طريقة مضمونة 100 لمعرفة نوع الجنين

طريقة مضمونة 100 لمعرفة نوع الجنين , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

A 100% guaranteed way to know the type of fetus in a quick way that can be done at home or by following up on some of the signs that appear on the pregnant woman showing the type of fetus, and knowing the type of fetus may be in traditional ways, as it may be by more accurate scientific methods, and in the reference site we learn about the most famous methods Through which it is possible to identify the gender of the fetus, as well as how to control the type of fetus before pregnancy, and the symptoms of pregnancy in a woman.


Pregnancy occurs when a woman’s ovary drops the egg into the fallopian tube, which is what takes place in exchange between the woman’s ovaries every month. Then it attaches to the uterine wall and begins to divide and multiply, and the body begins to secrete pregnancy hormones and prepares the body for the expected changes due to pregnancy.

A 100% guaranteed way to know the gender of the fetus

Knowing the gender of the fetus is one of the things that occupy the minds of many parents, and there are many ways by which one can know the type of the fetus, including what is traditional based on myths and legends, and some are home-tested methods that prove their effectiveness in many times, as well as scientific methods Confirming that, and below we are exposed to know these methods in detail:

black line method

It is a traditional way to know the gender of the fetus, as many women during pregnancy and with the increase in the size of the abdomen appear on the skin of the abdomen a black line extending from the bottom of the pelvis and ascending until it reaches the navel or to the upper area of ​​the navel close to the chest, and many women see that this The black line, if it reaches the navel only, then it is evidence of pregnancy with a female, and if it extends higher than that, then it is evidence of pregnancy by the male.

Wheat and barley to know the gender of the fetus

It is one of the ancient ways that people used in previous times, in which a number of wheat and barley grains are brought, and then these grains are placed in the woman’s urine and wait until the grains begin to germinate and grow. If wheat sprouts before barley, this is evidence that The pregnant woman bears a male, and if barley sprouts before wheat, it is evidence that she is carrying a female.

chlorine method

One of the traditional ways that many women may do at home to find out the gender of the fetus is the chlorine method. In this method, the woman’s urine is placed in a transparent glass cup, and then a little chlorine is added to the urine and looking at the result of the reaction. If a strong and rapid eruption occurs, it is Indicates pregnancy by males mostly, but if the interaction is simple and the place of effervescence is few, it indicates that the pregnancy is mostly female.

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Milk method to find out the gender of the fetus

Also, one of the methods that can be tried to find out the type of fetus that many women experiment with is the milk method. In this method, the pregnant woman squeezes her breast to extract a drop of milk from the chest, and then she has brought a glass full of water and put it under the chest, and when the drop of milk falls In the water, you look at the cup. If a drop of milk descends directly to the bottom of the cup, it often indicates pregnancy by male, but if the drop of milk is dispersed in the water and does not appear in a clear form, it is evidence of pregnancy in the female.

Knowing the gender of the fetus through food

One of the traditional ways by which to identify the gender of the fetus is to know the type of food that the pregnant woman prefers during pregnancy. . If a woman tends to eat sweet foods such as chocolate, sugars and sweets, as well as eating spices, this is often evidence of a female pregnancy.

Salt method to find out the gender of the fetus

It is a method based on visual vision, home experience and observation. At the end of the second month of pregnancy, an empty cup is brought and a little salt is placed in that cup, and then the woman’s urine is gradually added to the salt in the cup until it reaches half the cup. Indicates that the pregnancy is a female. If there is a change in the color of the urine and the dispersal of salt in the cup, then it is evidence of pregnancy by mentioning.

nipple color

One of the ways by which the gender of the fetus can be identified is by watching the changes that occur in the pregnant breast. If the color of the nipple is dark and the chest is small, it often indicates a male pregnancy, but if the size of the breast increases and the color of the nipple is less dark, it indicates Female pregnancy.

