عبارات عن اليوم العالمي للغة العربية 2021

عبارات عن اليوم العالمي للغة العربية 2021 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The paragraph of phrases about the World Arabic Language Day 2021 is what we will highlight, in celebration of that language that has long been the center of admiration for its children, as it is the message that crosses borders and checkpoints, and it is what connects the Arab in the far ocean to the Arab in the last corners of the Gulf, which She carried the message of Islam in the Noble Qur’an, after God Almighty honored her by choosing a language for his speech to people, so it is necessary for us to celebrate this occasion, through the reference website. Phrases for the World Arabic Language Day 2021.

The occasion of the International Day of the Arabic Language

The date of the occasion of the International Day of the Arabic Language is on the eighteenth of December for each year, and for the year 2021 AD, it falls on Saturday, December 18, of the year 2021 AD, according to the global calendar adopted by the United Nations, its statements stipulated the adoption of this Today, as an international day, the Arabic language is celebrated and sheds light on the global language because of the psychological treasures and burials that it contains. It is one of the approved global languages ​​spoken by a very large number of people around the world. In addition, it is the language of the Noble Qur’an, which God Almighty has honored and its users by immortalizing it in His Holy Book.[1]

It is worth noting that the Arabic language provided the reader with the ability to enter a large and diverse world of beauty and literary splendor. It is an integrated language and contains literary arts that vary between poetry, prose, story and novel, amidst many creative works that have won international prizes in some of them. Therefore, the world had to participate in the celebration on this occasion that was dedicated to the Arabic language.

Phrases for World Arabic Language Day 2021

Proceeding from the beauty of the Arabic language and the importance of this language around the world, the Arabs addressed their language in the most beautiful terms and words through which they expressed their gratitude for the language and their love for that human bond that unites millions of Arabs in a common tongue. The most beautiful of what was said is:

  • It is not just a language that consists of a few letters and vocabulary only, it is our identity and our common history, from it we moved to the country and through it we opened hearts and places. Happy New Year, sons of our Arabic language, and God bless you all.
  • The occasion of the International Day of the Arabic Language is the occasion in which it is good for us to talk and we like phrases and words. Happy New Year, sons of the Arab nation, may God Almighty protect you, and preserve your dear message.
  • God Almighty has honored the Arabic language before we did that, for it is the language of the Noble Qur’an, which carried the message of Islam to all the people of the earth and its various peoples, and it was and still is the master of languages ​​and the first alphabets.
  • We have the right to be proud, oh loyal sons of my language, every year and our glorious Arabism is a thousand good, words we say with sadness despite the wounds that bleed many members of this Arab body, we ask God Almighty to gather the diaspora once again.
  • Happy new year on the occasion of the International Day of the Arabic Language, the day when we carry our hearts and walk towards the letters of the language to which we are proud of our belonging. Happy New Year, sons of our Arabic language.
  • From the Arabic language, and in Arabic letters, we send greetings and peace to all the people of the world, as long as the message of the Arabs to the worlds is peace and Islam, so Happy New Year.

Phrases for International Children’s Day 2021

Posts about the International Day of the Arabic Language for Facebook

Through the social networking platform Facebook, the people of the Arabic language are keen to publish phrases and words that express their pride on this day that shines its light on their language, and the most beautiful thing that has been written is:

  • We are pleased to take pride in this blessed day. It is the International Day of the Arabic Language, in which the world stands before our glorious language in appreciation and respect for it and for the long history it contains between its lines.
  • The Arabic language is not a hastily derived language or civilization, but rather it is one of the authentic languages ​​that was and still is a collection of history epics that are told of thousands of years and originality.
  • On the Arabic language day, we must stand for pride in our language and our twenty-eight letters that painted glory, history and heritage with the most beautiful images, words and analogies, as they are the pearl of all languages.
  • The celebration of the International Day of the Arabic Language is not a passing thing, but rather an unconscious state in which it is pleasant for us to speak. It is the language that points to us with fingers of love, and we walk to it with fingers of infatuation. Happy New Year.
  • As long as the Arabic language has been a transient presence in history, to be based on drawing all the different historical events and epics, the world has the right to celebrate it and we have the right to glorify our long history by standing with the glory of our ancestors.
  • Happy new year, sons of the first letters of the alphabet, every year and you are worthy of carrying the faithfulness of the language and the long history of your ancestors. May God bless the peoples of the Arab nation and we ask Him to honor them with more security and safety.

World Children’s Day 2021 logo

Thoughts on World Arabic Language Day 2021

The Arab Thought was present at the World Language Day as one of the most prominent welcomers on that occasion, because she is one of her distinguished sons and daughters in expression and trying to draw with words, and the most prominent thoughts came as follows:

  • The pure sons of the language, they are the only ones who feel the greatness and beauty of your presence, mother of twenty-eight love, happy new year, you who covered the letters of the Arabic with the warmth of her vocabulary and the letters of her kindness.
  • May God bless all the sons of Arabism, which has always been present throughout history in all stages. It is not just a language, but a history of presence and creativity. Happy New Year on the occasion of the International Day of the Arabic Language.
  • It pleases us with this day to put our hearts in pledge to return the favor, perhaps it is enough, and it will not be enough, as it is the language that God Almighty has honored with a grace from above the seventh heaven, with a Qur’an that remains and is immortal until the Day of Judgment.
  • The Arabic language is the common history that fought all forms of Arab division and Arabism, and it is the last thread in connecting those hearts from the farthest ocean to the farthest Gulf, so Happy New Year, sons of Arabs.
  • May God bless you and help us and you to carry the message of the language to the unique position it deserves and deserves to be in. Happy New Year, we ask God more glory and excellence for the children of the Arabic language.
  • Twenty-eight letters were enough to draw joy, love, sadness, joy, good and evil, and all forms and images of the past and present world.
  • With this blessed day, we do not know whether to celebrate the language day or whether it is above those virtues and celebrations, for it is the language of the Noble Qur’an, and the language of the master of creation, Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, it is the language that is filled with reasons of honor and pride.

