رسائل عتاب للزوج القاسي والمطنش والصعب والمهمل

Letters of reproach to the cruel, rude, difficult and neglectful husband, are one of the types of messages that wives look for, it is the most painful to underestimate the heart of our loved ones, the more the owner of the wound is close to us, the deeper the size of his wound to us, and it is not easily forgotten, the pain grows and frustration is planted in The folds of the soul, and life becomes a dark color, and if these letters of admonition are from a wife to her husband, the matter needs gentle words and carefully selected words, so that admonition does not increase the impact of the problem, but rather be a reason to fix it, and in this article there are examples of these messages.

Short reproach messages for a cruel husband

Admonition is one of the most important things that confirm that love still exists between spouses, and it is one of the most important things that accompanies all normal emotional relationships, as it washes hearts, clarifies vision and calms souls with what it has revealed from the psychological secrets, and the following are short letters of admonition to the cruel husband:

  • I began to wonder what I had done for my beloved to treat me with such cruelty, my husband, you are the closest to me and to my heart, so why all this cruelty, if I did something that angered you, speak to me and discuss with me.
  • My love, the days passed and I found myself marrying someone other than the one I loved and trusted in myself, my money and my children. I found that I lived with someone who was almost stone thinner than him.
  • I hope that my words will restore tenderness and softness in your heart, and that you will be aware that I have nothing but you in this world to be my bond, my home and my security, and do not forget the commandment of our Noble Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, “Recommend women well.”
  • No matter how harsh the discussion is, it will undoubtedly be better than the harsh life we ​​live in now. I write to you because no one blames anyone but his lover, and you are my husband and my lover with whom I spent the most beautiful days of my life.
  • I am not half to wait for someone to complete me, I am complete by myself, and if someone comes into my life, it is nothing but a star that adorns my sky, and if it leaves, how beautiful the sky is, and it is clear.
  • Reassurance that you have someone who is afraid to lose you as you are afraid to lose him, you are the focus of his attention, and you share his joys and sorrows, this is how you and I should be, my beloved husband.

Letters of reproach to the neglectful husband to his wife

It is nice for the wife to find all the feelings that help her and present her to her husband so that he is a good husband, even an ideal, especially in those situations in which there must be beautiful messages loaded with admonition, for something that may be the best wife, and the following are messages of reproach to the cruel and neglectful husband:

  • Let me scatter my words, let me get angry, let me cry, and reproach you, let me, let me, let me, they have more right over you than me, perhaps she changed me from doing this to me, my husband.
  • My dear husband, your absence hurts me and your separation bothers me, I love you and my heart is waiting for your return, so do not prolong the absence, for how many absent in his body are present with his kindness, come back, my dear, in my heart a lot.
  • My husband, my love, your style hurts me, your coldness, your indifference, and your lack of interest in me. I want to feel that you are by my side and that I am the center of your attention.
  • My dear husband, do you not see that your indifference to me has reached its limits, it has become as if you do not see me, or as if I am nothing more than a piece of furniture in our house.
  • My beloved husband, the boat of love and marriage is a boat that sails with interest, and without attention that boat will get lost and lose its way in the wide sea, and it may have sank and everyone on it died, and so is marriage and love. Please know how important it is that you take care of me, and do not neglect me.

reproach messages for the nervous husband to his wife

After we have listed some of the letters of admonition to the cruel husband, here are some of the letters of admonition to the nervous husband, whose wife’s feelings may remain trapped inside her for fear of his nervousness, so she sends messages to him to admonish him for that:

  • My husband and my beloved we went through many problems and disagreements together due to the circumstances of life and the increase in pressures on us, and I appreciate that and I know that you are doing everything in your power to provide us with the best possible life, but anger, emotion and nervousness are unnecessary, even if the situation calls for that, I am your wife, your girlfriend you were telling her Always when you disagree, you kiss her hand and you sit together and debate together.
  • My dear husband, everything, my dear, we can solve it and know how to overcome it with understanding and dialogue and not through anger, nervousness and loud voice that frightens me and your children. I am writing to you today because I cannot stand all this anger, and I hope that you will change and be calm and know that discussion and dialogue with your wife is much better than loud.
  • My dear husband, I want you to know that you have the kindest heart and that you have beautiful qualities that made me choose you to be my life partner whom I love, but the anger and nervousness that afflicts you sometimes makes me afraid to reveal to you what is inside me or to enter with you in any dialogue regarding our lives, so please Try to control that nervousness.

