فوائد الخزامى للشعر مع الحناء , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The benefits of lavender for hair with henna are many and varied. Both lavender and henna are natural plants that contain a number of nutrients for hair and for the origins and roots of hair from vitamins and minerals that help strengthen hair and increase its length and softness, and in the reference site we learn about the most prominent benefits of lavender for hair with henna, We also give an overview of lavender and henna and the best recipes that help in caring for hair and protecting it from hair loss and breakage.
A brief introduction to the lavender and henna plant
Lavender is a natural plant that is widely cultivated in many countries whose weather tends to be cold and low in temperatures, such as France and the countries of northern Europe. The roots and hair follicles and prevents their loss, and the natural oils in lavender work to soften and moisturize the hair and protect it from frizz and breakage.
As for henna, it is a natural plant that grows in many countries with hot weather, and is widely cultivated in the countries of the Mediterranean basin and North Africa. Henna has been used since ancient times for decorative and cosmetic purposes for the skin and body. It is also used in the manufacture of many medicines that help treat cold diseases and sore throats. Henna is also used in recipes for treating digestive disorders such as treating diarrhea, constipation and infections of the large intestine.
Benefits of lavender for hair with henna
There are many benefits of lavender for hair with henna, the most prominent of which can be identified in the following points:[1]
- A mixture of lavender and henna helps in increasing hair density and filling in the spaces that affect the scalp.
- Helps protect hair from sun damage and its violet rays that affect hair quality and vitality.
- The mixture treats infections of the scalp and skin.
- Helps eliminate harmful fungi and bacteria that grow on the skin and scalp.
- The mixture eliminates dandruff quickly and permanently.
- It helps in stimulating blood circulation in the skin and skin, thus increasing the delivery of blood loaded with food and oxygen to the roots and roots of the hair and strengthening it.
- Helps increase hair length and straightness.
- It treats hair breakage due to dehydration or exposure to weather factors affecting it.
- Lavender with henna helps treat baldness and hair loss problem that affects both men and women.
- The mixture treats alopecia, which appears in the form of circular voids in the hair in different areas of the scalp.
- It helps to eliminate white hair and works to give the hair its natural color.
- The mixture treats wounds and infections of the scalp and accelerates the renewal and growth of new cells and tissues in the scalp.
How to use lavender for hair
As we have already explained, lavender is one of the aromatic natural plants that contain effective and beneficial natural oils for hair and skin. There are many recipes in which lavender can be used for hair care, which we learn about as follows:
lavender for hair extension
Because the lavender plant contains vitamins (A, E, B2, B6), as well as because it contains the minerals calcium, magnesium and zinc, it helps to nourish hair and give it a strong healthy appearance and works to prolong hair and treat its shortness due to malnutrition, and garlic can be used with lavender to increase hair length Where garlic, because it contains sulfur, helps cleanse hair and eliminate germs that cause infections and damage to hair.
the ingredients
- Three teaspoons of lavender herb.
- A number of garlic cloves after peeling and cutting them into small pieces.
- Three tablespoons of olive oil.
- Two tablespoons of fenugreek.
How to prepare
- Crush the garlic cloves well until it becomes a soft, smooth paste.
- Mix the lavender and garlic with olive oil and stir well the ingredients, then add the fenugreek and stir well.
- Put the mixture in a pot on the fire and leave it to boil for several minutes.
- Filter the mixture and then fill it in bottles and leave it for a day.
- Wash the hair and wet it with water and apply the mixture to the hair, passing the fingers through the hair to ensure that the ingredients reach the scalp and hair roots.
- Leave the mixture on the hair for two hours, covering the hair with a clean towel.
- Wash hair well with water and shampoo.
- Repeat the recipe two or three times a week to prolong hair and get healthy hair.
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Lavender to treat baldness and hair loss
Lavender or lavender also helps in treating hair loss and the problem of baldness, which occurs due to weak hair follicles and lack of blood and food reaching them. Great in accelerating hair growth and filling in the voids in the scalp.[2]
the ingredients
- Three teaspoons of lavender.
