علامات رغبة الرجل في الزواج الثاني

علامات رغبة الرجل في الزواج الثاني , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Signs of a man’s desire for a second marriage, which constitutes a major turning point, whether in the life of the family in general or the life of the man in particular, and in view of the differences of opinion that exist on this subject and are manifold between societies, we will shed light in our next article on the reference website on the most important details related to the second marriage, whether from Reasons or signs that reveal the man’s tendency to take this step, including the proposal to clarify the concepts of the marital relationship with all its sensitive turns affecting this pivotal decision.

Ruling on second marriage in Islam

According to the laws of the Islamic religion based on what is mentioned in the Noble Qur’an, a Muslim man has the right to marry four women, but in order for him to be entitled to remarry, there must be a condition that demonstrates the justice and wisdom of the One God in regulating human relations, including the blessed marriage relationship that does not last God Almighty accompanied her in his book with the words of mercy and affection, to confirm that this partnership relationship cannot succeed unless there is harmony and love between the two parties, and polygamy in Islam came in accordance with the following provisions:[1]

  • In Islam, a man has the right to marry more than one wife, but at the same time, it must be realized that this is permissible and not obligatory, and it can happen if the man feels that he needs a second marriage for a real reason and according to the rules and divine laws to benefit from polygamy, with The first wife can ask for a divorce if she is not satisfied with it.
  • Islam considers the man the guardian of women, and gave him permission in the second marriage to comfort widows and support poor women, to protect and take care of them legally, and polygamy was not intended to create chaos within families.
  • One of the most important conditions for a second marriage is that men have the ability to treat their wives equally, whether emotionally, physically, or financially.

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Signs of a man’s desire for a second marriage

The marital relationship begins with a kind of escalating harmony during the stages of joint life, but things will not go as they should when another woman enters your husband’s space, as changes will occur that are signs of a man’s desire for a second marriage, and among these signs we mention the following:[2]

diminished intimacy

Although sex should not be the only type of intimate relationship in marriage, not taking it into account is a great omission, so if the partner evades or does not want to establish an intimate sign with his wife without any health excuse, whether physical or psychological It is possible that this is one of the signs that warn of the existence of a second marriage or some plan around it.

The man does not leave his mobile phone

It is natural for each of us to accompany his mobile phone, as it is a necessary need in light of the huge technological development, but what is alarming is to hide the cell phone and carry it within the shortest distances, for example: when going out to throw garbage, given that mobile phones have a wealth of information, including In those texts, videos and emails, so not leaving the phone in this way gives a red alert that there is something the partner is hiding, which makes this a sign of the man’s desire for a second marriage or at least a suspicious love affair in his life.

Excessive attention of a man to his outward appearance

It is nice for a man to care about his appearance and his general health, but his sudden and excessive interest in this subject may be a good cause for suspicion, as he may be tempted to buy new clothes while continuing to follow diets accompanied by exercise, although not all of these things were among his list of interests. .

Constantly creating problems

It is natural for a man to become in a state of complete aversion and a constant alertness when he thinks of a second marriage, as the smallest things become unbearable problems for him, in addition to his objection to everything the wife does or says, including his criticism of her general appearance and her self-interest, in addition to Accusing her of negligence and non-compliance with his marital or domestic duties.

Disruption of communication between spouses

In a healthy marital relationship, the two parties will be able to talk to each other about anything, and you usually spend many hours about discussions that may be important or just a narration of daily events, but all of that will disappear in the event of a competitor to one of them, which makes the lack of talk with the wife from Signs of a man’s desire for a second marriage.

Absence from home for long periods

When a man thinks of a second marriage, he will be confused between different types of feelings that are intertwined in his depths, whether they are feelings of guilt towards the first wife or feelings of alienation from her, so the man tends to escape from all these thoughts by staying away as much as possible from the house with all its memories.

Increase the man’s financial expenses

When a man starts paying sums of money without knowing where or how it was spent, it may be in the process of preparing him for a second marital relationship, in order to buy gifts or renew himself by buying new clothes and perfumes, as well as the possibility of buying another house and preparing it for for the new life.

Increasing phone calls

When a man wants a second marriage, he will definitely think about communicating with his potential life partner, so it will not be difficult to notice his suspicious calls that cause him tension that will not always succeed in concealing it, and his failed justifications for the failure of the caller ID will not help him.

Man spending long hours on social media

With all the applications supporting various types of communication on the Internet, a man who wants a second marriage will tend to spend more time on these means, which will achieve a greater distance from his wife, in addition to getting closer to the potential second wife.

Man’s stuttering and lack of focus

The idea of ​​a second marriage must be one of the ideas that needs to be studied before embarking on it. Therefore, straying and dispersal of ideas can be classified among the signs of a man’s desire for a second marriage, of course when there is no logical reason, family problem, or process that drives him to do so.

Emotion and dissatisfaction with the wife’s attention

It is strange that nice things cause a disturbance to a man, unless there is something new in his life, as it is possible that the reason for the husband’s refusal to interest his wife and his constant criticism of her is one of the signs of his thinking about a second marriage, and this can be explained by his feeling of guilt towards his first wife or his lack of acceptance For any of them to the point of reaching the point of alienation.

