قصتي مع جرثومة المعدة , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
My story with stomach germs, many people suffer from stomach germs, and during the reference site, I will talk about my story with stomach germs, and about this condition and the symptoms accompanying it, and the reasons that lead to its occurrence, in addition to the factors that increase the risk of its occurrence. Talking about complications, and when to seek medical care, we will also talk about medical treatments and home remedies that help heal stomach germs.
Germ stomach
It is a type of bacteria that can enter the body and live in the digestive system, causing what is known as gastroenteritis. These bacteria usually remain dormant, but they may become active after several years and cause ulcers in the lining of the stomach or in the upper part of the small intestine. For some people, the infection can lead to stomach cancer, stomach germs affect about two-thirds of the world’s population, for most people, the germ may not cause an ulcer or any other symptoms, but if it causes discomfort and problems, there are medicines that can kill the germ, and help On healing wounds caused by ulcers, and it should be noted that access to clean water and improved sanitation helps to avoid infection with this condition, and later my story will be explained with the stomach germ.[1]
Treating stomach acid with natural herbs
My story with stomach germs
The stomach is the most common organ in the body that causes diseases and troublesome health disorders, and among these diseases is the stomach germ, which was discovered in 1983 AD. My story with the stomach germ, I was infected with it and suffered from it and it greatly affected my life. The set is detailed, as follows:[2]
The onset of infection with stomach germs
I began to feel the symptoms of the disease about 5 years ago, as my weight began to gradually decrease, in addition, I began to feel a pain in the abdomen, and severe burning in the chest, and I woke up several times at night due to the feeling of suffocation, and after these symptoms I went to visit many doctors and hospitals so that I could From identifying the problem, and these visits were of little benefit, I was diagnosed sometimes with colic and other times with gastritis, and the doctors prescribed many medicines that did not help my condition at all.
Detection of stomach germs
There is no other kind of treatment that has not been prescribed by doctors, and after noticing that all diagnoses and treatments did not bring any result, they began to suspect that I suffer from stomach germs, so they made a diagnosis through endoscopy, which helped them detect my infection with this germ, and then They gave me other medicines to kill her, but the result did not improve either, the symptoms were disappearing for a period of time and then return again, I also used herbal treatment, but also to no avail, and after reading many articles that talk about my disease, I found out that there is no treatment that helps My condition has been completely cured, and it has been clear to me that the use of many medicines kills the healthy bacteria in the stomach, but I am still hoping to find a cure for what I suffer from, as the severe loss of my weight has negatively affected my psyche, because my body has become unhealthy. Consistent, I am 175 centimeters tall and weigh 45 kilograms.
Symptoms of stomach germs
The stomach germ is also called ulcers and may lead to inflammation of the stomach lining, as a result of the secretion of some toxic substances, and although most infected people may not show any symptoms, some may show many symptoms, which include the following:[3]
- bloating;
- burping;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- Feeling of stomach discomfort.
- Abdominal pain.
- Anemia occurs.
- Tired.
- Bleeding with vomiting.
- Anorexia.
- diarrhea.
- Bad smell coming out of the mouth.
- The stool becomes dark in color.
- Feeling of burning in the stomach.
When should you go for medical care?
It is preferable to consult a doctor when the symptoms that appear due to this condition cause anxiety and inconvenience. Also, you should go to seek medical attention immediately if the following things happen:[5]
- Severe and persistent pain in the abdomen.
- Difficulty swallowing.
- Blood in the stool or when the stool is black.
- Blood during vomiting or when black vomit that looks like ground coffee comes out.
Coming of clotted blood with stool
Causes of stomach germs
It is still not known how stomach germs spread, but bacteria have coexisted with humans for thousands of years, and it is believed that the cause of stomach germs is the transmission of germs from one person’s mouth to another, also it can be transmitted from stool to mouth, this happens when people do not wash their hands after using the bathroom, and this germ can also be spread by contact with contaminated water or food, and the bacteria are believed to cause stomach problems when they penetrate the mucous lining of the stomach and produce substances that neutralize acids, this makes stomach cells more sensitive to those acids, and this It affects the lining of the stomach, and may cause an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum, which is the first part of the small intestine.[4]
Factors that increase the risk of stomach germs
In light of the clarification of my story with the stomach germ, the factors that increase the risk of infection will be clarified, and the bacteria that lead to the occurrence of this condition are usually infected in childhood, and the factors that increase the risk of this include the following:[5]
- Living in crowded places: The risk of exposure to this bacteria increases when you live with several people in the same household.
- Living without access to clean water: Clean water helps reduce the risk of developing this condition.
- Living in developing countries: In these countries, the living conditions are poor, and they suffer from overcrowding, in addition to the fact that unhealthy conditions are common in them, so their residents are more susceptible to infection with stomach germs.
- Living with a person infected with H. pylori: When living with a person infected with this condition, the risk of transmission of infection will increase, and therefore the risk of infection will increase.
Diagnosis of stomach germ
If there are no symptoms of ulcers, the doctor probably won’t test for H. pylori, but if a person has visible symptoms or they have appeared before, it is best to get tests, also drugs such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can damage the lining of the stomach, so it is important to know What is causing the symptoms so that the person can get the appropriate treatment, and during the diagnosis, the doctor will ask the person about his medical history, about the symptoms and any medications he is taking, then he will do a physical exam such as pressing on the abdomen to check for a tumor[1]The doctor will also use several other tests, including the following:[1][4]
- Endoscopy of the stomach and upper part of the intestine: Inside the hospital, the doctor will use a tube containing a small camera, called an endoscope, to look down the throat and into the stomach and upper part of the small intestine. This procedure can also be used to take a sample from the stomach, then it will be examined and known Whether it contains H. pylori or not, it should be noted that during this test the patient may be under anesthesia or may be awake.
