and disputes, because a Muslim is the support of his Muslim brother, so it is not permissible for Muslims to associate among themselves the brotherhood of religion and distance them from the differences of the worldly life that does not enrich and does not fatten from hunger. We renounce differences and, we seek to achieve tolerance among us in this holy month, so that God accepts from us every work that we will do, with His permission, in this month of fasting, prayer, standing and worship. Oh God, unite our hearts and bless us in this holy month, O Lord of the worlds.

Msjat about tolerance before Ramadan

After we presented a text of an invitation about tolerance before the blessed month of Ramadan, hereinafter we present a group of messages about tolerance on the occasion of the approach of this holy month:

  • To everyone I have wronged in this life, I am sending you this message and I am very sorry in the beginning and I hope that you will forgive me and have mercy on me for my mistakes. Forgive me, may God have mercy on you.
  • Tolerance, tolerance and forgiveness among people is a complete culture, which all Muslims must know and know how to do before the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan, so that this month will be a month of good for us all.
  • Today, we are on the threshold of the blessed month of Ramadan. I bear witness to God, Lord of the Worlds, that I have forgiven and pardoned every person who wronged me one day, and every person who committed a mistake against me one day. Oh God, I ask you to make forgiveness a basis for us to live for in this life And every year and all Muslims in this world are fine on the occasion of the advent of the month of Ramadan.
  • It is the duty of every Muslim today to offer forgiveness and forgiveness for everything before the beginning of the month of Ramadan.

Tolerance in Islam

The most beautiful messages of tolerance before entering Ramadan

Among the most beautiful messages of forgiveness and forgiveness before entering the blessed month of Ramadan are the following special messages:

  • I write the words, phrases and letters of this message before entering the blessed month of Ramadan, asking God Almighty in it to make forgiveness and forgiveness among Muslims widespread before the blessed month of Ramadan.
  • It is incumbent upon every Muslim in these days, before entering the blessed month of Ramadan, that tolerance and forgiveness are the basis in his life, and he has to offer an apology and seek forgiveness from every person who offended him, my Lord, forgive me every mistake I made against one of your servants .
  • The time has come for us to ask forgiveness and forgiveness from other people, the time has come when we must all spread the principle of tolerance and forgiveness, it is the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan, let us forgive each other on this great occasion, every year and all Muslims are good.
  • One of the most important duties before the blessed month of Ramadan is for every Muslim to go out to his Muslim brother, reassure him of his news and forgive him for all the mistakes he committed against him and to ask him for forgiveness and spread love and affection among people, because the blessed month of Ramadan is the month of goodness, love and peace.

Messages and messages about tolerance before Ramadan in English

After the messages and trowels about tolerance in Arabic, we present some of these letters and trowels in English:

  • The blessed month of Ramadan is the month of goodness and the month of tolerance, so it is incumbent upon all of us to spread the principle of tolerance before entering the month of Ramadan. Translation: The blessed month of Ramadan is the month of goodness and the month of tolerance, so it is incumbent upon us all to spread the principle of tolerance before entering the month of Ramadan.
  • Before the month of Ramadan, we all have to forgive each other for all the mistakes that occurred, both intentionally and unintentionally. We must start the holy month without any grudges or disputes. Translation: Before the month of Ramadan, we all have to forgive each other for all the mistakes that occurred, both intentionally and unintentionally. We must start the holy month without any grudges or disputes.
  • Tolerance is a great culture that every Muslim must preserve and know how to spread the principle and culture of tolerance before Ramadan, because tolerance before Ramadan is the greatest work that Muslims must do in welcoming the month of Ramadan. Translation: Tolerance is a great culture that it is necessary for every Muslim to preserve and to know how to spread the principle and culture of tolerance before the month of Ramadan, because tolerance before Ramadan is the greatest work that Muslims must do in welcoming the month of Ramadan.