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Reasons why a man wants a second marriage

Certainly, the phenomenon of second marriage to a man is not a phenomenon alien to our Arab societies, as the reasons for this phenomenon vary, whether they are public social or private personal, and among these reasons we mention:

  • The instability of the first marital relationship, and the many problems and disputes in it.
  • Pathological jealousy that leads to a rift in the marital relationship, including problems and mistrust.
  • The wife’s possession of a disturbing personality, causes tension within the atmosphere of the relationship.
  • The first wife’s lack of interest in her husband, and his inability to satisfy his preferences or even knowledge of them.
  • The nature of the man and his personality, which tends to love women and enter into multiple romantic relationships.
  • The existence of social differences between the two parties in the first marriage.
  • The first wife’s neglect of himself, and her preoccupation with her personal life with her husband.
  • The wife’s inability to satisfy her husband’s sexual desires.
  • Routine and boredom dominate the details of the marital relationship, which leads the man to renew his life through a second marriage.
  • The first wife’s lack of awareness of the responsibilities of the marital relationship, with all its upbringing of children, and caring for the home.
  • The presence of a medical condition in the first wife that prevents her from having children.
  • The man’s failure to give birth to a male child, which leads him to a second marriage in the hope of having a male child, and although science has proven that the male determines the gender of the birth, this custom is still prevalent in eastern societies.

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Signs of failure of a man’s second marriage

Of course, not every second marriage is successful, as it does not have to last until the end, and among the signs of the failure of the second marriage, we mention the following:

  • The outbreak of the problem quickly, and reaching dead ends during the dialogue, if any.
  • The man is separated from his second wife, and tends to spend long hours outside the home.
  • The man’s unwillingness to have children from his second wife.
  • A change in the man’s treatment of his wife and his neglect of her feelings and requirements.
  • A man’s tendency to remain silent while he is with his wife, and the lack of communication between them except when necessary.

Reasons for the failure of a man’s second marriage

There are many reasons that ultimately lead to the failure of the second marriage for a man, and among these reasons we mention the following:

  • Considering the second marriage as just a passing whim and an ill-considered reaction.
  • Exaggeration in requests to the point of extravagance, lack of interest in the financial condition of the husband while not appreciating the living conditions.
  • The man has been separated from his children since his first marriage.
  • Lack of respect for the husband’s family and deliberately doing behaviors that cause disturbance to the husband and his family.
  • Lack of communication and intellectual harmony between the spouses.
  • The second husband’s love of problems and strife, which makes it difficult to live with her and form a stable family.
  • The man’s inability to achieve a balance between his family members and his second wife.

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Important tips in dealing with the first wife with the second wife

Undoubtedly, the presence of a second wife is one of the things that is difficult for any female to bear, as it is not easy to accept the presence of a newcomer who shares the details of her life with the man she has chosen, but it is wise to follow some advice that can lead to the best solutions for a stable life. thing, and among these tips we mention:

  • Not dealing with the second wife as an enemy, and trying to accept things.
  • Stay away from creating problems, which may increase the husband’s alienation.
  • Controlling feelings of jealousy.
  • Focusing on oneself and paying attention to the general appearance, to the satisfaction of the husband without entering into the cycle of competition and quarrels.

The main reasons for the failure of marriage

The marriage relationship needs several basic factors in order to continue successfully, and of course any defect in these factors will cause a breakdown or at least a rift in this relationship, and among the most important reasons for the failure of marriage we mention the following:[3]

  • Unsatisfactory sex life: Despite the sensitivity of the topic and its extreme privacy, intimacy is one of the most important factors that must be taken into account in order to achieve a successful marriage.
  • Financial instability: Financial affairs affect the functioning of the marital relationship, especially if there is a difference in temperament between the spouses, to find one a spender and the other a saver, as it is difficult to change the nature of one of them to the other, which will generate many problems in the midst of priorities and requests and how to implement them .
  • Lack of trust: Of course, the feeling of jealousy is one of the feelings associated with feelings of love, but it can be a deadly poison for any relationship if it exceeds the limits and reaches suspicion that disturbs the elite of marital life, because of the problems it causes and an atmosphere of tension within the home.
  • Disruption of communication between spouses: Communication is the key to creating a safe and comfortable environment between spouses, as open dialogues between the two parties constitute a basic basis for continuity and a solid bridge for the spouses to understand one another well, which reduces problems and disputes between them.

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Signs of a failed marriage

Marriage is a partnership relationship par excellence, and its success requires sacrifices that achieve a satisfactory harmony for both parties, but many people are unable to achieve this, as the signs of marriage failure are clear, and among these signs we mention the following:[4]

  • Not having sex is one of the signs of marriage failure, given that sex is a means of expressing love between the two parties.
  • The emotional withdrawal of one of the parties, with a lack of interest in saving the relationship, which makes the couple in a state of emotional separation that leads to fatal aversion.
  • Betrayal and the search for feelings of love with another person, and this includes different forms and to varying degrees, as it can be just additional flirting up to the establishment of a complete intimate relationship.
  • Emotions based on non-acceptance of the other and constant objection, which creates a tense life full of problems that can go beyond the limits of intense arguments, to domestic violence.
  • The lack of common goals, ideas, or even future plans between the spouses.

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Here we have come to the end of our article, Signs of a man’s desire for a second marriage, in which we talked about signs that show a man’s desire for a second marriage, including the reasons and motives that push him to marry, leading to the presentation of important ideas that explain the reasons for the failure of marital relations.

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