رسوم نقل الكفالة في النظام الجديد 2022 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The fees for transferring sponsorship in the new system 2022, is a matter of interest to all expatriates on the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia wishing to transfer their sponsorship, as the Kingdom, represented by its government, seeks to serve the residents on its lands by providing many electronic services, to ensure the time and effort of these arrivals, and through The reference site. We will review the fees for the number of times the guarantee transfer is allowed in Saudi Arabia 2021, with an indication of how long it takes to transfer the guarantee electronically 2022, and many other important related information.
The new sponsorship transfer system
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development announced the abolition of the sponsorship system in the Kingdom, in March of 2022, as it provides a system for transferring sponsorship to all expatriate residents on the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with the aim of improving the contractual relationship between the worker and the sponsor (the employer), in order to preserve on the rights of workers in the Kingdom, and giving them the opportunity to move to the appropriate job after the end of the work contract without obtaining the approval of the sponsor. Through the official website of the Ministry of Labor, after which the employer agrees to transfer the sponsorship and pay the fees. It is also worth noting that the worker can transfer sponsorship during the validity of the employment contract, and without the consent of the sponsor, in order for the resident or expatriate to avoid any fines for being without a valid permit or residence.[1]
Procedures for transferring sponsorship in Saudi Arabia
The sponsorship of individuals is transferred in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, according to some procedures, which are:
- Submit a sponsorship transfer form, including the signatures of the old sponsor and the new sponsor.
- Submit a letter from the new sponsor indicating the number of employees they have.
- Submission of the pledge form by the new sponsor.
- Submit all old passports of the resident.
- Attach a personal photo of the expatriate to the sponsorship transfer form.
- Attach the original and a copy of the commercial register or municipal license.
- Submit the Chamber of Commerce receipt and the letter of transferring the guarantee to the new company or institution.
- In the event that the new sponsor is an individual and not a company; The letter of transfer of bail must be signed by the mayor and the police.
- It is required that the resident’s profession be commensurate with the commercial activity of the new sponsorship.
- Full payment of the sponsorship transfer fee by the employer.
Fees for transferring sponsorship in Saudi Arabia 2022
The Saudi Ministry of Labor has decided the fees to be paid when transferring sponsorship, as the fees vary according to the number of times, and the table below shows the details of fees for transferring sponsorship in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Number of renewal times Fees The first time 2,000 Saudi riyals The second time 4,000 Saudi riyals The third time 6,000 Saudi riyals After the third time 6,000 Saudi riyals
How to pay the sponsorship transfer fee
The fees for transferring sponsorship and all government payments can be paid through the nearest ATM, by following the following steps:
- Go to the nearest ATM belonging to the beneficiary’s bank.
- Insert the card.
- Click on Make Government Payments.
- Repayment selection.
- Choice of resident services.
- Complete the instructions to complete the payment process.
Who bears the fees for transferring the guarantee?
Article 40 of the labor system in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia states: The employer bears the fees for transferring the worker’s sponsorship, as well as some other costs, such as:
- Fees for the worker’s recruitment, residence and work permit, and the consequences thereof.
- Occupation change fee.
- Exit and return visa fees.
- Fees for sending the worker’s body and transporting it to his country in the event of his death.
- Fees for the worker’s return ticket to his country, after the termination of the work contract.
Transfer of warranty without fees
The Ministry of Labor identifies some cases in which the sponsorship of expatriates is transferred without fees, and these cases are highlighted in the following lines:
- In the event that the work contract for the expatriate is terminated and terminated before its due date by the employer.
- When you want to reunite the spouses and one of them is bound by a valid contract in the Kingdom, and the other is a Saudi citizen.
- If the expatriate reports that the employer has committed any violations with providing evidence, such as commercial cover-ups.
- If the worker wishes to change and correct his employment status in the Kingdom.
- In the event that the employer died, was absent, or was imprisoned, and the establishment was unable to pay his financial dues for a period of 3 months.
- In the event that the worker’s financial dues are delayed for 3 months, provided that he has no income in that.
- In the event that there are lawsuits between the two parties, and the employer has prolonged them by not going to court for two consecutive sessions without an excuse acceptable to the court.
Read also: Ministry of Labor E-Services Inquiry about an expatriate employee
Inquiry about payment of sponsorship transfer fees
The expatriate can inquire about the payment of sponsorship transfer fees as follows:
- Go directly to the labor office inquiries “from here”.
- Choose Transfer Agent Agent Service from the drop-down list.
- Determine the appropriate search method for the employee.
- Enter the search details and then type the verification code.
- Click on the search button to see the required details.
Conditions for transferring sponsorship to individuals 1443
The conditions for transferring sponsorship vary according to the sponsor’s approval, or not. In the event of the sponsor’s approval, the Ministry of Labor requires some necessary conditions that appear in the following lines.
- The approval of the sponsor must be obtained to transfer the sponsorship to the new facility.
- The labor office is approved to transfer the sponsorship.
- The facility should not be in the red zone.