- Three teaspoons of chamomile.
- Two teaspoons of green thyme.
- Half a cup of corn oil.
How to prepare
- Mix the lavender plant, chamomile and green thyme with corn oil, and stir well the ingredients until all its parts are homogeneous.
- Put the ingredients after mixing them in a glass container and leave it for a week without opening until the active ingredients in the mixture react completely.
- Rub the hair with the mixture and massage well the hair to make sure that the ingredients reach the roots and scalp, and focus on the hairless areas in the scalp or areas with light hair.
- Leave the mixture on the hair for three hours, and it is better to leave it from night to morning with the hair covered with a plastic shower cap.
- Wash the hair well with water and shampoo, then dry it with a towel and comb the hair with a wide-toothed comb.
- Repeat the recipe twice a week to treat baldness, prevent hair loss and increase its growth quickly.
Lavender oil to treat dandruff
Lavender contains a large amount of natural oils rich in vitamins and minerals that are useful for hair, and lavender oil contains natural antioxidants that help treat hair infections, and help eliminate dandruff by reducing oily secretions that come out of the scalp and collect on the surface of the skin forming the crust, Lavender oil also helps eliminate bacteria and fungi that grow and multiply with dandruff and cause many infections and problems for the scalp.
the ingredients
- Two tablespoons of lavender oil.
- Two tablespoons of olive oil.
- A spoonful of rose water.
- Two tablespoons of honey.
- A teaspoon of lemon juice.
How to prepare
- Mix lavender oil with olive oil and honey and stir well the ingredients.
- Add rose water and lemon juice to the mixture and stir completely.
- Wash the hair and wet it with water and then spread the mixture on the hair and massage the scalp with the ingredients so that dandruff and infections can be eliminated.
- Leave the mixture on the hair for an hour and then wash the hair and clean it with water and shampoo.
Lavender for dry hair
The lavender plant is also used in the treatment of dry hair, which causes the appearance of wrinkles and split ends of the hair, and coconut oil is added to the lavender plant to increase the softness and moisture of the hair, and adding yogurt to the mixture helps to provide the hair with useful acids such as lactic acid in yogurt, and also helps The minerals in yogurt increase hair growth.
the ingredients
- A tablespoon of lavender oil.
- A tablespoon of coconut oil.
- A cup of yogurt.
How to prepare
- Mix the lavender oil and coconut oil and stir until the ingredients are homogeneous.
- Put the mixture on the hair and connect it to the roots and ends of the hair well.
- Comb the hair while the mixture is still on to ensure that the ingredients reach the ends and prevent split ends.
- Cover the hair with a clean towel and leave the mixture on the hair for two hours.
- Wash the hair well and repeat the recipe twice a week to get quick results.
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How to make lavender oil for hair
Lavender oil or lavender oil can be purchased from the perfumer or directly from pharmacies. Some prefer preparing and extracting the oil at home. Lavender oil can be obtained at home as follows:
- Bring a number of fresh lavender plant branches and the stems are 6 cm and 15 cm long.
- Preserve the lavender flowers that are hung on the branches to take advantage of them to obtain the aromatic scent of the plant.
- Hang the branches in a dry place to remove the watery juice from them, while avoiding direct sunlight so that the plant does not lose its aromatic smell.
- Cut the twigs into small pieces and crush them after they are completely dry.
- Put the dry branches and flowers of the plant in a bowl and then pour olive oil or sweet almond oil on the plant until it is completely covered.
- Leave the mixture in the sun for several days, noting that the longer the mixture is left, the stronger the smell of the oil.
- Fill the oil in opaque bottles and keep it in a dark place and then use it when needed.
Lavender side effects for hair
As we learned about the benefits of lavender and its recipes for hair, it is important to note some of the damages of the plant, which can be identified as follows:
- Cause skin irritation in some cases for those who suffer from allergic symptoms to aromatic oils.
- In some cases, the effect on the human nervous system and increased alertness, and thus may affect the completion of anesthesia when performing surgical operations.