The Chinese method for determining the gender of the fetus

In the old days, the Chinese were and still use a method to know the gender of the fetus based on a table that is prepared by identifying the age of the pregnant woman, and knowing the age at which the pregnancy occurred, and then this data is included in a table that is prepared and arranged in a certain way. What pertains to a woman is the symbol o, which indicates that the pregnancy is female, but if the symbol in the table is x, it indicates pregnancy by male.

Home methods to find out the gender of the fetus

There are many traditional home methods through which the gender of the fetus can be identified, and among these methods are the following:

urine color

One of the ways to know the gender of the fetus at home is to follow the color of a woman’s urine during the first months of pregnancy. by female.

The 100% foolproof way to find out the gender of the fetus through baking soda

One of the home ways to know the gender of the fetus is to try baking soda or sodium bicarbonate and its interaction with urine. In this way, a little bit of the woman’s urine is added to an amount of baking soda in a transparent cup. If there is no reaction and a few bubbles appear in the cup, it often indicates pregnancy in the female.

woman body shape

The gender of the fetus can be identified by watching the shape of the pregnant woman’s body and the changes that occur to her. .

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My grandmother’s way to find out the gender of the fetus

There are also many ways in which elderly people and grandparents infer that pregnancy has occurred, and some of these methods, some of which are based on myths and untested observations, include:

skin shape

This method is based on watching the skin of a pregnant woman. If the skin secretes a lot of oils and fats on the skin during pregnancy, it is a female evidence, but if a woman’s skin is dry and contains less fat and oily secretions, it indicates pregnancy by male.

acne method

Many experiences and observations of pregnant women indicate that the appearance of acne on the face and skin, and the frequent appearance of small pimples, often indicates a female pregnancy.

hair texture

The shape and texture of the hair indicate the gender of the fetus. If the pregnant woman’s hair is weak, less healthy and has a lot of wrinkles, it often indicates a female pregnancy, but if the hair is healthy and thicker and stronger, it indicates pregnancy by the male.

sleeping position

One of the old ways in which the gender of the fetus can be inferred is the way the pregnant woman sleeps. If the woman prefers to sleep on the left side, it often indicates pregnancy with the boy. But if the pregnant woman prefers to sleep on the right side and feels comfortable during that, it indicates pregnancy. by female.

foot growth method

One of the many traditional methods that many women use is the method of foot growth to know the gender of the fetus. If there is a change in the size of the foot in the pregnant woman, such as an increase in its size and swelling in an apparent way, it indicates pregnancy by male, but if it is an older form, it remains the same and has not changed. It may indicate a female pregnancy.

Confirmed ways to know the gender of the fetus

After we got acquainted with many traditional methods through which it is possible to identify the gender of the fetus, we mention the sure knowledgeable methods that many women prefer and that give more accurate results in knowing the type of pregnancy, and the following are the most famous of these methods:

Ultrasound examination

Ultrasound examination or ultrasound is one of the most popular and widespread methods through which the gender of the fetus can be identified with a great deal of accuracy. And the ultrasound examination, in order to be more accurate, is performed in the second trimester of pregnancy, i.e. between the sixteenth week and the twentieth week of pregnancy. This method depends on distinguishing the genitals of the fetus, which are clear during this period, so that the male organ of the fetus is clear, and the female genital organs are also fully developed. But the ultrasound examination may not be 100% accurate, as the doctor may sometimes confuse the distinction between the umbilical cord, which may appear in the form of the male organ, and thinks that the pregnancy is male and is in fact a female.[1]

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Prenatal blood test

It is a test that is performed on the pregnant mother by taking a blood sample to detect some pathological possibilities that the fetus may have, such as Down syndrome, which is a type of malformation that some children suffer from for several reasons, some of which are hereditary and others are not, and through these Analyzes for reassurance. An analysis of chromosomes in a woman’s blood can also be done to find out their ratio, through which it is possible to identify the gender of the fetus and whether it is male or female.[2]

