شكل الحلمتين في بداية الحمل بالصور

شكل الحلمتين في بداية الحمل بالصور , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The shape of the nipples at the beginning of pregnancy in pictures is one of the things that concern all pregnant women, as the woman, when God Almighty grants her pregnancy, is interested in knowing the implications of changing the shape of her body on her health and the health of her fetus. The minerals present in the woman’s body and the remaining period of pregnancy and according to the woman’s health and whether her health is fine or not. This is why the reference site shows the shape of the nipples at the beginning of pregnancy with pictures to help women monitor their bodies and know whether they are healthy or not.

The shape of the nipples at the beginning of pregnancy with pictures

As a result of pregnancy, many hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body, and among these changes, the change in the shape of the nipples occurs, where the pregnant woman notices the following changes:

  • The protrusion of the nipples due to the expansion of the milk ducts, as the body during pregnancy prepares the nipples to breastfeed the next child.
  • The color of the nipples changes from their natural light color to a darker color than their original color, as pregnancy stimulates the body to produce more melanin, which is responsible for the dark skin color. pregnant woman’s body.
  • Feeling pain in the nipples if they are touched, which is why doctors advise the mother to wear comfortable underwear so as not to increase her pain.
  • The longer a pregnant woman passes, the larger the nipples and the circle around them becomes larger to help the mother breastfeed the next baby.
  • Feeling a little tingling in the nipples for no reason, as this is normal, but if the feeling of pain increases, the mother should resort to the specialist doctor to show her some types of ointments or exercises that relieve her pain.
  • The emergence of the Montgomery glands in the form of scattered dots around the nipples and the areola around them. The Montgomery glands surrounding the nipples appear in this way because they produce fatty substances that help moisturize the nipples and protect them from cracks.
  • The appearance of some cracks and dryness on the nipples, which leads to the desire to rub them in what is known as skin eczema. This is due to the expansion of the areolas surrounding the nipples and their change in their nature. In this case, the mother must resort to her specialist doctor to help her treat this problem so that it does not affect the mother’s breastfeeding normal after birth.

Are nipples shrinking and inverted a symptom of pregnancy?

The shrinkage and inversion of the nipples is one of the important symptoms of pregnancy in the first months, as the nipples in these months shrink and turn and turn dark due to the increased secretion of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which prepare the nipples for breastfeeding and change the nature of the whole breast until it makes milk for the child who will be born and consequent on This is an increase in breast sensitivity, shrinkage and inversion of the nipples due to hormonal changes, an increase in the role of the mammary glands, and a strong blood flow in the entire breast.

Breast shape during pregnancy

The shape of the breast during pregnancy changes significantly from the shape of the breast before it. This is due to the fact that female hormones change the nature of the breast so that the mother can breastfeed the next child, so the blood pumping into the breast increases, and the mammary glands that were dormant throughout the years of non-pregnancy begin to work and prepare themselves to produce milk for the next child. The following are the changes that can occur to the breast during a woman’s pregnancy:

Breast shape during the first trimester of pregnancy

It is not only the shape of the nipples that changes during the first trimester of pregnancy, but the shape of the entire breast changes. The pregnant woman notices an increase in the size of the breast and the emergence of its veins due to the large number of blood pumping in it, as the breast prepares for the process of breastfeeding the child, and the sudden increase in the size of the breast causes it to appear swollen and causes severe pain to the mother However, this does not usually continue permanently. After the first three months of pregnancy, breast pain begins to subside, as the mother’s body may become accustomed to the physical changes associated with pregnancy.

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Breast shape during the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the pain that the mother feels in the breast disappears, but due to the approaching date of the child’s birth, the level of estrogen hormone rises to the maximum extent possible for it in the woman’s body, which causes an increase in the size of the arteries in the breast and the mother’s continued feeling of heaviness. Colostrum fluid also appears when pressing on the breast. The nipple, as colostrum liquid is one of the evidence that the breast has become complete and ready for breastfeeding, but the mother should not press her nipple hard to ensure the presence of this fluid, as pressure on the nipple may cause her to many problems in the breast and feel severe pain in it. sensitivity at that time.

Breast shape during the last trimester of pregnancy

Almost nothing changes in the shape of the breast during the last trimester than it did in the first and second trimesters as the breasts remain swollen and the nipples are prominent and dark in preparation for breastfeeding. It is darker than before and can even be blackened, but there are no other new changes since most breast changes occur in the first and second trimesters.

When does breast pain begin in pregnancy and when does it end?

The emergence of breast pain and nipples is the first symptom of pregnancy that a woman feels, so that it may precede the presentation of the cessation of the menstrual cycle, and breast pain begins to appear between the first week until the third week of pregnancy, according to the physical nature of each woman separately. From pregnancy due to the large increase in hormones and their concentration in the breast and the increase in blood pumping in it, but after the first three months the pain gradually decreases, and then in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, breast pain may end and may continue with the woman until the time of birth according to her physical nature, but it is certain that breast pain In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, it is less painful than in the first trimester.

What is breast pain in early pregnancy?

