رؤية المرض في المنام .. تفسير حلم المرض لجميع المفسرين

رؤية المرض في المنام .. تفسير حلم المرض لجميع المفسرين , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Seeing illness in a dream is one of the disturbing dreams that raises in the mind the fear of illness or death, especially since a person lives the dream as if it is real and is affected by what is stated in it, whether it is positive or negative. Indeed, or what he saw in his dream will be reflected in reality in the same image, which is a false belief, so we will discuss in this article the interpretation of the disease in a dream in detail to correct this belief prevailing among many.

Seeing illness in a dream

Interpreters of dreams see that seeing illness in a dream indicates the health of the body and physical strength, and not the opposite, as is common for many, and they forbid that the disease in the dreamer’s dream is an indication that he lives amid a lot of hypocrisy and hypocrisy or that it stems from it, and it may also indicate the doubts that In the dreamer’s mind, there are certain people and things in his life.

The interpretation of this dream came to the interpreter of dreams, Khaled Seif, that it does not carry good connotations, in addition to the fact that it depends on the details that were in the dream, such as the person seeing that he is the patient or that the disease affects someone else, because the disease comes in a dream in several different forms, such as seeing the patient That he is unable to work because of his illness or that he suffers from this disease or is worried about what happened to him from it and so on.

Ibn Sirin believes that seeing a person in a dream that he is afflicted with a disease indicates the demise of worry, anguish and problems and the change of the state of the seer to what is better and better for him.

Interpretation of the dream of illness by Ibn Sirin

The interpretation of seeing a disease in a dream came to Ibn Sirin, if the seer was already ill, as follows:

  • Seeing illness in a dream for a believer if he is sick in reality indicates death, because the hereafter is the home of the believers.
  • Seeing illness in a dream of an infidel if he is sick in reality indicates his recovery from his illness, because the world is the abode of the unbelievers.
  • Seeing illness indicates separation between the husband and his wife and their divorce until she becomes forbidden to him.
  • Seeing someone who has a sick person, whether the husband or the wife, is evidence of the patient’s approaching life to the family of the dream owner.
  • Seeing illness also indicates what the seer commits of sins and disobedience.

Interpretation of a dream about illness for Nabulsi

Al-Nabulsi interpreted the dream of illness in its entirety as referring to hypocrisy, based on the Almighty’s saying: {In their hearts is a disease, and God has increased them in disease} verse 10 of Surat Al-Baqarah. It also indicates a decrease in religion and an increase in adherence to the world.

  • If a person sees his wife sick in a dream, this indicates her shortcomings in her religion.
  • Seeing fever and hot diseases in a dream indicates that they are afflicting the seer from powerful people.
  • Seeing sickness in a dream is evidence of failure to perform the obligatory duties and the penalty for this failure, and it also indicates spending money.
  • Sickness in a dream also refers to unemployment, disruption of conditions, and interruption of the work of other human beings.
  • If the rich saw in a dream the disease indicates the need.
  • If a person sees illness in his dream, then this is an indication that the dreamer of the dreamer will be interrupted in this world.
  • This vision also indicates the demise of worry, if he had no worries.

Interpretation of illness and the sick in a dream by Ibn Ghannam

The interpretation of seeing the disease in a dream by Ibn Ghannam is consistent with what was brought by Ibn Sirin and Al-Nabulsi, and he added in seeing the sick in a dream the following:

  • Seeing a sick person in a dream reciting a verse from the Qur’an in which there is a mention of death, or saying something that mentions death, such as poetry and the like, is evidence that his hour is near.
  • If a person sees in a dream that he is sick and someone has entered upon him, and the name of the visitor indicates life, such as Yahya and the like, evidence of the patient’s recovery.
  • If a sick person sees in a dream something that indicates the strength and health of his body, this indicates that he has recovered from his illness.

Interpretation of seeing a disease in a dream according to Miller

Western dream interpreter Miller sees illness in the dreamer’s dream as a warning to the dreamer of the need to take care of his health and those around him, as well as the problems that afflict the dreamer.

He interpreted seeing a well-known person while he was ill in a dream as an indication of the unexpected recurrence of sad matters.

Interpretation of a dream about serious illness

The interpretation of seeing a disease in a dream and it was dangerous came with the following meanings:

  • If a person sees in a dream that he is sick and in reality he was like that, this indicates that his death is near.
  • If a person sees in a dream the sick person distributing his belongings or giving them away, this indicates the death of that person, and God knows best.
  • Al-Nabulsi believes that seeing a sick person in his dream freeing a slave or one of his servants is evidence of the approaching of his life.
  • Seeing a serious illness in a dream for someone who is exempt in reality, is evidence of their concerns that are as dangerous as that disease.