Benefits of henna for hair
Henna is a well-known natural plant that has been used since ancient times in folk recipes and home methods to treat many hair and skin problems. Among the benefits of henna for hair are the following:[3]
- Henna helps change the white color of the hair to red or yellow.
- It works to nourish the hair by supplying the hair roots with zinc, iron and calcium, which are found in large quantities in henna.
- Henna helps prevent hair loss and increases the speed of hair growth.
- It treats oily hair problems by reducing oily secretions from the scalp, which causes dandruff and the growth of bacteria and fungi.
The best henna mixture for hair
Henna can be used directly and individually in making hair mixtures that help treat hair problems, increase its length and improve its shape. However, adding some plants and natural oils to henna increases the effectiveness and speed of the expected results from henna, and the following are the most important henna recipes for hair care:
Henna and coconut oil for white hair
Many women and men suffer from the emergence and increase of white hair in the head at an early age, which causes them a lot of distress and inconvenience, and henna is used to dye hair in a natural color free of harmful chemical components that may affect the scalp and skin.
the ingredients
- Three tablespoons of henna powder.
- Three tablespoons of coconut oil.
- An appropriate amount of water.
- big bowl.
How to prepare
- Mix the henna and coconut oil and stir well in the pot.
- Gradually add water to the mixture until a soft, cohesive, thick mixture is obtained.
- Wash the hair and wet it with water and prepare it to add henna and oil.
- Individual henna on the hair well, focusing on the arrival of the mixture to the roots of the hair as well as the ends and ends.
- Leave the henna on the hair for six hours before washing the hair and rinse it with lukewarm water.
The difference between alopecia and hair follicles
Henna mixture for curly hair
Many women want to have smooth, wrinkle-free hair, and henna is used as a natural hair moisturizer that helps in straightening the hair and protecting it from dehydration and increasing its length and individuality. Cucumber juice is also used with henna to increase the moisture, softness and ease of combing the hair.
the ingredients
- Three teaspoons of crushed henna.
- A teaspoon of lemon juice.
- Medium sized cucumber.
- A tablespoon of orange juice.
How to prepare
- Chop the cucumber and then mix it in the electric mixer.
- Mix henna with cucumber juice, lemon juice and orange and mix well.
- Add a little water if the mixture needs it to get a thick texture that is easy to spread on the hair.
- Put the ingredients on the hair and massage well into the scalp and the ends of the hair.
- Leave the ingredients on the hair for an hour, then wash the hair and rinse it with lukewarm water.
Henna and mustard oil for hair loss
Mustard oil can be used and added to henna to treat hair loss problems, increase its growth and supply it with nutrients and elements that treat baldness and strengthen hair follicles and roots.
the ingredients
- A quarter cup of mustard oil.
- Three teaspoons of henna.
How to prepare
- Mix the henna with mustard oil and stir well the ingredients.
- Put the ingredients in a pot on the pot until it reaches the boiling point.
- Leave the mixture to cool completely and then bottle it.
- Use the mixture to grease the hair and massage the scalp with it to significantly increase the density and abundance of hair.
- Leave the ingredients on the hair for an hour before washing the hair well, and the recipe can be repeated several times a month to get quick results.
Henna damage to hair
Henna has many benefits for hair and skin, but it has some side effects for those who use it, including the following:
- Feeling of itching and itching in the scalp of those who suffer from problems and sensitivity to henna.
- Difficulty removing henna from dyed hair because it completely covers the hair.
- Giving the hair an unexpected color sometimes, according to the quantities that are placed on the hair, or according to the original hair color, and its use with henna.
- Difficulty using normal hair dyes after applying henna until several months after applying henna.
- Repeated dyeing with henna may cause hair to dry out and lack of moisture, which requires constant moisturizing oils after dyeing hair with henna.
We learned about the benefits of lavender for hair with henna, and we also learned about the most important recipes for the lavender plant for hair, as well as the benefits of henna for hair and the best recipes that help in hair care, and we also learned about the damages of henna and lavender to the hair of some people.
خاتمة لموضوعنا فوائد الخزامى للشعر مع الحناء ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.