A topic about International Children’s Day complete with elements

Poetry about the International Day of the Arabic Language

The poets attended that occasion with their hearts before they came with their tongues, to express their joy on the language day, which brings together reunion and increases the ties of goodness and love among all the people of the Arabic language, and the most beautiful of what was said on that occasion:

The most beautiful poetry about the world today in the Arabic language

In this poem, the poet expressed his love and pride in the Arabic language, on the occasion of the International Day, which was praised and admired, and its most prominent verses:

The language of the book is famous for its opposite, preserved and beautifully chanted, and it is the straight tongue of our saying, and it is where the ancestral poet sings, and it has sheets and references, inked in jurisprudence, interpretation, and wird, and it has poems as if it were for the eloquence of poets. Muslims all read the Book of God; Rashad intended my language with you, the poets increased their glory, and the writers were adorned with glories, the glory of Hebron, Sibawayh, and Akhfash, as well as the fur. Then he called out and Ibn Janna built it as a reminder to him. Ibn Manzur went well, Murad. Likewise, the prodigious prophet has preserved their poetry for us, as if we were in the presence of the chanting, the language of Arabism, O the culture of my nation, and the tongue of the message of the guiding Messenger.

A school radio about the International Day of the Arabic Language in full

A poem on the International Day of the Arabic Language

It is one of the poems of the contemporary Arab poet Yahya Al-Hammadi, which is spun with pride in his Arabic language, for it is the language of the Qur’an and revelation, and for the sake of the master of creation Muhammad – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – and its most prominent verses came according to the following:

رَبِيبَةَ الوَحيِ .. Or م باسن باسمِها نَزَلَا تَمَايَلِي, عَنكِ ِّنِّي قائِلٌ غَزَلَا

My heart was mentioned, and it turned into a poem with its blood, not bowing its head in shame.

Between you and me is an inheritance that is still a fragrance that folds the ages, and is coming to sever eternity

مِن مَهبطِ الضَّادِ, مِن (لامِيَّةٍ) لَمَسَت لامَ الكَلامِ.. إلى أنْ قَطَّرَت عَسَلا

و مِن (قِفَا نَبْكِ), مِن (بانَت سُعَادُ) و مِن (أَحْيَا و أَيسَرُ ما لَاقَيتُ ما قَتَلَا)

و مِن (يَقُولُونَ لَيلَى فِي العِرَاقِ), إلى (ما أَصدَقَ السَّيفَ).. إنْ لَم أَقطَعِ المَثَلا

The lesser the poet, the more he opposes the non-Zabul, and the lesser the night, the more he is seduced by the curse.

Necklaces of beauty that do not age, and of children whose light is complete

Research on the Arabic language and its importance in full

The most beautiful thing said about the Arabic language on International Day

Many people spoke about this important global occasion, whose importance stems from being a global event to celebrate one of the most important languages ​​of the world. The most prominent sayings came as follows:

  • The Arabic language suddenly began to be very perfect, and this is the strangest thing that happened in human history, as it has neither childhood nor old age, (Ernest Renan, French writer).
  • Arabic is a complete, endearing and wonderful language, its words almost depict scenes of nature, and its words represent dangers of souls, and its meanings are almost evident in the bells of words, as if its words are the steps of the conscience, the heartbeat and the tones of life, (Dr. Abdel Wahab Azzam).
  • Know that getting used to the language has a strong and clear effect on the mind, morals and religion, and it also affects the resemblance to this nation of the Companions and the Followers, and their resemblance to them increases the intellect, religion and morals. Except with an understanding of the Arabic language, and what is not fulfilled without it is an obligation. (Imam Ibn Taymiyyah – may God have mercy on him -).
  • The superiority of the Qur’an is known only to one who knows the words of the Arabs, knows linguistics, Arabic science, and eloquence, and looks at Arab poetry, sermons, and contracts in the areas of their pride, and their messages. (Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, may God have mercy on him).
  • Classical Arabic owes to this day its global status essentially to this established fact, which is that it has been established in all Arab and Islamic countries as a linguistic symbol for the unity of the Islamic world in culture and civilization. Its dominant position, and if the signs are true and the evidence is not wrong, then Arabic will retain this future position as it is the language of Islamic civilization. (German orientalist Johann Feck).
  • People were not ignorant, and they differed only because they left the tongue of the Arabs, and their inclination to the tongue of Aristotle Thales. He also said: No one knows from the clarification of the sentences of the knowledge of the Book, who is ignorant of the broadness of the Arab tongue, the multiplicity of its faces, and the summation and superiority of its meanings. And whoever knows it, the resemblance that entered into the ignorance of her tongue is removed from him. (Imam al-Shafi’i – may God have mercy on him -).

Here we bring you to the end of the article in which we dealt with phrases about the World Arabic Language Day 2021 and moved through its lines and paragraphs so that the dear reader may know information about the World Arabic Language Day and a bouquet of the most beautiful phrases, words and thoughts about the Arabic language, to finally conclude with a bouquet of famous sayings about the Arabic language. Arabic.

خاتمة لموضوعنا عبارات عن اليوم العالمي للغة العربية 2021 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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