فوائد الزوجة الثانية للزوجة الأولى

فوائد الزوجة الثانية للزوجة الأولى , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The benefits of the second wife to the first wife are a sentence that usually comes to the mind of any man who wants to marry a second time and tries to convince his wife of his marriage. The origins of the practice of polygamy go back to prehistoric times. Then, after the emergence of religions, polygamy became permissible in many religious laws such as Judaism and religion. Islam, while other religions completely prohibited polygamy and restricted marriage to only one wife, and such religions are the Christian religion with all its sects. In this article, the reference website shows the benefits of the second wife to the first wife and information about the second marriage in general.

Benefits of the second wife to the first wife

The first wife is rarely able to accept the presence of the second wife in her husband’s life, and then Islam permits her to separate from her husband so that she cannot bear what she cannot bear. Benefit” and this is according to the fatwa issued by the Authority of Senior Scholars of Al-Azhar, but if a woman can tolerate and agree to her husband’s marriage to another woman, then she will certainly think about whether her husband’s marriage to the second wife will be beneficial to her or not, and then she will realize that her husband’s marriage to a second wife It can have some benefits are:

break boredom

Men usually get bored quickly, especially when their emotional lives with their wives stagnate and the material burdens and children’s problems dominate over them, but when wives allow their husbands to marry another, there is no doubt that this will contribute to improving the psychology of husbands and contribute to their longing for their first wives, which will renew the relationship between them .

Reducing the responsibilities of marriage

One of the biggest benefits that the first wife obtains from having a second wife is to reduce the responsibilities of marriage that fall on the first wife alone, as usually the man’s requirements are very many and burdensome for the first wife who has to meet them all alone, but when the husband marries another, those The new wife will carry half of the husband’s requirements which will help the old wife find her own personal time to spend doing the things she loves.


The role of the second wife as a motivator for the first wife is one of the things that the second wife does by providing a great benefit to the first wife without her awareness of her, as the presence of the second wife acts as a catalyst in the life of the first wife who pushes her to develop herself so that she can acquire the husband’s love and heart.

Maintaining family stability

If the husband and the first wife do not love each other and there are children between them, then in this case if the husband marries a second wife, this will be of great benefit to his first wife, as he will not divorce her, but will keep her on his own, living in her house and taking care of her children while the husband lives with his second wife for some time Then he returns some time to the first wife and raises his children and spends on them. In this case, the second marriage is a better solution for the wife so that her husband does not divorce her and she and his children lose her and her home and the expenses of her maintenance and living.

Escape from a physical relationship

If the first wife does not feel a physical inclination to her husband, then the presence of the second wife will be very beneficial for her, as the presence of the second wife will enable her to escape from the burden of the sexual relationship and dump it on the new wife, and this will be easy, as the husband is usually attracted to the second wife more than Much first wife.

Feeling of motherhood if she is sterile

If the first wife is not able to bear children, then she can feel motherhood if she allows her husband to marry a second woman who will give birth to him children, as the children will live with their real mother, who is the second wife, and with the first wife who can be a surrogate mother for them at the same time, especially If the wives live in the same house and the first wife will feel motherhood and be able to raise children who are not strangers to her or her husband.

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Benefits of a second wife to a man

If the presence of the second wife has benefits for the wife, and she is the one whose husband will be taken from her and shared in him, then it is obvious that her presence has many benefits for the husband who will marry her in the first place, and these benefits are what prompted him to marry her in the first place. These benefits are:

increase the number of children

Increasing the number of children is one of the goals that men seek from marrying a second wife in the first place, as some cultures consider increasing the number of children a blessing and pride for a man, and for this the most important benefits that a husband obtains from marrying a second wife is the ability to have a larger number of children. They bear his name, and they give him the opportunity to have children in the first place in the event that the first wife is unable to bear children.

Enjoying a physical relationship

If the first wife of the husband who wants to marry another woman does not like sexual relations, or if the husband suffers from an increase in his sexual desire to the normal and customary level among men, then he can at this time marry a second wife with whom he enjoys the sexual relationship and pardons himself and avoids the two bitter options that are To live and suppress his desires as a man or to betray his wife and disobey God Almighty.

Get religious wages

The benefits that accrue to the husband from marrying a second wife are not limited to worldly benefits only, but he can also collect religious benefits by marrying a widow who has orphaned children and spending on her children, since the husband in this case has earned the reward and preferred to sponsor the orphan. God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, “I and the one who looks after an orphan are like these two in Paradise,” an expression of the closeness of the council of the one who takes care of orphans in Paradise to the council of the Messenger of God.

Signs of a man’s desire for a second marriage

Disadvantages of the second wife

God Almighty has permitted the second marriage for adult Muslim males who have enough money to build a house with it and then spend on this house. Of course, God Almighty stipulated justice between the wives, and the second marriage may seem full of benefits for the husband and the first wife alike, but despite the fact that This is because the second marriage has a bad face that covers its good face in its entirety. An example of this disadvantage is the jealousy of wives towards each other. This is not surprising for women. Extreme jealousy was known about the wives of the Messenger, and the most jealous of them was Lady Aisha, may God be pleased with her. The second marriage can also cause The breakdown of the financial position of the man and a lot of other damages that we explain below:

Excessive childbearing

Despite the fact that most men like to have many children in order to feel strong and proud, which makes having two wives who give birth to a man a great thing for him, this matter also has an ugly face, as wives may have more children than expected, which leads to the husband’s inability to support them Raising them properly and providing them with full care due to the large number of them that burdens the father if he tries to take care of all this number of children.

