شكل الجنين في الشهر الثاني بالسونار ومراحل تطور الجنين , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The shape of the fetus in the second month with ultrasound many parents are keen to know. The second month is one of the most important months in pregnancy, and it is the month in which the formation of the fetus begins and the changes in the pregnant mother begin. Through ultrasound, known as ultrasound, the condition of the fetus can be identified in That month and its growth at a normal rate. On the reference site, we learn about the location and shape of the fetus in the second month, and we learn about the stages of fetal development during pregnancy.
How does pregnancy happen?
Pregnancy and then childbearing is the goal of every married couple, in which the greatness of the Creator, glory be to Him, is manifested in the stages of the formation of the fetus and the preparation of the appropriate environment for its growth and completion. In the following points, we learn about how pregnancy occurs and the fertilization of the egg:
- The female is born and God has made her ovaries with a large number of eggs that do not increase during her life.
- The sign of puberty in a woman is the bleeding of menstruation, which is evidence of the complete maturity of the woman and the possibility of her womb to receive a fetus and the possibility of pregnancy.
- Each month, a woman’s ovary releases an egg that descends into the fallopian tube, and in the following month, the other ovary releases an egg, thus the process of dropping eggs alternates between the two ovaries.
- When the egg descends into the fallopian tube, it waits for the male’s sperm to fertilize it, and it can remain viable for fertilization in the tube for several days.
- The sperm penetrates the egg and fertilizes it, and then the egg protects itself with a sheath that prevents other sperm from approaching or entering it.
- The next stage after fertilization is the movement of the egg into the uterus and then attached to the wall of the uterus, which is prepared to receive the egg and the beginning of division and the formation of the fetus.
- The body secretes more pregnancy hormone and estrogen to help the body receive the fetus and supply it with the right food and nutrition.
- In the event that the egg is not fertilized due to the absence of sperm or because of the weakness of the sperm and their weak ability to fertilize, the uterus destroys the cells and tissues that it has built throughout the month and the egg descends with these tissues in what is known as the menstrual cycle.
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The shape of the fetus in the second month by ultrasound
When an ultrasound is done on the pregnant woman, the fetus appears in its first form before completion, and the shape of the fetus in the second month can be identified under the ultrasound as follows:[1]
- The size of the fetus at the beginning of the second month is about 1.25 cm, and its size develops over time.
- The head of the fetus in this month is noticeably larger than its body, and the tail of the fetus disappears, which appears in the early stages of the fetus’s formation.
- The various organs are formed in that month and begin to lie in their natural places, so the eyes are in the form of two black dots, a longitudinal slit begins to appear in the place of the mouth, and the forehead protrudes slightly forward.
- The buds of the legs and arms appear on both sides of the fetus’s body, but in a small way it does not appear strongly.
- Fetal muscles and ptosis are not fully developed, and the doctor may notice slight fetal movement, but it is often not noticeable until rarely.
- Determining the gender of the fetus in this month is inaccurate due to the incompleteness of the fetus’s reproductive systems, but the doctor can identify the gender of the fetus through the heartbeat of the male fetus, which exceeds 140 beats per minute.
Fetal development stages
A normal pregnancy lasts forty weeks, and in each week of the gestation period there is a development in the shape and size of the fetus. The duration of pregnancy is calculated from the beginning of the first day of the last menstrual period until the date of birth. The development of the fetus during pregnancy can be identified as follows:
The first week of pregnancy
The features of pregnancy in the first week can be recognized in the following points:
- In the first week of pregnancy, the egg has been fertilized by the sperm in the fallopian tube.
- The next step for the egg is to move to the uterus, which prepares to receive the egg by increasing the thickness and support of the uterine wall so that the egg can implant and attach to it.
- The first week of pregnancy is often not counted as a pregnancy term, but doctors consider it a part of pregnancy to make it easier to calculate the due date.
Fetal development in the third week of pregnancy
Features of the development of the fetus and pregnancy in the third week of pregnancy are represented in the following points:[2]
- The fertilized egg attaches to the uterus and begins to divide and increase in size and growth.
- The lining of the uterus, which is called the blastula, supplies the egg with the nutrients necessary for the growth of the fetus in its early stages.
- The division of the egg and the increase in the size of the fetal cells is accompanied by the body’s secretion of the pregnancy hormone, the gonadotropin hormone, which prevents the woman’s ovaries from releasing new eggs until the termination of pregnancy is complete.
Fetal development in the fifth week of pregnancy
It is one of the important weeks in the life of the fetus, and the features of this period can be identified in the following points:
- The size of the fetus appears under the ultrasound in the form of a small grain of rice and continues to divide and grow.
- The amniotic sac is formed that surrounds the fetus and contains fluid that serves as a cushion that protects the fetus from external influences or damage that can affect it during pregnancy.
- The fifth week of pregnancy is witnessing a development in the growth of the fetus, and the doctor under the ultrasound can hear the fetus’s heartbeat well. The symptoms of pregnancy begin to appear more on the mother, such as pain in the breast area, nausea and increased urination due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder during the stages of its growth and increase in size.
- The various organs of the fetus begin to form and appear, such as the ectoderm (Latin: ectoderm), in which the eyes, ears, and nervous system appear.
- The endoderm is the tissue through which the internal organs of the fetus, such as the bladder, urinary system, and intestines, look.
