قصة قصيرة عن بر الوالدين للاطفال

قصة قصيرة عن بر الوالدين للاطفال , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

A short story about honoring parents for children Every father and mother constantly tries to make their children hear it, in order to grow up in their childhood on the basis that honoring the father and mother has great benefits that return to them in livelihood and also religious benefits, so a group of stories was written for young children on this subject to encourage them to obey Father and mother since their childhood, and we will show you a short story about honoring parents for children.

A short story about honoring parents for children

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Samer, and he used to help his father for a while to water the trees in the garden of their beautiful house, and the boy Samer also helped his mother to organize the house, such as applying clothes in the closet as soon as he Take it off, as he was reorganizing the bed and the desk.

One day, Samer’s father was surprised when Samer came to him while he was angry and sad and told him that he would not help him with any work this time, as he wanted to sit down and watch TV movies. You’re giving me a hand, because without you I wouldn’t be able to do all these things on my own, so let’s do it ASAP.

Samer replied that there is no problem with that, but it will be the last time he helps her in the works, and certainly the father of the child Samer intended to finish these works as soon as possible, in order to give his son Samer the biggest lesson in his life, then the father and his wife agreed to avoid work Anything she would ask of her son, Samer, in the housework.

After that, the father and mother called completely and they did not care about him, until he came to them after a period of time, and he was very bored. Samer asked his father, and said, “Dad, do you not want to water the trees of our garden and prune them?” His father replied that he wants, but there is no one to help him In doing this after I installed, I was counting on your help, but I didn’t want to do this at the moment, Samer went directly to his mother and told her that his bedroom had become untidy and not looking good, and that this caused him to lose many pens his own result of this mess.

See also: a very short and useful fairy tale

The story of the child Samer and obedience to parents for children

The mother said that she would bring him the drink that he loved very much and then sit with him talking together, after that the child Samer sat next to his father and then his mother came and sat also, so the father asked Samer why he did not help him again, he and his mother as well, then the child Samer replied and said Dad, I wanted to sit down and watch the games every day, so that I could be one of the different and superior players, and I don’t want to work.

His mother replied to him and asked him: Do you know that the Almighty God writes to everyone who provides assistance to his father and mother and is righteous for them with a great reward, and that when you follow these religious teachings, you will become a superior person in all the events of your life journey, and you will become the famous successful player and luck will become A good friend is yours.

The child Samer with one eye turned to his father and asked him how all these things that the mother had said happen, and the father replied to him that the reason was that he removed his father and mother’s hardship and effort, and that he and the mother would be satisfied with him so that the Lord Almighty is also satisfied with him and he will be successful in all his affairs throughout Al-Omar, Samer replied to them and said: Are you really telling the truth and I will become a distinguished player? They answered him that he is certain, God Almighty, the Almighty, and the father and mother prayed for him with supplications that God does not reject with his permission, which is that their child becomes one of the well-known, very superior players.

Then Samer told them that he would go to the room to organize his room again and regain all his courage to practice playing the ball successfully and see whether their talk is true or false. On a large scale, as a result of his being righteous to his father and mother and doing whatever they asked of him, he reaped the fruit of his labors when he grew up.

A story, forgive me, mom, about honoring parents for children

And here is also the best short story about honoring parents for children. We will tell you all its parts, and that story tells about that in the past, there was a family that was not rich and its homeland was in a wide forest, and this poor family consisted of the father and the mother and two children, and the first boy was called Seif. The other boy is Qais.

The father of this family was like a woodcutter in that forest, so he used to go out every day in the morning to get wood by cutting trees, and then make wood from trees, in order to sell it to every carpenter who needs it. As for the two children, children are a sword And Qais were asking for many things, as Seif preferred sweets in an exaggerated way and wanted to eat sweets every day. He would ask his father to buy them for him when he returned from work, and because the father loved his very young child, he would buy him what he wanted every day as soon as he got Money as a result of the carpenter getting wood from it.

As for the other boy, Qais, he was very fond of games of entertainment, so he used to ask his father to buy him toys every time he came back from work, and his father used to bring him one of the toys made of wood, which he gets from the carpenter who sells him wood. The carpenters used to make special wooden toys to make Qais happy for the little boy. On one occasion, the carpenter worked for him a car and other times he worked for him a toy, another he worked for him a wooden house, and each time he was making a game in a new and diverse form that is not like others, and in return he was The price of these toys is deducted from the price of the wood he buys from the father in order to make him a toy every time.

See also: a short story about morals for children

The story of Qais and Saif about honoring parents for children

The child Qais used to be very happy when he saw the wooden toys, and the days passed until one time came that the father became very ill, as he was unable to leave the house to work, and he could not go to work, so the house had no money And the family had no money that could be spent from it in order to get food, after that the mother resorted to taking over the position of the husband, and trying herself to get wood from the trees instead of the sick father, and indeed the wife went and took the ax tool and began cutting trees and making wood and giving it to the carpenter For the money, but it was very tiring work from her point of view because she was weaker than the husband, and he needed a brave and muscular person but she was not.

