علاج التسلخات في المناطق الحساسة للنساء , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Treating excoriation in sensitive areas for women is one of the things that many women are looking for, especially since many of them suffer from exfoliation in different areas of the body, such as exfoliation in the upper thighs and around the genital areas, and excisions under the breast, in the buttocks, and other places. On the reference site, we learn how to treat exfoliation in sensitive areas in women, the best cream for allergies and itching, the causes of these exfoliation and how to prevent them.
Signs of dissection in women
Infection in women, whether in sensitive areas or different areas of the body, is a common thing that many women suffer from during some period of their lives, and it is a type of inflammation that appears in folded areas of the skin or places that are exposed to a lot of moisture and sweat, such as the underarms. And around the genital areas and between the breasts, the most prominent symptoms of these dissections are:
- Feeling of skin irritation and a desire to scratch in the areas of the abrasions.
- Pain at the site of dermatitis and inability to touch the place.
- The color of the skin changes to red and then may increase to a brown color with the development and length of the infection.
- Pain in the areas above the thighs when moving and walking a lot when the dissection appears in the place.
- Skin irritation is stronger when sweating and in contact with the skin.
- Swelling of the place and the appearance of small pimples at the site of the injury.
Treatment of exfoliation in sensitive areas for women
There are many medicines and medical preparations that help treat exfoliation in the sensitive areas of women, the most prominent of which are the following:
- Antibiotics, which help eliminate the types of bacteria and germs that attack the body and cause many infections of the skin.
- Antiperspirants, which work to reduce the amount of sweat that comes out of the pores of the skin and thus reduce skin irritation and increase the feeling of pain, but it is important not to overdo it with antiperspirants, which may have unpleasant side effects on a woman’s body.
- Steroids are capsules that are taken orally, and it is important that they are taken under the supervision of a doctor.
- Antihistamines are antihistamines that reduce skin irritation and the feeling of itching and itching in the place.
- Creams containing lactic acid, the acid found in abundance in yogurt, helps moisturize and soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.
- Talcum powder, which is widely used in children and newborns, which helps dry the skin, prevent moisture, and treat infections and exfoliation.
- Petroleum jelly, which is obtained from pharmacies, helps greatly when applied to the affected areas in reducing inflammation and allergies.
- Penicillin pills, which are used in cases of minor infections and help to kill bacteria and fungi that can cause an increase in skin irritation and skin irritation.
What are the most popular types of topical creams for exfoliation?
There are a number of topical creams that help treat exfoliation in the sensitive areas of women and in various areas of the body in general, and these creams include the following:
- Kenacombe cream: It is one of the most famous multi-purpose topical ointments and creams that are frequently used in the treatment of exfoliation in sensitive areas and in other places such as the armpits and thighs.
- Polyderm Cream: It is also one of the effective creams in the treatment of excoriation in sensitive areas for women. The cream helps to eliminate bacteria and fungi that cause skin infections. It also helps treat exfoliation and moisturize the place, and works to treat pimples and small bubbles that may affect the skin.
- Mixderm Ointment: It is a topical ointment that helps soothe the skin and reduce the feeling of itching and the desire to scratch in the affected area. .
- Betaderm ointment: Betaderm ointment is one of the effective creams and treatments that help reduce skin inflammation, and helps treat skin redness and exfoliation in sensitive areas and areas exposed to moisture. The ointment is also an effective treatment in case of recurring infections at frequent intervals.
How to treat exfoliation in sensitive areas with natural products
In addition to medicines and treatments through capsules and antibiotics, or through ointments and creams, there are many natural ingredients and methods through which it is possible to treat dissections in different areas of the body, which is what many women prefer because of the unwanted side effects of medicines, The following are the most important natural ways to treat abrasions in the skin:[1]
Oats are whole grains whose flour contains a lot of minerals and elements that are beneficial to the skin and skin. Oatmeal helps soothe the skin, treat infections, and speed up the disappearance of breakouts. It also helps restore skin color to its original form. Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal in a quarter cup of water, then spread the mixture on the skin and leave it for a quarter of an hour before rinsing the skin with lukewarm water. Flour can also be used in the form of a dry powder to calm the place and reduce the feeling of inflammation.
aloe vera
Aloe vera or aloe vera gel is one of the natural ingredients that have a lot of benefits for the skin and skin. Aloe vera is extracted from the leaves of the desert aloe vera tree rich in minerals and moisture, which helps maintain the softness of the skin and prevents it from drying out and cracking, and helps calm the skin and treat dissections quickly. A little aloe vera gel is spread on the area of the incisions, and then left for half an hour, or better left from night to morning, then wash the area and dry it well.
Honey is a natural antibiotic that contains a lot of beneficial elements for the skin and skin, and honey helps to eliminate bacteria and fungi that cause skin infections, and also helps to soothe, moisturize and protect the skin from dehydration. It is used in the treatment of burns and discoloration of the skin, as well as in the speed of wound healing and dressing. A little honey is applied to the spot and left on the skin for an hour, then washed and rinsed with lukewarm water.
olive oil
Olive oil is one of the blessed oils that have many benefits, and olive oil contains natural antioxidants that prevent the growth of free radicals on skin cells and skin. It also helps moisturize the skin and stimulate blood circulation in the skin because it contains many important minerals and vitamins, and olive oil helps In the treatment of exfoliation and inflammation that women suffer from in sensitive areas and in areas of increased sweat and salt. Olive oil can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with a little honey to maximize the benefit.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains acidic ingredients that are able to kill bacteria and fungi that grow on the skin and skin and cause inflammation and excretion after interacting with sweat and body secretions. Mix a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, and using a small cotton swab to be dipped in the solution, wipe the affected areas and the areas of the exfoliation twice a day.
