علاج للقمل من اول مرة , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Treating lice from the first time is a matter of interest to all parents, men and women who were infected with lice at an advanced age due to contact with a person carrying a lice infection. Society because of the fear of being infected with lice, which leads to losing his acquaintances and impeding his social life. Therefore, in this article, the reference site shows the best ways to eliminate lice from the first time once and for all to help those infected with it get rid of it and prevent it from getting infected again in the future.
Introducing lice and nits
Lice are one of the types of multi-legged insects that feed on sucking blood from the body of their host, where they hide in his hair and lay eggs on him and feed by sucking his blood and are often active at night or in the dark in general. Usually lice are in the hair of the head, but sometimes they can It should be on the body or in the pubic hair. As for the nits, they are lice eggs that have not hatched yet and are placed on the hair roots or a little distance from the hair roots so that they can obtain nourishment from the blood of the person infested with lice.
Lice diagnosis
The doctor uses many tools to detect the presence of lice in the hair of the head, pubic, or body, such as a magnifying glass and a Wood’s lamp, which, if light is shed on the nits, shows the nits in a light blue color, and the symptoms on the basis of which the diagnosis of head lice is different from the symptoms on which it is based. Diagnose body or pubic lice as follows:
Head lice diagnosis
A child or adult is infested with lice if the doctor, or around the person or the victim himself, finds in his hair a live louse on the scalp or between the hair, or if the doctor or those around the person or the victim himself find live lice eggs close to the scalp. The victim, those around him, or the doctor found a dead louse or some nits far from the scalp or the dead person. This means that they are not infected and that the lice and nits in the hair are remnants of a previous infection with lice, but they must be disposed of so that the person who has dead lice or nits in the hair does not get infected. His hair became infected again.
Do lice live in bed? Symptoms and causes of the spread of lice, methods of prevention and treatment
Pubic lice diagnosis
If a person infected with lice develops pimples and itching in the pubic area and these symptoms are accompanied by the presence of nits in the pubic hair or the presence of one or more louse, then this means that the lice infection has moved from the hair of the head of the infested person to the hair in the genital area, and pubic lice are very dangerous As the genital area is very sensitive and the presence of lice, bacteria or fungi in it can easily lead to infection, causing severe health problems and excruciating pain due to infection.
body lice diagnosis
If a person finds a louse on his eyebrows, on his eyelashes, on the hair on his chest for men, or on his clothes or bed sheets, this means that the louse has left its hiding place in the head or pubic hair and went out to the rest of the body to search for food in the exposed skin areas of the hair and usually This only happens when there are so many lice that the hair is no longer enough to contain all that number of lice, which leads to the lice leaving the exposed areas of the body in search of food.
Lice treatment for the first time
All those infected with lice want to find a magic cure for them that treats them from the first time, but the truth is that this is not possible, as the treatment of lice infection permanently requires a period of time ranging from one to three weeks of constant care for hygiene and the use of different methods to eliminate lice, which vary Ways to eliminate lice into several ways depending on the place where the lice are as follows:[1]
hair lice treatment
Hair louse is the most common and most embarrassing type of lice, as the hair is visible to all people, which gives the ability for anyone who talks with the person who has head lice to know that they are infested with lice, and in many cases this causes the person infested with lice to be socially ostracized. Because of the fear of those around him of transmission of infection from him to them, so in the following lines we show all the methods of treating head hair from lice through medicines or natural recipes according to the desire of the infected person or his family if he is a child:
Medication for hair lice
There are many pharmaceutical products sold in pharmacies to treat lice infestation, and these products are:
- Different types of shampoos that contain pyrethrin or permethrin, which are used to permanently eliminate lice and nits.
- Oral drug treatments that are used under the supervision of a doctor, such as ivermectin, which is taken in the form of two oral doses, separated between the first dose and the second dose by eight days. It should not be given to children unless directed by a doctor, as this medicine was not originally intended for children.
- Topical creams that are used under the supervision of a doctor, such as malathion cream, which is applied to the hair and scalp and then massaged with it. Care must be taken when using creams such as malathion, as it must be avoided during its application from heat sources because it contains a lot of alcohol, which makes it flammable. Women if they are pregnant or breast-feeding children. Use malathion cream completely. It should not be used as a treatment for lice infestations in children if the child is at least six years old.
- Benzyl Alcohol Lotion. This lotion is used under the supervision and order of the doctor by placing it on the hair for a period of no more than ten minutes, then washing the hair every few days. Usually, the use of this drug is reduced because it causes many undesirable side effects such as irritation of the eyes and the skin surrounding the head and the scalp. It is strictly forbidden to use it with children.
- Ivermectin cream, which is used by applying it to the hair to kill lice only once and then suctioning it after ten minutes from the time of application, and Ivermectin cream has the worst symptoms among hair treatment creams from lice as it can lead to irritation of the eyes, dry skin and the appearance of dandruff Therefore, it is forbidden to use it to treat children from lice, and it should not be used for adults except by the order of the doctor and under his supervision, and it should not be reused as it is only used once.
- The topical medication Spinosad, which is used under the supervision of a doctor by applying it to dry hair for a period of no more than ten minutes, then washing the hair. It may sometimes cause irritation and redness of the eyes and can be used for children over four years of age under the supervision of a specialist.
Hair lice treatment by natural recipes
There are many natural recipes that can be used to treat hair from lice completely. These recipes depend on the use of natural products found at home with a narrow comb to remove lice from the hair. In the following lines, we explain the methods of treating hair from lice using natural household products: [2]
- The method of narrow comb and hair oil: it is possible to treat hair from lice by applying some hair oil to the hair and then combing the hair with a narrow comb until the lice and nits fall from it on a cloth placed under the hair and thrown in the garbage after the completion of combing the hair, then washing the hair with shampoo and some vinegar and covering it Use a cloth or a thermal bag until the next morning and comb it again as soon as you wake up to get rid of the lice that remain in the hair.
