سن القبول للصف الأول الابتدائي والأوراق المطلوبة

سن القبول للصف الأول الابتدائي والأوراق المطلوبة , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The age of acceptance for the first grade of primary school and the required papers are among the things that all parents who want to send their children to basic education must know. The Ministry of Education has set the age of admission for students for the first grade of primary school. Through their official website and receiving applications for the first grade, through the Noor electronic system, the first grade is submitted, and the reference site will help us know the age of admission for the first grade and the papers required for submission.

Application deadline for first grade

The Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has set a date for the registration of new students in the first grade to start on the twenty-first of Muharram 1443 corresponding to the twenty-ninth of August 2021 AD. Registration is done in the system, as the Ministry of Education has facilitated the creation of the account for the guardian in the Noor educational system. Through this system, registration is done electronically to help parents secure their children’s seats in the available time period.

Admission age for first grade of primary school

It is considered the first stage of education that helps the child in sound thinking, and also trains him in the skills, knowledge and experiences that prepare him for life, and for the possibility of exercising his role as a productive person within the scope of formal education. The age of the student is six years from the beginning of the year 1443, and some rules and conditions have been set, which are as follows:

  • A student who has not reached the age of six years has the right to apply for the first grade, provided that his age is not less than five years and nine months.
  • A student who has not reached the required age is entitled to enroll in the first grade, but he must have attended the kindergarten for two years, with a certificate proving that from the kindergarten affiliated to the Ministry.
  • Bring a certificate proving that the student can enroll in the first grade of a kindergarten.

Steps to register for the first grade

The application for the first basic grade is made through an electronic system, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is called the Noor Electronic Application System, so that it is submitted to it without the need to go to school, and the Ministry has also added updates to it, through which the query is made Regarding the results of the educational stages, due to the suspension of schools with the spread of the Corona virus, the guardian must apply to the Noor system and create a new account for it, as each guardian must have his own account. In all classrooms, and to create an account on the electronic Noor system, it is done through the following steps:

  • Entering the Noor educational system “from here”.
  • Enter the username of the command.
  • Enter a password and then type the verification code.
  • Click on the login icon.
  • Choose a new student registration form.
  • Fill out the student’s data.
  • Enter the data of the guardian, then choose the school to which the student wants to join.
  • Attach the required papers and documents, then confirm the application.

How do I know the username in the Noor system?

How to apply for admission to the first grade of primary

After creating a parent’s account on the Noor platform, through which he can register the child in the first grade, and to register the student in the first grade, the following steps must be followed:

  • Entering the Noor educational system “from here”.
  • Type the username, then enter the password.
  • Click on the login icon.
  • Go to the children’s registration page to register the first grade.
  • Choose to register a new student.
  • Write the student ID number or residence permit.
  • Determine the relationship between the guardian and the student.
  • Determining the work of the guardian.
  • Enter the registration data for first-year students, which are in the following table:

nationality. mother’s nationality Passport number. No. civil registry. ID expiration date. identity source. The student’s first name in Arabic. Father’s name in Arabic. Grandfather’s name in Arabic. Family name in Arabic. gender, date of birth. The student’s first name in English. Father’s name in English. Grandfather’s name in English. Family name in English. Accommodation type. Housing ownership. Administrative region. neighborhood city. Main street. sub street. house number. Home phone. Mobile number. National address. Postal code.

  • Enter the school data to which the first-year student is to be registered, which are:
    • school type.
    • Administration.
    • Education office.
    • Attach the required documents.
    • confirmation.

Explanation of the light system for kindergarten 1443

Documents required to apply for the first grade of primary

After learning how to create a guardian’s account on the Noor electronic system, knowing how to register with it, and filling in the student and teacher data to which the student is to be registered, the documents required to apply for the first grade of primary school must be known, including the following:

  • Bring the original birth certificate and a copy of it.
  • Bring 6 personal photos of the child, provided that they are recent.
  • Bring a copy of the family book and a copy of the passport.
  • Bring a copy of the residence permit, making sure that it is valid.
  • Bring a copy of the identity of the guardian and it must be unexpired and valid.
  • Bring a health certificate for the child, making sure that it is stamped by the health insurance authority.

Transfer letter format from school to school

Primary school registration link

Students can be registered electronically through the Noor platform. Through this system, registration requests that follow the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia are received, and the registration link for the first grade of primary school can be accessed “from here”, but with the need to note that registration for parents is in Certain times and not always open.

The importance of education at the primary level

Education is not only related to the classroom but primary school education due to the presence of the basic competence that shows the role of socialization of the student which is not clearly found in the curricula, when the student begins to study it is the first time supervised by someone other than relatives, where the school becomes the agency that It works on organizing social relations for the first time, and it is the place in which the child learns to mix with his peers without the presence of parents, as the purpose of education is to help the student in many areas of life and engage in them. It also helps in developing students’ cognitive, emotional, social, cultural and physical skills, as well as It helps prepare them for academic careers and develop all the abilities they have.