Corn Starch
There are many types of starch that are used for the purposes of moisturizing the skin and getting rid of infections, but cornstarch in particular is one of the best types of starch that helps moisturize the skin, soothe the skin and treat discolorations, and cornstarch helps restore the skin color to normal and remove the resulting red color about infections. A tablespoon of cornstarch is mixed in a quarter of a cup of water, and then the starch is spread on the skin and the affected areas and left for a while before washing the place with lukewarm water.
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Causes of rashes in the sensitive area
There are many reasons that lead to the appearance of exfoliation in the sensitive area, the most famous of which are the following:[2]
Obesity and being overweight are common causes of dissections; As weight gain leads to the accumulation of fat on the thighs and buttocks, and then the increase in the size of the organs and their convergence and the lack of space between them, and with movement and exposure to sweat, the skin rubs in the places of contact, which leads to infection of the place with inflammation and exfoliation and a feeling of pain and redness in the areas of contact, especially in the upper thighs and buttocks.
Vaginal fungi
Fungi are naturally found in the vagina of a woman or girl, and they are fungi that have an important role in getting rid of damaged cells and dead and old tissues, and these fungi play a role in cleaning and disinfecting the vagina, until the increase of these fungi significantly due to poor personal care and lack of attention to hygiene leads to Infection of the vagina with infections, and then the exit of brown, yellow and white secretions, exposing the areas surrounding the reproductive system to infection with bacteria and fungi, and excisions appeared.
Vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness is one of the common symptoms that many women suffer from, and in a study of a medical journal, it showed that more than 50% of the sample that was studied suffer from vaginal dryness, and vaginal dryness leads to a lack of moisture in the surrounding area and thus a feeling of irritation. In the skin, a desire to scratch and itch, which develops into the appearance of exfoliation and infections.
It is a common skin disease that affects not only sensitive areas, but can affect the arms, armpits and even the face and the skin of the feet.
Allergic eczema
It is a skin injury that appears frequently in the areas of the arms and hands, and the affected areas of the skin appear in the form of burns, and this eczema leads to inflammation of the skin, redness, and then peeling and the appearance of exfoliation.
stasis dermatitis
It is a skin disease that affects the skin in different areas, and because of this inflammation, the skin becomes dehydrated and lacks moisture, and with the increase in infection, the skin begins to peel and the appearance of small grains and bubbles on the skin and skin.
actinic keratosis
It is a skin disease that affects areas directly exposed to the burning sun for long periods, as well as sensitive areas, underarms and other areas of the skin and skin, and the skin color is often pink, which turns with time to brown or grayish brown.[3]
Baby skin exfoliation treatment
Newborns are more susceptible to skin exfoliation, especially in the genital areas and in the back because of the tenderness of children’s skin.
- The use of good types of diapers that help absorb water greatly and prevent its leakage to the child’s skin.
- The use of natural oils to grease the skin of the child, such as olive oil and coconut oil, which increases the softness of the skin and keeps it from drying out and chafing.
- Pay attention to changing the diaper for the child at frequent intervals and not to leave it on the child’s skin to prevent the appearance of infection and discoloration of the skin.
Ways to prevent rashes in the sensitive area
In most cases, the abrasions that affect sensitive areas or different areas of the skin are treated at home or by using topical creams and ointments without the need to visit a doctor, and the abrasions are usually frequent and affect the place more than once, and one of the most important tips through which it is possible to reduce the chances of infection with these Dissections include:
- Getting rid of obesity and working to lose excess weight and prevent the accumulation of fat in the body.
- Drink plenty of water to moisturize the skin and prevent dehydration, which is one of the causes of exfoliation and skin infections.
- Wear cotton underwear and make sure that the clothes are wide to give the body a chance to breathe in the sensitive areas.
- Attention to control the level of sugar in the blood for people with diabetes.
- Make sure to dry the skin permanently, especially in case of excessive sweating.
- Reducing exertion during periods of heat and high temperatures to reduce the release of fluids and salts that may cause skin and skin irritation.
- The use of lukewarm or cold water in the shower is less than the use of hot water, which leads to the expansion of pores, and then increases sweat and fluids from the body.
- Removing hair from the sensitive areas of the underarms to prevent the growth of germs and bacteria in these areas.
- Use natural means to prevent the smell of sweat, such as alum or home recipes, and reduce the use of creams and cosmetics in sensitive areas and areas of sweat secretion.
- Paying attention to proper nutrition that contains vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system and increase the body’s ability to confront fungi and germs that cause infections.
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Thus, we have learned about the treatment of excoriation in sensitive areas for women, as well as the main causes of its infection, how to treat it by natural methods and the most famous creams to treat these exfoliation, as well as the most important ways to prevent skin infections and how to avoid them.
خاتمة لموضوعنا علاج التسلخات في المناطق الحساسة للنساء ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.