Interpretation of a dream about measles

The interpretation of seeing a disease in a dream if that disease is measles is as follows:

  • Seeing a person in a dream that he has contracted measles indicates that he is married to a beautiful lady with a long lineage.
  • Seeing a person in a dream that someone close to him is sick with measles indicates that that dreamer will hear good news about that person.

Cancer dream interpretations

The interpretation of a dream about cancer and seeing a cancer patient in a dream is as follows:

  • Seeing cancer in a dream may indicate feelings of anxiety and fear, as some interpreters see that cancer in a dream is evidence of the dreamer’s distance from God and his shortcomings in performing the duties.
  • Seeing cancer in a dream may also indicate an obstruction in the dreamer’s affairs and disruption of his business.
  • Seeing a patient with cancer in a dream, if the patient is a person known to the seer, indicates the disease of that person in reality, but not necessarily that he is ill with cancer.
  • Seeing a patient with cancer in a dream if he was an unknown person to the seer indicates a crisis or distress experienced by the dream owner.
  • Seeing a disease in a dream with leukemia on suspicious money is the responsibility of the dreamer.
  • Seeing lung cancer in a dream is evidence of the punishment that the dreamer will receive for a sin he committed.
  • Seeing head cancer in a dream is a sign of a calamity that will befall the father or the head of the family, and it can also indicate a disease that exhausts his body.
  • Seeing breast cancer in a dream for a single woman indicates a scandal that will prolong her. If the woman is married, pregnant or breastfeeding, then this dream is not good for her.
  • Seeing skin cancer in a dream is a sign of scandal and revealing secrets.
  • Seeing a cancer patient who was in his home a cancer patient or one of his family is a dream that is not counted.

Eye disease dream interpretations

Seeing the disease in a dream, if it affects the eye, indicates the children in general, and the implications for their condition. The implications of this dream came in detail as follows:

  • Seeing a sick eye in a dream indicates a sick son or a long-term visionary on the part of the sons.
  • Seeing eye disease in a dream may also indicate a loss of money.
  • Seeing conjunctivitis in a dream is evidence of the dreamer’s shortcomings in obeying God, as well as the illness of one of his sons.
  • Seeing blindness in a dream or the inability to see is evidence of the dreamer committing a sin, and also indicates a great loss in children and money.
  • Seeing water in the eye in a dream is evidence of separation.
  • Seeing eye diseases in a dream in general indicates sadness and anguish.

Abdominal disease in a dream and the interpretation of bowel disease

The interpretation of seeing a disease in a dream if it is in the stomach or viscera is as follows:

  • If a person sees in his dreams that he is sick from his bowels or has lost his bowels, this indicates the ruin of the house and the calamities that will prolong the children.
  • If a person sees in a dream a stomach disease, then this dream is not good for him.
  • Seeing intestines in a dream indicates money, and seeing bowel disease is evidence of a loss in money and spending.
  • Seeing diseases of the stomach, stomach and viscera in a dream is evidence of the debt or debt that the dreamer owes to the children of the seer.
  • If a poor bachelor sees in a dream the soundness of his intestines in a dream, this indicates a sustenance in money and children.
  • If a rich father sees in a dream the intestines of his son, this indicates harm to the dreamer, his exposure to deception and the exposure of his secret.

Interpretation of liver disease in a dream

The interpretation of seeing a disease in a dream if it affects the liver is as follows:

  • If a person sees in a dream that he has liver disease, this indicates that the dreamer has abused his son, because the children are the liver.
  • Ibn Sirin believes that liver disease in a dream, if the liver is damaged, indicates the death of the child.
  • Some interpreters see that liver disease in a dream is a sign of love.
  • Al-Nabulsi sees that liver disease in a dream is evidence of hidden and stored money.
  • Fatty liver in a dream refers to the money of women. If a person sees in a dream a liver ulcer, this indicates immorality and immorality.
  • Removing the liver in a dream indicates the death of the dreamer, the death of a loved one from his family, or the death of a child.

