علاج التهاب جفن العين العلوي بالأعشاب

علاج التهاب جفن العين العلوي بالأعشاب , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Treatment of upper eyelid blepharitis with herbs from traditional methods to help get rid of the annoying pain, and from proactive treatments for inflammation that may develop into a severe infection. There are some herbal species that have therapeutic properties that protect against chronic eye inflammation and soothe its symptoms, as in the leaves of hops and Indian lilac, among others. To learn about the most famous herbal remedies for eye inflammation, follow this article with me through the reference website, which sheds light on this pathological condition of all kinds, its causes and the most important medicinal and herbal treatment methods.

What is upper eyelid blepharitis?

When you start to feel itchy and swollen in your eyes, with redness and crusting in the eyelids, here you have to pay attention to what is happening to you, you have blepharitis. It is a common medical condition that affects the edges of the eyelids and results in the formation of what looks like a crust on the roots of the eyelashes, just as it occurs on the scalp, resulting in irritation and swelling in the eyelid line and its edges. It often affects both eyes, and while it may affect only one eye in rare cases, it is difficult to protect the second eye from infection. Although it is not contagious to others in most cases, it is necessary to follow protection and safety measures when infected with it. Upper eyelid blepharitis is one of the common and widespread diseases among people. The infection may affect both sexes, whether they are children or adults, but it may be more affected by a particular sex in some forms, as in the staphylococcal disease, of which women make up 80% of its cases.[1]

Lighting helps to see and avoid eye strain

Types of blepharitis

Histologically, blepharitis falls under two different types with their causes, according to the following:[2]

  • Anterior blepharitis: It affects the area where the eyelashes are attached to the eyelids and along the line of the eyelid, and it has two types:
    • Seborrheic blepharitis: This type is accompanied by the formation of waxy crusts on the roots of the eyelashes, which result from abnormal secretion of the eyelid glands in the quality and quantity of tears.
    • Ulcerative blepharitis: In this type, more solid crusts form around the eyelashes, which disappear during sleep, causing difficulty opening the eyes in the morning. Although it is considered less prevalent than the previous case, it predominates in children.
  • Posterior blepharitis: It results from a defect in the secretion of sebaceous glands on the inner eyelid, called Meibomian glands defect (MGD), which causes the pathogen to grow bacteria, and this type of defect occurs as a result of skin problems such as acne and dandruff. The function of these glands revolves around the secretion of a special type of oil that mixes with eyelashes and tears, thus protecting the eye from drying out. Consequently, the dysfunction of these glands results in abnormal secretions of oil accompanied by redness and irritation in the eyelids and blurred vision.

Herbal treatment for upper eyelid inflammation

Many resort to traditional and more popular methods of herbal treatment, and with regard to the treatment of upper eyelid inflammation, positive responses have been received about the use of the following:[1][5]

Conjunctiva (eyebright)

Or what is known as the vein, it has been used for centuries in the treatment of eye diseases, because it is rich in tannins with anti-inflammatory properties, a group of B vitamins important for cell metabolism, and vitamins A (thiamine), C and E of essential nutritional and anti-microbial value, in addition to some Minerals are important for the health of the lens and retina. Although there is no firm scientific evidence so far on the role of this type of herbs in treating upper eyelid inflammation, it is used in the manufacture of eye wash compounds, drops or compresses.

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is used for its anti-inflammatory properties, which protects against bacterial infection, eliminates eyelash parasites, and prevents the infection of demodex mites. To use it, it can be mixed with some oils such as olive oil or coconut oil, then wipe the eye with a cotton swab moistened with the oily mixture, keeping it for 5-10 minutes, and the process is repeated in severe cases for three times a day until the appearance of improvement in the eye.

aloe vera leaf gel

It has high moisturizing properties, which relieves the symptoms of upper eyelid inflammation from burning and irritation, and it also prevents the accumulation of crust layers on the edges of the upper eyelid; Thus, it limits the spread and expansion of inflammation and even stops it. As for how to use it, it is as follows:

  • Cut an aloe vera leaf and extract the moisturizing gel from it.
  • Wipe and gently massage the eye for more than five minutes.
  • Clean the eyes well with warm water.
  • The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

Neem or Indian Lilac Idian Lilac

This herb has anti-fungal properties, and it mainly helps in the treatment of inflammation of the upper eyelid by getting rid of the crust and fighting it, reducing swelling and relieving inflammation and the accompanying pain. To extract the active substances from it, the leaves of the herb are soaked in boiling water until it cools, then the extract is applied to the eyelid and hair 2-3 times a week to eliminate the inflammatory crust.