What is intellectual tolerance, its importance, types of tolerance and its manifestations

Influential poetry about tolerance before Ramadan

Many poems and poems have been written about tolerance and apology in Arab literature, including:

  • The poet said:

Because tolerance is my weakness * * * You still have my love and kindness and you still stab me every day * * * Your sword does not stop your stabbing with my beautiful patience * * * Neither the heart is comforted nor patience is healed I ask what is the secret of this persistence * * * On the covenant of my love, it explains my bleeding Don’t imagine that you are stronger * * * and that I am patient despite my nose

  • The poet said:

What every day does a person obtain what he asks for * * * is not justified by the measure of what is bestowed upon him and the firmer of people than if an opportunity is offered * * * He did not make the reason connected short and do justice to the people in every citizen of the * * * He waters the hostile with the cup that they drank and does not oppress them who will beat them * * * With the edge of a sword with which he was beaten by them, and pardon except for the competent is honorable * * * Whoever says something other than what I have said a lie

The sayings of thinkers about tolerance

Many scholars, writers and thinkers have spoken throughout history about tolerance, and among the most beautiful sayings about tolerance are the following:

Ahmed Al-Shugairi’s saying: Some may see that tolerance is a defeat, and that silence is a defeat, but they do not know that tolerance needs greater power than revenge, and that silence is stronger than any words, said by Farouk Jweida. In general, Jalal al-Khawaldeh said, “No matter how many arts people learn, they will never learn anything like the art of forgiveness. It is pure hearts that praise God, the Forgiving, the Merciful.” The other arises from vanity or fear

Messages asking for forgiveness and forgiveness before Ramadan

After we presented a set of messages of forgiveness and forgiveness before Ramadan, the following are messages asking for forgiveness and forgiveness before Ramadan:

  • To all the friends and to all the loved ones in my life and everyone I know in this life, I send this message to ask for forgiveness and forgiveness and to apologize for every mistake I made, intentionally or unintentionally, and every year and you are a thousand good before the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan.
  • I send this message of apology and forgiveness to the people I have offended in this life before the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan. I ask them to forgive and apologize for the mistakes and sins I committed against them. Forgive me for everything, and Happy New Year.
  • We welcome the blessed month of Ramadan with tolerance and forgiveness. We welcome it with acknowledgment of guilt and reversal of error. Admitting guilt is a great virtue. We ask God, Lord of the Worlds, in these blessed days, to make us among those who admit their mistakes and who seek to seek apology and forgiveness from people in this holy month.
  • At the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan, I bear witness to God Almighty that I have forgiven from my heart every person who has wronged me and wronged me in this life.
  • I offer my apologies to every person I offended, and I ask for forgiveness before the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan, and I ask God Almighty, in these honorable days, to erase malice and hatred from the heart of every Muslim in this world.

Talk about apology and forgiveness before Ramadan

We enclose in the following the most beautiful words about apology and forgiveness before the blessed month of Ramadan:

  • To all loved ones and friends in the blessed month of Ramadan, dear Muslim friends, these days are days of forgiveness and forgiveness between people. We all have to forgive and pardon in these days.
  • It has become necessary for all of us to forgive each other before the blessed month of Ramadan, in order to obtain the reward for our deeds that we will perform in the month of Ramadan, and to end our differences and disputes in the blessed month of Ramadan.
  • Oh God, forgive us our sins and our extravagance in our affairs, and prove our feet, O Karim. Oh God, we ask you to make apology and forgiveness a basis upon which Muslims are based in this holy month. Oh God, pardon the sinners and sinners, O Karim.
  • Because the blessed month of Ramadan is the month of mercy and forgiveness. It is the duty of every Muslim to welcome this month with love and peace. We must fill these days with tolerance, love and affection between us. Oh God, we have reached Ramadan and I have written on all Muslims forgiveness and forgiveness.

A prayer, O Allah, lift the affliction and the epidemic from us, and let us reach Ramadan

Pictures of tolerance before entering the holy month of Ramadan

We conclude the received phrases, messages and call for tolerance before entering the holy month of Ramadan with a set of images about tolerance:

With these pictures, we come to the end of this article, in which we shed light on a call for tolerance before the holy month of Ramadan, and presented a set of messages, trowels, phrases, words and poems about tolerance before the month of Ramadan.

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