رابط التقديم على وزارة الدفاع للجامعيين عبر بوابة القبول الموحد tajnid.mod.gov.sa , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The link to apply to the Ministry of Defense for university graduates through the unified admission portal tajnid.mod.gov.sa is one of the important matters that have been talked about recently, and it is what we will explain and go into its details through the paragraphs and lines of our current article, where the Ministry of Defense announced a number of jobs For admission to the ministry for university degree holders, according to a number of important conditions that must be taken into account, and through the reference website, our dear visitor can learn about the jobs of the Saudi Ministry of Defense for university graduates 1443 AH and the presentation of the Saudi Ministry of Defense 1443.
Saudi Ministry of Defense 1443
The Ministry of Defense is one of the most important and prominent sovereign ministries operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it is based on a wide number of tasks, including administrative and operational organization, and logistical organization that relates to all matters and details that deal with the country’s national security, and is based on sorting the armed forces into four main branches It is the Royal Saudi Armed Forces, the Royal Saudi Air Force, the Royal Saudi Naval Forces, and the Royal Saudi Air Defense.[1]
It is worth noting that the ministry is under the management and leadership of His Highness the Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, as he is the Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and he was appointed in the year 2015 AD. This ministry has a high governmental priority, and the percentage of spending on it is large, as it is the party concerned with defending the lands of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The link to apply for the unified recruitment of the Ministry of Defense 1443 for men and women
Specializations required for admission to the Ministry of Defense
Within the official announcement of the Ministry, it was noted that some of the specializations required and not others to work and recruit in the ministry, which differ among themselves for both bachelor’s and diploma holders, between men and women, and came as follows:[2]
- Majors required for bachelor’s holders (men): A number of specializations have been announced that will be accepted for registration, provided that a bachelor’s degree is available for men from one of the following specializations: (computer specializations, including communications, electronics and computers, business administration specializations, public administration, law specializations, Occupational health and safety, civil defense specialties, hotel management specializations, sociology specializations, psychology specialties, social service specializations, nursing specialties, emergency medicine, technical works, technical education specialties, history, geography, information systems geography, control and automation engineering specialties, Auto mechanics, television and radio majors, photography and optical, warehouse and supply chain management, English, physical education).
- Majors required for bachelor’s holders (women): A wide number of specializations that will be accepted for registration in the Ministry of Defense were revealed, and they came as follows: (Business Administration, Public Administration, Law, Psychology, Sociology, Social Service, Information Systems, and Specializations Computer, media majors, electronic media majors, nursing majors, English, language and French majors, human geography majors.
- Specializations required for diploma holders (men): A wide range of specializations have been announced for which applications for registration will be accepted from male diploma holders, which came as follows: Computer specializations, including communications, electronics and computers, public administration, business administration, office administration, Human resources management, office equipment and machines, printing technician, nursing specialties, medical laboratory specialties, medical devices, emergency medicine specialties, emergency nursing, public health specialties, community health, information management, health specialties, technical chemical engineering specialties, electro-mechanical engineering Transportation, auto mechanics, engines, vehicles, welding, refrigeration and air conditioning, health and safety, professional, hotel management, production and food service, architectural drawing, construction, construction, surveying, warehouse management and supply chains, drawing and arts specializations. Physical education.
- Specializations required for diploma holders (women): A number of specializations have been announced that will be targeted for admission to recruitment in the Ministry of Defense from women who hold diplomas, according to the following specializations: General Administration, Office Management, Business Administration, Accounting, Support Technical, Information Technology, Graphic Design and Digital Media, Tailoring, Tailoring and Food Production.
- Required majors for high school certificate holders (men): Men who hold high school, commercial and industrial certificates will be accepted.
- Required specializations for high school diploma holders (women): Only women who hold a general and commercial secondary certificate will be accepted.
Conditions for applying and accepting civil defense jobs
Conditions for applying for jobs in the Ministry of Defense
A number of very important conditions were announced that the student must pass through the process of accepting the registration of the application for recruitment through the Ministry of Defense, which came as follows:
Terms of Defense Ministry jobs for men
The Ministry of Defense requires men to accept their applications a number of important points and criteria, which were revealed through the official announcement of employment, as follows:
- The applicant must be a holder of Saudi Arab nationality, with the condition of upbringing, provided that those who grew up with his father while he was performing a mission to serve the country outside the country are exempted from that condition.
- The applicant must have good conduct and behavior, provided that this is translated by a clean criminal record, and he must not have been convicted of a crime that violates honor or public trust.
- The applicant must be full-time for military service and not be employed by any government agency.
- The applicant must have the educational qualifications stipulated in the executive regulations that accompany the registration announcement.
- The applicant is required to be single or married to a Saudi woman, and those who were married to a foreign woman are not accepted.
- Achieving the condition of proportionality between height and weight according to the rules stipulated in the tables recognized for the condition of height and weight of 160 cm.
- The applicant must pass the procedures and tests in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the General Rules.
- The age condition must be met, which is that it should not be less than (18) years, and not be more than the condition for the job.
- It is stipulated that the applicant has not been subjected to a previous dismissal from a military institute or college, and that he has not previously worked in any of the jobs subject to the military regime.
- Passing the acceptance tests after fulfilling all the stipulated conditions and rules.