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Seventh week of pregnancy
In the seventh week of pregnancy, many variables occur in the size and shape of the fetus, which can be identified in detail in the following:[3]
- The size of the fetus’s head in that week triples from the previous size.
- The doctor can record the fetal brain waves, which can be picked up at the end of the sixth week.
- The heartbeat of the fetus reaches 150 beats per minute, but it cannot be picked up through the stethoscope, but through the sonar, where it is weak and a fortiori, the mother does not feel these pulses.
- Through x-rays, the doctor can see the fetal brain through the skull, which is still transparent.
- Neuronal growth at this stage increases its speed to more than 100,000 cells per minute.
- The location of the eyes appears with a dark black dot, as well as the location of the ears and mouth, which is in the form of a longitudinal slit.
Fetal development in the ninth week of pregnancy
In the ninth week of pregnancy, a number of developments can be observed on the fetus, which can be identified as follows:
- The head increases significantly during this week and bends forward close to the chest.
- The ears are visible on both sides of the head, the eyes are more prominent, and the nose bone and its opening slightly protrude in the front of the face.
- Limbs begin to form, and the bumps of the hands and feet begin to appear on both sides of the fetus’s body.
- The length of the fetus in that week is approximately 2 cm, its weight is about a gram, and it is close in size to a grape.
- The placenta, which supplies the fetus with food, grows to be complete and plays its role in supplying the fetus with food from the mother, and the placenta removes the waste products that come out of the fetus’s metabolic processes.
- The genitals of the fetus appear, but they do not appear completely, through which the fetus can be identified, the sense of smell develops and the fetus’s arms are bent.
Fetal development in the eleventh week of pregnancy
The features of fetal development and pregnancy during that week can be known in the following points:
- The heart’s growth and activity continues to reach 180 beats per minute.
- The internal organs of the fetus, especially the intestines and brain, are growing, and the liver continues to grow, which plays a key role in the formation of red blood cells in the body.
- The fetus weighs more than 4 grams and is approximately 3.1 cm in length.
- The nails of the fetus grow and appear, and the eyelids begin to appear, and the iris of the eye is formed, and its size reaches the size of a fig fruit.
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Fifteenth week of pregnancy
During this week, many changes occur to the fetus, which can be identified as follows:
- The fetus at this stage can put its hand in its mouth and take on a more human and human-like shape.
- The weight of the fetus reaches 127 grams, and its length is up to 10 cm.
- At this stage, the fetus swallows some of the amniotic fluid that surrounds it, and then helps activate the urinary system and stimulates the kidneys to work and excrete urine, which returns to the amniotic fluid again.
- The eye can respond to light that comes from outside the mother’s abdomen, and the iris in the fetus’s eye responds to this.
Fetal development in the twentieth week of pregnancy
The features of the fetus in that week are as follows:
- The twentieth week is the mid-pregnancy period during which the fetus grows to reach a size of 320 grams in weight and 16 cm in length.
- The development of the nervous system and nerve cells of the fetus continues during this stage of pregnancy, and the female body begins to supply the vagina and visible genitals of the girl.
Fetal development in the thirtieth week of pregnancy
It is one of the important times in the life of the fetus and the pregnant woman, and the features of the development of the fetus at this stage can be identified as follows:
- The weight of the fetus at that stage is about 1.3 kg, and its length is 27 cm.
- The lungs of the fetus grow and the fetus can breathe outside the womb, but with medical assistance if necessary, which makes the birth in the thirty week possible and the fetus escapes death if it is placed in a nursery.
- Red blood cells are formed in the body of the fetus, and the hair density increases in him, and he can express a frown or happiness and laughter on his face.
Fetal development in the fortieth week of pregnancy
The growth and development of the fetus at the fortieth week can be recognized in the following points:
- The average weight of the fetus at this age is up to 3.2 kg, and its length is close to 50 cm.
- All the internal and external organs of the fetus are completed, the eyes and ears are fully developed, and the senses of smell and taste are formed.
- The fetus can suck at this stage, which is a prelude to the fetus sucking milk from the mother’s breast.
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Pregnancy problems in the second month
There are a number of problems that pregnancy can face in the second month, and the most prominent of these problems can be identified in the following:
- Infection of the fetus with deformities in the stage when the mother takes medications or medical drugs without consulting the doctor.
- The mother was exposed to bacterial and viral infections during the first pregnancy, which requires constant follow-up with the attending physician.
- Infection of the mother with gestational diabetes, which can be recognized by the increased feeling of dizziness and imbalance of the pregnant woman.
- Bleeding and some drops of blood from the vagina due to the implantation of the egg in the uterine wall, which may result in some minor wounds.
- Increasing episodes of constipation due to the disturbance that affects the body’s hormones for the pregnant woman, and because of the pressure of the uterus on the digestive system.
- Feeling of bloating and gas often, especially after eating.
We learned about the shape of the fetus in the second month by ultrasound, and we learned about the stages of fetal development during the pregnancy period of up to forty weeks, in which the shape and weight of the fetus changes in each week of the pregnancy, and we learned about the most important problems that the pregnant woman may face during the second month of pregnancy.
خاتمة لموضوعنا شكل الجنين في الشهر الثاني بالسونار ومراحل تطور الجنين ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.