رابط التسجيل في الضمان الاجتماعي عن طريق النت

رابط التسجيل في الضمان الاجتماعي عن طريق النت , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The social security registration link via the internet, through which the citizen can apply for a social security pension, as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development provides a security pension to help citizens live, and through my articles website we will learn about the link to register in social security online. .

Online social security registration link

Social security is among the many services provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as the social security service is financial assistance provided to some categories of citizens, such as widows, orphans and those with partial or total disability, and they cannot Work and have a fixed monthly income and other categories.

In order for the citizen to obtain the social security pension, he must meet some conditions, in addition to registering in the security so that he can obtain the pension, and registration can be done by going to the competent authority and submitting the required documents or via the Internet, and we will get acquainted with the link to register in the security The social network via the Internet, in addition to the registration steps through the next three stages.

Health Insurance Council Inquiry about insurance

The first stage

In the first stage, we will learn about the link to register for social security through the Internet, and how to create a new account on the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, and this can be done by following the following steps:

  • In the beginning, the applicant citizen enters the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development on the Internet, which can be accessed directly “from here”.
  • The “electronic services” is selected, from which the “electronic services portal for the social service” is clicked.
  • The site will go to the login page, and from there click on “New User Registration” to perform the account creation process.
  • The site will move to another page containing some data that the citizen must fill in in order for the account to be created successfully.
  • Enter the following personal data: National ID number, date of birth, password, phone number.
  • In the next step, the confirmation code is entered, and after completing all the required personal data, click on the “Register” icon.
  • The verification code will then be received via a text message on the citizen’s phone number, with which the account is registered, and then it will be written in the space designated for that.
  • After you have written the verification code in the space provided for it, click on the “Confirm” icon.
  • The second phase

    After completing the creation of an account on the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, and acquaintance with the link to register for social security through the Internet in the first stage.

    In the second stage, all data related to the monthly income of the advanced citizen will be entered, and this can be done by following the following steps:

  • After completing the account creation process, the applicant will return to the login page, and then log in to the account that was created by typing the ID number and password.
  • Go to the main page of the account, from which “Update data” is selected.
  • The site moves to another page that contains some data that a citizen must fill out to apply for a social security pension.
  • The citizen fills in the following data: the data of the national address, the IBAN of the bank account, the data of the breadwinner, if any, the data of the monthly income, and the data of the family.
  • In the next step, carefully read the terms and conditions of the service and then agree to it, then press “Save”.
  • After completing all the previous steps and filling in the data correctly, a page will appear alerting the citizen to the success of the income data entry process.
  • third level

    After completing the creation of an account on the ministry’s website and knowing the link to register for social security via the Internet through the first stage, then entering the data on income in the second stage, in the third stage the process of registering with social security is carried out by following the following steps:

  • After completing the data entry for the monthly income, the citizen clicks on the ministry’s logo located at the top of the page; Until you go to the home page of the site.
  • After that, “electronic services” are selected, and from there, click on “e-services portal for social development”.
  • Several sections will appear. From the upper sections, the “electronic services” section will be selected, from which “Social Security Pension” will be selected, and from there, click on “Apply now”.
  • After that, click on “Enter for service”, and then the citizen chooses the office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development located in the city in which the citizen resides, in addition to choosing the category under which he will be submitted.
  • After completing the previous steps, click on the “Next” icon, after which the site will move to the sections related to the data that has been entered, and then the required data will be filled in automatically.
  • In the next step, the section for submitting the required papers and documents is accessed, which is the “Reports and Required Papers” section, from which all the required documents and papers are attached, and then press “Next”.
  • After completing all the steps and filling in all the required data, click on the “Submit Application” icon.
  • Social Security Terms

    After identifying the link to register for social security via the Internet, and the method of registration by steps through the previous three stages, we will learn about the conditions for social security.

    There are many conditions set by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development for obtaining a social security pension, which must be met by a citizen who wishes to obtain a pension.

    The conditions for social security are divided into three sections: the conditions for registration in social security, the social security conditions for divorced women, and the social security conditions for unmarried women. Below we will learn about the conditions for each section.

    Conditions for registering in Social Security

    There are some conditions that must be met by a citizen who wants to register for the social security pension provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. We will learn about these conditions through the following points:

    • The monthly income of the applicant must be a maximum of 3,000 Saudi riyals.
    • If the applicant is an elderly or retired citizen, he must not own a profession or a job from which he receives a monthly income.
    • The citizen receives a social security pension; In order to get a job if his age allows it, he can also enter the programs that qualify citizens to enter the labor market to get a monthly salary of 2000 Saudi riyals and a guaranteed job, through the incentive program.
    • Families whose breadwinner is absent, whether due to imprisonment, travel, or death, are allowed to receive a Social Security pension.
    • The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development requires that the applicant not have his own commercial register.
    • In the event that the applicant receives any subsidies or support from a government agency, his request for a social security pension will be rejected.