Primary education goals for the child

In the education stage, the child begins to learn the basics in reading, writing and arithmetic. Good learning begins in primary schools. In the first stage, through compulsory education, what covers the first six or seven years of school life. The primary purpose of education is to help the child in many ways. Levels The student is taught to think critically and also to strive to achieve high standards, and also to meet the challenges posed by technological developments in addition to developing basic citizenship and doing. The school provides the student with an organized and safe environment for the learning process to take place under supervision.

Junior Law

The Ministry of Education enacted Law No. 139 of 1981, where it took some amendment procedures. It states that the first grade of primary school sets a prerequisite, which is that the child reaches the age of six to enroll in compulsory education, after the age at which parents are allowed to apply for their children in schools for basic education, The state is also providing all educational means for the child at this stage, and the state is also working to provide schools and classes that accommodate students up to six years old, and children have also been allowed to accept them in the first grade who are less than six years old.

What is the maximum age for juniors?

There is a maximum limit according to the Youth Law so that the student’s age does not exceed six months. The Junior Law is the law on which Articles 15 and 7 of the Education Law are based, as it was applied after the stability of the school year, where students are accepted and work is to limit the density in schools that It has not been prepared, it is presented to the governorate by the directorate to follow up on completing the densities set in schools, then the offer is approved or a decision is issued to approve the age reduction, i.e. students who are under three years old, and children aged from Five and a half years to six years, this exception is when the age reaches five and a half years.

junior suit template

When a child is less than 6 years old, he can register for the first grade, but provided that he is 5 years and 9 months old. Many schools do not accept the registration of students of this age, where they can, through the Youth Law, fill out the following form and accept it from the Ministry of Education, as well as the Governor Then, after approval, send it to the school to confirm the student and guardian’s desire to enroll in the first grade:

Mr. Counsellor/President of the Administrative Judiciary Court Good greetings and after, introduction to your honor… the resident….. in his capacity as a natural guardian over his daughter… and his chosen place is the office of Mr. Ashraf Roya’a Lawyer in Desouk – Companies Street. Against a- Mr. / Minister of Education (in his capacity). 2- Mr. Governor…. (as). 3- Mr. / Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education ….. (in his capacity). 4- Mr. / Director of Primary Education in the Directorate of Education…. (as). They are all announced to the State Litigation Authority.

Subject: The student submitted his daughter’s papers… She was born in … on ….. to a school ….. located ….. to enroll her in the first grade of primary school for the school year …, as her age is ….. However, the school administration refused to enroll her despite the presence of places in the school, and the number of students in classes allows its presence, on the condition that It is supported by the statement that she is less than six years old, and the educational administration also rejected that. The student has complained about the rejection decision to His Excellency / the Undersecretary of the Ministry, but his grievance has not been decided upon, which means that there is a negative decision to refuse. Hence, the school, the educational administration and the ministry have violated the text of Article 15 of Law No. 139 of 1981 AD as amended by Law No. 23 of 1999 on Education, which states: “Basic education is a right for all Egyptian children who reach the age of six. The state is obligated to provide it for them, and parents and guardians are obligated to Implementing it over a period of nine academic years, and it is permissible, in the case of places to go to the age of five and a half years, without prejudice to the density prescribed for the semester). Since this is and the student’s daughter’s age is ———-, and the school’s condition permits her enrollment, the student files this case to challenge the negative decision to refuse enrollment, requesting an urgent stay of implementation of the negative decision to refrain from enrollment with the special effects that this entails with Availability of the element of urgency according to the text of Article (49) of State Council Law No. 47 of 1972 A.D. of the availability of the two elements of seriousness and the suspension of execution based on reasons that are likely to cancel.

Accordingly, the applicant requested to determine the nearest session to consider this case and to rule with: – 1- Accepting the case as a form for filing it on time. 2- Urgent judgment to stop the implementation of the negative decision to refrain from enrolling his son, the student, in a school…. With the consequences that this entails, and ordering the execution of the judgment in its draft without notice. 3- In the matter of canceling the negative decision, the subject matter of the case. Yours faithfully, the guardian of the student lawyer.

Registering homes in the Noor 1443 system through the Ministry of Education

Here, we have reached the end of the article in which we explained the age of admission for the first grade of primary school and the required papers, as the deadline for registration in the first grade was clarified, and how to enter and register on the Noor platform, and the link of the Noor educational platform and the method of creating an account for the guardian was attached. .

خاتمة لموضوعنا سن القبول للصف الأول الابتدائي والأوراق المطلوبة ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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