Tension in the family atmosphere

Polygamy usually causes tension in the family atmosphere, as the presence of two wives who disagree with each other and are jealous of each other and each seeks to monopolize the husband and distinguish her children over the children of the other wife makes the house in a state of tension and permanent alert and may also lead to the dismantling of the family and the husband’s rupture between the two wives if not The two wives can live together in one house, as this will result in each of them asking to take her children and her life and to stay away from the other, so the husband will be standing between them, confused and not knowing which of them he should take sides.

Separation of siblings

Often the children of each wife hate the children of the other wife from their father based on the mothers’ hatred of the first wife and the second wife for the other, which leads to division and strife between the family and the brothers grow up hating each other and this leads to disturbing the father’s peace and torturing him and bringing the brothers throughout their life in a war that does not They have no hand in it.

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Advice for a wife whose husband is taking a second marriage

Usually the impact of a husband’s marriage to a second wife is very painful on his first wife, who used to be his only wife and never expected this to change throughout her life, but God Almighty has permitted a man to marry a second wife, so the first wife must be patient and follow the following advice so that she can manage her life Optimally:

  • Attempting not to hate the second wife and to deal with her on the basis that she is a partner and not an enemy, as the second wife has no fault in the husband marrying his wife.
  • The first wife must know very well that she is not obliged to continue marrying her husband who married her, but rather she has the first and last opinion. The wife may agree to her husband’s marriage to her, and she may refuse and ask for divorce and try to complete her life away from him in the place she chooses and makes her feel. Psychologically.
  • It may benefit the first wife to underestimate the matter of the second marriage and to try to accept the second wife as giving her more time to take care of herself than before and to take her as a friend who helps and supports her. the hardships of life and not the other way around.

Signs of a husband who intends to marry

The extent to which the first wife accepts the second marriage

Usually, women’s reactions differ greatly in the matter of their acceptance of their husbands marrying a second wife to them. The wife’s reaction is determined by many things, including her love for her husband, her culture, her social and financial position, and the husband’s reasons for marrying a second wife. Usually, women’s reactions when they learn about the second marriage do not come out from the responses of women. the following verbs:

  • Some women, when they find out that their husbands have married them, revolt and ask for a divorce and refuse to fully understand this matter.
  • In contrast to the wives who, if they find out about their husbands’ marriage to them, they swear, there are many wives who, if they know that their husbands have married them, do not get upset about the matter, but rather treat it as a way to relieve them of the husband’s endless problems and give them an opportunity to take care and pamper themselves.
  • Between the first type of women who collapse if their husbands marry them and the second type of women who do not give the matter any attention, there are many women who, if they know about the issue of their husbands marrying a second wife, do not inform their husbands that they knew it in the first place, but rather ignore it completely and live enjoying the fear of their husbands from Their knowledge of the issue of their marriage to another woman and drains him financially and emotionally, based on his fear of knowing them, his hidden desire, and his feeling of guilt that drives him to please them.
  • Sometimes the first wife can know about her husband’s marriage to another and abstain from it, but she does not ask for separation, but rather asks him to live together as separated people for the sake of children and in order for the husband to continue to support her and so that she does not lose her home and social standing among people and her inheritance after the death of the husband if he dies before her Especially if the husband is rich or has a prestigious position in society.

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Which one is more jealous of the first wife or the second?

Usually the first wife is the most jealous wife, and this does not mean that she loves her husband more than the second wife. Rather, all that is in the matter is that the second wife knew from the beginning that she would marry a married man, unlike the first wife who often thinks that she will be the only one in her husband’s life. Then he was surprised on the contrary, in addition to the fact that she experienced the feeling of being the only wife and bemoans his loss, unlike the second wife, who was not given this choice until she feels that she has lost him, making her jealous of him in a pathological way that may lead to the destruction of his life.

Does a man regret his second marriage?

In fact, any man often regrets a second marriage, and the reasons for this regret are:

  • A man’s feeling of discomfort and his need all the time to take into account all his actions, not only to avoid the wrath of one of his wives, but also to avoid God Almighty’s wrath upon him, as the Islamic religion has warned against the injustice of the first wife and has elaborated on the punishment of an unjust man between his wives, and even set strict rules for the second marriage. This makes the man feel trapped between the first and second wives.
  • After the second marriage, the husband begins to feel that his relationship with his first wife is no longer pure, and this is often due to the fact that although the first wife accepts the second marriage, there is rarely a woman who can forget that her husband has desired another woman, and this husband often grieves, especially if he loves first wife.
  • If a man’s marriage for the second time is only for lust, then he often feels after marriage that he has rushed in this matter, hurting his wife’s feelings, and committing himself to many things in exchange for a temporary pleasure, so he begins to look at the second wife as a kind of implication.
  • Increasing expenditures on the husband who suddenly finds himself required to pay twice what he used to pay in the past to spend on the house, as he is spending on two houses, which makes him surrounded by debts from many people, especially if this husband is not very rich and this may cause him to reduce him In the eyes of his wives, or he may deprive one at the expense of the other, or deprive both, according to the husband’s financial condition.

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A man’s marriage to a second wife is a shock to his first wife and perhaps his children and members of the husband’s family and the first wife, but things are not always as bad as they seem. Rather, the presence of the second wife may have some benefits as well. This is why we explained in this article the benefits of the second wife to the first wife to introduce the first wife to the possibility of benefits The presence of the second wife in the family with her to put all the facts before her eyes before making a decision regarding leaving her husband who married her or continuing with him.

خاتمة لموضوعنا فوائد الزوجة الثانية للزوجة الأولى ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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