How to take care of breasts during pregnancy

The breast goes through many painful changes during pregnancy to qualify it to carry out the process of breastfeeding after the birth of the child, so the mother must take care of her breast and take care of it so that health problems do not occur to her that prevent her from breastfeeding her child after his birth, and to provide the best possible care, the woman must follow the following tips:

  • Not to wear tight bras or made of uncomfortable materials and to wear comfortable bras that are one or two degrees larger than the size of the breast so as not to cause inconvenience to the mother and give the breast enough space to grow and not put pressure on it.
  • Attention to cleaning the breasts well with warm water, especially in the second trimester of pregnancy when colostrum begins to leak from them.
  • Do not bring body cleaning materials such as shampoos, alcohol, or different types of soap to the breast, as they cause it to dry out and peel off.
  • Resorting to the doctor to prescribe a moisturizing cream for the mother to use to moisturize the nipples, but he warns that the mother should choose the cream alone, as if she chooses the wrong product, this can cause her to dry out, cracks and many health problems.
  • Wearing colostrum absorbent pads and changing them whenever they are full so that the mother does not suffer from allergies or skin diseases in the nipples as a result of the skin being constantly wet.
  • Do not expose the breast to any hard object and stay away from bras that contain metal components.
  • Avoid combing the hair without wearing clothes so that the comb does not hit the breasts and cause pain in them.

Breast diagnosis during pregnancy

Symptoms of shrinkage of the nipples, changing their color to a darker color, the appearance of the veins of the breasts, and an increase in their size, often if they are associated with pregnancy, are due to it, but sometimes these symptoms are not caused by pregnancy, but rather are caused by the growth of some cancers, tumors and diseases in the breast. Therefore, pregnant women should To go to the doctor once a month to do the necessary tests and make sure that the changes that occur in her breasts occur naturally due to pregnancy, especially since it is difficult for a woman to discover on her own the cause of changes in her breasts due to the similarity in symptoms between tumors and normal pregnancy problems, so it is necessary Resorting to a specialist doctor to accurately determine the causes and treat them if they are abnormal causes before they affect the mother or the fetus.

See also: When does pregnancy occur after period in how many days

Natural ways to supply nipples

Many women are looking for ways to supply the nipples after changing their color due to pregnancy. These methods must also be natural so as not to lead to problems affecting the mother or her ability to breastfeed her child when he is born. Natural ways to supply the nipples can be limited to the following ways:

pomegranate juice method

The way to use pomegranate juice to supply the nipples is one of the best ways to supply natural nipples, and it is by the woman squeezing the pomegranate without adding any additions to it, then massaging the nipple with it and leaving it on it after it dries until the next day, then washing it and repeating the massage of the nipples with new pomegranate juice and the results will appear after a month Almost as the pain in the breast decreases and the shape of the nipples becomes better and their color is closer to the pink color than to the dark brown color that characterizes the nipples during pregnancy.

red berry method

A woman who wants to supply her nipples can use red berries to supply them, as she mixes a medium spoon of aloe vera gel with some red berry granules, then paints the nipples with raspberry and aloe vera paste and leaves them on the nipples for four minutes and then washes the nipples after the mentioned time has passed, and it is rumored The results of this method appear on the nipples faster than the results of the pomegranate juice method.

Wheat germ oil method

The way to use wheat germ oil to supply the nipples is the easiest way to supply, but many people refrain from using it because it is boring. A mother who wants to use wheat germ oil to supply her nipples must grease her nipples and the two circles surrounding them with oil from three to five times a day. The method by not only supplying the nipple but also making it more prominent and attractive.

cocoa butter method

The method of using cocoa butter to supply the nipples is not very different from the method of using wheat germ oil, so the mother wishing to supply her nipples must paint them daily with cocoa butter until the nipples become pink and prominent, but the two methods differ in the number of times to paint the nipples, where the mother must paint the nipples with oil Wheat germ several times a day, but if the mother uses cocoa butter, it is sufficient to apply them once throughout the day.

Vaseline method

Vaseline is basically used as a moisturizer for the skin, not to lighten its color, but in the event that the color of the nipples turns dark, Vaseline can be used to supply them and lighten their color. The color of the nipples, but if the mother cares about moisturizing her nipples, this may lead to a slight lightening of the color of the nipples, and this method needs a lot of time until its results appear, and its results are usually weaker than the results of other methods.

Bitter almond oil method

The method of using bitter almond oil to supply the nipples is the fastest method of supply, as the nipples as soon as they are massaged with bitter almond oil change color and become pinkish-brown. That is why women call the pink color of the nipples resulting from their application with bitter almond oil “the false color” because this color is not a color In fact, it is a random color that arose due to the oil of the nipples with bitter almond oil, and it will quickly disappear to be replaced by the natural dark color of the nipples. again.

Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in a woman’s life, as she prepares to crown her happiness and the happiness of her husband with a child who fills their lives with happiness and joy. Therefore, all women are interested in noticing the smallest changes that occur in her body so that she can preserve her child from the first day and provide him with the most complete care. To be born healthy and healthy, so we have shown in this article the shape of the nipples at the beginning of pregnancy with pictures so that future mothers can distinguish the normal symptoms of pregnancy from the abnormal ones and to be reassured about their health and the health of their pregnancy.

خاتمة لموضوعنا شكل الحلمتين في بداية الحمل بالصور ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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