Interpretation of seeing kidney failure in a dream

The interpretation of seeing a disease in a dream if the kidneys are prolonged is as follows:

  • Kidney failure in a dream indicates a calamity that affects the brothers or the children, and this vision may also indicate a loss of money, poverty and destitution.
  • Al-Qadri sees that seeing kidneys in a dream is evidence of a place where money was collected and hoarded, and a kidney in a dream is evidence of wealth and poverty according to the state of the college, as a healthy kidney in a dream indicates wealth, ease of situation and good opinion, and a diseased kidney in a dream is evidence of poverty and corruption of opinion.
  • Seeing the kidneys in a dream also indicates right and wrong, according to their condition.

Interpretation of skin disease in a dream

The interpretation of seeing a disease in a dream if it affects the skin is as follows:

  • Skin diseases in a dream indicate harm to the reputation of the dreamer, in order to expose his case and reveal a secret to him, because the skin conceals a person.
  • Skin disease in a dream indicates the absence of what protects a person, whether he is a ruler, an influencer, or an authority.
  • Skin disease in a dream also indicates a separation between spouses or separation from a home or a child, and everything that protects and shelters a person.

Interpretation of a dream about diseases of blood, pus and pus in a dream

The interpretation of diseases of blood, pus and pus in a dream is as follows:

  • Ibn Shaheen sees seeing sickness in a dream if it contains pus and pus as evidence of forbidden money.
  • Seeing the exit of pus and pus in the dream, is evidence of ease after hardship.
  • If a person sees in his dream that he is infected with a disease that contains pus and pus, and he was licking that pus, this indicates hateful money that he is eating, and it may indicate that he has committed adultery.

Interpretation of a dream about the spread of an epidemic and a pandemic in a dream

The interpretation of the dream of the spread of an epidemic and a pandemic in a dream came with the following meanings:

  • Al-Nabulsi sees that the spread of the epidemic in the dream is evidence of the siege of the country.
  • The spread of an epidemic in a dream also indicates drought and stagnation of goods and trade during that year.

Seeing a patient in a dream

The interpretation of seeing a person in a dream that he has a disease is as follows:

  • If a person sees in a dream that he has a serious illness, this is evidence that his condition will be eased and he will change for the better, and that he will enjoy a happy life and good health.
  • If a person sees in a dream that he has a minor illness, this is evidence of a slight change in his condition.

Interpretation of seeing a sick patient in a dream

The indications of seeing a sick patient in a dream are as follows:

  • Seeing a single woman recovering from a sick person in a dream, and he recovered immediately, denotes that the dreamer’s condition will change for the better.
  • Seeing a single woman in her dream that she is visiting a sick patient in the hospital and she has found him healthy, is evidence of good luck, and a lot of money that she gets.
  • Seeing a married woman recovering a sick person in her dream indicates that she will hear good news soon.

Interpretation of a dream about a mother’s illness

The interpretation of seeing a disease in a dream if it affects the mother is as follows:

  • Seeing the mother’s illness in a dream indicates that something happened that the dreamer did not think would cause him to despair.
  • Seeing the mother’s illness in a dream, but she is able to move and leave the house, indicates her long life.
  • Seeing the mother’s illness in a dream and his death as a result of it, indicates the dreamer’s suffering from problems and worries in his life.

Interpretation of seeing someone I know is sick in a dream

The interpretation of a dream about the illness of a person known to the seer is as follows:

  • Al-Nabulsi believes that seeing a person known to the seer while he is sick in a dream is evidence of his illness in reality.
  • Al-Nabulsi believes that seeing an unknown person who is sick in a dream indicates the disease of the owner of the dream.
  • Seeing the father’s illness in a dream is evidence that the dreamer has a disease in his head.

Interpretation of a dream about children’s illness

The interpretation of seeing my son sick in a dream came as follows:

  • Al-Nabulsi believes that seeing the disease in a dream, if the son was infected in a dream and he was cured of it, indicates his death, and God knows best.
  • Seeing a person in a dream suffering from conjunctivitis in both eyes indicates the disease of two of his children.
  • Seeing a son’s illness in a dream is a sign of distress and distress that affect parents because of their children.

Previously in this article, we presented the interpretation of seeing the disease in a dream, and we touched on its different interpretations according to the type of disease and the severity of its severity, and whether the seer is the patient in his dream or someone else who knows him such as his father, mother and children, as we mentioned the interpretation of seeing the unknown patient in a dream, and these interpretations came with different meanings. Between the praiseworthy and the reprehensible.

خاتمة لموضوعنا رؤية المرض في المنام .. تفسير حلم المرض لجميع المفسرين ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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