عبارات عن كلام الناس مايهمني , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Phrases about people’s words that matter to me, many people are affected by people’s words, whether positively or negatively, and from here we mention that whatever the purpose of their words, it does not benefit anything at all except a mere drain on human energies, we rarely find people who do not care about people’s words and do By doing what they want and love without turning his back on those who talk about him bad or good, he follows the phrase “people’s words do not matter to me”, and thus he is able to limit the amount of what he hears from people’s words, and through our article today on the reference website we will mention phrases for those who care. In the words of people, where his interest in everything that people say is not in his place, assuming people have an unattainable goal.
Phrases about what people say I don’t care
In the following, we present a distinguished set of phrases about people’s words that matter to me, which anyone can use when receiving what annoys him from people and their frequent gossip and unimportant words, and these phrases are:[1]
- I have always lived to please myself, not people.
- What I ascend to is not a pretense for others, but rather to find in my sight a benefit and love for what I have done.
- My love for myself made me compare myself to her, I never turn my back on people and compare them to me or myself to them.
- If I hurt people’s words, I will hurt myself.
- It is enough for me what you heard about me from someone’s tongue, today I will introduce myself to them that their words do not matter to me.
- If I give people more than they are, I will one day see them pamper themselves with their sarcastic words.
- If you make everyone your friend, you will tire one day saying friends change.
- Life is wasted trying to please people and you become the victim of yourself, one day you arrive and meet her angry with you and it is difficult to satisfy her.
- Do not be silent about the truth even if people criticize you.
- Every day you live for them you won’t find a day you live for yourself.
- Cross your path, make yourself its master, do not wait for someone to tell you about the crookedness or straightness of your gait.
- The pleasure of most people is to see you in a low state, barefoot, do not let them get you, no matter the cost.
- Stay away from someone who takes advantage of you, because in the end you find them draining your energy and making you sympathize with them to press your weaknesses and eat them like a hungry dog.
- Do not wait for anyone to do you justice, for whatever you do in front of them, they will not be satisfied with you, and as soon as you are gone, they will backbite you.
- People tell my story and I enjoy it.
- I wish I had collected myself in a novel that people read, showing me the beauty of my life and its exciting scenes that have always established myself for a day like this.
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Phrases about what people say I don’t care in English
Through the following, we will present some expressive phrases about people’s words that I care about in English with their translation in Arabic, to enable everyone who is looking for this type of phrases entitled People’s words I care about. Let’s get acquainted with them:
- Phrase: People’s pleasure from being close to you is to see you in appearance as ugly, to belittle you, to think that with outward beauty the mind and good character are complete, then appreciate yourself because no matter how beautiful the beauty is, it goes away one day and you from the inside remain unchanged.Translation: People’s pleasure from the close is to see you in appearance ugly, to belittle you, you believe that with apparent beauty the mind and good character are perfect, then appreciate yourself because no matter how beautiful beauty is, it goes away one day and you from the inside remain. change.
- Phrase: It is true that I once made many people persist in their behavior with me, but today I have matured in such a way that they are ashamed to look into my eyes, because they are credited with all my self-esteem. It is true that I once made many people persist in their behavior with me, but today I have matured in such a way that they are ashamed to look into my eyes, because they are credited with all my self-esteem.
- Phrase: Be sure, as long as you make a difference for yourself, you will not be spared from people’s tongues and criticism, success conquers and failure roars. Overwhelmed and failure roars.
- The phrase: The happiness of most people is that they see you as a loser, defeated, weak, and if you fall, they make fun of you.
- Phrase: Don’t be affected by someone’s tongue, for the strong one comes to him one day when he is afraid of calling your name, he is at the bottom and you are at the top of the ladder whenever he looks at you angry at himself.Translation: Don’t be affected by someone’s tongue, for the strongman comes to him one day afraid of calling your name, he is at the bottom and you are at the top of the ladder whenever he looks at you angry at himself.
- Phrase: A hypocritical person does not do you justice in any situation, so do not give them the power to lend you one day.
- The phrase: Lots of people are getting over your head, and they are actually building up the stock of licenses and the expendable trade in the gossip market. chatter;
- Phrase: Do not ask the direction of your way from a failed person who does not care to walk, for one day you will find him in a higher position thanks to you. You find it higher thanks to you.
- Phrase: It is your life, why do you care what they say?Translation: It is your life, why do you care what they say?
- Phrase: Your silence is a treasure in the mirror of inability.
- Phrase: Remember that he who errs in the rights of people will revolve around him for a period of time when people err in his rights.
- Phrase: A critic is someone who expresses his deficiency.
- Phrase: Fix people than fix yourself.Translation: Fix people than fix yourself.
