علاج البواسير في المنزل بـ 10 طرق طبيعية

علاج البواسير في المنزل بـ 10 طرق طبيعية , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Treating hemorrhoids at home with 10 natural ways, it is considered one of the most successful treatments offered by herbal medicine and is available in every home. Hemorrhoids are a chronic disease that affects most people. Chronic, causing severe pain, not to mention the bleeding it causes, and there are many cases that do not prefer chemotherapy or surgery to get rid of hemorrhoids, and they strive to find ways to treat hemorrhoids at home that relieve the symptoms of the disease, and before delving into knowing those Home Remedies The reference site provides a comprehensive overview of hemorrhoids disease such as its symptoms, types, causes and treatment of hemorrhoids at home.

An overview of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids in general are swollen and enlarged veins that form inside and outside the anus and rectum, or they are pillow-like groups of veins that lie under the mucous membranes that line the lower part of the rectum and anus, and in which the condition that most of us call hemorrhoids develops when these veins swell and swell, Such as varicose veins in the legs, and because the involved blood vessels must constantly fight gravity to return blood to the heart, they can be painful or feel very uncomfortable, and they cause bleeding from the rectum, the severity of that bleeding varies according to the severity of the condition itself, but in general Generally, hemorrhoids themselves are not bothersome, except when they become swollen and enlarged. They produce relatively unpleasant symptoms and pain. It is estimated that about 1 in 20 people suffer from hemorrhoids with obvious symptoms, as they affect people of all ages, races, and ethnicities, and they are more common as you progress In old age, it affects more than half of people over the age of 50.[1]

When is the risk of hemorrhoids more?

There are a number of factors that increase the risk of hemorrhoids. Anyone can develop hemorrhoids, at any age, even teenagers, and they are not common in children, because hemorrhoids take a long time to appear, and among those factors are the following:[1]

  • Overweight and obesity
  • Eat a low-fiber diet
  • Suffering from lifelong chronic constipation
  • lifting heavy objects
  • Spending a lot of time sitting on the toilet.
  • Tension and fear during defecation.

Types of hemorrhoids

In general, hemorrhoids can occur inside or outside the rectum. There are a number of types of hemorrhoids that occur. The type depends on where the swollen vein develops, and the types include the following:[3]

External hemorrhoids

In it, a number of swollen veins form under the skin around the anus, and the anus is the channel through which stool comes out, and external hemorrhoids can cause painful itching, and sometimes, lead to bleeding, as they are filled with blood that can clot, and this is not dangerous. .

internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are found in the rectum, but they cannot always be seen because they are very deep in the anus. Internal hemorrhoids are usually not dangerous and tend to go away on their own. Sometimes, internal hemorrhoids can swell and protrude from the anus. Known as a prolapsed hemorrhoid, there are no nerves that detect pain in the rectum, so you may not always notice internal hemorrhoids, but they can cause symptoms if they grow larger, including:

  • pain or discomfort
  • burning
  • Noticeable lumps or swelling near the anus

Causes of hemorrhoids

Stress can put pressure on the veins in the anus or rectum, leading to hemorrhoids. Likewise, any type of stress that increases pressure on your abdomen or lower extremities can cause the anal and rectal veins to swell and become inflamed. Hemorrhoids may develop due to:[4]

  • Pelvic pressure from weight gain, especially during pregnancy.
  • Pressing hard to have a bowel movement (stool) due to constipation.
  • Straining to lift heavy objects or lift weights.

Treating hemorrhoids at home with 10 natural ways

And because what bothers hemorrhoid patients most is itching and pain, if the symptoms are simple, the patient does not need to visit the doctor to get some continuous treatments to prevent the discomfort from getting worse, and it is worth noting that the best excellent home remedies for hemorrhoid pain relief are found in every home, and similarly they will help These tips to avoid constipation and make it easier. Over-the-counter treatments similarly help reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids. Less inflammation means less pain, itching, and less bleeding. Although these treatments are unlikely to cure hemorrhoids themselves, they may Experience makes it more likely. For topical treatments, a sterile cotton pad can be used to apply the treatment to the inflamed area. Most options are relatively free of side effects, but any unexpected problems, including worsening hemorrhoids, can stop the hemorrhoids before they get worse. It’s getting worse.[4]


Aloe vera gel has been used historically to treat hemorrhoids and various skin conditions, as it is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce irritation in general. Not to mention that the gel can be found as an ingredient in other products, but here pure aloe vera gel should only be used on hemorrhoids, pure aloe vera gel can also be harvested directly from inside the leaves of the aloe vera plant itself, as some people are allergic to aloe vera , especially those who are allergic to garlic or onions, and you can check for an allergic reaction by rubbing an amount on the skin, and waiting 24 to 48 hours, if no reaction occurs, it will be safe to use.

treatment method

The aloe vera gel found in the aloe vera plant can be dealt with, and then cut into multiple and long slices, then frozen and placed as an analgesic on the anal area in order to relieve pain and burning sensation, so the following must be followed:

  • Take out the gel in the aloe vera.
  • Put a part of it on the anus and take into account that the massage is very slowly.
  • Continue to massage for up to two minutes.
  • Leave it for half an hour until it dries completely
  • Take a shower with warm water and clean the area well


Ground flaxseeds are rich in fiber, which is effective in relieving hemorrhoid pain and bleeding as well as hard stools, and any food that contains fiber helps increase the volume of stool, which eases bowel movement and reduces its strain, so it is necessary to maintain the presence of moisture in food to reduce constipation while eating large quantities greater than the fibres.

treatment method

The area affected by hemorrhoids is painted, from the outside, by dipping a cotton swab of flaxseed oil from inside the anus.