Coconut Oil

Helps relieve symptoms of upper eyelid blepharitis from painful itching, irritation and swelling; Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It is used as follows:

  • Moisten a cotton swab with coconut oil.
  • Gently swipe along your closed eyelid to coat with oil.
  • Leave it on the affected area for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash the eyes with warm water.
  • The process is repeated more than once a day.

Home remedies for upper eyelid inflammation

Even with drug treatments, some traditional home procedures are necessary to treat upper eyelid blepharitis, and as a preventive measure to manage symptoms and prevent their recurrence, including:[6]

  • Daily eye washing: The daily eye hygiene routine, to sterilize the eyelid and prevent the formation of crusts, according to the following method: A sterile and warm pad is used on the affected eye area for several minutes daily, which helps to dismantle and dissolve the substances and secretions of the deposited sebaceous glands stuck on the eyelids.
  • Removing the sediment from the eyelid: by using a cloth dampened with a diluted baby shampoo solution, which helps to get rid of the remnants of sediment and crusts from the eyelid. It is necessary to take into account the use of a special piece for each eye, and when the eyelashes need to be cleaned, wipe their base after pulling the eyelid away from the eye, to protect the cornea of ​​the eye.
  • Artificial tears: without the need for a prescription, they can be purchased at any pharmacy, and they are free of preservatives, which help moisturize the eyes and protect them from drying out, and reduce swelling and irritation.
  • Tea bags: In addition to relaxing, placing cooled tea bags on the eyes helps treat upper eyelid inflammation, as the tea leaves have soothing, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. The same applies to sage and chamomile, which have therapeutic properties that eliminate inflammation and reduce swelling and redness when applied to closed eyelids.
  • Warm compresses: One of the treatments used to calm the symptoms of blepharitis and treat it. Light pressure helps remove the blockage in the sebaceous glands that causes the formation of boils, relieve symptoms of pink eye, remove crusts and prevent their accumulation. Wet a clean, sterile cloth with warm water, and gently wipe the eyes with it for 10 minutes.
  • Cold compresses: They may not have curative effects, but they help relieve the symptoms of blepharitis, such as itching, swelling and redness. Wet the sterile cloth with cold water, and gently wipe the eyelid with it, or the wet cloth can be frozen after placing it in a plastic bag, and then used on the eye. And the eyelid for several minutes, and caution should be taken against direct application of ice on the eye or excessive pressure on it.
  • Manuka honey drops: It does not have a direct treatment for blepharitis, but it may treat some pathological conditions that cause it, such as keratitis, conjunctivitis and dry eyes due to blockage of the tear glands, in addition to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, but it is forbidden to use it directly on the eye.

Treatment of inflammation of the upper eyelid

Prevention is better than a pound of cure, so it is always recommended to protect and take all health measures with regard to the eye as a precautionary measure to prevent infection and inflammation. It may be possible to control upper eyelid inflammation by following some home procedures such as using warm pads and washing the eyes, but in severe cases it is necessary to visit a doctor, who in turn may suggest one of the following treatments:[5][1]