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hurtful words of people
The responses to hurtful speech differ from one person to another, some of them care about people’s words and pay attention to them, and some of them do not care, either remain silent or respond, and in the end he is fully aware that people’s words and their satisfaction are an unattainable goal, whatever you do, you will take a criticism gesture from someone, no There is no escape from that, not to mention that you must go through situations that require you to act quickly, so you have to learn the art of responding to hurtful words. Many people have lost their self-esteem and self-confidence as a result of words that destroyed their psyche and injured their being, and it is robbery to criticize people with words that hurt them. It turns into a lethal weapon that kills us, destroys our relationships with others, and affects our psyche, so we must be aware that there are words that we forget as soon as we utter them, but their impact and pain remain renewed in every memory or similar situation.
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How do I respond to people’s hurtful words?
Therefore, in order to respond to the offensive words politely and at the same time show yourself that you have reconsidered them, you have to take a few time and you can think of the appropriate response with tact and good behavior that counts for you, and restore what others have drained from you with dignity and pride, and accordingly you will gain friendship and kindness and deepen love and familiarity. between you and people, and cut off the devil’s plot from them in directing their hurtful words to you, as hurtful words often affect the souls of others deeply. In the long run, how many disagreements occurred between family, friends and relatives because of words that hurt their feelings and lead to division.
As we mentioned, you should take the time to think of an appropriate response to the speech, or do a different activity such as drinking water, for example, as soon as you hear that so that you can respond appropriately. And fun to get you out of the predicament you are in, and you can also respond calmly without uttering any outward word offensive to manners and offensive to morals.
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Celebrity sayings about people’s words
Here, I will put to you the famous phrases of a group of famous writers to describe them about people’s words, which cause problems and harm no matter what, and through the following, I will list to you the sayings of famous, wise and great people about people’s words, let us follow them:
- A life led by your mind is much better than a life led by people’s words – William Shakespeare.
- Tyrants and tyrants have blurred people’s minds to the point that they made them forget the joy of independence and the pride of freedom. They even made them not comprehend how a nation can rule itself without a compelling sultan “Abdul Rahman al-Kawakibi”.
- Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty, truth, and compassion against injustice, lies, and greed. If all people did, the world would change.” William Faulkner
- People do not do justice to the neighborhood between them, even if they hide from them, they regret it “Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi”.
- And the arrogant of people is the one who looks at the types of animals and birds, and does not touch in them the bond of life that fraternizes between him and her.” Zaki Najib Mahmoud.
- If the intellect was as much as a man’s words, then the babbler would be the most intelligent of people. Foolish people.
- People are supposed to fear the unknown, but ignorance is bliss when knowledge is frightening.” Laurel Hamilton
- The criminal is a person like other people, the only difference is that he was caught red-handed, “George Bernard Shaw”.
- Be for your friend such as open air, solitude, food and medicine, for some people are unable to free themselves from their chains but are able to free their friends “Friedrich Nietzsche.”
- How can one know everything about all people “Anna Freud”.
- The common way people give up their power is by believing that they do not have any power (Alice Walker).
- I have scars on my hands from some people touching (Jerome David Salinger).
- I laughed and they said don’t you get dressed? I cried and they said, “Will you not smile?” They said, “I see it.” When I agreed with them, I realized that no matter how much I want people’s approval, I must slander al-Shafi’i.
- When people are proud of their good words, be proud of your silence.” Luqman the Wise.
- People are equal in wellness, and differ when calamity descends, “Al-Hasan Al-Basri.”
- Those who remember people often are the people who have the most sins, “Muhammad bin Sirin.”
- Whoever is arrogant towards people will be humiliated by “Ali bin Abi Talib”.
- People waste more time and effort avoiding problems than trying to solve them.” Henry Ford.
- The one who harms himself and the people by his immorality is the most evil of people “Aristotle”.
- The most beloved of people to me is the one who brought up my faults to me “Omar Ibn Al-Khattab”.
- The most melancholy of people is the one who does not know the reason for his depression, and one of the good things about people is that they cannot hide their bad ones for a long time.” Gibran Khalil Gibran.
- “People trust their ears less than they trust their eyes.” Herodotus.
- Many people think that they understand what they imagine. Some people who know little speak much, and some who know much speak little (Goethe).
- Whoever exchanges people for his cunning, they exchange him for their treachery “Omar Al-Mukhtar”.
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Rmaziat about people’s words I don’t care
We also know that happiness is in paying attention and managing yourself, not in chasing people’s tired words, and below we will list some symbols that suggest that people’s words are not important, and many people do not care about him and are looking for a lot of pictures in this regard, let’s collect them in the following:
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With this amount of information, we have come and you to the conclusion of our research topic, which was entitled Phrases about people’s words that matter to me, in which we included those beautiful phrases that people realize their meaning and use them at the time of resorting to a place where they shelter themselves to think, and we also collected some phrases in English with Translated into Arabic for all those who need this type, and we mentioned the famous sayings about people’s endless words, and we also do not forget the paragraph that included how to respond to hurtful words and some advice about it, thus striving to support and benefit many people.
خاتمة لموضوعنا عبارات عن كلام الناس مايهمني ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.