Linseed oil can be used to treat hemorrhoids by painting the affected area from the outside or dipping a piece of linseed oil inside the anus if the hemorrhoids are internal. This method has made a big difference with many people with hemorrhoids.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can be used topically to help reduce the size of hemorrhoids within a week. It was once known that coconut oil was the primary treatment for hemorrhoids at the time, due to its ability to significantly relieve symptoms, especially if the symptoms were severe.

treatment method

By applying the oil or using a clean cotton pad or sterile fingers, so it is necessary to make sure that the area is cleaned and dried well before applying the oil.

Or by adding about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of coconut oil to your bath, both warm water and warm coconut oil will be ideal for relieving symptoms.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has received a lot of attention for being a natural for hemorrhoids due to its anti-inflammatory properties, in addition to its superior ability to soothe inflammation, and reduce the severity of redness caused by inflammation.

treatment method

The treatment is by applying it topically to the hemorrhoids using a clean cotton swab or adding half a cup to your bath water for soaking, and the feeling of relief from the pain of hemorrhoids begins within a few hours after using it, or through some of the following recipes, including:

  • Put apple cider vinegar in cubes in the cooler and then apply it to the affected area.
  • Squeeze a little apple cider vinegar on a cup of sage and paint it gently.

warm salt bath

Warm baths can help soothe the irritation caused by hemorrhoids, by using a sitz bath, which is a small plastic basin that can be placed over the toilet seat, or taking a full body bath in the bathtub, and it is worth noting here that taking a warm bath for 20 minutes after each movement A bowel movement will be more effective, and adding Epsom salts to the bath can provide more relief by reducing pain.

Over-the-counter ointments

Over-the-counter ointments and creams, such as Preparation H, can be found in nearly every drugstore and can provide total relief. The ointment reduces pain and helps hemorrhoids heal faster. When using a hydrocortisone cream, do not use it for more than a week. at a time.

soft tissues

Using bad wipes with water to clean up after a bowel movement can aggravate existing hemorrhoids, as wipes can help maintain hygiene without causing further irritation, and for an extra boost, wipes can be found with soothing and anti-hemorrhoidal ingredients, such as plant Witch hazel or aloe vera, so make sure the wipes you choose don’t contain alcohol, perfume, or other irritants, as these can aggravate symptoms rather than relieve them.

cold compresses

Ice packs can be applied to the affected area. For large, painful hemorrhoids, this can be a very effective treatment. Cold compresses alone can be a great reliever for chronic inflammation.

treatment method

By wrapping the ice inside a piece of cloth or a paper towel, and it is not correct to put anything frozen directly on the skin, or if the pain is severe, the same ice can be placed on the anus, but it must not prolong the time required to put it on it.

stool softeners

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, stool softeners or fiber supplements, such as psyllium, can help reduce constipation, make stools softer, and facilitate fast, painless bowel movements. Many of these stool softeners come in forms such as powders. Capsules and liquids are taken orally one to three times a day.

Loose cotton clothes

Swapping polyester tights with ultra-breathable cotton (especially cotton underwear) can help keep the anal area clean and dry, which in turn can reduce symptoms, so it’s advised not to use scented cleaners or fabric softeners to reduce irritation.

The difference between hemorrhoids and fissures

Hemorrhoid symptoms

Internal hemorrhoids rarely cause pain and usually cannot be felt unless they prolapse. Many people with internal hemorrhoids do not know they have them because they do not have obvious symptoms. If there are symptoms of internal hemorrhoids, there is of course blood in the stool or pelvis. Toilet. Prolapsed hemorrhoids can be painful and uncomfortable, and they can be felt swollen outside the anus, causing the patient to gently push them inside. Among those signs are:[2]

  • Feeling of itching in the anus.
  • Hard lumps near the anus.
  • Pain or soreness in the anus, especially when sitting.
  • Rectal bleeding.

Are there other conditions that cause hemorrhoid-like symptoms?

Yes, there are some conditions that are similar to hemorrhoids. Various digestive disorders can cause rectal bleeding and other symptoms similar to hemorrhoids, and some of these disorders can be life-threatening.

See also: the difference between fistula and hemorrhoids

When can you visit the doctor?

If there is heavy and noticeable bleeding during the defecation process, or if the hemorrhoids do not improve after a week of home care, it is not assumed that all bleeding in the rectum is caused by hemorrhoids. Rectal bleeding may be a clear sign of the presence of rectal or colon cancer, so it is necessary to See a doctor if you have significant amounts of rectal bleeding, lightheadedness, dizziness, or fainting.[3]

What are the possible complications of hemorrhoids if not treated?

Hemorrhoids, like any human disease, if not treated in a timely manner, may worsen symptoms, in addition to the emergence of many severe complications that may require surgery to reduce them, and complications of hemorrhoids include:[4]

  • Severe, unbearable pain: The arteries that supply the hemorrhoids can become clogged with fresh blood, preventing blood from reaching the hemorrhoid, causing excruciating, unbearable pain.
  • Anemia: If there is bleeding from hemorrhoids, red blood cells may be deprived of oxygen. This can cause fatigue, shortness of breath, headache and dizziness because the blood supply carries less oxygen around your body.
  • Prolapse: Prolapsed hemorrhoids can cause pain or discomfort when sitting or passing a bowel movement, which makes the patient look for all possible solutions that can help him relieve the resulting pain.
  • Blood clots: Thrombosis is more likely to be a complication of external hemorrhoids, and blood clots can cause increasingly unbearable pain and itching.
  • Infection: Bacteria can get into hemorrhoids that bleed and infect tissues, and may lead to serious complications, such as tissue death, abscesses, and fever.

At the end of the article, I show you how to treat hemorrhoids at home easily, after we have learned about hemorrhoids disease, its symptoms, causes and types, in addition to the complications that can affect the patient if he neglects treatment.

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