- The method of Vaseline and the narrow comb: For lice, Vaseline is like a glue, as the lice stick to it, so you can put a large amount of Vaseline on the hair and cover the hair with a clean cloth for several hours, then comb it with a narrow comb to remove all that is inside the hair of lice and nits, and if combing the hair is difficult Because of the frequent use of Vaseline or due to hair entanglement, some hair oil can be used to facilitate the passage of the comb through it.
- The method of tea tree oil with olive oil: This method is very effective in eliminating lice, as it leads to killing them before they are removed from the hair in the first place due to the superior ability of tea tree oil to kill lice and nits, this method is used by mixing half a cup of tea tree oil Used to kill lice with half a cup of olive oil to facilitate combing the hair after killing the lice. The mixture is placed on the hair, covered and left for two hours, then combed the hair with one of the narrow combs to remove the dead lice from it and washed it after the completion of the combing. This method should be used periodically every week to ensure that no Remaining any lice in the hair and preventing re-infection of lice.
- The mayonnaise method: This method is based on applying mayonnaise to the hair and scalp for its extreme effectiveness in killing lice, covering it with a thermal bag until the next morning, then washing it well using shampoo and combing it with a narrow comb with baby oil to facilitate the removal of dead lice from the hair, and to obtain the best result, it must be repeated use This method is daily for at least a week.
- Garlic and lemon juice method: This method is based on mincing 15 cloves of garlic and mixing them with the juice of a large lemon, then applying the mixture to the hair and scalp, covering the hair with a heat bag throughout the day, then washing it in the morning with water and shampoo, using a narrow-toothed comb and baby oil to comb it to get the dead lice out of it. .
- Vinegar method: Mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar with half a cup of regular vinegar with some salt and put them on the hair for ten minutes, then wash the hair and comb it with a narrow-tooth comb to get the dead lice out of it. This recipe can be repeated for three consecutive days to ensure that the hair is free from Lice completely.
pubic lice treatment
It is possible to get rid of all pubic lice easily by shaving all the hair in the pubic hair. If shaving the pubic is not possible for any reason, the same method should be used to get rid of lice in the head hair to get rid of the lice in the pubic hair, and if it is preferable that the pubic be completely shaved Because the throat completely eliminates the problem of pubic lice and prevents its appearance once and for all, it also protects against many skin diseases and other infections that may result due to the accumulation of bacteria and fungi in the pubic hair.
body lice treatment
If the lice have moved from the hair of the person infested with lice to his body, the infested must, in order to get rid of the infection, take a warm bath, use antiseptic soap for the skin, apply an anti-lice shampoo to the affected parts of his body, wash his bed sheets and personal towels, and clean all the items he used during his infection. So that the lice do not move to them again, as long as they have been cured.
Lifestyle and home remedies to get rid of lice and prevent them
In order for a person with lice to get rid of them and prevent them from getting infected again, he must follow several steps that we will mention in the following lines:
- Ensuring that the family members of the person infected with lice are not infected with it as a result of the transmission of the lice infection from it to them, and treating the person to whom the infection was transmitted with the original infestation.
- If the person with lice is an adult or a child over four years old, they should bathe with an anti-lice and nits shampoo once every ten days.
- Wet the hair every three days and then comb it with a narrow comb to get rid of lice and nits stuck in the hair.
- Kill lice on clothes and personal belongings that can be washed by washing them with soap and water in hot water and then drying them by exposing them to a high temperature.
- Isolate personal belongings that cannot be washed by placing them in a closed plastic bag and away from the home and its people for a month, after which they can be used again.
- Vacuuming the whole house to get rid of all the lice or nits that have fallen from the hair of the infested person on the floor or furniture.
- Wash hairbrushes and combs in hot, soapy water or soak them in kohl for an hour to cleanse them of any nits that may have stuck to them.
How to get rid of lice and nits in one day for all from the first time
When should a person with lice see a doctor?
If a person infested with lice if they are an adult or their parents if they are a child cannot get rid of a lice infestation by cleaning the house, washing sheets and personal care items, vacuuming floors, brushing hair with thin combs, and medication available at pharmacies, this is often evidence that a lice infestation has turned into a lice infestation. An epidemic due to inaction in its treatment and the patient should visit a doctor to get rid of it before it moves to the pubic area or to the rest of the body and causes the patient skin problems or infections.
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Treating lice with a hair dryer
In specialized lice treatment centers, a device is used to kill lice by taking out successive batches of hot air to dry the lice and nits. Because they are far from their place of residence and because they do not have enough money to go there, they ask about the possibility of using a home hair dryer in the same way as using the dryer for lice that is used in specialized centers to combat lice, since the two machines produce hot air, and the fact that using a hair dryer Drying lice is a big mistake, as it can burn the hair follicles by releasing very hot air, which is fundamentally different from the air coming out of a lice dryer, which is medium-hot, but very hot and scattered, drying out the lice and nits.
Being infected with lice is one of the most difficult types of infection that a person can contract because it not only leads to discomfort or injury to many complications or skin problems, but also leads to embarrassment among people and social ostracism for fear of people transmitting the infection from him to them if he is an adult and after the rest of the children About him if he was a child, so in this article we have shown the best treatment for lice from the first time to help those who were infected with lice or their children were infected with it to treat it and not get it again.
خاتمة لموضوعنا علاج للقمل من اول مرة ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.