Conditions for accepting the Ministry of Defense for women
A number of conditions for women have been approved for admission to the announced posts of the Ministry of Defense. These conditions are according to the following points:
- The applicant must be of Saudi origin and origin, provided that those who grew up with her father abroad while he was performing a government job are exempted from this condition.
- The applicant must be of good conduct and behavior, and not have been convicted of a crime that breaches honor and honesty, unless she has been rehabilitated.
- The applicant must fulfill the condition of medical fitness for military service.
- It is required that the applicant is not employed in any of the other government agencies.
- The age requirement must be met, which is that she must be at least 21 years old at the time of submitting the application.
- Achieving proportionality between length and width, provided that the minimum length for accepting applicants is (155 cm).
- Fulfilling the academic qualification requirement for the job in which it is accepted, provided that it is not less than a high school diploma or its equivalent.
- It is required to have a valid national identity card.
- She must not be married to a non-Saudi, or be single.
- Pass the personal admission tests imposed by the Department of Defense.
- The applicant must have the same qualifications stipulated in the rules and articles of the advertisement issued by the Ministry for employment.
You may also be interested in: Ministry of Defense Jobs Application Link 1443
Application deadline for the Ministry of Defense for university students 1443
The deadline for accepting applications for registration in the Ministry of Defense begins on Sunday, October 24, 2021 AD, corresponding to the date of Rabi’ al-Awwal 18, 1443 AH, after fulfilling the conditions that were announced in the admission, and after achieving academic qualifications. Which is requested, provided that it is not less than a high school diploma, and the following military ranks (soldier, first soldier, corporal, deputy sergeant, sergeant) are accepted in one of the branches of the Saudi Ministry of Defense within the army and armed forces, provided that the application to the ministry continues until The date of Saturday, October 30, 2021 AD, corresponding to the date of Rabi’ Al-Awwal 24, 1443 AH.
What are the jobs of the Ministry of Defense for women 1443
How to apply to the Ministry of Defense for undergraduates through the Unified Admission Portal
The application for the newly announced Ministry of Defense jobs is done electronically through the unified admission portal of the Ministry of Defense, and is done by following the following electronic steps, which came from the recruitment website “from here” as follows:
- Go to the official website of the unified admission portal in the Saudi Ministry of Defense directly “from here”.
- Click on the (Registration) tab from the main menu options.
- See the list of conditions and instructions stipulated in the advertisement so that you will not be disqualified if you do not meet one of the conditions mentioned.
- Click on the (OK) option.
- Go to the personal data entry page for the applicant.
- Entering and writing the personal data of the applicant, which are:
- Full name (first name, father’s name, grandfather’s name, family name).
- Add the national ID number.
- Add a mobile number.
- Add and confirm the password (The password must be at least 8 characters long and contain two numbers, a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter and a special character)
- Enter the verification code, which is sent.
- Click on the “Register” option.
- Activate the advertising messages to receive the verification code on the given number.
- Complete the registration and enter each of the following personal information, namely:
- National Identification Number.
- The date and place of issuance of the national ID.
- date of birth.
- Quadruple father’s name.
- Father’s mobile number.
- Advanced mobile number.
- Father’s mobile number.
- Home phone number.
- Region.
- City.
- Home Address.
- Mail.
- E-mail.
- Educational qualification.
- Specialization.
- session.
- The name, city and region of the educational entity.
- Year of registration and year of graduation.
- The total score obtained by the applicant.
- general appreciation.
- percentage.
- graduation rate.
- Percentage of the aptitude test (in case the aptitude test is not submitted, a zero is written in the capacity field).
- The percentage of the achievement test (in the absence of an achievement test, a zero is written in the achievement field).
- English Proficiency Percentage.
- Enter the verification code that appears on the screen.
- Click on the “Register” option.
- After clicking on the registration, the account will be created, and a message will appear that the steps have been completed successfully, namely:
- (Your account has been created successfully, please login again to be able to choose the appropriate job)
- We log in, then we click on the option (Apply for jobs).
- Choosing the job that matches the applicant’s qualifications (the applicant can choose more than one job)
- Click on the option (Apply for category jobs)
- See all jobs appropriate for age, educational qualification, and average, that appear on the screen.
- Go to the jobs page that has been applied for, where the desires will appear in order.
- Enter the personal verification code.
- Click on the “Save” option.
The link to apply to the Ministry of Defense for undergraduates via the unified admission portal tajnid.mod.gov.sa
Through the link to apply for collectors, tajnid.mod.gov.sa, those who have fulfilled the conditions and criteria for admission can register their applications for admission on the dates that the ministry has set, to work in one of the military sectors affiliated to the Ministry of Defense, whether it is in the Royal Saudi Air Force, and the Royal Saudi Air Forces. Saudi Land or Saudi Naval Forces, with the announced military ranks.
Here we bring you to the end of the article in which we discussed the link to apply to the Ministry of Defense for university graduates through the unified admission portal tajnid.mod.gov.sa and moved through its lines and paragraphs to introduce the Saudi Ministry of Defense and introduce the range of jobs that have been announced to accept university students and other men and women, to conclude Finally, with the method of application and with the application link for university graduates in the Ministry of Defense 1443 AH.
خاتمة لموضوعنا رابط التقديم على وزارة الدفاع للجامعيين عبر بوابة القبول الموحد tajnid.mod.gov.sa ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.