Pictures of reproach messages for the cruel husband

Admonition is a healthy habit for the continuation of relationships, as it clears hearts and calms souls. Here are some pictures of admonition messages to a cruel man:

Letters of reproach and grief to the husband who married his wife

Perhaps what hurts a wife the most is to marry her husband and her lover over her, then she feels that he has no value to him and that he preferred another woman over her, and the wound in her heart grows to be embodied in messages of reproach to the cruel husband who wounded his wife’s heart by marrying another:

  • There is great sadness in the heart, but the longing for you is greater.
  • Despite the wound that bleeds inside me, I never stopped loving you.
  • Your concern for me makes me feel beautiful, gives me strength, and gives me happiness, so do not deprive me of this blessing.
  • I withheld my tears from you; So that you do not underestimate the value that was shed in the pain of your love, and the pain after you
  • If you think that my abandonment of you is strength, know that it takes this strength from me with cruelty and pain
  • I try desperately to cause any trouble, or to engage in any conversation, to make you feel my presence.
  • Like a flower I wither every day if you cut off your attention and love from me.
  • You made me live in confusion, tearing inside me, did you really love me, or did you get used to my presence in your life?
  • Adore me with your heart, not with your eyes, for the lover with his heart remains loyal to his partner, loyal to him for life.
  • It hurts that feeling of longing for someone we want to talk to, but we retreat when we feel neglected and uninterested.
  • I want to see you near me in my sadness and joy, and to share my tears and my smile.
  • Admonition is not always in the form of words, but a long look may describe the extent of the pain and emptiness inside the wounded lover.
  • I used to take care of you and fear for you from any behavior or talk that grieves you, to be surprised that you are the one who initiated my grief and break my heart.
  • Don’t let selfishness control you, make you see life revolve around you only.

Very strong messages of reproach, apology and upset for the husband

Problems exist in every home and between every couple, whether they are simple life problems, children’s problems, work or others, all of which may pose obstacles and troubles in daily life, and may make the spouses sometimes act harshly with each other, especially the husband who is under pressure Expenses, work, and the house, so he becomes harsh on his wife, and he may treat her badly, but she loves him. She tries through letters of admonition to convey to him that he is cruel to her. Here are some of the letters of admonition of a cruel husband to his wife:

  • Life taught me that a person is not what his tongue says of sweet words and beautiful meanings, but the value of a person lies in what he carries in his heart of purity, purity and love.
  • I lived with you my first days the meanings of love, sacrifice and respect, but as soon as those first months passed and I felt that I had lost them, I said to myself: What is the reason? Did you do anything that called for it? But I still pray to my Lord to restore that love and those ten days in which you forgot me so that I love people.
  • How much I miss talking to you and your advice, how much I miss your attention and tenderness, I may find people to talk to and tell them my worries and sadness, but I do not find the safety I was looking for except in you, I started to be far away from me and sit for hours in front of the TV or with your friends and the void began to fill my life, didn’t the Prophet recommend May God bless him and grant him peace? Keep the will of your Prophet, because you will be asked about it on the Day of Judgment, and I am afraid for you to ask, and I am afraid that I will tire myself out with forgiveness, and I will be your opponent on that day, my beloved husband.
  • My beloved husband, why did cruelty become the way you dealt with me, why did that old love that united us in the past change, please try to return that kind affection that I once loved, because I can no longer bear cruelty.

Strong reproach messages for the busy husband

The husband’s preoccupation with his wife and his neglect of her is one of the most difficult things that may be exposed to him in his life, as she always needs him by her side to be also by his side, and to share his life with him, and the following are messages of reproach to the cruel and busy husband:

  • My dear husband, allow me to open with you a topic of great importance to me, and let me sit with you, even for a few minutes, at the table with these lines that I mix for you with the nectar of my longing and the dew of my love, and perhaps you will agree with me that your work, tasks and obligations outside our house have increased a lot, and that you no longer see your children Except at the end of the week, and perhaps every two weeks, because of your continuous preoccupation and crowded work, and your time has narrowed even for a family meeting that I eagerly await; In order for us to be acquainted with you and your conversations, for us, you are the pillar and foundation of the house, and without you the house becomes dark, lifeless and beautiful, and because you are the joy of the house, our joy is not complete without your presence among us.
  • My dear husband, and perhaps you will also agree with me that our life is a partnership in everything, and one of the biggest rules of this partnership is raising children. We had hoped for him before our marriage, so would you not realize, my dear husband, these great meanings that if our children miss them, it may affect their morals and behavior.

Letters of reproach to the upset husband from his wife

Married couples have many behaviors and situations that occur between them that express their lack of awareness of the other’s concerns or what he suffers from. The reason for his admonishing her in a way that raises his standing in her is more, and the messages are as follows:

  • My wife, know that admonition comes only from love, but I personally hate the constant admonition of the same person, no matter how high his value is to me.
  • I want to shout in a soft voice where are you wife why don’t you take care of me why don’t you call me why don’t you miss me.
  • I confess that I love you, my wife, although I do not like some of your habits and thoughts.
  • My wife blames you because I love you, and not because I want to create problems as you say, we only blame those we want to stay with, you have to be afraid the moment I see you make a mistake and shut up because I usually only stay silent when I am busy arranging farewell bags.
  • My wife reproaches you once for not appreciating my feelings towards your actions. I give you a second chance because I love you. I give you a third chance to review yourself, but the fourth time, what do you expect me to do if you continue to neglect me.
  • My wife, I am not blaming you for getting away from me, but I reproaching you because I love you, because I want you to always be by my side.

In conclusion, marriage is the most important institution in society, and is based on love, attention, tenderness and all the noble feelings that the spouses must observe. Idle or busy.

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