- Upper digestive system tests: During this test, the patient will drink a liquid that contains a substance called barium, after which the doctor will take an x-ray image, and the function of this fluid is to reflect the image of the throat and stomach and make it stand out more clearly on the X-ray image.
- Computed tomography: During this test, a powerful X-ray will be used to take detailed pictures of the inside of the body.
- Blood analysis test: Doctors may take a sample of blood, and then send it to the laboratory for analysis, to look for the presence of antibodies to the bacteria that cause stomach germs.
- Breath test: During this test, the patient will swallow a substance that contains urea. If stomach germs are present, it will release an enzyme that breaks down urea, and this will lead to the release of carbon dioxide, which will be detected by a special device.
- Stool test: A stool sample may be needed to check for signs of H. pylori infection. This test will be performed by giving the patient a container to take with him to store a stool sample in. Once the container is returned to the health care provider, the stool will be Sending the sample to a lab for analysis. The doctor usually asks the patient to stop taking certain medications, such as antibiotics, before this test, as well as before doing the breath tests.
Do stomach germs come out with stool?
Complications of gastroenteritis
Leaving this condition untreated may sometimes lead to the occurrence of many serious complications, and these complications will be clarified, which include the following:[5]
- Stomach ulcers: occur when the bacteria that cause stomach germs damage the lining that protects the stomach and small intestine, and damaging it will lead to ulcers as a result of stomach acid, it should be noted that approximately 10% of people infected with stomach germs will develop ulcers.
- Inflammation of the stomach lining: These bacteria cause stomach irritation and inflammation.
- Stomach cancer: The bacteria that cause this condition is one of the factors that increase the risk of stomach cancer.
Medical treatments for stomach germs
When symptoms do not appear, there is no need for treatment. It should be noted that if stomach infection is confirmed, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided because they may lead to ulcers. This condition is usually treated by prescribing a combination of antibiotics and medications that It reduces acidity for 14 days, and the medications used in treatment will be clarified, including the following:[6]
- Antibiotics: Two types of antibiotics are usually prescribed. The most commonly used antibiotics to treat this condition include:
- amoxicillin
- الكلاريثروميسين clarithromycin.
- المترونیدازول metronidazole.
- التتراسيكلين tetracycline.
- Proton pump inhibitor drugs: There are many of these drugs that are used to treat H. pylori, including the following:
- اللانزوبرازول lansoprazole.
- omeprazole
- Albantobrazole pantoprazole.
- rabeprazole
- esomeprazole.
- Bismuth subsalicylate: This medication may sometimes be added to antibiotics and proton pump inhibitor medications.
- Talicia: It comes in the form of a capsule that contains two antibiotics, rifabutin and amoxicillin with omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor.
Home remedies for stomach germs
Also, in light of my story with the stomach germ, and after clarifying the medical methods that help treat this condition, some home methods will be clarified, which include the following:[7]
- Honey: It has been used as a remedy since ancient times, because it contains many antibacterial properties. It is worth noting that some studies have shown that manuka honey helps inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause stomach germs.
- Aloe Vera: It is the gel material found in aloe vera, and it helps kill drug-resistant stomach germs. Aloe vera also helps treat constipation, remove toxins from the body, promote wound healing, and promote digestive health.
- Broccoli: Broccoli sprouts contain sulforaphane, which helps kill stomach germs.
- Milk: Cow’s milk and human milk contain lactoferrin, which is a glycoprotein that inhibits the growth of stomach germs. It is worth noting that some studies have shown that the use of antibiotics with lactoferrin found in cow’s milk helps to increase the success rate of killing this germ.
- Lemon oil: This oil helps prevent the growth of bacteria that cause this condition. It should be noted that when using essential oils, they should not be ingested, but should be used through inhalation.
- Green tea: It is considered one of the healthiest drinks, because it contains many antioxidant properties, as well as it contains many nutrients.
- Probiotics: They are healthy microorganisms, and they may be present in dairy, and they help treat stomach germs, and also help prevent infections in the digestive system.
- Phototherapy: Research has shown that the bacteria that cause stomach germs are sensitive to ultraviolet rays, so the doctor shines these rays on the entire stomach to reduce the number of these bacteria. It should be noted that this treatment is not completely effective, because the bacteria will return to multiply after Few days of treatment.
Can stomach germs be treated with garlic? What is the way to use it and the precautions of eating it?
How to prevent stomach germs
A person can protect himself from infection with stomach germs with the same steps that a person takes to prevent infection with other types of germs, and steps include the following:[1]
- Wash hands well after using the bathroom and before preparing or eating food, and teach children to wash their hands.
- Avoid eating or drinking contaminated water.
- Avoid eating foods that have not been cooked properly.
- Avoid eating foods that have been served by people who have not washed their hands.
Here we reach the end of this article, in which we talked about my story with the stomach germ, and we explained what the stomach germ is, what symptoms appear when infected with it, how it can be diagnosed, and when to go to get medical care, and we also explained the reasons that lead to its occurrence In addition to the factors that increase the risk of its occurrence, complications were discussed, and when to seek medical care, medical treatments and home remedies that help heal stomach germs were also mentioned.
خاتمة لموضوعنا قصتي مع جرثومة المعدة ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.