The mother adapted to that work in order to prepare food for her young, so she did everything the man was doing to recover again, but the mother was unable to cut down many trees as the father used to work, so she could not bring sweets and wooden toys for each child, and the mother was Every day she was only able to bring food, and after that she felt that her children started to get angry and they did not thank the Almighty God and they had satisfaction that the mother could bear all that trouble, but on the contrary they started screaming in front of her and saying that they hate her because she did not bring everything they wanted. Its games and sweets, as the father used to do every day.

The wife felt very sad and then began to cry hard whenever she remembered that her children were the ones who told her these words, and they do not realize everything she is doing to make them happy, as she has become unable to raise her hand as a result of the great effort and suffering in making wood in order to bring them money to get food.

A short story about honoring parents for children is beautiful

And here is the last part of that interesting story, after the child Qais and the child Saif did not realize the value of what the mother was doing for them, and told her that they hated her and that they also preferred the father over her because he brought with him a toy and sweets and their mother cried, as their father’s mother looked at them with a look He was very angry, and he said, unfortunately, that you do not know all that your overbearing mother has done in order for you to live.

He also said that he is unable to work, so she is doing what he was doing at present, although she is not obliged to do so, but she decided to bear all the hardship in order to bring you food, so that you do not go around for lack of food or become homeless, and despite From all of that, you are indignant with it, and I did not hear a word of praise or thanks to your Lord for all that sustenance, so that you did not thank Him for sweets and wooden toys.

Then the father expressed his anger and told them that they are not good children and how miserable he is because of them, so those words were the beginning of the feeling of these young boys with great sadness because of what they heard from their sick father, then Saif and his brother Qais decided to go to their mother and kiss her and they had hope To pardon them and their wrongdoing, as they told her that they intended to go out with her every morning in order to offer her a helping hand in work and woodwork, and to carry him with her.

And indeed they did that and realized how much their mother was tired and how much she suffered when working in order to live, then they hugged the mother and deeply regretted her, and realized the importance of the work she was doing and told her that they were sorry for her as a result of everything they told her, and that everyone should appreciate the trouble and hardship of the parents and that they They do everything for us and we have to be honest with them.

See also: a very short story about the relationship of relatives for children

Honoring parents is a beautiful story for children before bed

Father and mother are the most precious thing we have, and righteousness is the most important thing that we must teach every child, and here is a short story about honoring parents for children that they hear before bed and that story tells that there was a house that was not big, that house consisted of a very happy and beautiful family, and that family was It consisted of a wife and a wife and two young children, and affection, appreciation and concern were feelings that existed between all these beautiful family, and one day and one time these little children began to play, happiness and fun and they were making a loud noise and causing a shower, to the extent that their room became untidy as they made the costumes Their things were everywhere in the room, and sounds and noises spread throughout the house.

After that, the young children discovered that the beloved mother was seriously ill, so they asked her what happened to you, our beloved mother. The mother replied to them, and her voice was dominated by illness and suffering, and she replied that she had a sense of simple illness that she did not have to worry about. For a short time because she was sick, the two children answered her, “Oh, dear mother.” Unfortunately, after the passage of time, these children did not remember what the mother felt and what she asked of them. From time, and they make a loud sound and noise in order to do like the sound of the cart, so the mother became sick more as a result of the shower, and at some point a child from them came to the mind of the prophetic hadith that he received while studying from the teacher who said in the Prophet, upon him be the best prayer and the smartest peace (May the Lord be pleased with The father’s pleasure, and the Lord’s wrath is in the father’s wrath.

The story of the two children and the sick mother about honoring the parents for the children

After remembering the conversation, he apologized to his mother and ordered her to rest, and then that child decided to collect all the toys and organize the house that he destroyed, and the other child was doing all that with him, and indeed their mother lay down for enough time because she was very ill, and when the mother came back from sleep, she searched for her children and They were found inside their room, and they were having fun but without making a loud sound so as not to cause her any noise or disturbance, and the mother also noticed that the two children had cleaned the room completely, and then the mother was very happy as a result of the actions of her children.

The children rose and asked the beautiful mother how her health became at that time, and the mother answered and told them that she is in very good health and that she is happy and loves them very much, and she prayed that the Lord Almighty be satisfied with them as well, and after a day the valley returned the bug of the house, and their father was very tired and exhausted As a result of his long effort in his work, but their father had many things with him for the sake of the house, and signs of illness and suffering appeared on his face, in addition to that he was sweating very much from the abundance of hot air, but his children wanted him to tell them a beautiful story, but the father wanted them to He reads them the tale any day other than when he is in good shape.

So the two children took from the father all the things that he carried and put them in the kitchen, after they remembered the same noble hadith they had received from one of the teachers in the debt class, so they hurried the children to bring the father a cup of cold drinks so that he would get rid of the exhausting feeling of heat, and they gave the cup to the weary dear father, And they sat next to each other and the father told the beautiful story to his children and hugged them and kissed his hands and that is the end of every child who is righteous to his parents.

See also: a fairy tale about a child and the moon

In conclusion, dear visitors, after we have shown you more than one short story about honoring parents for children, you will find it fun and exciting, and children will learn a lot from it and grow up to be obedient to the father and mother and their righteousness in order to be satisfied with God.

خاتمة لموضوعنا قصة قصيرة عن بر الوالدين للاطفال ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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