  • Antibiotics: of all kinds, whether drops, ointments, or creams, all of them work to resist infection, and relieve symptoms of irritation and swelling. The doctor may resort to oral antibiotics if topical antibiotics do not give the required effectiveness.
  • Steroid treatment to reduce inflammation in the form of drops or ointments: For those who are not infected and have not responded to other treatments, or as an adjunct to antibiotics in treatment, the doctor may prescribe moisturizing eye drops to reduce irritation caused by dry eyes.
  • Immune modifiers: Inflammation is formed as an immune response and response from the body, so immunosuppressive drugs, such as: topical cyclosporine (Restasis), help relieve the symptoms of upper eyelid inflammation.
  • Treating the underlying causes of upper eyelid inflammation: The best treatment methods are to return to the root cause behind the cause of upper eyelid inflammation, whether it is a skin disease such as dandruff or pink acne, or an eye disease such as dry eye. I have treatment of the cause that can control inflammation and relieve its sharpness.
  • Electrochemical debridement of the eyelid edges (BlephEx): a process that helps to get rid of mites or lice and bacteria and what they leave from the biofilm, and to open the blocked meibomian glands.
  • Heat Pulse Therapy (Lipiflow): It helps open the ducts of the Meibomian glands by dissolving the substances that block them.
  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): It also helps open blocked meibomian glands.

The focal length of the eye lens gets cloudy when the muscles around the eye contract or relax

Causes of upper eyelid inflammation

The causes of upper blepharitis are not precisely known. There are a number of causes that combine to cause it, including:[3]

  • Rosacea or pink acne: It is a skin problem that affects the face, including the eyes, causing dry eyes and swollen eyelids.
  • Allergies: The eye is exposed daily to many foreign substances that may have an allergic reaction to it, such as: contact lens solutions, eye drops, or cosmetics, which cause eye irritation and upper eyelid inflammation.
  • Dandruff, or what is known as seborrheic dermatitis: A skin disease that may affect the eyelid, and cause crusts to form on the roots of the eyelashes and on the edge of the eyelid, causing inflammation.
  • Dry eyes: tears are a barrier to bacteria from reaching the eye, so any defect in their secretion from the lacrimal glands may cause bacterial infection, leading to blepharitis.
  • Parasites such as eyelashes lice or mites: This is known as Demodex, caused by demodex mites. These small insects block the glands and eyelashes follicles, resulting in dry eyes, waxy crusts, and blepharitis.
  • Staphylococcal infection: Staphylococcal blepharitis is caused by infection with Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, causing swelling, eye irritation, crust formation, and upper blepharitis.

See also: The part of the eye that is responsible for collecting the light entering the eye

Symptoms of upper eyelid inflammation

Beyond the inconvenience caused by itching in the eyelid to feeling pain, upper eyelid blepharitis can cause varying symptoms, starting with redness of the eye and the eyelid area, then swelling, the formation of crusts, the eyelids sticking together and closing the eye, and eye secretions yellow-greenish, in addition to other symptoms, including:[4]

  • Blurred vision.
  • Dry Eye.
  • Excessive blinking of the eyelid in an attempt to moisten the eye.
  • Burning sensation in the eyelid.
  • The formation of skin scales on the eyelashes and the edges of the eyelid.
  • Excessive tearing.
  • Oily secretions on the eyelids.
  • Sensitivity to lighting.
  • red eyes;
  • Severe itching.

Tips to prevent upper eyelid inflammation

One of the most important things that doctors may advise to prevent upper eyelid blepharitis is to keep both the eye and eyelid clean, and the following steps can be followed for cleaning:[5]

  • Wash hands well, then using a cloth dampened with warm water massage the upper eyelid closed for a few minutes with light pressure. In the early stages of treatment, the process can be repeated several times a day, and then once a day in later stages.
  • Some doctors recommend special solutions to clean the eyelids and gently rub their edges, and some may advise using diluted baby shampoo or just hot water.
  • Remove eye make-up before bed.
  • Reduce the amount of eye makeup applied, and may be advised to stop it.
  • Replace eye cosmetics (mascara or eyeliner) because they may be carriers of infection bacteria.

What are the types and characteristics of eyes?

to here; We have reached the conclusion of the topic of treating upper eyelid inflammation with herbs, in which we learned through its paragraphs an accurate description of the disease with its types, causes and the most important symptoms, then we reached the most widely used medicinal and herbal treatment methods, with a set of preventive tips to protect against it.

خاتمة لموضوعنا علاج التهاب جفن العين العلوي بالأعشاب ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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