- The facility should have a balance that allows the transfer of expatriate workers to it.
- The dependent must be at least 18 years old.
- The facility should not contain workers whose license or residency has expired.
- The residence of the dependent and the main worker must be valid.
- To be the main factor on the job.
- More than a year has passed since working with the old sponsor, or the institution.
- All facility licenses are valid.
- That the establishment subscribes to the national address service.
Conditions for transferring sponsorship to individuals without the sponsor’s consent 1443
The Ministry of Labor has set some conditions and controls that must be complied with by individuals wishing to transfer sponsorship in the event the sponsor refuses to transfer the sponsorship to a member of the worker, bearing in mind that this service is available to users of the personnel portal of the type of facility workers – expatriates only. It is not available for the following cases: If the worker’s residence and license expires, or if there is an application under study. The conditions are the following:
- In the event that the institution does not have a valid license.
- Evidence that the worker is assigned to perform acts that threaten his safety and security.
- In the case of proven mistreatment of the worker by the sponsor or one of his subordinates.
- In the event that the old guarantee of the institution is in the red range.
- In the event that the expatriate’s residence permit is not renewed on time after its expiry, for a maximum period of one month.
- When 90 consecutive days (3 months) have passed since the worker has not been given his financial dues.
- If the worker works in the establishment with (red or yellow scale).
- In the event that the sponsor submits a report that the worker is absent, with the aim of causing harm to the resident worker. With providing the necessary evidence.
How to transfer sponsorship in Saudi Arabia
The Ministry of Labor enables individuals to transfer sponsorship and approval of the sponsor (the employer) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the official website of the Ministry, and follow the following steps:[2]
- Enter the official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development “from here”.
- Log in to the facility’s account.
- Click on my facilities from the front of the site.
- Click on “Expatriate Worker Transfer Service”.
- Enter the residence number of the expatriate and then click on search.
- Verify the data and then accept the undertaking.
- Click on the send icon.
- Enter the verification code, then press Submit.
- The application will be waited for by the new sponsor.
Read also: How to transfer the sponsorship of an expired worker in Saudi Arabia
Steps to transfer sponsorship without the sponsor’s consent
The Ministry of Labor also enables the possibility of transferring sponsorship without the sponsor’s consent, and this is done through the ministry’s website and by following the steps shown below:
- Entering the labor services portal “from here”.
- Log in to the worker’s account.
- Go to the list of electronic services.
- Click on the service requesting permission to transfer the service without the consent of the employer.
- Write the required data, and upload the required attachments and documents.
- Verify the entered data.
- Click Submit.
- The request will be studied, and the Ministry will respond with approval or rejection.
How to transfer the ownership of an establishment in the labor office
How long does it take to transfer the warranty electronically 2022
The duration of transferring the guarantee to individuals takes a period of no more than 10 minutes, if there is approval by both parties, or if the transfer of the guarantee was issued by the worker without the approval of the sponsor, it takes a maximum of 15 working days, starting from the completion of all procedures and conditions Transport by the Ministry of Labour.
The number of times the sponsorship transfer is allowed in Saudi Arabia
There is no specific number of times to transfer sponsorship in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but it is required to meet all the conditions established by the Ministry of Labor to transfer sponsorship. According to the Labor Law and its Executive Regulations.
Transfer of dependent sponsorship and residence expired 1443
Ministry of Interior sponsorship transfer form
A dependent transfer of sponsorship form must be submitted to complete the procedures for transferring sponsorship. The Ministry of Interior allows you to download this form and write the required data correctly through its official website. This form can be downloaded in pdf format “from here” and in DOCX format “from here”, and here is the format Affiliate warranty transfer form.
How to communicate with the labor office
The Ministry of Labor offers many ways to communicate with the Labor Office, which are as follows:
- Standard Number: 19911.
- E-mail: [email protected].
- Instant Chat: You can access it directly “from here”.
- Twitter: You can contact the customer care account on the Twitter network “from here”.
The link of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development to transfer sponsorship hrsd.gov.sa
Residents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can enter the Ministry of Labor and Social Development website directly “from here”, to benefit from all the electronic services provided by the ministry, such as transferring sponsorships for individuals.
A strong platform link for the transfer of sponsorship qiwa.sa
The Qiwi platform also provides the sponsorship transfer service by entering it “from here”, as the Qiwi platform is a service provided to owners of establishments, enabling them to submit a request to transfer the service of a resident employee to it from another employer. The request will be sent to the employee, as the new employer must Remind the employee to enter the personnel portal to take the acceptance or rejection procedure within 10 days from the date of the request.
In conclusion, we have clarified the fees for transferring sponsorship in the new system 2022, and the method of paying the fees for transferring sponsorship, and we mentioned what cases are transferred without fees, and we moved to clarify the conditions for transferring sponsorship to individuals with and without the sponsor’s approval, and we concluded our article with ways to communicate with the Ministry of Work, links available through the sponsorship transfer service.
خاتمة لموضوعنا رسوم نقل الكفالة في النظام الجديد 2022 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.