    Social security conditions for divorced women

    There are some conditions that must be met in order for the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development to allow it to obtain a social security pension. We will learn about the conditions for the service through the following points:

    • A divorced woman applying for a social security pension must be a permanent resident of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
    • In the event that a non-Saudi divorcee applies for a social security pension, she must first obtain Saudi citizenship, and then submit an application for a pension.
    • If the divorced woman applying for any job while submitting her application, her application will be rejected, as the divorced woman applying for the security pension must not be working in any of the jobs or professions.
    • The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development requires that the monthly income that the applicant receives not exceed 3,000 Saudi riyals, in order to be allowed to receive a social security pension.

    Social security requirements for unmarried women

    The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has established some conditions that must be met by unmarried women in order to obtain a social security pension. We will learn about the conditions for the service through the following points:

    • Applications for non-married foreigners are not accepted, as the applicant must have Saudi citizenship in order to receive a social security pension.
    • The applicant must be a permanent resident of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
    • The ministry stipulates that the applicant should not have any fixed income, in addition to not obtaining pensions from other government agencies.
    • In the event that the applicant receives a monthly income of no more than 3,000 Saudi riyals.
    • There must be no father who sponsors the applicant and has a large monthly income according to the conditions set.
    • The applicant must not have a commercial register of her own.

    How to inquire about Social Security

    After identifying the link to register for social security through the Internet and the method of registration by steps through the previous three stages, we will learn about the conditions for social security, we will learn how to inquire about social security.

    The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development provides many services to citizens, which they can use from anywhere via the Internet, in order to save the time and effort that the citizen spends in going to the competent authority to conduct the service.

    So we will learn how to inquire about Social Security by following these steps:

  • At first, the citizen enters the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development on the Internet, which can be directly visited “from here”.
  • Go to the website’s home page, from which “electronic services” are selected, and from there, click on the “inquiry” icon.
  • The site will go to the page for inquiries about social security, which contains some data that the citizen must fill out.
  • The citizen’s civil registry numbers are written in the space designated for this.
  • The citizen then writes the visible code, and then the site asks to write this code again.
  • After completing all the previous steps, click on the “View” icon, then wait after the time until the result of the query appears, which contains all the details related to social security, such as: the value of the pension, the date of its disbursement.
  • Social Security Eligible Categories

    There are some categories for which the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has made it possible to obtain a social security pension, or the cut assistance is easier by knowing the link to registering for social security through the Internet and registering through it. Through the following points:

    • Families without a breadwinner get social security according to the reason. The reason may be the husband’s imprisonment, travel, or suffering from a psychological condition such as insanity, the death of the husband or wife and other reasons.
    • Persons who suffer from a total or partial disability through which they are unable to work and obtain a fixed monthly income, and the citizen receives a social security pension until the disability is removed.
    • The category of orphans whose father or both parents died, and male orphans receive a social security pension; Until the age of 18 or 26 is exceeded, the university studies account. In the case of females, they receive social security until marriage or work.
    • A divorced woman, whose husband has died, or whose husband is absent due to imprisonment or work abroad, or an unmarried woman who has no one to support her.
    • Among the categories eligible for social security pension are the elderly, whether males or females, who have no dependents, and they do not have a fixed monthly income from which they can live.

    How to contact Social Security

    Citizens can communicate with Social Security in the event of an inquiry about something or facing a specific problem in registering in the security or updating data and other problems, and this can be done through the following communication methods:

    • Citizens can contact Social Security through their number, which is 19911.
    • The citizen can also contact Social Security through the postal code 11157, and it is also possible to contact Social Security through the postal code 12484.
    • Social Security provides a service to communicate with the citizen through their e-mail, which can be accessed “from here”.

    Book an appointment for Saudi Social Security

    Thus, we have come to know the link to register for social security through the Internet, in addition to the method of registration by steps so that the citizen can submit an application for a social security pension.

    This can be done if all the conditions set by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development are met for the citizen to be allowed, and the citizen who receives the pension can know the details of the pension through the online inquiry service.

    خاتمة لموضوعنا رابط التسجيل في الضمان الاجتماعي عن طريق النت ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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