Chorionic Villus Examination

Chorionic villus sampling is one of the tests that can give almost certain results, close to 100% in accuracy. A thin plastic tube is inserted into the cervix, through which a sample of placental tissue is taken. The sample can also be taken by inserting a needle into the pregnant woman’s abdomen to take the sample. Ultrasound is used to reach the placenta and avoid harming the fetus. This method is used when there is a need to examine the fetus and make sure that it is not infected with some diseases such as cystic fibrosis or chromosomal disorders in the fetus, and it is possible through the analyzes to identify the gender of the fetus as well.[3]

How to determine the sex of the fetus before pregnancy

After we have presented the 100 best guaranteed method to know the gender of the fetus, we note that there are ways through which the percentage of pregnancy with a girl or a boy can be increased as desired, and among these methods are the following:

Changing the environment of the vagina

The role of the vaginal environment is great in determining the gender of the fetus, whether male or female. It is scientifically known that the acidic environment of the woman’s vagina increases the rate of female pregnancy, while the alkaline environment of the vagina increases the chances of male pregnancy, so we find many cities and population places whose residents tend to eat Citruses increase the percentage of girls over males and vice versa, and the vaginal environment can be made acidic by making a vaginal shower with water and vinegar before intercourse, and it can also be made more alkaline by making a vaginal shower of baking soda before intercourse. A ready-made vaginal douche can also be obtained from a pharmacy.

intercourse time

Many studies prove that sperms that carry a male sperm are faster and more active than others that carry female chromosomes, and therefore intercourse on the same day or day after ovulation helps more than the possibility of male conceiving, while intercourse after several days of ovulation helps to give birth. Girls because of the ability of sperm to stay in a woman’s body for several days and then fertilize an egg after that.

Choosing the right food

As we have previously explained, the alkaline environment in the body increases the chances of conceiving males, while the acidic environment increases the birth of girls. Therefore, whoever wants to have males, he must eat a lot of foods that contain a large amount of alkali, such as eating bananas, spinach, spices, nuts and red meat, The husband’s consumption of a cup of coffee before engaging in marital intercourse has a role in modifying and increasing the alkalinity of the body, and thus increasing the chances of conceiving males. If you want to have girls, you should eat a lot of acidic foods such as oranges, tangerines, lemons and dairy products.

Pregnancy symptoms and fetus type

A pregnant woman suffers from many symptoms at the beginning of pregnancy and during pregnancy, and there are many beliefs that link these symptoms and the gender of the fetus, which can be identified as follows:

morning sickness

Nausea and a tendency to vomit are common symptoms in many pregnant women, and studies prove that more than 50% of pregnant women suffer from morning sickness, and many people believe that morning sickness for a pregnant woman, if it is frequent and more severe, is evidence of female pregnancy due to the nature of hormonal changes in The body, but if the morning sickness is mild, it may indicate pregnancy by mentioning.

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Many people believe that the male fetus has a heart rate of more than less than 140 beats per minute, while the heartbeat of the female is usually more than 140 beats per minute, and these beliefs do not have enough scientific evidence for them, as not enough studies have been conducted on this matter in a way to resolve it.

Mood Swings

Because of hormonal changes in a woman’s body and the increased secretion of estrogen and pregnancy hormones, women are often exposed during pregnancy to mood swings, entering into bouts of optimism or depression, and a sudden transition from sadness to joy or anger. These fluctuations are considered normal due to pregnancy, but there are some beliefs that the increase and strength of these fluctuations is evidence of pregnancy in a female, and the lack of mood swings indicates a male pregnancy.

We got acquainted with a 100% guaranteed way to know the gender of the fetus, and we got acquainted with the traditional methods of knowing the fetus, which often depend on observation and experience. We emphasize that all of the above is based on previous experiences and is not related to any scientific sources.

خاتمة لموضوعنا طريقة مضمونة 100 لمعرفة نوع الجنين ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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